
5.Do the plan meet with yourapproval(赞成)?

分析 这个计划你赞成吗?

解答 78.approval     approval 是名词,意为"赞成,同意,批准",with后面应该加名词,故填名词approval.

点评 考查名词的词义.在熟知单词词义的基础上要注意词性的修饰,approval的动词形式是approve.

2.Bottled water has become the choice for people who are healthy and thirsty.Bottled water is all over the world.But some say the planet's health,and people's health may be suffering from it.
The idea that bottled water is safer for humans may not be true.The Natural Resources Defense Council of America said,"There is no promise that because water comes out of a bottle,it is cleaner or safer than water from the tap."Another New York City-based action group added that some bottled water is"really just tap water in a bottle-sometimes more clean,sometimes not."

It is not proven that bottled water is better than tap water.Nick Reeves from the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management said,"The high mineral content (含量) of some bottled water makes them not good for feeding babies and young children."Also,most bottled water doesn't have fluoride (氟化物),which can make teeth stronger.Kids are drinking more bottled water and less fluoridated tap water,and some say that's behind the recent rise in bad teeth.
Storing is another problem.Placed near heat,the plastic bottles can produce bad chemicals (化学物质) into the water.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency,some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used worldwide to bottle water each year.The plastic can take between 400 and 1,000 years to break down.
In terms of energy use,plastic bottles are also not cheap.One report said that if water and soft drink bottlers had used 10 percent recycled materials in their plastic bottles,they would have saved about 72 million gallons of gas.
So,if you are worried about the effect of bottled water on the Earth,you can take the following steps.
●Drink from your tap.Unless your government warns against this,it should be fine.
●Get a container (容器).Carry your tap water in a steel or a lined drinking container,and clean it between uses.
●Keep it cool.Don't drink from a bottle that has been sitting in the sun,don't store it near chemicals,and don't reuse plastic bottles.
●Choose glass containers over plastic if possible.When finished,recycle!
48.What is the main idea of the article?D
A.Drinking tap water is the only choice for people.
B.Glass containers are better than plastic bottles.
C.Plastic bottles are harmful to the environment.
D.Bottled water may not be as good as we think.
49.What can we learn about plastic bottles from the article?C
A.They break down in less than 300 years.
B.They can be used for many other things.
C.They are a risk to the environment.
D.They are cheap to make.
50.According to the article,we can know that bottled water isB
A.no problem for the environment       
B.more expensive than tap water
C.always safer than tap water           
D.better for babies
51.Which of the following about tap water is NOT mentioned in the article?A
A.There are a lot of problems storing tap water.
B.Bottled water can be just tap water in a bottle.
C.It may be better for your teeth.
D.It may contain fluoride.
3.Health experts have long known that vitamin D is important for healthy bones and teeth.It may also help to protect the body against diseases such as diabetes and cancer.And now,researchers say vitamin D might help fight brain diseases called dementia (痴呆).
Dementia is a brain disease that damages thinking and memory processes,which scientists call"cognitive (认知) abilities."Dementia is difficult to treat.Taking care of someone who has dementia is extremely demanding.And the disease is very frightening to sufferers.Chris Roberts suffers from dementia.He says the worst part of living with this disease was getting lost while driving."The worst thing that I found was getting lost in the car,not just forgetting where I was going-I wouldn't know where I was."More than 47million people around the world suffer from dementia.The World Health Organization reports that 60percent of them live in low-and middle-income countries.
We get vitamin D from some foods like nuts,lentils (扁豆) and fatty fish.We also get vitamin D from the sun.But that is not dependable.In some parts of the world,there is not enough sunlight to provide enough vitamin D.Also,sunblock prevents the vitamin from entering the body.To add to the problem,the skin's ability to process vitamin D weakens as a person ages.
Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey are exploring the relationship between vitamin D and dementia.The team recently measured vitamin D levels and cognitive ability in older people.Nutritional sciences professor Joshua Miller led the team.He said cognitive abilities differed among the study subjects.He said tests showed that about 60percent of the group was low in vitamin D.
32.Which of the following is true about vitamin D?B
A.Vitamin D can decrease people's risk of heart diseases.
B.Vitamin D helps the body fight against cancer.
C.Vitamin D is mainly obtained from the sun.
D.The need for Vitamin D decreases as people age.
