
1.Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days.Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day's work.This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the International Space Station(ISS).ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year.They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible.Weekends give the crew valuable.Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.They can communicate with family and friends by email,internet phone and through private video conferences.
While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit,there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy.Before a mission.The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos,messages,videos and reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating 370kilometers above the Earth.During their mission,the crew also receives care packages with CDs,books,magazines,photos and letters.And as from early 2010,the internet became available on the ISS,giving astronauts the chance to do some"web surfing(冲浪)"in their personal time.Besides relaxing with these more common entertainments,astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.
Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth's vast land mass and oceans.

29.What does the word"mimic"in Paragraph 1 probably mean?B
A.Find B.Copy C.Change D.Lose
30.Which of the following best describes the families of the astronauts on the ISS?A
A.The are caring and thoughtful
B.The are worried and upset
C.The are impatient and annoyed.
D.The are excited and curious.
31.The passage mainly discusses how astronautsD.
A.work for longer missions in space
B.connect with people on the Earth
C.observe the Earth from space
D.spend their free time in space.

分析 本文是记叙文.向我们介绍了宇航员在太空中是如何打发他们的自由利用的时间的.宇航员的生活往往是与众不同的,但是在国际空间站的工作人员的生活可以跟在地球上的生活很相似.他们可以与家人或者朋友联系,也可以做一些日常的活动.

解答 29.B.词义猜测题.根据第一段第四句"They work five days on and two days off"可知,这和在地球上的工作时间一致,所以这样做的目的是尽可能地模仿地球上的正常生活,故选B.
30.A.推理判断题.根据第二段第二句"Before a mission,the family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photo,messages,videos and reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating…可知,宇航员的家人是体贴的,考虑周到的.故选A.

点评 题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

13.I've learned that you have to make the choice if you want to get anywhere.If you just let other people decide what is going to happen for you,then all your goals and dreams may never be achieved.
Everyone always says that studying abroad in college can change your life.I made the decision to experience it for myself during my junior year.I chose to study in the Dominican Republic.As it got closer to the deadline,an advisor told me I had received a scholarship from an alumni (校友) family foundation.
During my first semester in the country I fell in love.I was becoming bilingual (双语的) but also learning so much about a new culture.I had begun working with a local grassroots organization,taking part in a project supporting an underdeveloped community just outside the city.My main role was to become aware of the issues facing populations such as these and support community education.I was in no way ready to leave this new life.I felt as if I needed more time to get what I wanted.
As the next semester began,I realized again that I needed to take a chance.I got involved with a local boarding school for girls living in poverty.I first approached the head of the school to volunteer to teach music classes,asking for money from my college church.I could have never predicted the results of this small action.Another volunteer and I were able to put together a benefit (义演) to show off what the students had learned.We invited community members,friends and other students from local universities to support the girls.We also sold art that the students themselves had created to increase the funding (资助) of the arts program.I felt good when I left,knowing that I had laid the foundation for a good cause and bettered the lives of young girls.
There will always be people that think they know what is best for you,but you ultimately know what you want in life.My time in the Dominican Republic changed my life by giving me the realization of how fortunate I am and the fact that there is always a chance to give back.You have to go after anything and everything you desire or there may be a missed opportunity.My trip to Santo Domingo taught me to take advantage of new possibilities.

67.The article mainly tells usB.
A.how the author helped poor girls in a local boarding school
B.that studying abroad gave the author life-changing opportunities
C.that the author chose to study abroad to follow other people's examples
D.how the author learned about the issues facing people in the Dominican Republic
68.In her first semester in the Dominican Republic,the authorD.
A.started a project in a developed community
B.couldn't fit in well with the school or life there
C.was unsure if she should stay for another semester
D.became absorbed in a new culture and a new language
69.From Paragraph 4,we can learn thatD.
A.the author organized events to raise money all by herself
B.the author set up an organization with the funding of her college church
C.the author worked as a music teacher in her college
D.the results of the voluntary work were beyond the author's expectations
70.We can infer from the last paragraph that the authorB.
A.think other people know what is best for us
B.is grateful for her experience in Santo Domingo
C.will live in the Dominican Republic in the future
D.feels pity for people who live in the Dominican Republic.
9.One morning,Charley,a little green frog,was sitting in a pond (池塘) by the side of the road.
Wanda,the neighborhood witch(女巫),was walking along the road.She was a good witch and dreamt to become a fairy godmother who can save people from trouble with magic powers.Wanda had been learning fairy godmother magic for 103 years.That morning,she decided to try the magic she had learned and bring happiness to others.
Seeing Wanda,Charley cried,"Hi,Wanda."
"Hi,Charley,"replied Wanda,"I have a surprise for you."
Then,Wanda waved her wand(魔杖),said a magic word,and Charley turned into a prince!
When Charley-turned-prince looked at himself in the water,he cried,"Hey!You turned me into a prince!It's a surprise all right,but I don't want to be a prince!Change me back right now!"
"Oh,dear,"Wanda said."you shouted so loud that I forgot the way to change you back.But who wouldn't rather be a prince?"
"I wouldn't!"cried Charley."I want to be a frog!"He stuck out his tongue,missing a bug (虫子) flying by the end of his nose."Look at that,Wanda!I was a good fly catcher.But now,this tongue is too short!Please change me back!"
"I can't,Charley.But you'll learn to be happy as a prince."She waved her wand,and suddenly a castle appeared.Out of the castle dozens of musicians were playing various instruments."Charley!You'll have servants,eat delicious foods,and you can sing and dance and snap fingers(弹响指)."
"No!"Charley interrupted.(打断)"I don't want all these!I want bugs!"Charley cried."I don't want to sing and dance!And why would I do something as silly as snapping my fingers?"
"Snapping fingers!"cried out Wanda."That's what I forgot!"She snapped her fingers,cried"Upsi-doodle!"and the castle and musicians disappeared and the prince became a little green frog."
Charley looked at himself in the water."You did it,Wanda.Oh,happy day!I'm a frog."
"I must apologize,Charley,"Wanda said,"you are a happy frog.I should know this a moment ago."

