
















A person, like a commodity(商品), needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration(夸张) will do no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantages. To show personal attractiveness in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A skilled packager knows how to add art to nature without any signs of embellishment so that the person so packaged is not a commodity, but a human being, lively and lovely.

A young person, especially a female, shining with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted. Youth however, comes and goes in a flash. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to hide the marks made by years. If you still enjoy life enough to keep self-confidence and work at pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities, and your attractiveness and grace will remain. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should. You have really lived your life, which now arrives at a self - satisfied stage of quietness and calmness with no interest in fame or wealth. There is no need to make use of hair dyeing. The snow-capped mountain itself is a beautiful scene of fairyland. Let your looks change from young to old in step with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. To be in the company of the elderly is like reading a thick book of good edition, which attracts one so much that one is unwilling to part with it. As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity sets up its brand by the right packaging.

1.The underlined word in the first paragraph is closest to the word ______ in meaning.

A. decoration B. clarification

C. movement D. identification

2.It can be concluded from the text that ______.

A. people should be packaged at all ages

B. people should be packaged in a special way

C. elderly people also care about packaging

D. proper packaging makes people attractive

3.For the middle-aged, attractiveness ______ .

A. hardly exists B. is the strongest

C. comes from the inside D. comes from the appearance

4.According to the author, if you want to keep in harmony with nature, you should ______.

A. dye your hair B. make up at a young age

C. follow the ageing process D. give up fame and wealth

5.The underlined sentence means that elderly people ______.

A. are usually packaged like a finely-made book

B. experience a lot and have rich knowledge of life

C. do a lot of traveling and can give you much information

D. enjoy reading thick books about beautiful nature and fairyland

It’s 10:00 on a beautiful Sunday morning in California. To my left is some of the most beautiful coastline. I’m walking along a road ordinarily packed with cars on days like this, but today, thanks in part to my $135 entry fee, it is closed to traffic.

There’s only one problem: I should be running, not walking. Over the past year, I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on running gear(设备) and race entry fees. I’ve jogged than 1,600 miles training for this event.

Dozens of runners pass me on either side, each of them experiencing varying degrees of sadness similar to my own. Most of them, like me, have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles to get here, spending $500, $1,000 or more to participate in this event.

Actually I’m by no means a competitive athlete. My best finish ever was fourth place, in a 5-kftometer race with only 74 participants, many of whom were walking the entire course.

Last year, over 500,000 runners completed a marathon in the U.S. alone. Nearly all of these runners had absolutely no chance of victory. The PR-personal record-is everyone’s definition of a “good race,” whether he finishes in first or 301st.

I should buy a new watch that not only tracks my location by GPS, but also by counting steps. This can more accurate and much more expensive. Finally, I have reached the finish line. I know that the official race photographers will be taking photos as I cross the line, so I raise my arms in “victory” I finish, in a time of 3:37:55, good for 354th place.

A few days after the race, the race organizers email me a link to a site where I can preview my official photos 一 and download them, for a fee, of course.

I wish I could say the feeling was unique; it’s probably not Indeed probably a feeling most runners get in most marathons. Running a lot of marathons 9 in fact, may not even be good for your health.

In America, marathoning is a rich person’s sport.

1.Which of the following is free of charge for the marathoners according the passage?

A. Race entry.

B. Coastal scenery.

C. Running gear.

D. Official photos.

2.What was the author sure of before entering for the marathon?

A. His winning the victory.

B. His improvement of speed.

C. His falling behind many others.

D. His setting up a new record.

3.How did other runners feel while running on the coastline road according to the author?

A. Happy B. Unhappy.

C. Unique. D. Excited.

4.What would the author agree with?

A. Marathons are not worth it.

B. Marathon can improve our PR.

C. Marathons are based on attitudes.

D. Marathons are good for our health.

Question: I have been learning English for about 7 years. 1. And I still can’t make myself understood in English. However, I love learning English. How can I learn English well? Please help me.

Answer: Many people have asked me this question. 2. Here I will give you several tips for learning English.


First of all, you must want to learn. If you are not interested in learning English, no class will help you and no book will help you. So you have to be honest with yourself. Ask yourself, “Do I really want to learn English?” If you can’t answer “yes” to this question, it is better for you to set English aside until you’re ready and willing to learn.

● Set goals (目标).

To learn English well, you must set some goals. 4.It will also help you to see your progress. Ask yourself, “What are my goals? What areas would I like to improve?” Think about what your goals are, and review once in a while to see that you are making progress toward your goals.

● Practice, practice, and practice.

After you have set your goals, you have a better idea of what you need to practice. Just like the athlete whose goal is the Olympics must train daily, you as a language learner must practice language every day to make progress toward your goal. 5.

