
The Million Pound Bank Note

Act I, Scene 4

(Outside a restaurant Henry looks at the envelope without opening it and decides to go in. He sits down at a table next to the front window.)

OWNER:   (seeing Henry's poor appearance) That one's reserved. This way, please. (to the waiter) Take this gentleman's order, Horace.

HENRY:     (after sitting down and putting the letter on the table) I'd like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Make it extra thick. I'd also like a cup of coffee and a pineapple   dessert.

WAITER:   Right, sir. I'm afraid it'll cost a large amount of money.

HENRY:    I understand. And I'll have a large glass of beer.

WAITER:   OK. (The waiter leaves and soon returns with all the food.)

HOSTESS:  My goodness! Why, look at him. He eats like a wolf.

OWNER:   We'll see if he's clever as a wolf, eh?

HENRY:   (having just finished every bit of food) Ah, waiter. (waiter returns) Same thing again, please. Oh, and another beer.

WAITER:   Again? Everything?

HENRY:    Yes, that's right. (sees the look on the waiter's face) Anything wrong?

WAITER:   No, not at all. (to the owner) He's asked for more of the same.

OWNER:   Well, it is well-known that Americans like to eat a lot. Well, we'll have to take a chance. Go ahead and let him have it.

WAITER:   (reading the bill after the meal) All right. That's two orders of ham and eggs, two extra thick steaks, two large glasses of beer, two cups of coffee and two desserts.

HENRY:    (looking at the clock on the wall) Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?

WAITER:   (in a rude manner) What's there to wait for?

OWNER:   All right, Horace. I'll take care of this.

HENRY:    (to owner) That was a wonderful meal. It's amazing how much pleasure you get out of tile simple things in life, especially if you can't have them for a while.

OWNER:   Yes, very interesting. Now perhaps, sir, if you pay your bill I can help the other customers.

HENRY:    (looking at the clock on the wall again) Well, I see it's two o'clock. (he opens the envelope and holds a million pound bank note in his hands. Henry is surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked) I'm very sorry. But ... I ... I don't have anything smaller.

OWNER:   (still shocked and nervous) Well .. er ... just one moment. Maggie, look! (the hostess screams, the other customers look at her and she puts a hand to her mouth) Do you think it's genuine?

HOSTESS:  Oh, dear, I don't know. I simply don't know.

OWNER:   Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount ... Anyway, I don't think it can be a fake. People would pay too much attention to a bank note of this amount. No thief would want that to happen.

HOSTESS: But he's in rags!

OWNER:   Perhaps he's a very strange, rich man. (as if he has discovered something for the first time) Why, yes! That must be it!

HOSTESS: (hits her husband's arm) And you put him in the back of the restaurant! Go and see him at once.

OWNER:   (to Henry) I'm so sorry, sir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note.

HENRY:    But it's all I have on me.

OWNER:   Oh, please, don't worry, sir. Doesn't matter at all. We're so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed, sir, I hope you'll come here whenever you like.

HENRY:    Well, that's very kind of you.

OWNER:   Kind, sir? No, it's kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour! As for the bill, sir, please forget it.

HENRY:    Forget it? Well ... thank you very much. That's very nice of you.

OWNER:   Oh, it's for us to thank you, sir and I do, sir, from the bottom of my heart. (The owner, hostess and waiter all bow as Henry leaves.)

1.Whose behaviour changes the most during this scene?

A. Henry B. Owner

C. Waiter D. Hostess

2.Why do you think the owner of the restaurant gave Henry a free meal?

A. Because he considered Henry a very rich man after looking at Henry’s million pound bank note.

B. Because Henry has a lot of money.

C. Because Henry could not pay for his meal without any money in his pocket.

D. Because the owner was very generous (慷慨的).

3.When the waiter said “What's there to wait for?”to Henry, he_________.

A. actually wanted to know whom Henry was waiting for

B. thought Henry may wait for someone else to come to eat with him

C. thought Henry were waiting for his friend to pay for his meal

D. actually laughed at Henry and wanted Henry to pay for his meal quickly

4.Do you think who Maggie is according to the passage?

A. Another customer who was eating at the restaurant as Henry.

B. The waitress in the restaurant.

C. The hostess and the owner’s wife.

D. The passage doesn’t tell.

5.How many characters are there in this scene of play?