33.What does the underlined word"demanding"mean in Paragraph 2?D
A.Boring but rewarding.
B.Disturbing and frightening.
C.Disgusting and stressful.
D.Hard and tiresome.
34.What does Paragraph 3mainly talk about?B
A.How vitamin D affects people's health.
B.Where people get vitamin D.
C.Whether sunlight can produce vitamin D.
D.Why people's age influences the production of vitamin D.
35.Where can we most probably read the passage?C
A.In a travel brochure.
B.In a literature magazine.
C.In a science journal.
D.In a commercial advertisement.
7.Confidence Comes From Treating Others As Equals
There's been recent discussion over Chinese attitudes toward foreigners,caused by another quarrel between a foreigner and a taxi driver.According to the studies described in the Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology,Chinese have lower self-confidence compared to Westerners.Yet does the result still apply to the Chinese people today?
Yes and no.For the moment,different attitudes toward foreigners can still be found in China's society,with some displaying low self-confidence like"Foreigners are awesome (令人敬畏的),and Western countries are awesome.We should respect them and be as polite as possible,and shouldn't let them look down on us,"and a few unfriendly opinions such as"Some foreigners are rude and disrespectful,and their level of civility (礼貌) is far behind China."
Chinese used to be lacking in self-confidence.It might start from the modern history,after the failure in the Opium wars,and the following humiliation (耻辱) of being bullied (被欺负) and brought to their knees by Western guns.And the dark history is still to some extent affecting our mentality (心态) today.
For some time,the Western world represents the best of everything in some Chinese eyes.But our state of mind is gradually changing.When asked"What makes you feel proud of your country?"in school classes in China,answers vary from the World Expo to the Olympic Games,from athletes to astronauts,from the mushrooming skyscrapers to busy metropolises,which have all filled us with growing self-confidence.
While answering the question"Since China is so good today and Chinese people are more confident,why are an increasing number of Chinese emigrating abroad?"Zhang Weiwei,a professor at Fudan University,replied that at least 70percent of Chinese migrants (移民) become more patriotic (爱国的) after leaving their home country,no matter whether they have become a naturalized citizen of another nation or not.Such result and experiences are much more convincing and have better effect than dozens of"patriotic education"classes.
There is no reason for us not to be self-confident.We live in the world's second-largest economy.Chinese net financial assets per capita (人均纯金融资产) and the purchasing power of people have seen a sharp rise,with more and more people starting to purchase works of art,instead of only necessities.These all indicate a rising standard of life and self-confidence.
Nevertheless,the point of the changing attitudes toward ourselves or other countries is not realizing other nations are better or worse than China,but treating them like how we treat our fellow Chinese.That is what confidence means,not being condescending (屈尊),not worshiping,but looking each other in the eye with trust and respect.
67.According to the text,what are the Chinese attitudes toward foreigners today?B
A.They think the foreigners are always rude.
B.They have various attitudes toward foreigners.
C.They always speak highly of the foreigners.
D.They believe foreigners are just common people.
68.Chinese used to lack self-confidence becauseD.
A.They thought the foreigners were mysterious.
B.They used to think themselves less powerful.
C.They once believed foreigners were awesome.
D.They were deeply influenced by the dark history.
69.According to Zhang Weiwei,most Chinese migrantsC.
A.desire to be a citizen of another nation
B.are unwilling to return to their motherland
C.develop a stronger love for their home country
D.serve as bad examples in patriotic education
70.What's the main idea of the passage?A
A.Chinese should be confident and take the foreigners as equals.
B.Chinese have enough confidence to make greater progress.
C.Chinese have a lower self-confidence faced with foreigners.
D.Chinese should be proud of the great achievement of their country.
10.The truth(41)thattrees are vital to our life is not a secret.They provide us with food,wood and most (42)importantly(important),oxygen.Now there is one more thing we can add to this list-blocking out harmful bacteria from water.
The discovery(43)was made(make) by a team (44)consisting(consist) of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and high school students(45)who were seeking a natural water filter-one that would help communities in developing countries that do not have (46)acess(accessible) to modern water filter systems.
The(47)researchers(research),led by Professor Rohit Karnik,decided to turn to trees for help because they could allow liquid to flow through,while blocking out air bubbles.
