
Mr. White was born in a small village. His parents worked hard on their farm but they couldn’t get enough food for the family. Of course, he couldn’t be sent to school and his uncle who worked in a school taught him at home. And he learned a lot before he left there. When he was sixteen, he found work in a factory. As an abled worker, the boss liked him and seven years later the boss married his daughter to him and with his help, Mr White had his own factory after another seven years passed.

Mrs. White liked her husband very much. So she was always afraid he loved the other women. She often asked him a lot of questions. He wouldn’t make her angry and was more careful.

One evening Mr. White was very busy and he told his secretary to help him. When they finished the work, it was ten in the evening. He had to see her home. That night his wife felt unwell and told him to take her to a hospital. He helped her to get on the car and started. But soon after that he found there was a shoe in the car. He had a look at his wife. The woman seemed to be asleep. He picked it up gently and threw it out of the window.

Soon they got to the hospital. As he was going to help her to get off, suddenly the woman called out, “Where’s my shoe?”

1.Why could Mr. White not be sent to school?

A. His parents were both farmers

B. He was born in a poor family

C. He could learn all subjects by himself

D. They were often worried about food

2.How old was Mr. White when he had his own factory?

A. sixteen B. twenty-three C. thirty D. forty

3.Mr. White tried to be careful,because he was afraid .

A. he would be sent away

B. his wife wouldn’t help him

C. he would be busy

D. his wife would be unhappy


There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care .To water his flowers, he used two buckets(水桶) .One was a shiny and new bucket. The other was a very old and dilapidated one,which had seen many years of service, but was now past its best.

Every morning, the gardener would fill up the two buckets. Then he would carry them along the path, one on each side, to the flowerbeds. The new bucket was very proud of itself. It could carry a full bucket of water without a single drop spilled (溢出). The old bucket felt very ashamed because of its holes: before it reached the flowerbeds, much water had leaked (漏出) along the path.

Sometimes the new bucket would say,“ See how capable I am ! How good it is that the gardener has me to water the flowers every day! I don't know why he still bothers with you. What a waste of space you are!”

And all that the old bucket could say was. “ I know I am not very useful, but I can only do my best. I am happy that the gardener still finds a little bit of use in me, at least.”

One day, the gardener heard that kind of conversation .After watering the flowers as usual, he said , “You both have done your work very well .Now I am going to carry you back .I want you to look carefully along the path.”

Then the two buckets did so. All along the path, they noticed, on the side where the new bucket was carried, there was just bare(光秃秃的)earth; on the other side where the old bucket was carried, there was a joyous row of wild flowers, leading all the way to the garden.

1.What was the old bucket ashamed of?

A. His past. B. His aging.

C. His manner. D. His leaking.

2.What does the underlined word “dilapidated” probably mean?

A. dirty B. dark

C. worn-out D. ordinary-looking.

3.The new bucket made conversations with the old one mainly to _________.

A. take pity on the old one

B. laugh at the old one

C. show off its beautiful looks

D. praise the gardener’s kindness

4.Why was the old bucket still kept by the gardener?

A. Because it was used to keep a balance

B. Because it stayed in its best condition

C. Because it had its own function

D. Because it was taken as a treasure

A new study supports the view that jobs aren't simply a love-at-first-sight deal. Rather, they say that achieving passion for your work is something you can develop over time.

Unlike the main way of thinking that you'Il only achieve passion for your work through finding the right fit with a line of work - what the researchers call "fit theory" , the researchers say you can learn to love your job and find meaning in it gradually(“developing theory").

We probably hear and think a l.t more about "fit theory" than “developing theory" because we've become used to it. "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work," said Steve Jobs. “And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'II know when you find it. "

Chen and colleagues examined some students' career attitudes and expectations with regard to "fit theory"and "developing theory". "People can achieve similar levels of passion at work by accepting either the fit or develo-ping theory. The key difference lies in how these results are reached : fit theorists(理论家) tend to self-select into lines of work that fit them from the start, while developing theorists grow into that fit over time. "

Fit theorists tend to value enjoyment at the expense of good pay, while developing theorists are willing to let enjoyment take a back seat to other goals, safe in the knowledge that they'll grow into the role and find enjoyment over time.

