
One main reason comes from the Chinese tradition _______ the mother of the young woman usually requires her future son-in-law to prepare a house for their marriage, which brings financial pressure to the young man and his family.

A. what B. that C. which D. When




The emotional bond a child secures with its parents has a greater impact on its education than previously thought, a report suggests. The Sutton Trust study says children’s early attachment to parents has far-reaching consequences for their ability to speak, learn and think. Parents who are insecure themselves find it harder to provide children with security, it says. And the report calls for more help so parents can develop such crucial bonds. The study focuses on the application of the theory of attachment—a key theory in child developement and psychology. This says the degree to which children are secure and resilient as they grow up depends on their own early experiences with their mothers and fathers and how they have bonded.

The report from the Sutton Trust education charity, entitled Baby Bonds, makes the case that it has an important impact on children’s future educational chances as well as their emotional well-being. It is based on an analysis of more than 100 studies on the issue, including home visits and assessments and observations of children in a range of countries. The trust argues that although psychologists have been aware of attachment theory, it has not been seen by policy makers as a key influence on educational attainment. And it asks them to take this into account. The report says when babies and toddlers do not form these strong parental bonds—known as secure attachment—they are more likely to exhibit poor language and poor behavior before they reach school.

And it cites international studies which suggest this continues late into life, with insecure children more likely to leave school early or duck out of employment or training. They are also more likely to suffer from aggression, defiance and hyperactivity later in life.

The Sutton Trust says its analysis of the research suggests that about 40% of children in the UK lack a secure attachment with their parents. Lead author Sophie Moullin said that when her team looked at large scale representative studies in a number of countries they all found, from their observations, that between 38% and 42% of children suffered from poor attachment in all the different study locations. She added: “Secure attachment really helps children with emotional and social development and at school it really helps them to manage their behavior. Shouting, looking out of the window, hitting each other…These are the things that teachers will tell you that are stopping children from learning. It’s really only as we understand more about these behavior problems that we have decided that a lot of it goes back to this early bonding with parents. ”

Research director at the trust Conor Ryan said: “Better bonding between parents and babies could lead to more social mobility, as there is such a clear link to education, behavior and future employment. The educational divide emerges early in life, with a 19—month school readiness gap between the most and least advantaged children by the age of five.

This report clearly identifies the fundamental role secure attachment could have in narrowing that school readiness gap and improving children’s life chances. “More support from health visitors, children’s centers together with local authorities in helping parents improve how they bond with young children could play a role in narrowing the education gap. ”

The Sutton Trust study


The study reveals children’s early attachment to parents 1._______ affects their ability to speak, learn and think.

Method of the study

Researchers2._______ more than 100 case studies on the issue through visiting homes, assessing children and 3.________children.

Statistics of the study

·In the UK, only about 60% of children have a secure attachment with their parents.

·In other countries where the studies were carried out, the numbers are quite4.________.

Negative effects of insecure 5._______

·A6.________ of secure parental bonding may lead to poor language and behavior for preschool children.

At the age of five, the7._______ school readiness gap between children can be 19 months.

·Without secure attachment, future life difficulties such as quitting school, 8._________ from work and other emotional issues would emerge.

The significance of parental attachment

Better bonding between parents and babies could lead to a change in people’s social 9.________ because it narrows children’s school readiness gap and it improves children’s life chances.


A10._____ effort is needed for strong parent-child bonding.

Here’s one number to keep in mind during your next cell phone conversation: 50. A new experiment shows that spending 50 minutes with an active phone pressed up to the ear increases activity in the brain. This brain activity probably doesn't make you smarter. When cell phones are on, they emit (发出) energy in the form of radiation that could be harmful, especially after years of cell phone usage. Scientists don't know yet whether cell phones are bad for the brain. Studies like this one are attempting to find it out.

The 47 participants in the experiment may have looked a little strange. Each one had two Samsung cell phones attached to his or her head — one on each ear. The phone on the left ear was off. The phone on the right ear played a message for 50 minutes, but the participants couldn't hear it because the sound was off.

With this set-up, the scientists could be sure they were studying brain activity from the phone itself, and not brain activity due to listening and talking during a conversation. After 50 minutes with two phones strapped to their heads, the participants were given PET scans.

