


The opening and closing of doors are the most significant actions of man’s life. What a lies in doors!

No man knows what awaits him when he opens a door. the most familiar room, where the clock ticks and the hearth glows red at dusk may harbor .The worker may actually have called and the leaking pipe. The cook may have been ill and demanded her passport.

There are many kinds of doors. Revolving doors for hotels, shops and public buildings. There are many the busy, bustling ways of modern life. Can you William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens skipping through a door? There are double doors, sliding doors, stage doors and glass doors. The and mystery of a door lies in its quality of being hidden. A glass door is not a door at all, but a window. The meaning of a door is to what lies inside; to keep the heart in suspense.

Also, there are many ways of opening doors. There is the cheery of elbow with which the waiter opens the kitchen door. There is the sympathetic and awful of the dentist’s maid who opens the door into the operating room and, without speaking, that the doctor is ready for you.

The opening of doors has in it some flavor of the , some sense of moving into a new moment. Even in , the opening of a door may bring relief. But the closing of doors could be , A door closed brings to an end. And there are degrees of sadness in the closing of doors. A door slammed is a confession of weakness. A door shut may often be the most tragic gesture in life.

The opening and closing of doors is a part of the serious fluency of life. Life will not stay and let us alone. We are opening doors with hope, closing them with despair. Life not much longer than a pipe of tobacco, and destiny knocks us out like the ashes.

1.A. mystery B. relief C. scenery D. pleasure

2.A. So B. Still C. Even D. Also

3.A. wishes B. puzzles C. surprises D. changes

4.A. checked B. fixed C. wrapped D. removed

5.A. essential to B. different from C. consistent with D. typical of

6.A. imagine B. suggest C. catch D. notice

7.A. stage B. sliding C. glass D. revolving

8.A. symbol B. miracle C. sign D. mark

9.A. busy B. hide C. discover D. exhibit

10.A. knock B. bump C. push D. touch

11.A. silence B. noise C. voice D. peace

12.A.announce B. admits C. implies D. expects

13.A. darkness B. certainty C. possibility D. unknown

14.A.vain B. hope C. sadness D. happiness

15.A.easy B. terrible C. dull D. interesting

16.A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something

17.A. heavily B. hurriedly C. gently D. firmly

18.A.still B. calm C. silent D. simple

19.A.naturally B. continually C. obviously D. possibly

20.A.measures B. matches C. reaches D. lasts



Mars( 火星) appears to be flowing with small streams of salty water, at least in the summer, scientists reported Monday."It suggests that.it would be possible for there to be life today on Mars," NASA's science mission chief, John Grunsfeld, said at a news conference on September 28, 2015.

The streams are about 12 to 15 feet wide and 300 feet or more long, scientists said."What we're dealing with is wet soil.thin layers of wet soil, not standing water," said Aifred McEwen of the University of Arizona at Tueson ! the principal scientist for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's high-resolution imaging experiment.

Because liquid water is essential to life, the findings could have major implications for the possibility of Martian life.The researchers said further exploration is needed to determine whether microscopic life exists on the planet.

The presence of liquid water could also make life easier for astronauts visiting or

living on Mars.Water could be used for drinking and for creating oxygen and rocket

fuel.NASA's goal is to send humans there in the 2030s.

The evidence of flowing water consists largely of dark, narrow streaks(条痕) on

the surface that tend to appear and grow during the warmest Martian months and fade

the rest of the year.

Mars is extremely cold even in summer, and the streaks are in places where the

temperature is as low as minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit.But salt can lower the freezing point of water and melt ice.

The source of the water is a mystery.Scientists noted it could be melting

ice.It could be an underground aquifer, which is rock or sand that can hold water.It is possibly water vapor from the thin Martian atmosphere, Or it may be a combination Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA's Mars exploration program, said the only definitive way for now to determine whether there's life on Mars is to collect rocks and soil for analysis on Earth - something a U.S.lander set for lift-off in 2020 will do.

1.What would be the best title for the text? '

A.Streams of Water Spotted on Mars

B.Astronauts will Land on Mars

C.NASA's Mars Exploration Program

D.A Breakthrough in the Exploration of Mars

2.According to John Grunsfeld, there seems to be on Mars.

A.salty water

B.standing water

C.rocket fuel

D.human beings

3.Scientists are uncertain about the of the water on Mars.





4.What matters to the existence of liquid water on Mars?

A.The distance from the sun.

B.The favorable climate.

C.The gravity of the earth

D.The salt in it.


A person should eat right,get some exercise,or he or she will look terrible in 25 years.And if the person drinks and smokes? Even____.That's the message from Blue Cross Blue Shield.The ____,called “Future You”,uses a digital camera and computer to compare a person's current image with his or her future ____ without changes in bad habits.

“Smoking can __ _ your skin,” said Anna,a creative operation manager,“You can see what the results of the toxins(毒素) and the chemicals in__ ___are.” Along with the potentially____ __sight of one's older self,Future You offers science­based___ __on what to eat,how much to exercise and other ways to ____ __ your health.But will it work? Too ___ _ to tell was the verdict(意见) of Anna.“I want to see some data!” she said.