Everyone has moments of being bored with their work,but it's important to keep your thoughts focused on the bigger picture, your Iong-term goals , and whv you took the role in the first place.

1.According to the "fit theory" , a person will_________.

A. treat his job as a great deal

B. try to seek passion for a job

C. find the meaning in his job slowly

D. learn to achieve his dream gradually

2.The writer quoted Steve Jobs' speech to prove____________.

A. the romantic idea of "fit theory"

B. the difficulty of finding passion for jobs

C. the great pursuit of satisfying jobs

D. the influence of "fit theory" on the business

3.If you hate your job , you are advised to___________.

A. consider your situation as a whole

B. try other new jobs as soon as possible

C. consider your role in your work first

D. start your work from the beginning again

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. You Will Have Passion for Your Work

B. You Can Learn to Love Your Job

C. You Will Finally Achieve Your Job Goal

D. You Can Get Enjoyment from Your Work

One of the newest taboos (禁忌) in American society is the topic of fat. Unlike many other taboos, fat is a topic that America talk about often. It is not taboo to talk about fat; it’s taboo to be fat.

The “in” look is thin. In the work world, most companies prefer youthful- looking, slim executives to sell their image and their products to the public. The thin look is associated with youth, vigor and success. The fat person, on the other hand, is thought of as lazy and lacking in energy, self-discipline and self-respect. After all, people think, how can people who care about themselves, and therefore the way they look, allow themselves to become fat? In an image conscious society like the U.S. , fat is “out”.

It is not surprising, then, that millions of Americans have become obsessed (着迷)with staying slim and “in shape”. The pursuit of youthful physical appearance is not, however, the only reason for America’s obsession with diet and exercise.

Recent research has shown the great importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most technologically developed nations, the life-style of North Americans has changed very quickly during the course of last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor that people were once forced to do by hand. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As the result of inactivity and disuse, people’s bodies can easily become weak and vulnerable to disease. In an effort to avoid such a fate, millions of Americans are spending more of their time exercising.

The effects of this new appreciation of the importance of exercise is clear: parks are filled with joggers and bicyclists, physical education programs are enjoying a newly- founded fame and many companies are providing exercise equipment for their employees to use during the work day.

1.In the United States, fat is something ___________.

A. people always talk about

B. not regarded as a taboo topic

C. people usually pay no attention to

D. belonging to the same treatment as other taboos

2.What do Americans think of thin people?

A. Their work helps them to look youthful

B. They are energetic and successful.

C. Their appearances affects their behavior

D. They are lacking in self-discipline.

3.According to Paragraph 4, which of the following is an example of “inactivity?

A. Mary does her housework by hand.

B. Celia takes part in a marathon

C. Cecilia goes to her office by car.

D. Margaret plays badminton every Saturday.

4.Why are parks filled with joggers and bicyclists?

A. Because these parks are fit for sports.

B. Because people are enjoying prestigious status in parks.

C. Because people are taking part in physical education programs.

D. Because people now recognize they should do more exercise.


At least thirty times Bobby had tried to climb the snowy mountain, but he had never _________ the top. His friend old Peeper, who knew a lot about his failures, _________ Bobby to try again. He gave Bobby a pair of_________ and said, “If it starts clouding over, put on the glasses, or if your feet start hurting, put them on too. The glasses are very _________ . They’ll help you.” Bobby _________ the gift without much thought.

The day came when he was to have another_________ . About two hours after he started, he felt his feet hurting. Then he_________what Peeper had said, and put on the glasses. The pain was pretty bad, but _________ the sunglasses he could clearly see the snow-covered mountain top, so he went on.

_________ , clouds were gathering. But this time Bobby could still see the _________through the clouds. He kept _________ , leaving the clouds behind, forgetting his pain, and finally arriving at the top. It was certainly worth it. His feeling of _________ was extremely good, almost as great as that _________ view. The mountain below was surrounded by a sea of clouds. He couldn’t believe that the clouds were as _________ as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and discovered the _________ . Peeper had engraved(镌刻) the snow-covered mountain top on the sunglasses, _________ Bobby could see it when he was looking upwards!

Bobby _________ that the only obstacle(障碍) to reaching the top had been losing_________ when he couldn’t see the mountain top. He was thankful that Peeper had used that little_________ to help him see that his _________ was never impossible, and that it was still there, where it had always been.