The PET scan showed that the left side (the side with the phone turned off) of each participant's brain hadn't changed during the experiment. The right side of the brain, however, had used more glucose, which is a type of sugar that provides fuel to brain cells. These right-side brain cells were using almost as much glucose as the brain uses when a person is talking. This suggests that the brain cells there were active ― even without the person hearing anything. That activity, the scientists say, was probably caused by radiation from the phone.

Henry Lai, who works at the University of Washington in Seattle, is uncomfortable with the data related to cell phones. Holding a cell phone to your ear during a conversation is “not really safe,” Lai told Science News. Lai is a bioengineer at the University of Washington in Seattle. He wrote an article about the new study for a journal, but he did not work on the study. Bioengineers bring together ideas from engineering and biology.

For those who don't want to wait to find out for sure whether cell phones are bad for the brain, there are ways to talk more safely. You can have short and sweet conversations, use a speakerphone or keep the phone away from your head.

1. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Scientists are sure that cell phones are bad for the brain.

B. In the experiment, the left side of the brain used more glucose.

C. Radiation from the phone probably causes the change in the brain.

D. Henry Lai wrote a lot of articles about this new study.

2. Why weren’t the participants allowed to have a conversation on the phone during the experiment?

A. Because the scientists want to be sure of the accuracy of the experiment.

B. Because they really looked strange and no one wanted to talk to others.

C. Because they were given PET scans and they lost the ability to talk.

D. Because that would be too noisy and bad for the experiment.

3.What is glucose?

A. A type of sugar that provides vitamin to brain cells.

B. Something that the right side of the brain used.

C. A type of sugar that gives energy to brain cells.

D. Something that makes a human excited.

4. According to the last two paragraphs, which is the safest way to use a cell phone?

A. Holding the cell phone close to your head.

B. Using a cell phone more than three hours a day.

C. Taking the most powerful cell phone.

D. Keeping the cell phone at a distance.

5. Where is this article probably taken from?

A. Literature magazine. B. Science News.

C. Story books. D. Art Journal.

If boy wizard Harry Potter uses his magic to capture (迷住) the hearts of millions of teenagers, high school students Gabriella and Troy have charmed American boys and girls with their stories of campus life.

They are the leading characters in High School Musical, a series of hugely successful films in the US. The sequel (续集), High School Musical 3, came out on October 24 and has topped the American box office for two straight weeks.

The show has everything attractive to teenagers — dancing, catchy music, puppy love and good looks. The story starts when high school basketball star Troy and brainy Gabriella — two teenagers who are worlds apart — meet during the winter break. At a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in each other. When school starts, Troy finds out that Gabriella is the new girl at his school.

Eager to find the magic they had during karaoke, Troy and Gabriella decide to audition (试镜) for the school’s upcoming musical. This angers the school’s drama queen Sharpay. However, they overcome difficulties and become the leading actors.

But the story doesn’t end there. High School Musical 2 follows their adventures over summer vacation when Sharpay tires to break up Troy and Gabriella. In the latest sequel, high-school seniors are facing the possibilities of being separated from each other as they go off in different directions when graduating from high school.

Joined by the rest of their friends, Troy and Gabriella stage a musical reflecting their experiences, hopes and fears about the future.

“The success of the High School Musical films shows Disney’s long-term efforts to attract youngsters for whom Mickey Mouse seems to babyish,” wrote New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff. “For the time being, the movie has made fictional high school students as recognizable as that 79-year-old mouse.”

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Boy wizard — Harry Potter.

B. High school students Gabriella and Troy.

C. A successful show — High School Musical.

D. Disney’s long-term efforts.

2.How many films are there in this series of films?

A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.

3.What can you learn from the words “two teenagers who are worlds apart”?

A. They live far away from each other.

B. They used to know each other well.

C. They have a big difference between each other.

D. They study at different schools.

4.What happens in High School Musical 2, according to the passage?

A. Troy and Gabriella audition for a school musical.

B. Troy and Gabriella meet at a karaoke contest.

C. Troy and Gabriella graduate from high school.

D. Sharpay tries to break up Troy and Gabriella.

5.What does New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff mean?

A. High School Musical is possibly more attractive to youngsters.

B. The high school students don’t like Mickey Mouse.

C. Mickey Mouse is more attractive to youngsters.

D. Mickey Mouse is too old to be recognized by youngsters.

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