
16.This kind of animal ___________ the cat family.(  )
A.belongs toB.belonging toC.to belonged toD.belong to

分析 这种动物属于猫科.

解答 答案A.
分析句子的结构可知,本句缺少谓语动词,所以排除B和C项;这种动物This kind of animal可看作是第三人称单数,后面应该使用单数的谓语动词,故选A.

点评 本题难度适中.动词时态是高中阶段的重难点之一,也是高考常考的知识点,动词短语的考查在单选、完形及短文改错中经常出现,需要考生牢记它们的用法.

9.With today's stressful lifestyles,it's important to have time that you spend doing something just for the fun of it.While there are many great hobbies to choose from,the hobbies here are particularly useful in relieving stress.
    Whether you simply learn to take better pictures of your friends and family,or explore the world of creating true art,photography can be a great hobby.As you practice seeing the world through the eyes of a photographer,you may begin to see things differently.
   Gardening can be a great stress reliever for many reasons.(37)C.In addition,it can also create more beautiful surroundings to come home to each day,and more.
   Aside from helping you create beautiful gifts for yourself and others,knitting provides you with an opportunity to relieve stress.The repetitive motion can get you into an experience of"flow",or can at least provide an outlet for nervous energy.(38)F
   You can get in touch with your artistic side and use drawing as a way to process emotions.(39)G.The end result will be something beautiful and personal that you can enjoy or share.
     Playing the piano
(40)D While listening to music can probably be considered a hobby,creating music can be an even more powerful stress relieving hobby.Learning to play an instrument such as the piano can be a stress reliever for you as well as for those around you.

A.Laughing more,stressing less
B.Exploring  photography
C.It can get you into the sunshine and fresh air
D.Music has many health and stress relief benefits
E These suggestions can help you reduce tension in your body now
F.Gradually knitting may be making you better at your day job
G.Besides,it can distract you,and achieve other stress management benefits.
9.Hearing the Sweetest Songs
My parents said I lost my hearing as a baby,but I knew I hadn't lost anything.None of my parts had dropped off.Nothing had changed:I could hear music that was close enough to me.I could also hear my mom when she was in the same room.I could even hear my cat purr if I put my good ear on top of him.
I wasn't aware of any hearing loss until I began to wear a hearing aid when I started living alone.I noticed it ruined my peace of mind:pencils tapping,phones ringing,and refrigerators humming.Then,I began to discover many things I couldn't do.I couldn't tell where sounds came from,nor could I tell fire alarms from burglar alarms.I once missed a job interview because I misheard the address on the phone.For the first time,I had to admit that I had lost something.
Unlike a wheelchair,my disability doesn't announce itself.When I got jobs,I chose to keep it as a secret.One day a business friend said,"Nicolette,sometimes in meetings you answer the wrong questions.People don't know you can't hear,so they think you're strange,stupid-or just plain rude.It would be better to just tell them."But I knew if I told,people might see only my disability,and they might forget that I was also a writer,a painter,and a good gardener.I felt disabled and helpless.
This bothered me till I met my husband.One morning at the shore I was listening to the sounds of the sea when my husband said,"Hear the bird?""What bird?"I listened hard until I heard a tiny sound.If he hadn't mentioned it I would never have noticed it.As I listened,slowly I began to hear-or perhaps imagine-a distant song.Did I really hear it?Or just heard in my heart what he shared with me?I realized that songs imagined were as sweet as songs heard and songs shared were sweeter still.
This sharing is what both the disabled and non-disabled want.Every one of us,if we live long enough,will become disabled in some way.Let's share.Now,just let me see your lips when you speak.And ask what you want to know.These are conversations we all should have,and it's not that hard to begin.

