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Last Friday we students in the five grade were organized to offer service at the railway station. We were dividing into small groups to finish different tasks. Upon their arrival in the early morning, we soon got down to help the others. Some picked up rubbish on the ground and provides information for passengers. Some helped the passengers with heavy luggages, and the rest taught passengers what to use the ticket vending machine. Tired as we were, we felt happily when receiving thanks. It is believed that if by helping each other we will make the society better place.

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The ¡°novel¡± coronavirus, being called COVID-19 officially, had not previously been detected before the outbreak is reported in Wuhan, China in December, 2019. Infection with 2019-nCoV can cause mild symptom including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever. It can be most severe for some persons and cause pneumonia or breathing difficulties. More rare, the disease can be deadly. It can be transmitted from person to person, usually after close contact with infected patient that even seems healthy.

To protect yourself, wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Maintain at least 1 meter distant between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing and sneezing. Wear a medical mask can help limit the spread of some respiratory (ºôÎüµÄ) diseases. Therefore. it has to be combined to other prevention measures including washing hands and avoiding close contact to take effect.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ While there is a slight chance that you touch down on the surface of the moon, there are some places you can visit that are tied to the Apollo 11.

The U.S. Space & Rocket Center; Huntsville, Alabama

Creating the Saturn V rocket that drove the crew of the Apollo 11 was the responsibility of a team of engineers in Huntsville. At the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, you can explore dozens of interactive exhibits, including ¡°Space Craze ¡°£¬a look at the public¡¯s strong interest in all things related to space through the pop culture.

Meteor Crater, Flagstaff, Arizona

Armstrong and his fellow were trained for moon exploration at a variety of places, including Meteor Crater, one of the most perfectly preserved impact craters on the planet. Today the Meteor Crater Visitor Center includes the 4-D ride ¡°Collision Experience¡± and breathtaking tours around the edge of the crater itself.

The Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida

Every Apollo mission was started from the Kennedy Space Center, which remains an active launch site. Bus tours visit mission-critical areas of Kennedy Space Center and the Apollo/Saturn V Center, which houses a complete Saturn V rocket and a moon rock you can touch. Come during a scheduled launch, and you can purchase a special viewing package getting you a clear view of the launch.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Houston, Texas

It¡¯s here that every aspect of the Apollo 11 mission was monitored. Now fully repaired, the control center is open to tour via the official visitor¡¯s center. Space Center Houston. View astronaut training equipment and the largest collection of moon rocks.

¡¾1¡¿In which place are you required to tour in a bus?

A.The U.S. Space & Rocket Center.B.Meteor Crater.

C.Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.D.The Kennedy Space Center.

¡¾2¡¿What can we learn about Meteor Crater?

A.It houses a complete Saturn V rocket and a moon rock.

B.It is one of the training places for astronauts of Apollo 11.

C.It allows one to view the largest collection of moon rocks.

D.It provides doze ns of interactive exhibits for visitors to explore.

¡¾3¡¿What can you do in Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center?

A.Touch a moon rock.B.Enjoy the 4-D ride.

C.See astronaut training equipment.D.View a rocket launch.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Rioghna and Hannah Pittock spent the first few minutes feeling sorry for themselves. Rioghna,a junior at Rochester Mayo High School, had spring sports to play. Hannah,a senior at University of Chicago , was going to have a spring break in Aruba. However , both were canceled because of COVID-19. But they soon recovered and now they are sitting at home , solving Rochester's problems in their way. Pointing to the computer screen, Hannah tells her sister,¡°She is a nurse and her child needs to be matched.¡±

The two sisters birthed their plan last Saturday on the drive home from picking up Hannah in Chicago. As more medical workers were sent to work, fighting against the fierce pandemic (Á÷Ðв¡), the sisters knew many of their families would need childcare. At the same time, teens throughout Rochester were off school. So on Sunday, Hannah and Rioghna launched Step Up To Sit. Already they're paired more than 40 families with sitters.

¡°The young people in the community are stepping up to do their part,¡± Hannah says, ¡°We are delighted that we' re having an impact on people's lives in this hard time.¡±For the last four days,160 teens have registered to help, most wiling to work free. if paired with a family in need. With more and more teens joining in, the two sisters decide to launch Step Up To Shop,a platform for teens to deliver groceries to seniors.

Rioghna acknowledges people of her age get a bad reputation as smartphone-addicted and selfish. The Pittock sisters are proving otherwise,¡°Amid the pandemic£¬people should be allowed to be upset and allowed to be a little bit down about the upset in their lives, but it's about something bigger and recognizing we all have our part to play here,¡±Rioghna says.

