
【题目】任务型阅读,请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 每个空格只填一个单词。

In China, as in many countries, the north-south divide runs deep. People from the north are seen as hale and hearty, while southerners are often portrayed as cunning, cultured traders. Northerners are taller than southerners. The north eats noodles, while the south eats, rice—and according to new research, when it comes to personality, that difference has meant everything.

A study published Friday by a group of psychologists in the journal Science finds that China’s noodle-slurping northerners are more independent, show more “analytic thought” and divorce more frequently. By contrast, the authors write, rice-eating southerners show more qualities traditionally associated with East Asian culture, including more “holistic thought” and lower divorce rates.

The reason? Cultivating rice, the authors say, is a lot harder. Picture a rice paddy, its delicate seedlings tucked in a bed of water. They require careful tending and many hours of labor—by some estimates, twice as much as wheat—as well as reliance on irrigation systems that require neighborly cooperation. As the authors write, for southerners growing rice, “strict self-reliance might have meant starvation.”

Growing wheat, by contrast, the north’s staple grain, is much simpler. One Chinese fanning guide from the 1600s quoted in the study advised aspiring farmers that “if one is short of labor power, it is best to grow wheat.”

To produce their findings, the authors evaluated the attitudes of 1,162 Han Chinese students in Beijing and Liaoning in the north and in Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan and Sichuan in the south. To control for other factors that distinguish the north and south—such as climate, dialect and contact with herding cultures—the authors also analyzed differences between various neighboring counties in five central provinces along China’s rice-wheat border.

According to the authors, the influence of rice cultivation can help explain East Asia’s “strangely persistent interdependence.” For example, they say South Korea and Japan have remained less individualistic than Western countries, even as they’ve grown wealthier.

The authors aren’t alone in observing the influence various crops have on shaping culture. Malcolm Gladwell in his 2008 book “Outliers” also drew connections between a hard-working ethic (measured by a willingness to fill out long, boring questionnaires) and a historical tradition of rice cultivation in places such as South Korea and Japan, given that the farming of such crops is arguably an equally boring chore.

How China’s North-south Divide Has Influece on 【1 Personality

2】 in personality

China’s northerners 3】 on noodles, and they are thought of as hale, hearty and taller with more 4】 and “analytic thought” as well as higher divorce rates.

On the contrary, the southerners prefer eating rice and have more “holistic thought” and lower divorce rates.


Planting rice needs twice more 5 than planting wheat.

Cultivating rice relies on irrigation system that requires neighbors to6 well.

If you are over independent, you might7 in the south.

If you are 8】 in labor power, it is best to grow wheat in the north.

The Research

The attitudes of 1162 Han Chinese students were evaluated.

Other unrelated factors like climate, dialect and herding cultures were carefully 9 .

The result shows the influence of rice cultivation can result in more cooperation and explain East Asia’s “strangely persistent interdependence”.

Another10 observation

Malcolm Gladwell also found the influence crops have on culture in his 2008 book “Outliers”.




3feed (live)





8lacking (weak)


10similar(related, relevant)



【1Shaping/Forming/Developing考查语篇概括。从最后一段第一行 on shaping culture可见,填词Shaping/Forming/Developing。

【2】Difference(s)/Distinction(s)考查原词重现。从第一段最后一行that difference has meant everything由原文的定语从句表达得知。填词Difference(s)/Distinction(s)。

【3】feed (live) 考查语篇概括。从第一段第三行The north eats noodles。填feed (live)

【4】independence考查同义表述和转换词性。根据第二段第二行 northerners are more independent, 可知. 填词independence

【5】1abor考查原词重现。从第三段第二行many hours of labor中的labor可知,空格处填入1abor

【6】cooperate考查同义表述和转换词性。从第三段第三行require neighborly cooperation中的cooperation可知,空格处填入cooperate

【7】starve考查同义表述。从第三段最后一行strict self-reliance might have meant starvation.可知,空格处填入starve

【8】lacking (weak)考查同义表述。从第四段最后两行if one is short of labor power, it is best to grow wheat.。可知,空格处填入lacking (weak)

【9】controlled 考查同义表述。从第五段第二、三行To control for other factors that distinguish the north and south—such as climate, dialect and contact with herding cultures可知,空格处填入controlled

【10】similar(related, relevant)考查同义表述。从第最后一段第一行The authors aren’t alone in observing the influence中的arent alone可知,空格处填入similar(related, relevant)


【题目】You know that you have everything to be thankful for:a loving family,a pretty good job,and a healthy working body.Still,you keep feeling that what you have just isn’t enough.Sure,you can be happier by making some life changes. 【1】 It will make you more likely to start enjoying that sunshine instead of complaining(抱怨)about sunburn.

Live in the present.

The people who are the happiest with their lives are able to enjoy and hug the present moment. 2 Focus on what the day will bring you instead of what happened yesterday or what you’ll be able to change about tomorrow. 3

Though your life may not be perfect in the moment,there are surely some things that you can be very grateful for,whether it’s your loving family,your amazing friends,your health,your cool new job,or your amazing home.You probably don’t have all of these things but surely there are a few things you can remind yourself to be grateful for every single day.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Stop thinking about how big your neighbor’s house is,how great your friend Jack’s job is,or how perfect your best friend’s relationship is.You’ll never get anywhere if you compare yourself to others. 4

Hang out with people who are satisfied with their lives.