60.When the author wore the hearing aid,sheC.
A.felt better prepared for the job interviews
B.was able to enjoy different sounds
C.experienced a sense of loss
D.was teased by others
61.She didn't tell her disability to others becauseA.
A.people might focus on her hearing loss
B.she could get the work done as abled
C.people might be curious about it
D.she wanted to do more jobs
62.Why did Nicolette write the passage?B
A.To draw people's attention to the hearing problem.
B.To tell people not to treat the disabled differently.
C.To remember the challenges she faced.
D.To show how much she missed before.
4.Martin Lynch,an American businessman,had been going on vacation to a small Mexican fishing village for a number of years.One morning while going for a walk along the beach,he saw his friend Pablo Perez,a local fisherman.Martin watched Pablo unload his boat and pack the fish in a box.
Martin noticed Pablo was smiling and looked very happy.He could also see several large fish in the boat.Martin greeted Pablo and asked how long it took to catch the fish."Just a few hours,"replied Pablo.Martin asked,"Why didn't you stay longer and catch more fish?""I have enough for my family,"Pablo said."And what do you do with the rest of your day?"asked Martin."I take a nap,play with my children,spend time with my wife,and go into the village to see my friends and play cards,I have a full and busy life."Martin explained that if Pablo worked longer hours and caught more fish,he could make more money.With the extra money,Pablo could buy more boats and catch money more fish.By selling the fish,Pablo could open his own factory and sell direct to supermarkets.
"Then what?"asked Pablo."Well you would probably have to move to Mexico City to run the business.Finally,you would be able to sell your business and make millions of dollars,"replied Martin."How long will that take?"asked Pablo.
Martin thought for a while and said it would probably take at least 15 years.
"And then what"asked Pablo.
"Well,that's the best part,"Martin said."You will be able to retire,buy a house near the ocean,sleep longer,play with your children,spend more time with your wife,see your friends,and play cards."

51.What is the story mainly about?D
A.A businessman and a fisherman have become friends.
B.A businessman learns how to fish from a fisherman.
C.A businessman wants to become a businessman.
D.A businessman gives advice to a fisherman.
52.What makes the Mexican fisherman happy isB.
A.many friends to visit him
B.a full and busy life
C.more boats and more fish
D.the house near the ocean
53.How can the fisherman make more money in the businessman's view?D
A.By buying a supermarket.
B.To move to Mexico City.
C.By selling his own business.
D.To work longer and catch more fish.
54.The underlined word"unload"in the passage meansB.
A.put …into               
B.take …away from
C.break down              
D.set off
55.We can infer from the passage thatA.
A.the fisherman will stay the same with his life
B.the fisherman will leave the village for Mexico City
C.the business man will buy the fisherman's boat
D.it takes all day for the fisherman to catch large fish.
8.Experience around food is about the place.The time and the people,and"the best meal"can be found m a fine dining restaurant or in a crowded street market.How can you recreate that special moment influenced by place and time?Travel is becoming the most popular reason to visit many places around the world.Here are the places that consistently excite the senses.
South of France
Markets with fresh fruits and vegetables and butcher shops arc abundant.Regional (地区的) wines are excellent.And freshly baked French bread with French butter is what memories are made of.Take a chair in an ancient walled city for a meal with a view that you will never forget.
This bustling city filled with unique buildings is a city for lovers of history,architecture,and food.Kiosko Universal,a counter restaurant at one comer of the market,prepares some of the simplest and best food we've ever had.Give yourself a week to explore and sec everything the city offers.The city is not to be missed.
It's hard to choose one place or city to visit.Some of our favorite places include the coastal regions on the Adriatic and Tuscany.Friuli stole our hearts last year with its many unique wines,small artisan food producers,and influences from neighboring countries like Austria and Germany.
Mexico City
From unbelievable food markets and casual street stands,Mexico City has become the place to travel for the food lovers.If you want to eat locally,order a Hurache,a street food specialty.All you will need is a local microbrew or Mezcal (龙舌兰酒) to wash it down.