¡¾1¡¿Why did the two sisters feel sorry for themselves?

A.They would join in activities separately.

B.They had to give up their planned activities.

C.They were infected with COVID-19 seriously.

D.Their parents were sent to battle COVID-19.

¡¾2¡¿Step Up to Sit is a platform to .

A.pair medical worker families with teen sitters

B.call on teens to deliver groceries to seniors

C.spread basic health knowledge to people

D.instruct teens to study online at home

¡¾3¡¿Which of the following best describes the two sisters?



¡¾4¡¿What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Smartphone addiction makes teens selfish.

B.The Pittock sisters acted on a low profile.

C.People can do nothing against pandemic.

D.There is some misunderstanding of teens.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Einstein's Opinions on Creative Thinking

¡°The greatest scientists are artists as well,¡± said Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists and an amateur pianist and violinist.

For Einstein, insight did not come from logic or mathematics. ¡¾1¡¿ As he told one friend, ¡°When I examine myself and my methods of thought. I find that the gift of imagination has meant more to me than any talent for absorbing absolute knowledge. All great achievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge. Imagination is more important than knowledge.¡±

But how did art differ from science for Einstein? Surprisingly, it wasn't the content of an idea, or its subject, that determined whether something was art or science, but how the idea was expressed. If what is seen and experienced is described in the language of logic, then it is science. If it is communicated and recognized intuitively, then it is art. ¡¾2¡¿ That's why he said that great scientists were also artists. Einstein first described his intuitive thought processes at a physics conference in Kyoto in 1922 when he indicated that he used images and feelings to solve his problems and found words, logical symbols or mathematical equations later.

¡¾3¡¿ ¡°If I were not a physicist,¡± he once said, ¡°I would probably be a musician. I often think in music and I see my life in terms of music. I get most joy in life out of music. Whenever I feel that I have come to the end of the road or into a difficult situation in my work. I would bury myself in music, and that would usually solve all my difficulties.¡±

Music provided Einstein with a connection between time and space which both combine spatial and structural aspects. ¡°The theory of relativity occurred to me my intuition and music is the driving force behind this intuition¡±, said Einstein. ¡°My parents had me study the violin from the time I was six. ¡¾4¡¿.¡±

A.There is no doubt that my theory was a great breakthrough then.

B.Instead, it came from intuition and inspiration

C.For Einstein, it was the humanities that mainly contributed to his achieve-ments.

D.Einstein also owed his scientific insight and intuition mainly to music.

E.My new discovery is the result of musical perception.

F.Einstein himself worked intuitively and expressed himself logically.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Traveling green takes a little extra effort at first, but it soon becomes second nature and those extra steps can enhance every trip you take. Here are our tips for going green with ease and making travel better for everyone.


Look for certified green hotels that use renewable energy, recycle, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and so on. Staying in smaller, locally run hotels and B&Bs is often the greenest method around, which will make your stay environmentally and socially responsible as well as being a more direct boost to the local economy.

Use public transport, bike or walk

Instead of renting a car, hop on a local bus: take a walking tour or view the countryside by bike. ¡¾2¡¿.

Eat locally

Sourced food support the region¡¯s farmers, get a more authentic taste of the cuisine and cut your carbon footprint even more. Look out for restaurants advertising local produce or, eat local dishes at mom-and-pop-style places that will most likely use what¡¯s produced nearby. ¡¾3¡¿.

Leave a light footprint

¡¾4¡¿. Research your destination by Internet or ask around to find out if there are water shortages, how energy is produced and if there are any resource issues to be aware of.

Don¡¯t dump your stuff

Some less-developed areas don¡¯t have the means to dispose of large, man-made items like old electronics or used batteries. If you leave them, they could remain in a landfill for hundreds of years after you¡¯re gone ¡¾5¡¿. As for clothing and items that may be of use to local people, donate them to local charities or religious organizations so they can reach those most in need.

A.Choose a green hotel

B.Choose a green tour company

C.Pack your trash and take it home

D.Whatever you do, don¡¯t eat endangered species like turtle or over-harvested shellfish

E.Take simple steps such as taking short showers and turning off lights when you don¡¯t need them

F.For long distances consider trains, which allow to meet locals and experience a culture in a slower, more detailed way

G.We believe responsible travel can open hearts and minds, give us a broader understanding of the world, and inspire us to make a difference

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