Michael Herr, who has died aged 76, was the author of Dispatches (1977), the best book about the Vietnam War. It took Herr eight years to write Dispatches, in part because he went home from Saigon with a bad case of stress disorder. He had gone to Vietnam as a journalist for Esquire magazine. An American general asked him whether he was there to write about military fashion and humor. No. He wrote little for Esquire, but took advantage of the US government’s decision to allow journalists extraordinary access to go to war with the soldiers. He shared their discomforts and their fears, witnessed their death and recorded their language.

His own language, a stream of consciousness pulsing with energy, but masterfully controlled, captured the fear and the horror, but also the excitement, of the war in the jungle and paddy fields. He recorded with a connoisseur’s expertise (行家专长) such details as the many ways in which soldiers would wish each other good luck, and the degrees of madness that were considered acceptable.

The power of the book, perhaps, comes from Herr’s insistence on describing the war, or more precisely his own responses to it, rather than protesting against it. It also comes from the ceaseless accompaniment of two elements, drugs and music — more particularly rock music, and especially the music of Jimi Hendrix. Herr himself spent drug-fuelled weekends in a flat in Saigon, staring at an ancient French map of Indochina. He met soldiers with a left pocket full of Dexedrine, the “upper” (兴奋剂) officially administered by the army to get them into battle, and a right pocket full of “downers” (镇定剂) to get them through it.

Dispatches did not come out until 1977, when the country was beginning to have its mind on other problems, but it did more, perhaps, than any other book to freeze an image of despair and a sense of waste about the war, rather as the trench poets of 1914 —1918 did in Britain.

Herr also made vital contributions to two of the most influential Vietnam films Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket. His work, in the book and the two films, has been seen as part of the process whereby the US came to see itself and its history no longer merely through traditional literature, but in sounds and images.

1.Why did Michael Herr go to Vietnam during the war years?

A. To join the soldiers in military actions.

B. To report military actions and advances.

C. To give an authentic account of the war.

D. To write about military fashion and humor.

2.Which of the following about Dispatches is true?

A. It truly reflects Herr’s responses to the war.

B. Music and drugs give the author inspiration.

C. Its language is casually selected and organized.

D. It fully describes Herr’s protest against the war.

3.US soldiers brought drugs with them during the war most probably because .

A. they suffered stress disorder

B. they were addicted to drugs

C. they used them to cure the wounds

D. they exchanged them for music records

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Herr directed two influential Vietnam films.

B. Herr’s work played a positive role in traditional literature.

C. Herr stopped writing after the book Dispatches was published.

D. Herr’s work offered Americans more ways to know themselves.

My daughter Kelly is a cautious person. She needs to warm up to situations, and is hesitant to try new things. When with close friends, she becomes a leader who laughs loudly and chants, “Girls rule, boys drool.” But when that comfort zone is not around her, she is shy and nervous.

This has been challenging for me at times. “Shy” is not a word that I think has ever been used to describe me. But this bas been a year of firsts for my girl that has filled her with a new sense of confidence. This year she moved to lap lane in swimming where she was preparing for a swim team. This year she learned to ride a bike without training wheels. And this year she completed her first kids’ triathlon (三项全能).

On Saturday, with a thunderstorm coming soon and my son’s birthday party later in the day, we all went out in the dark of the morning for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon. We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her, we got all the equipment she'd need, and we kept talking about the race. But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish before her turn, she held my leg a little harder and told me she loved me a few too many times. She was nervous but trying to keep it together.

And then it was her turn. From the second she jumped into the water, my heart soared. My daughter transformed into the most confident human being I had ever seen. She dominated that swim, crushed that bike ride and ran to the finish with the biggest smile on her face.

I can honestly say that I never felt so proud of someone in my entire life. It wasn’t because she did a sport or anything like that. It was because she was afraid of something and conquered that fear with confidence and a fire I hadn't seen before.

All day I would find myself just looking over at her and smiling. She might be wearing the finalist medal but I felt like I won that day. I won the chance to see my girl shine.

Shine on, sweet baby.

1.Kelly is nervous when .

A. boys are around her

B. she changes into a leader

C. she is away from her mom

D. situations are new to her

2.We can know from Paragraph 3 .