21.Where can you taste delicious food while enjoying beautiful scenery?A
A.South of France.B.Barcelona.C.Italy.D.Mexico City.
22.What is Kiosko Universal?C
A.A market.B.A butcher shop.C.A restaurant.D.A street stand.
23.What do you need to help swallow Hurache when eating it?B
24.What do the four places have in common?D
A.They are tourist attractions.
B.They have ancient buildings.
C.They lie in Europe.
D.They are noted for tasty food.
5.At any discussion of a job offer,money can be a deal breaker.Negotiating an attractive deal,however,can be hard for many job candidates because they lack the necessary skills or simply because they're too concerned that pushing for a high salary can cost them the job.
These factors certainly can be hurdles (障碍),but it doesn't mean that you give up trying to get the best deal you can get.Needless to say,if money isn't a big factor in your decision,you still need to make sure that the deal you're accepting is fair compared to what's offered in the market.Selling yourself short once can impact your future salaries and set you back financially.
Here are common mistakes that many jobseekers commit in negotiating money.
Negotiate too early.Timing is of essence in any negotiation,and negotiating a salary too early in the process can cost you dearly.Many employers,in fact,rank this as one of the biggest mistakes job candidates make.The best timing to begin a salary discussion is after you and your future employer are nearly sure that you've been selected for the position.
Abandon professionalism.It's common that people,after going through a long recruitment process,can be shocked that the salary offered is significantly below their expectations.If you find yourself in this situation,don't abandon your professional attitude or throw a fit.This likely will get you nowhere except the door.
There're two options to this situation:the first is that the employer is inflexible (不灵活的) about the budget,and in this case,you may just leave and make a graceful exit from the hiring process.
The second option is that there's some negotiation room for the hiring manager with other decision makers in the organization.If this is the case,you may be surprised that a final push with a positive attitude and a well-delivered presentation about your skills and market price can get you closer to your expected salary.Still,if this is not acceptable,you don't have to take it.

32.What is the most difficult for most jobseekers at the discussion of money according to Para.1?A
A.Being too difficult to handle the money.B.Not having got certain skills.
C.The first necessary step.D.Lacking a good chance to get a job.
33.What does the underlined part"throw a fit"in Para.5mean?B
A.Get excited.B.Get angry.C.Become amused.D.Be delighted.
34.What should you do if you are offered an unsatisfactory salary?D
A.Ask for a higher salary.
B.Immediately give up the job.
C.Just calm down and figure out the situation.
D.Try to prove you are the best candidate for the job.
35.What is the main purpose of the passage?A
A.To offer tips on salary negotiation.
B.To tell common mistakes in our daily work.
C.To help employees get along well with their employers.
D.To help people perform well in job interviews.

Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways. When people cheat, it’s not fair to other people, like the kids who studied for the test or who the true winners of a game were.

Many people like the action of cheating. It makes difficult things seem easy, like getting all the right answers on the test. But it doesn’t solve the problem of not knowing the material and it won’t help on the next test---unless the person cheats again.

People lose respect for cheaters and think less of them. The cheaters themselves may feel bad because they know they are not really earning that good grade. And, if they get caught cheating, they will be in trouble at school, and may be at home, too.

Some kids cheat because they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending time studying. Other kids might feel like they can’t pass the test without cheating, even when there seems to be a good reason for cheating, cheating isn’t a good idea.

If you were sick or upset about something the night before the day and couldn’t study, it would be better to talk with the teacher about this. And if you don’t have enough time to study for a test because of swim practice, you need to talk with you parents about how to balance swimming and school.

A kid who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test needs to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some solutions(解决办法) together. Talking about these problems and working them out will feel better than cheating.

1.The author thinks that when kids cheat in class, ______.

A. it is unfair to other people.

B. it does harm to their health.

C. teachers should punish them.

D. teachers shouldn’t stop them at once.

2.Some students like cheating mainly because______.

A. the material in the test is very difficult.

B. they want to do better than the others.

C. cheating can make hard things seem very easy.

D. they have little time to study their lessons.

3.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us______.

A. some kids can’t pass the test without cheating

B. why kids cheat in the test.

C. cheating isn’t a good idea.

D. some kids don’t spend the time studying.

4.We can learn from the passage _______.

A. cheaters are often thought highly of

B. people show no respect for those who cheat.

C. parents whose kids cheat are often in trouble.

D. kids cheat in the test because of swim practice.

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