56.Wanda turned Charley from a frog into a princeA.
A.of her own will
B.to play a joke on him
C.at the request of charley
D.to teach Charley a lesson
57.After the little green frog became a prince,heD.
A.was grateful to Wanda
B.Wanted a great place
C.couldn't recognize Wanda
D.became angry with Wanda
58.The underlined part"You did it"in the passage means"B".
A.You gave me a surprise
B.You turned e back into a frog
C.You turned me into a prince
D.You understood what I meant
59.At the end of the story,Wanda probably feltB
60.According to the passage,which of the following conclusions can we get?A
A.Just be yourself
B.Do nothing by halves
C.Helping others is a virtue
D.Where there is a will,there is a way.
6.In the United States,when one becomes rich,he wants people to know it.And even if he does not become very rich,he wants people to think that he is.That is what"Keeping up with the Joneses"is about.It is the story of someone who tries to look as rich as his neighbors.
The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand.He told this story about himself.He began earning $125 a week at the age of 23.That was a lot of money in those days.He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City.When he saw that rich people rode horses,Momand went horseback riding every day.When he saw that rich people had servants,Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.It was like a race,but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up.The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life.They moved back to an apartment (公寓房间) in New York City.
Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors.He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories.He called it‘‘Keeping up with the Joneses",because"Jones"is a very common name in the United States."Keeping up with the Joneses"came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people around you.Momand's series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.
People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses.And there are"Joneses"in every city of the world.But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does,Mr.Jones always seems to be ahead.

29.Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because theyA.
A.want others to know or to think that they are rich
B.hope to be rich people like their neighbors
C.want to hide their wealth from other people
D.would like to be common people
30.Arthur Momand used the name"Jones"in his series of short stories because"Jones"isB.
A.an important name for important people 
B.a popular name in the United States
C.the name of the neighbor he did not like
D.a name which people did not use any longer
31.According to the writer,it isCto keep up with the Joneses.
A.correct      B.interesting C.impossible       D.good.
10.I am Peter Hodes,a volunteer stem courier.Since March 2012,I've done 89trips-of those,51have been abroad,I have 42hours to carry stem cells (干细胞) in my little box because I've got two ice packs and that's how long they last.In all,from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor (捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient,we've got 72hours at most,So I am always conscious of time.
I had one trip last year where I was caught by a hurricane in America.I picked up the stem cells in Providence,Rhode Island,and was meant to fly to Washington then back to London.But when I arrived at the check-in desk at Providence,the lady on the desk said:"Well,I'm really sorry,I've got some bad news for you-there are no flights from Washington."So I took my box and put it on the desk and I said:"In this box are some stem cells that are urgently needed for a patient-please,please,you've got to get me back to the United Kingdom."She just dropped everything.She arranged for a flight on a small plane to be held for me,re-routed(改道)me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally scheduled.
For this courier job,you're consciously aware that in that box you've got something that is potentially going to save somebody's life.

21.Which of the following can replace the underlined word"courier"in Paragraph 1?B
A.provider    B.delivery man   C.collector   D.medical doctor
22.Why does Peter have to complete his trip within 42 hours?D
A.He cannot stay away from his job too long.
B.The donor can only wait for that long.
C.The operation needs that much time.
D.The ice won't last any longer.
23.Which flight did the woman put Peter on first?B
A.To London.
B.To Newark.
C.To Providence.
D.To Washington.

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