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Dear Johnny£¬
I'm glad to know that you will travel to and explore Huaggang Mountain£®And it's a great pleasure for me to offer you some advice£®
Li Hua£®
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½â´ð Dear Johnny£¬
I'm glad to know that you will travel to and explore Huanggang Mountain£®And it's a great pleasure for me to offer you some advice£®
First of all£¬you should prepare a local map of Huanggang Mountain£®Before starting£¬you should surf the Internet to look for some information about the weather on the weekend there so as to take enough clothes and food£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©Meanwhile£¬it's necessary to take a flashlight and some medicines£®Because there are few people living in the mountain£¬it's good for you to find several friends to make this exciting journey with you together£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©If a local guide will serve you£¬it will be even better£®
Special care should be taken while you travel in the mountain£®I wish you a good time!
Li Hua
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other people£®When we communicate£¬we can make use of both£¨42£©Cand written language£®But are They£¨43£©A£¿The answer is No£®Sometimes we have to communicate by using body movements
instead of £¨44£©C£®This is called body language£®Body language is very important in our lives for Several£¨45£©B Firstly£¬it makes our communication more colorful£®It's really£¨46£©Dto imagine a conversation without any body language£¨47£©A How dull and boring it will be to just talk without any gestures£¬facial expressions£¨48£©Dany other body movements£¡Body language makes our talking more£¨49£©Band interesting£®
Secondly£¬it makes our communication more£¨50£©C£®Sometimes a gesture or a facial expression
can make us more easily and quickly understood£®£¨51£©Ba good speaker for example£ºhis or her
body movements will help him or her leave a deeper and stronger impression on£¨52£©C
Finally£¬sometimes we£¨53£©Ato use body language£®On some occasions£¬we are not allowed to
Speak£¨54£©C£®Examples of this are in the library or in the £¨55£©Dclassroom£®Then body language will Be£¨56£©Bnecessary£®Also£¬when we meet someone in the street£¬there is no need for us to£¨57£©Bfor a chat£¬so a nod or wave of hand may be OK£®
Your body language sends a strong message to others£¬so be aware that£¨58£©Dyou have your
arms folded across your chest while you talk£¬you are£¨59£©Cothers out£¬for example£®If you land an interview£¬£¨60£©Dyour body language£¬ask good questions£¬and convey confidence and enthusiasm£®
Your body language indicates your level of self-esteem£®So understanding body language is a crucial £¨¾ö¶¨ÐԵģ© part of meeting someone new and can not be overlooked£®
41£®A£®deal | B£®work | C£®do | D£®live |
42£®A£®body | B£®native | C£®spoken | D£®foreign |
43£®A£®enough | B£®good | C£®correct | D£®useful |
44£®A£®sentences | B£®messages | C£®words | D£®noises |
45£®A£®times | B£®reasons | C£®occasions | D£®places |
46£®A£®pleasant | B£®common | C£®dying | D£®hard |
47£®A£®involved | B£®made | C£®talked | D£®told |
48£®A£®and | B£®but | C£®so | D£®or |
49£®A£®alive | B£®lively | C£®silent | D£®difficult |
50£®A£®complicated | B£®reasonable | C£®effective | D£®interesting |
51£®A£®Set | B£®Take | C£®make | D£®Turn |
52£®A£®readers | B£®students | C£®listeners | D£®people |
53£®A£®have | B£®like | C£®ought | D£®get |
54£®A£®quickly | B£®secretly | C£®loudly | D£®publicly |
55£®A£®empty | B£®bright | C£®large | D£®quiet |
56£®A£®much | B£®quite | C£®more | D£®hardly |
57£®A£®hurry | B£®stop | C£®sit | D£®catch |
58£®A£®though | B£®unless | C£®until | D£®if |
59£®A£®making | B£®showing | C£®shutting | D£®carrying |
60£®A£®send | B£®use | C£®give | D£®mind£® |
Turtles could teach a vast number of people a lot about reaching goals£®£¨38£©C£¬have you ever watched a turtle making its way to a stream£¿The turtle£¨39£©Bwhere it is going£» in other words£¬it has set a goal£®Many people£¨40£©Ago through life with no specific goal in mind£®They seem to weave back and forth because their life direction seems to£¨41£©Din relation to whatever influences them at that time£®
Turtles£¬on the other hand£¬have a goal in mind easily£¨42£©Cif you take time to watch them£®The turtle has only one£¨43£©B£®No matter how long it£¨44£©Athem£¬they will do everything they can to reach their goal£®
£¨45£©D£¬the turtle may be slow£®£¨46£©Cthe turtle keeps going£®Each step they take£¬no matter how small£¬they keep taking it£¨47£©Bto their destination£®The turtle never£¨48£©Ca step or breaks into a run£®The reason is that turtles have a better sense of the£¨49£©A of taking small steps over and over again to reach the final victory£®
The£¨50£©Dthing about turtles is that they have a hard shell£®The significance of this shell is to help them£¨51£©Bthemselves from anything that may attack them£®And£¬as the turtles taught me£¬we also need to develop a hard shell against those that would want us to£¨52£©C
Finally£¬the turtle told me that the greatest characteristic to possess in reaching a goal is£¨53£©B£®No matter what the obstacle£¨ÕÏ°£©is£¬there is a £¨n£© £¨54£©Caround it£®No matter how many times one is£¨55£©Dby negativity there is strength in conviction£¨¼á¶¨µÄÐÅÄ£®
36£®A£®unusual | B£®important | C£®practical | D£®different |
37£®A£®impressed | B£®worried | C£®disturbed | D£®aroused |
38£®A£®As a result | B£®In other words | C£®For example | D£®Above all |
39£®A£®wonders | B£®knows | C£®forgets | D£®guesses |
40£®A£®unfortunately | B£®regularly | C£®seriously | D£®peacefully |
41£®A£®delay | B£®stretch | C£®follow | D£®change |
42£®A£®examined | B£®explained | C£®observed | D£®monitored |
43£®A£®idea | B£®goal | C£®wish | D£®guide |
44£®A£®takes | B£®affects | C£®wastes | D£®annoys |
45£®A£®Anyway | B£®Otherwise | C£®Thus | D£®Sure |
46£®A£®And | B£®So | C£®But | D£®Or |
47£®A£®higher | B£®closer | C£®farther | D£®straighter |
48£®A£®reject | B£®moves | C£®skips | D£®seeks |
49£®A£®necessity | B£®possibility | C£®creativity | D£®difficulty |
50£®A£®rest | B£®last | C£®extra | D£®other |
51£®A£®remove | B£®protect | C£®prevent | D£®separate |
52£®A£®compete | B£®continue | C£®fall | D£®judge |
53£®A£®honesty | B£®perseverance | C£®bravery | D£®generosity |
54£®A£®edge | B£®hole | C£®path | D£®entrance |
55£®A£®praised | B£®blamed | C£®inspired | D£®stopped£® |