1.A. left B. reached C. jumped D. ran

2.A. encouraged B. ordered C. allowed D. warned

3.A. gloves B. trousers C. shoes D. sunglasses

4.A. real B. safe C. special D. expensive

5.A. sent B. gave C. accepted D. got

6.A. try B. start C. test D. training

7.A. remembered B. expressed C. shouted D. regretted

8.A. under B. with C. for D. about

9.A. Happily B. Hopefully C. UnfortunatelyD. Unnecessarily

10.A. friend B. top C. climber D. village

11.A. running B. swimming C. climbing D. flying

12.A. success B. decision C. freedom D. friendship

13.A. strong B. popular C. bad D. wonderful

14.A. cool B. natural C. thick D. wide

15.A. way B. words C. book D. secret

16.A. and B. or C. if D. though

17.A. suggested B. realized C. expected D. announced

18.A. love B. help C. face D. heart

19.A. trick B. word C. plan D. opinion

20.A. position B. lesson C. aim D. Story


Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a pool of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp ,an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered his farm. 1.

What caused this strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish. 2.

When it is spring in the northern part of the world, it is fall in Australia. 3. The strong winds sweep over Australia like huge vacuum cleaners, collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools of fish. 4.

Although they seem unusual, fish-falls occur quite frequently in Australia. When Bill Tapp was asked to describe the scene of fish, he remarked, “They look like millions of dead birds falling down.” 5. The wonders of the natural world are as common as rain. Nature, with its infinite wonders, can create waterfalls that flow upward and fish that fall out of the sky.

A. Strong winds may carry these bits of nature for many miles before dropping them on fields, houses, and astonished people.

B. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm.

C. How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof.

D. How happy he must have been when he saw a rain of fish covering his farm.

E. Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and rains flood the land.

F. His statement is not surprising.

G. Throughout the summer season, rainstorms flood the land.

At any given time, hundreds of postcards are in transit (运输中) across the world as strangers communicate through a movement called Post-crossing.

Emma Delaney says it’s a sad day when there isn’t a postcard in her mailbox. She doesn’t have a bunch of friends travelling overseas at the moment —— she’s just really active in the underground hobby of Postcrossing.

“I’ve sent over 3,000 postcards, but I’ve been doing it for close to seven years,” she says. “My husband, generally appreciative of my hobby, is sometimes frustrated by the amount of cardboard hanging around the house or in my car.”

Postcrossing is a hobby where strangers send each other postcards across the world. You register on the website, list your interests and preferences for postcards, then receive an address of a stranger on the other side of the world to send a postcard to.

“I tend to send a lot of postcards of the local area because people are interested in where you’re from and what you do,” Emma says.

From Uzbekistan to Belarus and Kazakhstan to Moldova, Emma has a growing collection of photos from around the world. The postcards have helped shape her international travelling too. “I didn’t travel overseas until I was 32 and a lot of the locations we chose for our honeymoon were selected because of the postcards I’d received.”

“Some people see sending mail as being a bit boring and unfashionable, but Postcrossing is popular and lots of people are fascinated that I do it.,”

The Postcrossing project has just celebrated its eighth birthday and has over 400,000 active members in 215 countries. The group says they’ve delivered over 18 million postcards.

And while postal workers aren’t supposed to read people’s postcards, Emma says she’s happy for them to do so at her post office in Shellharbour. She even encourages her correspondents to say hello to the Australia Post staff.

“It’s a hobby that I continue to do because I find it enjoyable and relaxing.”

1.Emma Delaney’s friends .

A.do a lot of travelling.

B.send her lots of postcards.

C.share the same hobby as her.

D.aren’t active in travelling abroad.

2.What’s Emma’s husband’s attitude towards her hobby ?

A.Somewhat annoyed.

B.Totally unconcerned.

C.Deeply disapproving.

D.Strongly supportive.

3.What’s the benefit of being involved in Postcrossing according to Emma Delaney ?

A.Broadening the mind.

B.Deepening the mind.

C.Giving others a helping hand.

D.Bringing her family more happiness.

4.The Postcrossing project .

A.delivers both postcards official letters.

B.was set up a couple of years ago in Australia.

C.has granted membership in 215 countries all over the world.

D.receives more public approval compared with sending mail.

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