A. Five B. Three

C. Two D. Four


A recent study led by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has found a clear link between the color of a taxi and its accident rate. An analysis of 36 months of detailed taxi, driver and accident data from two fleets of yellow and blue taxis in Singapore suggested that yellow taxis have fewer accidents than blue taxis. The higher visibility (能见度) of yellow makes it less difficult for drivers to avoid getting into accidents with yellow taxis, leading to a lower accident rate.

The study was led by Prof Ho. To test whether there was a relationship between the color of a taxi and the number of accidents the taxi had, the research team analysed data collected by the largest taxi company in Singapore. The researchers found that yellow taxis have about 6.1 fewer accidents per 1,000 taxis per month.

They also studied the economic effect of changing the color of the entire fleet of taxis to yellow. The Singapore taxi company involved in the study owns about 16,700 taxis in a ratio (比例) of one yellow to three blue taxis. If a commercial decision is made to switch from blue to yellow taxis, 76.6 fewer accidents will occur per month or 917 fewer accidents per year.

Assuming an average repair cost of $1,000 per car and a downtime of six days, the color of all taxis to yellow could produce an annual saving of $2 million.

“We are eager to continue to validate(证实) the findings of our study by looking at the use of yellow in other types of public transport, such as school buses. For example, we hope to compare the accident rates of yellow school buses against those of other colors to find out if yellow is indeed a safer color for school buses. Besides, we’re also interested to look at private-hire vehicles and do a comparison of the accident rates of vehicles that are of different colors, ”explained Prof Ho.

1.Why do yellow taxis result in fewer accidents?

A. Because yellow signals a warning of danger.

B. Because yellow can be seen more easily.

C. Because drivers tend to be more careful in yellow taxis.

D. Because people act more quickly in yellow surroundings.

2.What’s Prof Ho’s study based on?

A. Physical risks taxi passengers experience.

B. The economic effect of changing taxi color.

C. Personal reports from taxi drivers worldwide.

D. Data from Singapore's largest taxi company.

3.What do Prof Ho’s words in the last paragraph suggest?

A. School buses should be painted yellow.

B. Their findings are worth popularizing.

C. Their study will be furthered.

D. Yellow should be widely used in public transport.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Safer to ride in yellow taxis

B. Caution: yellow taxis ahead

C. Why are yellow Taxis preferred?

D. How can colors help prevent accidents?

China has announced its abolishing its one-child policy.What difference has it made,statistically speaking?

400 million births prevented

The one-child policy,officially in place since 1979,has prevented 400 million births.Parents have faced fines and other punishments for having more children.

The majority of the decrease in China's fertility rate happened in the 1970s.It dropped from 5.8 children per woman in 1970 to 2.7 in 1978.Despite the one-child policy the rate had only fallen to 1.7 by 2013.

21:28-baby deaths rate

Since the one-child policy was introduced,baby girls have become more likely to die than boys.

In the 1970s,according to the United Nations,60 males per 1,000 live births died under the age of one.For girls the figure was 53.In the 1980s,after the one-child policy became official,the rate for both was 36.By the 1990s,26 males per 1,000 live births died before the age of one-and 33 girls.The 2000s saw 21 boys per 1,000 live births dying and 28 girls.

1.16 boys born for every girl

Sexually selective abortions have been considered as a major cause of China's unusual imbalance.

Gietel-Basten,associate professor in social policy at Oxford University,says the births of many girls are not registered if parents have broken the rule by having two children,adding officials often turn a blind eye.It's estimated there are now 33 million more men than women in China.

4:2:1 families

With the ageing of China's population and the continuation of the one-child policy,a "4:2:1" home is the description given to households in which there are four grandparent,cared for by two working age parents,who themselves have one child.

By 2050,it's predicted that a quarter of China's population will be 65 or order.The predicted decline in the number of people of working age is thought to have persuaded the government to drop the one-child policy.

1.When was the baby deaths rate for both boys and girls equal?

A. In the 1970s. B. In the 1980s.

C. In the 1990s. D. In the 2000s.

2.What makes the one-child policy abolished accoring to the passage?

A. The decline of birth rate. B. The rise of baby deaths rate.

C. The change of family structure. D. The decline of working age people.

3.The passage sums up the one child policy by .

A. number B. example

C. contrast D. analysis

Honesty is always the best policy, especially when it comes to mental health problems. In a TV ______, one girl gets very real about dealing with anxiety and panic.