Surround yourself with people who are good influences.They will show you that there are all kinds of ways to be happy,and will maybe even give you some tips for how to walk to difficult situations.5 They are more liely to come up with some reasons to be unhappy.

A.Be grateful for what you have.

B.What if there is a major obstacle (障碍)standing in your way?

C.Take some time to enjoy exactly what you’re doing right now.

D.The easiest way to be satisfied with your life is to adjust yourself positively.

E.Avoid people looking for reasons to be upset with their life.

F.But if you drop comparing completely,you’ll only be doing yourself a favor.

G.Get regular exercise with friends every day.

【题目】Tulips(郁金香) are the national flower of Iran and Turkey. The European name for the flower is a misuse of the Persian word for turban(头巾), a mistake probably arising in the common Turkish custom of wearing flowers in the folds of the turban. Alternatively, the misuse may have arisen because this eastern flower, when not yet in full bloom, looks like a turban. In Persia, to give a red tulip was to declare your love for someone. The black center of the red tulip was said to represent the lover’s heart, burned to a coal by love’s passion.

Originally growing in the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey), tulips were imported into Holland in the sixteenth century. When Carolus Clusius wrote the first major book on tulips in 1592, they became so popular that the tulips in his garden were stolen from time to time. As the Dutch Golden Age grew, so did this colorful flower. They were commonly seen in paintings and at festivals. In the mid-seventeenth century, tulips even created the first economics bubble(泡沫经济), known as “Tulip Mania”. At that time, tulips were so expensive that they were used as money until the market for them crashed.

Today, Holland is still known for its tulips and other flowers, often sincerely called “the flower shop of the world.” Tulips are planted in great fields of beautiful color, and transform the landscape into a sea of different colors. Tulip festivals are held throughout the country in spring. However, the most well-known tulip festival is organized in the Noordoostpolde, a province in the central Netherlands, each year. Held in the middle of the tulip fields, this flower festival runs from late April to early May. The Dutch people took their love of tulips abroad when they settled, and tulips and tulip festivals are now found in New York and Michigan, where the connection to their Dutch roots is still very strong.

【1】 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. The origin of tulips. B. The meaning of tulips.

C. What tulips look like. D. How tulips were named.

【2】What can we learn from the text?

A. Carolus Clusius book made people import tulips into Holland.

B. Holland is called the flower shop of the world because of the tulip.

C. The tulip festival in the Noordoostpolder is sometimes held indoors.

D. Holland is not the birthplace of tulips.

【3】What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. The Dutch people’s love of tulips.

B. Tulip festivals in Holland and abroad.

C. Noordoostpolder, the tulip shop of the world.

D. Tulips and the landscape of Holland.


The English language is a result of the invasions of the island of Britain over many hundreds of years. The invaders lived along the northern coast of Europe.

【1】 The Angles were a German tribe who crossed the English Channel. Later two more groups crossed to Britain. They were the Saxons and the Jutes. Through many years, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages. The result is what is called Anglo-Saxon or old English.

The next great invasion of Britain came from the far north beginning about l,100 years ago. People called Vikings came to the coastal areas of Britain. 2 Words like "sky" , "leg" , "skull" , "egg" , "lift" and "take" are from the old languages of the far northern countries.

The next invasion of Britain took place more than 900 years ago, in 1066.3William the Conqueror led it.

The Normans were a French-speaking people from Normandy in the north of France. They became the new rulers of Britain. These new rulers spoke only French for several hundred years. It was the most important language in the world at that time.4 But the common people of Britain still spoke old English.

Old English took many words from the Norman French. Some of these include "damage", "prison" and "marriage". The French language used by the Norman rulers greatly changed the way English was spoken by 800 years ago. 5 Middle English sounds like modern English. But it is very difficult to understand now. The history of the English language continues as Middle English becomes Modern English, which is spoken today.

A. History experts call this invasion the Norman Conquest.

B. It was the language of educated people.

C. English became what language experts call Middle English.

D. Therefore most common people speak the language.

E. Few people spoke Middle English at that time.

F. Many English words used today come from these ancient Vikings.

G. The first invasions were by a people called Angles about l,500 years ago.


Members of the post-1990 generation looking for work apply for multiple positions and hold high expectations of the jobs. They are particular about employment and it was common for them 【1】 (break) appointments for job interviews.

The only child is characteristic of the most of the families since 1990. His or her living condition has2 (great) improved from that of the post-1980 and post-1970 generations. They don’t experience much pressure in life so they pay closer attention to 3 (person) preferences and interests when 4 (hunt) for a job.

They also does not care about the amount of money they make. 5 , the working environment, the happiness they get from their work and respect from others are the things 6 matter most.

As the saying goes, second 7 (think) are best. The post-1990 generation does not think twice about leaving in their first year of work. If they lose interest in a job or are not clear about their future career path, they 8 (quit) easily.

Members of the generation are also more self-centered. They want more time for 9 (they) and are not willing to work overtime. Their attitude to life is more casual.

This generation is very sensitive and has a lot of self-respect, 【10 the employers need to be concerned about their temperaments (性情) and ways of communication.

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