
You may have experienced the annoyance of being fined because of parking illegally or finding your car towed away(拖走)after leaving it parked somewhere for a couple of minutes.But now a high-tech car sticker that’s designed to be stuck to a car’s windscreen could help motorists avoid such a situation.

The TowStop sticker sends a text message to a driver when touched by a traffic policeman,to allow motorists to send a reply and give them time to move their cars immediately.Frankfurt-based IT consultant,Daniel Kalliontzis,came up with the idea and is raising money to put his ?54(£43) sticker into production.

Car owners can put the sticker inside their car’s windscreen,having set it up with key information,such as their phone number.The slim design will include a sensor(传感器)that,when touched by a traffic policeman,will send a text message warning a driver of a possible fine.The driver could then type a reply for the policeman using a smartphone,which will appear on the sticker’s screen.

The smart sticker system will rely on the good will of traffic policemen and in a way,a German law.The law states:an officer has to choose the most efficient and inexpensive way for the car owner to remove the vehicle.It could be cheaper for the government to call the driver than to tow his car.

Mail Online asked the Department of Transport whether the sticker could be used in the UK in a similar way.A spokesman said,“In England there is no legal duty to warn the motorist before issuing the ticket.However,a policeman does have the discretion not to issue a ticket if he doesn’t think the situation is that bad or he just wants to issue a warning.”

So far,Mr.Kalliontzis has raised just over ?3,000(£2,362)of his ?50,000(£39,381) goal.If he manages to raise the money,the stickers will be shipped in June 2015.But it appears that car owners using the smart system could get some unnecessary warning messages,because anyone could touch the smart sticker.

1.The author wrote the third paragraph to _______________.

A.explain how a smart car sticker works

B.advise drivers to buy a car sticker

C.show the importance of a sensor

D.tell drivers how to park a car

2.We may infer from the text that in Britain _______________.

A.car owners don’t have to worry about a parking ticket

B.smart car stickers wouldn’t work as well as in Germany

C.traffic policemen prefer to call a driver rather than tow his car

D.the Department of Transport thinks highly of smart car stickers

3.The underlined word“discretion” in Paragraph 5 can best be replaced by“____________”.

A.trouble B.pressure

C.freedom D.opportunity

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Daniel Kalliontzis — a great inventor

B.Environment-friendly car stickers

C.Parking systems in Europe

D.End of the parking ticket?


It is now February 7, 2035. The search engine TalkTalk will be open to the public next week and this service will soon be something beyond your imagination. For the first time you can not only talk to the search engine, but you can discuss with it what you are looking for.

For example, if you want to know more about the oil price, TalkTalk asks if you want to know the current oil price, the development of the oil price, or news related to the oil price. You say that you want to read news about it and TalkTalk then directs you to your source, or lets you have the latest news related to the oil price in order from the most respectable sources.

Compared with other search services that use a certain algorithm (程序) to provide data from a search, the artificial intelligence (人工智能) behind TalkTalk is said to easily spot if a certain source is aiming to cheat the searcher. TalkTalk also judges and stores every given reply and discussion, to learn how to give correct answers. TalkTalk is also set to answer questions directly where there is a definite answer. How well this will work in the long run is yet to be seen, but thousands of people have tested TalkTalk and the quality is really good.

The first talking search engine saw the light of day more than 30 years ago and was called Speegle. It could read the results from a written search on the Internet, and was mostly for blind people.

So far, TalkTalk cannot read the information from a certain source to you by phone, if it is not freely available. There are currently talks to find an arrangement for this, but it would most likely be difficult because of copyright(版权).

TalkTalk is available over the Internet and also by phone, even though it only speaks English. There are no plans to add other languages in the near future, most likely because it will cost a lot of money. When you are tired of asking TalkTalk all your questions, just ask, “Where is TalkTalk?” and you will get an answer that will make you leave it with a smile on your lips.

1.The example in Paragraph 2 is given to show .

A. how to use the search engine TalkTalk

B. how to search for news on the Internet

C. the oil price is a very hot issue currently

D. TalkTalk has a very high intelligence

2.The advantage of TalkTalk is that it can .

A. be available wherever you go

B. tell if a certain source is reliable

C. read the search results for you

D. offer different kinds of search results

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A. TalkTalk can read all the information online.

B. TalkTalk will speak other languages soon.

C. TalkTalk may have a bright future.

D. TalkTalk is very expensive.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Hello, TalkTalk

B. Where is TalkTalk

C. TalkTalk is improving

D. Development of search engines

5.In which part of a future newspaper can you read the text?

