

【1】Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for all the situations__________ appear in the working world.

【2】With a large amount of work___________(remain) to be done, the chief manager couldnt spare time for a holiday.

【3】In Thailand, many people do not trust the government to do anything much, let alone ____________(make) decisions about life and death.

【4】________________quickly are science and technology advancing that what is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.

【5】On her birthday, she received from her parents a nice present___________ which a note was attached, saying We love you so much.

【6】----What about your self-drive trip yesterday?

----Tiring! The road is being widened, and we___________(have) a rough time.

【7】Theyre paying you 10,000 dollars now for those____________(改编本) of Shakespeares plays.


【8】Most of these are consumer goods to be____________(分销) to shops locally and nationwide.

【9】The beautiful girl finally decided to live on an island, which was____________________(可到达的) only by boat.

【10】The company is committed to________________(牺牲) short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth.













【1】that 注意在本句里的situation是先行词,在空格后的定语从句里缺少的是主语,而且指的是物,所以该空我们可以用which或者that,但是不管用什么都不能省略。

【2】remaining 句意:由于有大量的工作要做,总经理不能抽出时间去度假。这里是with的复合结构,remain是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。故填remaining。

【3】make 句意:在泰国,许多人不信任政府会做更多的事情,更不用说对生死做出决定了。let alone后面结构主要取决于其前面对比内容结构,即要与其前面结构保持一致。故填动词原形make。

【4】so so…that…如此……以至于……,引导的是结果状语从句,so位于句首引起部分倒装,在结果状语从句中有一个由what引导的主语从句。句意:科技发展得如此之快,以至于今天可能的事明天就可能变成了现实。故填So。

【5】to 句意:在生日那天,她收到了一份父母买给她的礼物,上面附有一张纸条,纸条上写着:“我们非常爱你”。这里是定语从句,先行词是present,这里是attach… to附在……上。故填to。

【6】had 根据问句:你昨天的自驾游怎么样啊?可知答话的人是说他们昨天吃了不少苦。因此应该用一般过去时。

【7】adaptations 句意:他们现在为莎士比亚戏剧的改编本付款一万美元。those后接可数名词复数。故填adaptations。

【8】distributed 这些物品中大部分都是消费品,将要被分销到本地及全国范围内的各个商店。

【9】accessible 句意:那个漂亮的女孩决定在岛上生活,这座岛只能乘船到达。accessible可得到的,可达到的。

【10】sacrificing 句意:公司为了长期的发展,而致力于牺牲短期利益。be committed to (doing) sth.献身于,致力于。



A good book can be satisfying. If reading is a habit you’d like to get into, there are some ways to develop it.

Realize that reading is enjoyable if you have a good book. If you have a difficult book and you are forcing yourself through it, it will seem like a task. 【1】

Set time. You should have some time during every day when you’ll read for at least 5 to 10 minutes. 2 For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch and even dinner if you eat alone.

Always carry a book. 3 When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my car keys and one book at hand. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go.

4 Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. Don’t lie down unless you’re going to sleep. There shouldn’t be a television or a computer near the chair, and no music or no noisy family members/ roommates. If you don’t have a place like this, create one.

Reduce television/ the Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on time on TV or the Internet. 5 But remember: every minute you reduce of the Internet/ TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.

A. Wherever you go, take a book with you.

B. Go to bookstores.

C. ave some good tea or coffee while you read.

D. Find a quiet place.

E. This may be difficult for some people.

F. If this happens, give up the book and find another one that you’ll really love.

G. It means you will read no matter how busy you are.

【题目】Sooner or later, most students are to take some form of English examinations. Often the more successful students are better prepared. However, sometimes students who do well have better test taking skills. These abilities really have nothing to do with understanding English better. They are skills that make taking the test easier, and therefore provide better results.

Here are some very important—and often ignored—guidelines to taking a test successfully.

Do not insist on completing each question before going to the next. This is extremely important. Remember one question may only be worth one point! You will become nervous when you fail to find out its answer, making you lose your concentration and leading to worse results.

Go through the test a second time working out the answers to more difficult questions. Sometimes questions asked are answered in later questions asking for different things.

Usually(but not always) a strong first impulse(冲动) means we know the answer and we don’t really have to think about it too much. Going back to think about it usually makes you unsure and often causes a mistake. This is very common, so be very careful!

If you don’t know the answer, write something. If you are answering a 4 possibility multiple choice question you will still have a 25% chance of being correct!

Taking a test is as much for you as is for your teacher, so never cheat. If you cheat, you don’t help yourself in the long run.

【1】In the first paragraph, the writer stresses the importance of ______.

A. better preparations for exams.

B. better understanding of English.

C. better skills at taking exams.

D. better results of taking exams.

【2】When taking an exam, you are advised ______.

A. to first answer the questions which are easier to you.

B. to depend on your first impulse to answer the questions.

C. to search the test paper for all the answers to the questions.

D. to give up the questions whose answers you don’t know.

【3】It is common that many students______.

A. pay much attention to their testing skills.

B. often give up a difficult test halfway.

C. often get higher results by cheating.

D. don’t believe in their first impulse.

【4】What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Effective Studying Methods.

B. Effective Test Taking Skills.

C. Getting Better Exam Results

D. Being Successful Students.


Fat and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. "Football, tennis, cricket--- anything with a round ball, I was useless," he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the one always made fun of in school gym classes in Devonshire, England.

It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first he went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to ride the bike along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set up his mind on building up his body, increasing his speed and strength. At the age of 18, he ran his first marathon.

The following year he met John Ridgway and was hired as an instructor at Ridgway's school of adventure in Scotland, where he learnt about Ridgway's cold-water exploits. Greatly interested, Saunders read all he could about North Pole explorers and adventures, the decided that this would be his future.

In 2001, after becoming a skillful skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition towards the North Pole. It took unbelievable energy. He suffered frostbite, ran into a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit, pulling his supply-loaded sled up and over rocky rice.

Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he's skied more of the North Pole by himself than any other British man. His old playmates would not believe the change.

Next October, Saunders, 27, heads south from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, a 2900-kilometer journey that has never been completed on skis.

【1】What change happened to Saunders after he was 15 years old?

A. He became good at most sports.

B. He began to build up his body.

C. He joined a sports team

D. He made friends with a runner.

【2】The underlined word “exploits” (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to ______.

A. journeys B. researches

C. adventures D. operations. W

【3】What does the story mainly tell us abut Saunders?

A. He is a success in sports.

B. He is the best British skier.

C. He is Ridgway's best student.

D. He is a good instructor at school.

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