“ I was the bast student in my high school. I put so much ______ on myself,” she said. “ I never ______ a class. But I got sick during 10th grade and I started to ______. That’s when the panic attacks began.” She goes on to describe what a panic attack ______ like, “One day the teacher handed me my grade ______, and I couldn’t breathe. My heart was beating very ______. I felt disconnected. I saw people trying to talk to me but I couldn’t hear them.Afterwards, I was sent to ______,” she shared.

It was then ______ the attacks started happening ______ daily, and they haven’t stopped. “Last year I started college. And I can’t be the best student here no matter how hard I try,” she said. “Everyone is so ______. My panic attacks got so bad that I had to ______ my first semester.”

However, now she is facing her anxiety, and things are getting better. “ I used to try to hide ______. I thought that ______ nobody know, it didn’t exist,” she said. “But the more I talk about my ______, the more I realize that other people experience ______ things. So I’m trying to express it more. I had a great teacher ______ told me, ‘Instead of letting anxiety keep you from doing your art, let it be the thing that ______ your art.’”

Recently, woman all over the world took to Twitter to ______ what anxiety is like. We are ______ alone.

1.A. project B. program C. platform D. station

2.A. weight B. height C. pressure D. measure

3.A. joined B. succeeded C. failed D. attended

4.A. fall behind B. fall down C. leave behind D. leave alone

5.A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. feels

6.A. report B. survey C. research D. notice

7.A. mildly B. wildly C. slowly D. severely

8.A. school B. work C. hospital D. home

9.A. when B. since C. before D. that

10.A. still B. always C. merely D. almost

11.A. ambitious B. anxious C. talented D. experienced

12.A. arrange B. perform C. operate D. cancel

13.A. it B. them C. me D. us

14.A. unless B. if C. while D. as

15.A. confidence B. dream C. issue D. desire

16.A. similar B. familiar C. various D. serious

17.A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

18.A. abandons B. quits C. motivates D. protests

19.A. advertise B. advise C. share D. compare

20.A. always B. sometimes C. seldom D. never

Imagine a mystery guest coming to your Thanksgiving dinner, one you have never met. Imagine this “silent guest” being a starving person from a poor country. That is what students at Mount St. Joseph University in Ohio want you to think about this Thanksgiving.

Students of the Mount's Impact Club are urging everyone to feed a “silent guest” at this year's Thanksgiving. These students have been holding fund?raisers for the World Food Programme (WFP) and trying to get people to join their “silent guest” plan.

Their idea came from the “silent guest” campaign in 1947, which asked Americans to open up their hearts and share their Thanksgiving abundance. Governor Robert Bradford of Massachusetts, whose forefather started Thanksgiving, announced the new tradition of feeding a “silent guest” at the holiday meal.

American families were asked to donate the cost of feeding their “silent guest” to a committee in Massachusetts. The “silent guest” donations from Americans led to CARE packages of food being sent to starving families overseas. This was important for many countries in Europe, who were still suffering from the destruction caused by World War Ⅱ.

The food from the “silent guest” helped keep Europe afloat until Marshall Plan to rebuild could kick in. As George Marshall said, “Food is the very basis of all reconstruction.”

The “silent guest” idea was started by an activist named Iris Gabriel. She approached Governor Bradford, with the plan and eventually governors across the US were on board. This was a giving spirit.

It is a spirit we must keep with us today because the WFP and other relief agencies are facing an incredible challenge with hunger emergencies. Fighting world hunger is no less important than it was in 1947.

That is why it's inspiring that college students are leading the campaign to bring back the “silent guest”. And you can join them by simply setting aside a place in your heart and your holiday table while donating to a charity fighting hunger.

1.What gave the students the idea of “silent guest”?

A. A historical fact. B. Their rich imagination.

C. A moving story. D. A TV programme.

2.What can we know about the “silent guest” campaign in 1947?

A. It was a worldwide campaign.

B. It helped the development of the US.

C. It was originally put forward by the WFP.

D. It contributed a lot to Europe's rebuilding.

3.What might be the spirit of the “silent guest” campaign?

A. Giving is a virtue. B. Give thanks by giving.

C. Give respect to the poor. D. Giving is better than receiving.

4.What should people do according to the “silent guest” plan?

A. Invite your friends to Thanksgiving dinner.

B. Act as a silent guest to show thanks to people.

C. Raise money for the World Food Programme.

D. Provide shelter to a silent guest on Christmas.

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