Generally,Anna said,men show____ ___concern about their appearance than women.“Women say,‘That looks like my ____ __on the screen,’” she said.“Men are more likely to ___ __,‘Yeah,go ahead.Put it on Facebook.’” The project was raised more than a year ago to improve the overall(总体的) health of the people who are ___ __ of this company.In addition,the growth in the ranks of ___ __customers would bring down the overall cost of health care.In coming weeks,two new ones will be ____ __ in locations such as the American Tobacco Campus and the Museum of Natural Science.If users __ __,their information will be stored as secrets without names to create a database of good and bad ___ ___.

The process is free and the response is not ____ ___,at least according to Valencia Robertson,one of a line of people who waited to ___ __ the instrument on Thursday.“I'm good,” Robertson said after ___ _ her future image.“It's not going to be a big difference.”

1.A.easier B.happier C.bitter D.worse

2.A.instrument B.picture C.place D.structure

3.A.wealth B.character C.appearance D.education

4.A.reflect B.bother C.ruin D.affect

5.A.cigarette B.beers C.medicines D.foods

6.A.confusing B.convincing C.depressing D.exciting

7.A.opinion B.plans C.thought D.advice

8.A.break B.damage C.preserve D.change

9.A.possible B.natural C.early D.clear

10.A.deeper B.less C.higher D.stronger

11.A.son B.father C.daughter D.mom

12.A.guess B.say C.doubt D.wonder

13.A.customers B.managers C.secretaries D.cleaners

14.A.cautious B.smart C.careless D.generous

15.A.showing up B.thought out C. sold out D.dying out

16.A.know B.agree C.come D.listen

17.A.habits B.choices C. methods D.plans

18.A.nice B.cool C.strange D.bad

19.A.repair B.sell C.try D.buy

20.A.drawing B.viewing C.picturing D.imaging



The emotional bond a child secures with its parents has a greater impact on its education than previously thought, a report suggests. The Sutton Trust study says children’s early attachment to parents has far-reaching consequences for their ability to speak, learn and think. Parents who are insecure themselves find it harder to provide children with security, it says. And the report calls for more help so parents can develop such crucial bonds. The study focuses on the application of the theory of attachment—a key theory in child developement and psychology. This says the degree to which children are secure and resilient as they grow up depends on their own early experiences with their mothers and fathers and how they have bonded.

The report from the Sutton Trust education charity, entitled Baby Bonds, makes the case that it has an important impact on children’s future educational chances as well as their emotional well-being. It is based on an analysis of more than 100 studies on the issue, including home visits and assessments and observations of children in a range of countries. The trust argues that although psychologists have been aware of attachment theory, it has not been seen by policy makers as a key influence on educational attainment. And it asks them to take this into account. The report says when babies and toddlers do not form these strong parental bonds—known as secure attachment—they are more likely to exhibit poor language and poor behavior before they reach school.

And it cites international studies which suggest this continues late into life, with insecure children more likely to leave school early or duck out of employment or training. They are also more likely to suffer from aggression, defiance and hyperactivity later in life.

The Sutton Trust says its analysis of the research suggests that about 40% of children in the UK lack a secure attachment with their parents. Lead author Sophie Moullin said that when her team looked at large scale representative studies in a number of countries they all found, from their observations, that between 38% and 42% of children suffered from poor attachment in all the different study locations. She added: “Secure attachment really helps children with emotional and social development and at school it really helps them to manage their behavior. Shouting, looking out of the window, hitting each other…These are the things that teachers will tell you that are stopping children from learning. It’s really only as we understand more about these behavior problems that we have decided that a lot of it goes back to this early bonding with parents. ”

Research director at the trust Conor Ryan said: “Better bonding between parents and babies could lead to more social mobility, as there is such a clear link to education, behavior and future employment. The educational divide emerges early in life, with a 19—month school readiness gap between the most and least advantaged children by the age of five.

This report clearly identifies the fundamental role secure attachment could have in narrowing that school readiness gap and improving children’s life chances. “More support from health visitors, children’s centers together with local authorities in helping parents improve how they bond with young children could play a role in narrowing the education gap. ”

The Sutton Trust study


The study reveals children’s early attachment to parents 1._______ affects their ability to speak, learn and think.

Method of the study

Researchers2._______ more than 100 case studies on the issue through visiting homes, assessing children and 3.________children.

Statistics of the study

·In the UK, only about 60% of children have a secure attachment with their parents.

·In other countries where the studies were carried out, the numbers are quite4.________.

Negative effects of insecure 5._______

·A6.________ of secure parental bonding may lead to poor language and behavior for preschool children.

At the age of five, the7._______ school readiness gap between children can be 19 months.

·Without secure attachment, future life difficulties such as quitting school, 8._________ from work and other emotional issues would emerge.

The significance of parental attachment

Better bonding between parents and babies could lead to a change in people’s social 9.________ because it narrows children’s school readiness gap and it improves children’s life chances.


A10._____ effort is needed for strong parent-child bonding.

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