The poaching,or illegal killing,of rhinos(犀牛) in South Africa is growing worse each year.The government recently reported that a record number of rhinos were poached in 2014,a year which had more rhino killings in South Africa than ever before.

The World Wildlife Fund,or WWF,says about 20,000 rhinos live in South Africa.That is more than 80 percent of the rhinos in the world.Edna Molewa,South Africa’s environmental issues minister,says,“During 2014,we are sad to say this,1,215 rhinos were killed.This is a rise in the number of poached rhinos from 1004 in 2013 and indeed very worrying.”

The animals are hunted for their horns(犀牛角).Many people in Asia believe the horn has curing power,which drives poachers,at all costs,mad for more horns.But there is no scientific evidence for this belief.The horn is made of keratin.That is the same thing as human hair, fingernails and toenails.

Ms.Mo1ewa said 386 suspected poachers were arrested last year,an increase from the year before.But rhino protection workers say poachers often go unpunished after arrest.South Africa’s legal system is ineffective.Ms.Molewa said more needs to be done and South Africa is taking strong measures to protect rhinos.The efforts include moving some of the animals to secret places in neighboring countries.“Now approximately 100 rhinos have been moved to neighboring states in the SADC region during 2014 and 200 more rhinos will be moved this year”Molewa said.

Jo Shaw,the rhino program manager at the WWF,said,“we’re talking about a loss of a hundred rhinos a month.Or more than three a day.We really need to see effective action not just at a national level but internationally.”She says officials should find the criminal groups responsible for the poaching and punish them.Government officials are to meet in Botswana in March at the Inter-governmental Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade.

1.What do we know about rhinos?

A.Half of the rhinos live in South Africa.

B.Less than 1,000 rhinos were killed in 2013.

C.The killing reached the highest point in 2014.

D.There are only 20,000 rhinos left in the world.

2.What is the main reason for people to hunt rhinos?

A.To get more keratin.

B.To protect the farmland.

C.To use them for decoration.

D.To make money from horns.

3.Jo Shaw thinks that_________.

A.many criminal groups are well organized laws are needed to punish the killers

C.rhino protection needs international cooperation

D.conferences about protecting rhinos are to be held every year

4.What can we infer from the text?

A.Rhino protection has a long way to go.

B.No one would like to buy horns in the future.

C.The illegal killing of rhinos will soon disappear.

D.Rhinos living in South Africa will move to other countries.



The opening and closing of doors are the most significant actions of man’s life. What a lies in doors!

No man knows what awaits him when he opens a door. the most familiar room, where the clock ticks and the hearth glows red at dusk may harbor .The worker may actually have called and the leaking pipe. The cook may have been ill and demanded her passport.

There are many kinds of doors. Revolving doors for hotels, shops and public buildings. There are many the busy, bustling ways of modern life. Can you William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens skipping through a door? There are double doors, sliding doors, stage doors and glass doors. The and mystery of a door lies in its quality of being hidden. A glass door is not a door at all, but a window. The meaning of a door is to what lies inside; to keep the heart in suspense.

Also, there are many ways of opening doors. There is the cheery of elbow with which the waiter opens the kitchen door. There is the sympathetic and awful of the dentist’s maid who opens the door into the operating room and, without speaking, that the doctor is ready for you.

The opening of doors has in it some flavor of the , some sense of moving into a new moment. Even in , the opening of a door may bring relief. But the closing of doors could be , A door closed brings to an end. And there are degrees of sadness in the closing of doors. A door slammed is a confession of weakness. A door shut may often be the most tragic gesture in life.

The opening and closing of doors is a part of the serious fluency of life. Life will not stay and let us alone. We are opening doors with hope, closing them with despair. Life not much longer than a pipe of tobacco, and destiny knocks us out like the ashes.

1.A. mystery B. relief C. scenery D. pleasure

2.A. So B. Still C. Even D. Also

3.A. wishes B. puzzles C. surprises D. changes

4.A. checked B. fixed C. wrapped D. removed

5.A. essential to B. different from C. consistent with D. typical of

6.A. imagine B. suggest C. catch D. notice

7.A. stage B. sliding C. glass D. revolving

8.A. symbol B. miracle C. sign D. mark

9.A. busy B. hide C. discover D. exhibit

10.A. knock B. bump C. push D. touch

11.A. silence B. noise C. voice D. peace

12.A.announce B. admits C. implies D. expects

13.A. darkness B. certainty C. possibility D. unknown

14.A.vain B. hope C. sadness D. happiness

15.A.easy B. terrible C. dull D. interesting

16.A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something

17.A. heavily B. hurriedly C. gently D. firmly

18.A.still B. calm C. silent D. simple

19.A.naturally B. continually C. obviously D. possibly

20.A.measures B. matches C. reaches D. lasts

Read the following passage. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the passage.

Abby and Ally are my dear daughters. Last week, we had an outing and we were really tired later that day. After enjoying good food, we headed back. Abby pushed the button as we awaited the elevator and suddenly Ally let out a sigh of disappointment.

“Oh wait, we can’t use the elevator,” Ally said, pointing to a sign near the elevator. Too tired to challenge her, both Abby and I followed her without looking around the corner to another set of elevators. “Oh, my god,” Ally said, visibly upset. “we can’t use the elevators either!They’re also reserved for the firefighters.” Abby looked at me. I looked at Abby. We both looked at the sign and then we stared at Ally to see if she was serious. She was. .

“Ally, the sign doesn’t say the elevators are reserved for firefighters,” Abby explained. “It says not to use the elevators in case of fire!With that, Ally took a longer look at the sign and actually read it instead of skimming it this time.

What’s the lesson here? You have to spend time reading signs, maps or recipes instead of just assuming you know what they say, or you might go through life climbing many flights of stairs when you could be taking the elevator.

It also got me thinking about how often we do this with reading. I wonder how many people just assume they know what a book says instead of actually spending time reading it, thus making wrong assumptions. How often have I neglected a book simply because I think I “know” what it says when I really just need to slow down, open the book, and focus on the reading?

1.Why did Abby believe what Ally said about the first elevator? (No more than12 words)


2.What did the sign really say? (No more than 9 words)


3.How did Ally read the sign at first? (No more than5 words)


4.How should we read a book according to the author? (No more than 8 words)


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