
Dear Jack,
You asked me a very interesting question.If I could have a clone of myself for one day,I would have it do the following for me.
That's my answer to the question.What about you?
Li Hua.

分析 写好这类作文要注意几个步骤:1. 认真审题,找准提示语中的关键词或句,确定中心思想.2. 依据关键句,草拟提纲,梳理文章的脉络3. 准确定位人称、时态.注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.4.最后还要认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等
My grandfather retied andhe is very concerned about my study,so it will tell him how I'm getting along with my study  while they are taking a walk.
Occupied with my study,I have little time to help with the housework.Though very busy with their work,my parents still spare time to keep the house tidy.

解答 Dear Jack,
You asked me a very interesting question.If I could have a clone of myself for one day,I would have it do the following for me.
In the morning,it will accompany my grandfather for a walk outside.My grandfather retied andhe is very concerned about my study,so it will tell him how I'm getting along with my study  while they are taking a walk(高分句型一).
In the afternoon,it's will be busy at home,cleaning and tidiyng the rooms.Occupied with my study,I have little time to help with the housework.Though very busy with their work,my parents still spare time to keep the house tidy(高分句型二).As their only son,I hope to share some housework.
In the evening,it will have a talk with my parents and tell them how thankful I am for being their son.
That's my answer to the question.What about you?
Li Hua.

点评 开放性作文给出一定的写作主题,并此为基础进行思维和联想,自由发挥.不仅考查学生在内容、结构安排、语言运用和组织方面的能力,而且对学生的想像力、发散思维、归纳判断能力也有很高的要求.

A.occurred    B.extended     C.tragedy       D.fined       E.ignore
F.concerns   G.suspension    H.inevitably    I.illegal       J.must-have
The launch of Apple's iPhone 4s tempted thousands of buyers to its two outlets in Beijing on the cold winter night of Jan 12th.But the size of the crowds brought a sudden (41)G of sales of the iPhone 4s on the morning of Jan 13th and one store in Beijing didn't open at all,because the growing crowd of eager Apple followers created safety (42)F.
This is not the first time Apple's marketing strategy(策略) has caused such trouble among the buying public,for similar trouble (43)A  in January last year when the first release launch of the iPhone 4was made.
Apple's clever marketing has made the company's products (44)Jlifestyle accessories(附件) for many,but this strategy will (45)H result in mass rushes and disturbances and if it continues with this marketing strategy,it is only a matter of time before one of its product launches ends in (46)C.
Intentionally fuelling demand by limiting a product release to create a state of panic among consumers,who fear they may not get their hands on their objects of desire,is not only immoral but also (47)I.
Apple should take the lessons from the experience of Unilever(联合利华).The giant consumer goods company was (48)D  2million yuan in May 2011by the Chinese government for repeatedly spreading rumors(谣言) of price rises.
Apple has the ability to make it easier for consumers to order new products online or by telephone.Apple cannot afford to (49)Ethe Chinese market,so it has no excuse for not changing its strategy so as to avoid such incidents in the future.
17.Few Americans stay in one a place for a lifetime.We move from the city to the suburbs (郊 区),from high school to college in a different state,from a job in one area to a better job elsewhere,from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement.With each move we are forever making new friends,who become part of our new life.
For many of us the summer is a special time for forming new friendships.Today,millions of Americans go on vacation abroad,and we go not only to see new sights but also-in those places where we don't feel too strange-with the hope of meeting new people.No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend,but the beginning of a friendship is possible.Surely in every country people value friendship.
The word"friend"to American people can be applied to a wide range of relationships-to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place,to a close business companion,to a childhood playmate,to a man or a woman,or to a trusted colleague.There are real differences among these relations for Americans-a friendship may be shallow,casual,situational or deep and lasting.But to a European,who sees only our surface behavior,the differences are not clear.
As Europeans see it,all kinds of"friends"flow in and out of Americans'homes with little ceremony.They may be parents of the children's friends,house guests of neighbors,members of a committee,business associates from another town or even another country.Coming as a guest into an American home,the European visitor finds no obvious landmarks.The atmosphere is relaxed.Most people,old and young,are called by first names.Americans‘characteristic openness to different styles of relationship makes it possible for us to find new friends abroad with whom we feel at home.
Title American Friendship
Chances for Americans
to make friends☆Most Americans (76)movefrom place to place.
☆Many Americans^o abroad on vacation for (77)sightseeingor meeting
new people.
☆One (78)possibilityfor a vacation is to begin a friendship.
Ways for Americans to
(79)understand/applythe word
"friend"☆American people use"friend"(80)widelyfor different relation-
☆Americans know the (81)difference(s)among relations clearly while
Europeans cant.
Europeans"understanding about American(82)friendship☆Friends flow in and out of Americans'homes(83)casually.
☆Being a guest in an American home,the European visitor feels(84)comfortable/relaxed☆Due to their (85)opencharacteristics,Americans find new friends all over the world.
7.In the days before bootleg(非法销售)DVDs,anyone who lived in China during the early 1990s will remember how terribly exciting it was when a foreign film was screened ln the cinema.Only 20foreign films a year were allowed to be shown in Chinese cinemas until February 2012.
The US film industry has shown a lot of interest in developing its business in China.The reasons for this are clear. China has a population of over 1.3billion and,with the standard of living rising all the time,the US film industry wants a slice (一片)of the profits.There are thousands of new cinemas being added throughout China.Technology is also improving all the time,meaning that more and more cinemas are able to show films in 3D or IMAX format(形式).
There is now a greater possibility of the US film industry earning more from the Chinese market.Now an agreement has been signed that will allow the number of foreign films a year to be increased to 34.This agreement with China will offer thousands of Americans jobs in and around the film industry.In addition,studios will be able to get 25%of the box office proceeds(收益),This was previously limited to about 13.5%. The real winners of the agreement will be The China Film Group and the Chinese cinema owners who make the largest profits.
The new deal is a huge step in the right direction.Even better.it will hopefully cut down on the Chinese bootleg DVD industry,which has long taken advantage of the fact that most Western films won't be shown in Chinese cinemas.