A. the race began in the early morning

B. the whole family gave Kelly support

C. Kelly was eager for her turn in the race

D. Kelly prepared for her brother’s birthday party

3.Seeing Kelly’s performance in the race, the author felt .

A. excited and proud

B. anxious and uneasy

C. worried and hesitant

D. curious and concerned

4.In Paragraph 5, the underlined word “conquered” probably means .

A. to defeat someone especially in a competition

B. to succeed in dealing with or control something

C. to become very popular or successful in a place

D. to take control of a country or a city and its people by force

5.In the ending paragraphs the author “felt like I won that day” because Kelly .

A. overcame the fear

B. expressed love to her

C. won the gold medal

D. took part in the sport

The Million Pound Bank Note

Act I, Scene 4

(Outside a restaurant Henry looks at the envelope without opening it and decides to go in. He sits down at a table next to the front window.)

OWNER:   (seeing Henry's poor appearance) That one's reserved. This way, please. (to the waiter) Take this gentleman's order, Horace.

HENRY:     (after sitting down and putting the letter on the table) I'd like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Make it extra thick. I'd also like a cup of coffee and a pineapple   dessert.

WAITER:   Right, sir. I'm afraid it'll cost a large amount of money.

HENRY:    I understand. And I'll have a large glass of beer.

WAITER:   OK. (The waiter leaves and soon returns with all the food.)

HOSTESS:  My goodness! Why, look at him. He eats like a wolf.

OWNER:   We'll see if he's clever as a wolf, eh?

HENRY:   (having just finished every bit of food) Ah, waiter. (waiter returns) Same thing again, please. Oh, and another beer.

WAITER:   Again? Everything?

HENRY:    Yes, that's right. (sees the look on the waiter's face) Anything wrong?

WAITER:   No, not at all. (to the owner) He's asked for more of the same.

OWNER:   Well, it is well-known that Americans like to eat a lot. Well, we'll have to take a chance. Go ahead and let him have it.

WAITER:   (reading the bill after the meal) All right. That's two orders of ham and eggs, two extra thick steaks, two large glasses of beer, two cups of coffee and two desserts.

HENRY:    (looking at the clock on the wall) Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?

WAITER:   (in a rude manner) What's there to wait for?

OWNER:   All right, Horace. I'll take care of this.

HENRY:    (to owner) That was a wonderful meal. It's amazing how much pleasure you get out of tile simple things in life, especially if you can't have them for a while.

OWNER:   Yes, very interesting. Now perhaps, sir, if you pay your bill I can help the other customers.

HENRY:    (looking at the clock on the wall again) Well, I see it's two o'clock. (he opens the envelope and holds a million pound bank note in his hands. Henry is surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked) I'm very sorry. But ... I ... I don't have anything smaller.

OWNER:   (still shocked and nervous) Well .. er ... just one moment. Maggie, look! (the hostess screams, the other customers look at her and she puts a hand to her mouth) Do you think it's genuine?

HOSTESS:  Oh, dear, I don't know. I simply don't know.

OWNER:   Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount ... Anyway, I don't think it can be a fake. People would pay too much attention to a bank note of this amount. No thief would want that to happen.

HOSTESS: But he's in rags!

OWNER:   Perhaps he's a very strange, rich man. (as if he has discovered something for the first time) Why, yes! That must be it!

HOSTESS: (hits her husband's arm) And you put him in the back of the restaurant! Go and see him at once.

OWNER:   (to Henry) I'm so sorry, sir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note.

HENRY:    But it's all I have on me.

OWNER:   Oh, please, don't worry, sir. Doesn't matter at all. We're so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed, sir, I hope you'll come here whenever you like.

HENRY:    Well, that's very kind of you.

OWNER:   Kind, sir? No, it's kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour! As for the bill, sir, please forget it.

HENRY:    Forget it? Well ... thank you very much. That's very nice of you.

OWNER:   Oh, it's for us to thank you, sir and I do, sir, from the bottom of my heart. (The owner, hostess and waiter all bow as Henry leaves.)

1.Whose behaviour changes the most during this scene?