A. Want to learn.

B. I think it is not easy to learn it well.

C. Make friends with some Americans online.

D. Reading is a very good way to learn new words.

E. The answers are as different as the people asking the question.

F. The more you practice, the more progress you will make.

G. Having goals will help you remember what areas you want to work on.

Online clothes shoppers will be told exactly what size is best for them using new software which combines with their webcam(网络摄像头) or smart phone to form a 3D tape measure.

Scientists from Surrey University and design experts from the London College of Fashion are developing a program which can take precise waist, hip, chest and other measurements from camera images.

Using the person's height as a starting point, the software will be able to build up a 3D image and estimate their size at various different points on the body, based on their overall proportions. The result will be a more accurate sizing guide than previous systems based on waist size or a “small/medium/large” scale, which rely on limited measurements and the buyer's perception of their own body size.

Shoppers and retailers(零售商) who choose to sign up for the project could save millions of pounds a year in postage costs by removing the need to order multiple sizes of the same garment and send back illfitting clothes, researchers claimed. The project, sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC), is expected to be brought to market within two years.

After choosing an item, the shopper will activate the software, enter their height, stand in front of their webcam or smart phone in their underwear and take a photograph.

The software will not store or transmit the image to the Internet, but will use it to judge the person's dimensions at various points on their body.

Philip Delamore of the London College of Fashion said, “The potential benefits for the fashion industry and for shoppers are huge. Currently, it's common for online shoppers to order two or three different sizes of the same item of clothing at the same time, as they're unsure which one will fit best.”

1.What is the essential part of a 3D tape measure?

A. A webcam. B. A software.

C. A microphone. D. A smart phone.

2.What can we learn about the 3D tape measure?

A. It will store or transmit the image to the Internet.

B. It is based on the buyer's perception of their size.

C. It will be a co-working production.

D. It uses a person's weight as a starting point.

3.How can the 3D tape measure benefit online shoppers?

A. Online shoppers will get their ordered garment in time.

B. Online shoppers will get their ordered garment more quickly.

C. Online shoppers will get an ordered garment of high quality.

D. Online shoppers will get an ordered garment to their measure.

4.What is the right order for a shopper to form a 3D tape measure?

①to take a photo with a webcam

②to activate the software

③to enter his/her height

④to judge his/her size by analysing his/her image

A. ②③①④ B. ②①③④

C. ①②③④ D. ②③④①

Recently I understood the true meaning of love. The ________ was Kane, my neighbor Joline’s two-year-old son.

Kane was born with a physical problem on his ________. And I witnessed (目睹) the ________ that Kane’s physical  shortcomings  had on his family. I also saw a ________ family that embraced (拥抱) this special child. A family that wouldn’t allow Kane to know he was ________. Joline had constructed a small cart for his son to _______. Kane used his hands to move about, and the cart ________ him to “go to” any place just as everyone else was able to do. Kane was not just a member of the family, but the ________ of the family.

With a wide smile, it was easy to see that even at the age of two, Kane liked to ________ with people very much. With wisdom of an individual (个人), this boy even ________ the most complex of human emotions. Later I came to  ________ that this child was sent to help some of us who weren’t just getting what love was all about.

Kane demanded attention, ________ not because of his mobility (移动能力) challenges or other apparent shortcomings. In his mind, he had no_______ or shortcomings. The ________ was that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer.

Kane ________ me in a deep way. His ability to refuse to be different has ________ me. Kane was and is ________ a boy of powerful energy to me. From him and his family I learnt the ________: love surpasses (超越) all things. I can only imagine that as the parent of a child like Kane one might be filled with ________ . But I believe that having a child like Kane is actually a(n)________ . The parents of such special babies are angels too,

just as the babies are.

1.A. problem B. matter C. reason D. pressure

2.A. legs B. eyes C. hands D. arms

3.A. effect B. comment C. demand D. look

4.A. similar B. wonderful C. practical D. fair

5.A. normal          B. real C. different D. terrible

6.A. go ahead B. speed up       C. turn out D. get around

7.A. allowed B. invited C. advised D. caused

8.A. symbol B. pride C. center D. trouble

9.A. communicate B. compare C. agree D. compete

10.A. reminded B. understood C. discovered D. trusted

11.A. recognize B. experience C. imagine D. realize

12.A. and B. or C. but D. as

13.A. challenges B. expectations C. promises D. chances

14.A. goal B. result C. possibility D. truth

15.A. touched B. stopped C. caught D. kept

16.A. puzzled B. shocked C. amused D. inspired

17.A. even B. yet C. still D. almost

18.A. lesson B. subject C. fact D. skill

19.A. excitement B. determination C. anger D. anxiety

20.A. ability B. advantage C. problem D. failure

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