A. Opinion. B. Culture.

C. Lifestyle. D. Technology.

A Korean wave is sweeping across China, with many Chinese women worshiping South Korean actors Kin Soo hyun and Lee Min ho as demigods(偶像).Chinese netizens always have different opinions.Over South Korean TV dramas, but there is no doubt that programs from the neighboring country are now enjoying a new round of popularity in China, And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who Came From The Star, the South Korean TV series which is on the air now.

You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs (继承者们) have been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia.Besides, the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, read by the hero You Who Came From The Star was a hard to get item on Amazon for a while.

The two TV programs have several common elements (因素):a tall, handsome, and rich hero who loves the heroine blindly and always protects her, and an equally handsome man madly in love with the same woman.Both programs describe the purity of love, which is expressed through a kiss or a warm hug.Perhaps that’s the secret of their success; perhaps people still like Cinderella type stories.

The widening wealth gap is a matter of social concern both in South Korea and China, and the challenges that young people face in their hope for a better life might have caused many ordinary girls to dream of marrying rich, caring men.This is precisely what the popular South Korean TV drams describe.In fact, South Korean TV dramas are tailored to meet the market’s demands.

Many netizens even said at an earlier time that South Korean TV dramas had become popular because of their stereotyped (模式化的) themes: traffic accidents, cancer and other incurable diseases.But all that has changed with the success of You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs, which Chinese directors can use as examples, as well as inspiration, to improve their productions.

1.What is the main reason for a new round of popularity in China?

A.The dramas are from the neighboring country North Korea.

B.Most of the Chinese netizens have voted for them.

C.The actors in the dramas are all gods.

D.It is because of You Who Came From The Star.

2.Which is NOT included in the elements for the success of South Korean dramas?

A.Charming pure love stories.

B.A tender kiss and a warm hug.

C.Handsome and rich heroes.

D.The heroine’s blind love with the rich.

3.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means that they are designed to _______.

A.develop in a large scale

B.be measured to a certain size

C.meet popular taste purposely

D.be shown in a big market

4.The main purpose of stereotyped themes in South Korean dramas is to________.

A.present an idea

B.attract TV viewers

C.make them colorful

D.arouse some challenges

Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to the patients at the clinic.

One evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a truly awful-looking man. He’s hardly taller than my eight-year-old son. “Good evening. I’ve come to see if you’ve a room. I came for a treatment this morning from the eastern shore, and there’s no bus till morning.” He told me he’d been hunting for a room since noon but with no success. “I guess it’s my face…I know it looks terrible, but my doctor says with a few more treatments…” For a moment I hesitated, but his next words convinced me: “I could sleep in this chair on the porch. My bus leaves early in the morning.”

I told him we would find him a bed. When I had finished the dishes, I talked with him. He told me he fished for a living to support his five children, and his wife, who was hopelessly crippled (残疾的) from a back injury. He didn’t tell it by way of complaint. Next morning, just before he left, as if asking a great favor, he said, “Could I come back and stay the next time?” He added, “Your children made me feel at home.”

On his next trip he arrived a little after seven in the morning. As a gift, he brought a big fish and the largest oysters (牡蛎) I had ever seen. I knew his bus left at 4:00 a.m. and I wondered what time he had to get up in order to do this for us.

In the years he came to stay overnight with us and there was never a time that he did not bring us vegetables from his garden. I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned how to accept the bad without complaint when facing the misfortune.

1.Why did the author agree to let the man spend the night in his house at last?

A. Because the man said others refused to accommodate him.

B. Because the man said he would not cause much inconvenience.

C. Because the man said he had come from the eastern shore.

D. Because the man said he had been hunting for a room since noon.

2. How long would it take the man to travel from his home to Baltimore by bus?

A. About 1 hour. B. About 2 hours.

C. About 3 hours. D. About 4 hours.

3.From the text we can know that __________.

A. the author’s children were kind and friendly to the man

B. the man was fed up with his hard-work and his family

C. John Hopkins Hospital provided rooms for the patients to live in

D. the author and his family were thought highly of by his neighbors

4.The author’s family were grateful to know the man because __________.

A. he often brought them fish and vegetables from his garden

B. he paid them money for his staying

C. he taught them how to accept the bad without complaint

D. he stayed only overnight with the writer’s family

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