A. Henry B. Owner

C. Waiter D. Hostess

2.Why do you think the owner of the restaurant gave Henry a free meal?

A. Because he considered Henry a very rich man after looking at Henry’s million pound bank note.

B. Because Henry has a lot of money.

C. Because Henry could not pay for his meal without any money in his pocket.

D. Because the owner was very generous (慷慨的).

3.When the waiter said “What's there to wait for?”to Henry, he_________.

A. actually wanted to know whom Henry was waiting for

B. thought Henry may wait for someone else to come to eat with him

C. thought Henry were waiting for his friend to pay for his meal

D. actually laughed at Henry and wanted Henry to pay for his meal quickly

4.Do you think who Maggie is according to the passage?

A. Another customer who was eating at the restaurant as Henry.

B. The waitress in the restaurant.

C. The hostess and the owner’s wife.

D. The passage doesn’t tell.

5.How many characters are there in this scene of play?

A. Five B. Three

C. Two D. Four

Why do Chinese people love hot pot so much? As the winter months are coining in, more and people are silting around a table, enjoying this kind of traditional meal. I find myself wondering what it U about this traditional meal, which has existed for more than 1,000 years. What makes it a Chinese food favorite? It seems that the answer lies beyond the dish itself.

Hot pot isn’t just designed to keep you warm during the cold months; it’s also a social experience. It’s a “theater” cooked food that turns a meal into an event. There is a lot of fun for everyone to have in adding some foods to the hot pot.

Hot pot is eaten over two to three hours. For this reason, it is often considered an evening’s entertainment, and a time to spend with friends and families. However, many westerners would be put off by the idea of other people sticking chopsticks in their food. When we come to eat at the table in the UK, we tend to have our own shares, although the experience is still a social one.

A similar experience to the hot pot can be found in Korean barbecue restaurants, which lei you cook your own meat. This allows people to have their meat done however they want.

For most westerners, the idea of going to a restaurant to cook their own food is very strange. But having a go, I find it’s now one of my favorite meals in Beijing. The steam from the pot left my clothes smelling of food when I got home, but perhaps this was also part of the experience. When the cold wind is blowing outside, I am sitting around with my good friends, eating and drinking. For me it’s like a dinner party where my taste buds and my appetite are equally satisfied in the warm company of friends.

1.What is the main reason why hoi pot is popular in China?

A. It has a history of over 1,000 years.

B. It is a fun social experience.

2.We can conclude from the article that British people generally .

A. enjoy cooking their own food in restaurants

B. prefer a Korean barbecue to Chinese hot pot

C. don’t like sharing food with others in restaurants

D. don’t mind the smell of food staying on their clothes

3.How long do people spend in enjoying the traditional meal?

A. More than four hours. B. Over one hour.

C. About three hours. D. All the evening.

4.What is the author’s attitude to hot pot?

A. Serious. B. Tired.

C. Humorous. D. Appreciative.

Planning before buying something is a good idea. For example, you are going to buy a pet dog, you still have to consider a few things and plan them well before you welcome it in the house. 1. You will also have to train it well so that it does not misbehave in front of people. You should realize that it is a big responsibility.

2. Think about whether your pocket can manage the purchase, as well as different items for keeping the dog. If something goes wrong with the health of your pet, you will have to spend some extra money on it.

The next thing you need to consider is your home. 3. You will also have to consider the family members. If your living place is already too crowded with people, getting a dog as an additional member of the house will not be a good idea.

4. Make sure nobody is allergic (过敏的) to the fur of the dog. Also make sure that you can easily find time to train the dog. Ensure that your family is welcoming to this idea.

5. When you are bringing this best friend in your house, you must make sure everything is right for it. You should make life easier for it, as well as others who are living in your house.

A. Looking after your dog doesn’t only mean taking it for a walk or playing with it.

B. A dog is supposed to be man’s best friend.

C. Before you think about getting a dog, think about the affordability (经济承受力).

D. The training should start as soon as the dog is in your care.

E. Once the dog has learned how to sit, you may teach him to shake hands.

F. You will also have to think about any health problems related to your family.

G. A small apartment will not be fit to house a large dog.

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