Title:Why China is important to the US film industry
(76)IntroductionDuring the early 1990s,people felt very(77)excitedwhen a foreign film was introduced to China.
Only 20films from abroad could be shown in Chinese cinemas until February 2012.
(78)ReasonsThe US film industry wants to make a(79)profit from the Chinese market because of its huge population and rapid development.
More and more new cinemas will be built in the future
3D or IMAX films will be shown in cinemas  because of the (80)improvementin technology.
(81)Advantagesof the agreement made by the US and ChinaIt can solve the employment problem,(82)offering thousands of Americans jobs in and around the film industry.
Studios can(83)get more proceeds than before
The China Film Group and the Chinese cinema owners will be the(84)realwinners of the agreement.
It can (85)protect the DVD industry against bootlegs.
14.Studying Abroad
Nowadays,studying abroad gains popularity in China.Many rich parents would rather send their children abroad to receive education than have them educated in China.
As every coin has two sides,studying abroad is not an exception(例外).There are advantages for people to attend school abroad.In the first place,he can use the foreign language in his daily life so that his ability in the second language may be greatly improved,as it is obvious that there is no better chance to improve second-language than living in the country where it is spoken.While studying in a foreign country,he will most likely meet many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends from all over the world.This is not only exciting on the social level,but could lead to important overseas contacts in his career as well.He can get familiar with the knowledge updated in science and get the chance to use the first-rate facilities (设备) available.In this way,there is every chance that he is able to widen his horizon (眼界) and broaden his mind.
Of course,attending schools abroad may bring about a series of problems.The most serious problem is language barrier (障碍).Most of the students who go abroad don't have enough skills in the language spoken there.As a result,on arriving there,they will find it difficult to understand what the teachers say.Besides,for lack of knowledge of the customs of the local people,they may constantly run into trouble in dealing with various situations.
Therefore,given an opportunity to attend a school abroad,one must consider both sides of the factors carefully before making up his mind.
Title:Studying Abroad
PhenomenonSending children abroad for education becoming (96)popular among many rich parents
Advantages●Having the (97)best chance to improve the second language because it is in their (98)daily use.
●More likely to make friends with other students from (99)abroad/overseas.
●Getting to learn the latest knowledge in science and have access to the best facilities.
(100)Disadvantages/Problems●Language barrier:Not (101)skilled at the language spoken there,students will have (102)difficulty/trouble/problems in understanding what the teachers say.
●Cross-culture problem:Dealing with cross-culture communication turns out difficult due to (103)lacking knowledge of the customs of the locals.
(104)ConclusionBoth sides of the factors should be considered carefully before a (105)decisionis made.

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