They began by cutting 1.5-inch-wide sections of tree bark from the branches of a white pine tree.The people related then tested the wood's filtering ability by pouring water containing red dye particles of different sizes through.(48)Totheir amazement,they found that it was effective in trapping all the articles.(49)Encouraged(encourage),the team conducted(50)anotherexperiment,this time with water that contained bacteria.Sure enough,the sapwood held back 99% of the bacteria,allowing only 1% to flow through.
17.It is a beautiful evening in May.The lights shine and float(浮动) across the surface of the water.The yachts(游艇) are like floating nightclubs moving to the sound of the music,the laughter,and joyous mood of the parties.If it's May in Cannes,then it must be the Cannes Film Festival.
The Hollywood Oscars are the most famous film awards in the world.They receive the most publicity and they are the awards of which the public is most aware.However,they occur on one night of the year.and no films are shown.The Cannes Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Cannes,France,which previews new films of all.genres from around the world.It lasts for almost two weeks,shows many films and is regarded by many who work in the film industry as the most important film.festival in the world.
In the 1930s,the French minister for education put forward the idea for an international film festival.In 1947,the festival was held in Cannes with sixteen countries taking part and the Cannes Festival,as we know it today,was born.A committee chooses films from countries all over the world.During the festival,a panel of judges chooses the best films in many different categories,for example best film,best short film or best film made by a student.
The settingfor the festival adds to its beauty.Cannes is located on the French Riviera,which enjoys an average of 12 hours of sunshine a day in May and has mild winters.The festival benefits from the weather and all the usual attractions can be seen.at the festival.Cannes is also famous for its luxury restaurants and shops.It's not unusual to be sitting in a restaurant and to look across at the next table and see film stars and directors with their friends.
72.The opening paragraph is mainly intended toB
A.describe the beauty and luxury of Cannes
B.attract the readers'interest in the subject
C.show great respect for the yachts designer
D.stress the importance of the film festival
73.In what way is the Cannes Film Festival different from the  Hollywood Oscars?B
A.It's more popular to the public.    
B.Films will be shown during it.
C.It has a much earlier origin.       
D.It's held every other year.
74.During the Cannes Film Festival,youC.
A.will pay less for your restaurants  
B.can visit all the attractions for free
C.can run into popular film stars easily                 
D.must protect yourself from cold weather
75.What does"setting"mean in the last paragraph?D
A.Stage setting for the film festival.                  
B.Geographic position of Cannes.
C.Table services for visitors.        
D.The environment of Cannes.
14.The League of High Schools is pleased to invite student freethinkers to our 2007 Student Leadership Meeting July 15-17 at our office building in Manhattan,New York.
This yearly meeting has been successfully held for the past three years.The event brings together student activists from around North America for a busy weekend of workshops,networking,lectures,and a lot of fun.
We encourage every school to send at least one representative (代表)(if not more) and we are keeping the costs down to help make this possible.Any individual (个人)•student activists who are interested are also welcome to attend.Registration (注册),rd5m and food for the entire three 一 day event will cost only $ 39 for each student.We've  booked you single rooms at Travelodge,New York.For any information about the hotel,please call 88643911.
This time we are making a special offer 一 providing some money for travelling to make sure each group can send a representative even if it lacks the money to do so.Email Anna Porter at apor-ter@leaguehighschool.net or call 46935040 to get more information about this travel support.
The registration form can be found at http://www.freethought.org/SLM2007.pdf.For more information about registration you may call Lucy Becker at 36904560 or email her at lbecker@IeaguehighschooL net.
So don't wait!Send in your registration.‘
35.The main purpose of this passage is toB.
A.explain meeting programs       
B.invite students to a meeting
C.call for papers for a meeting  
D.introduce meeting organizers
36. From the passage we know that the Student Leadership Meeting.D
A.invites students from Manhattan
B.provides free meals for students
C.is held every three years      
D.was first held in 2004
37.What is new about this year's meeting?C
A.There is wireless Internet service.
B.Individual students are welcome.
C.It offers money to some groups.
D.The cost for registration is low.
38 If you want to know more about registration,you mayA.
A.email Lucy Becker              
B.email Anna Porter
C.call 88643911                  
D.call 46935040.

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