
【题目】 While there is a slight chance that you touch down on the surface of the moon, there are some places you can visit that are tied to the Apollo 11.

The U.S. Space & Rocket Center; Huntsville, Alabama

Creating the Saturn V rocket that drove the crew of the Apollo 11 was the responsibility of a team of engineers in Huntsville. At the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, you can explore dozens of interactive exhibits, including “Space Craze “a look at the public’s strong interest in all things related to space through the pop culture.

Meteor Crater, Flagstaff, Arizona

Armstrong and his fellow were trained for moon exploration at a variety of places, including Meteor Crater, one of the most perfectly preserved impact craters on the planet. Today the Meteor Crater Visitor Center includes the 4-D ride “Collision Experience” and breathtaking tours around the edge of the crater itself.

The Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida

Every Apollo mission was started from the Kennedy Space Center, which remains an active launch site. Bus tours visit mission-critical areas of Kennedy Space Center and the Apollo/Saturn V Center, which houses a complete Saturn V rocket and a moon rock you can touch. Come during a scheduled launch, and you can purchase a special viewing package getting you a clear view of the launch.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Houston, Texas

It’s here that every aspect of the Apollo 11 mission was monitored. Now fully repaired, the control center is open to tour via the official visitor’s center. Space Center Houston. View astronaut training equipment and the largest collection of moon rocks.

1In which place are you required to tour in a bus?

A.The U.S. Space & Rocket Center.B.Meteor Crater.

C.Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.D.The Kennedy Space Center.

2What can we learn about Meteor Crater?

A.It houses a complete Saturn V rocket and a moon rock.

B.It is one of the training places for astronauts of Apollo 11.

C.It allows one to view the largest collection of moon rocks.

D.It provides doze ns of interactive exhibits for visitors to explore.

3What can you do in Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center?

A.Touch a moon rock.B.Enjoy the 4-D ride.

C.See astronaut training equipment.D.View a rocket launch.








细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Bus tours visit mission-critical areas of Kennedy Space Center and the Apollo Saturn V Center, which houses a complete Saturn V rocket and a moon rock you can touch.可知乘坐巴士参观肯尼迪航天中心和阿波罗土星五号中心的关键任务区域,阿波罗土星五号中心内有一枚完整的土星五号火箭和一块可以触摸到的月球岩石。由此可知,你需要在The Kennedy Space Center乘车游览。故选D


细节理解题。根据第三段中Armstrong and his fellow were trained for moon exploration at a variety of places, including Meteor Crater, one of the most perfectly preserved impact craters on the planet.可知阿姆斯特朗和他的同事们曾在不同的地方接受过月球探索训练,其中包括地球上保存最完好的陨石坑之一——Meteor Crater。由此可知,Meteor Crater是阿波罗11号宇航员的训练场所之一。故选B


细节理解题。根据最后一段中View astronaut training equipment and the largest collection of moon rocks.可知观看宇航员训练设备和最大的月球岩石收藏。由此可知,你在Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center能见宇航员训练设备。故选C


【题目】 Ralph Waldo Emerson once quoted that “Nothing great can ever be achieved without enthusiasm.” I have a lot of enthusiasm. This is Northlandz in Flemington, New Jersey. Northlandz is the world’s largest model railroad. Well I guess, you know, everybody has a passion for something, my thing was trains.

I had trains around the Christmas tree as a kid. Wherever I lived I was planning track plans and then over 18 years I added five basements onto the house. And from that I got fairly good at making mountains and bridges and design work and we decided to give it to the world so we tore it all down, bought this land and built Northlandz.

Any given day we run between 85 and 90 trains. Here are some of the details in Northlandz inside—about 40,000 feet of track, and about 4,000 buildings over 400 bridges. Many of the mountains in here are three and a half stories high. Most things in here are scratch built. Underneath the entire superstructure there’s enough lumber to build about 42 large houses. It takes a few hours to go through for the average person to see everything.

We went millions into debt to build this place. Everybody thought we were nuts. The only one that believed in what I wanted to do was my wife and she was totally with me on this big time. It’s an artistic effort. It’s a gift to the world of what I can do and it makes a lot of people happy.

1In Para. 1 the quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson is used to .

A.show that the author is as outstanding as Ralph Waldo Emerson

B.illustrate the author’s passion for the creation of Northlandz

C.draw readers’ interest in the model railroad called Northlandz

D.explain why the author is successful in his career

2What can be inferred from Para. 2?

A.The author could drive trains around as a kid.

B.The author decided to donate the house to the world.

C.When he was 18. the author built five basements of the house.

D.The author’s hobby since childhood inspired his building Northlandz.

3What can we learn about Northlandz?

A.It is the largest real railroad throughout the world.

B.There run 85 trains on the 40,000 feet of track every day.

C.People have to spend much time appreciating every detail of it.

D.Many mountains in it are so high as to reach three and a half meters.

4What did people think of the author’s devotion to building the place?

A.Crazy and skeptical.

B.Artistic and admirable.

C.Ambitious and pleasant.

D.Frustrating and unbelievable.

【题目】 Apps from Chinese developers have been gaining popularity on Indian app stores for some time. In 2018, as many as 44 of the top 100 Android apps in India were developed by Chinese firms.

But things changed last year as local developers put on a fight. According to app analytics and marketing firm AppsFlyer, Indian apps as a whole have recaptured their original standing.

Indeed, 41% of the top 200 apps in Indian editions of Googl's Play Store and Apple's App Store in the second and third quarters of last year were developed by Indian developers and local firms, up from 38% in 2018, the report said. Data from App Annie, another research firm, corroborates (证实) the claim.

"This uptick happened mainly at the expense of Chinese apps, which fell from their lead position to 38% from 43% in 2018. Altogether, Chinese and Indian apps make up almost four-fifths (79%) of the list," the report said.

The change comes as scores of Indian firms have launched payments, gaming, news and entertainment apps in the last year and a half, said AppsFlyer, which analyzed 6.5 billion installs (安装)in the second and third quarters of last year.

But Chinese developers are not giving up, and continue to keep an "impressive" fight in each category, the report said.

India, which is home to more than 450 million smartphone users and keep relatively loose laws to support an open market, has naturally appeared as an attractive battleground for developers worldwide.

Many Chinese firms, including Xiaomi and ByteDance, regard India as one of their largest markets. Tik Tokapp has amassed(积累) more than 200 million users in India, for instance. Xiaoni, which leads the Indian smartphone market, is quickly building a series of services for users in India.

It launched a lending app the in country earlier in November 2018.

1Because Indian firms launched varieties of apps in 2019__________.

A. Chinese apps lost their lead position.

B.Chinese developers gave up their competition.

C.India apps make up most of the top 200.

D.the percentage of Chinese apps went down sharply.

2The underlined word uptick in the 4th paragraph most probably means__________

A.Sharp decrease.B.slight increase

C.a little fallD.statistical data

3Many Chinese developers compete for Indian markets for all the following reasons except_________

A.huge market need.

B.laws in favor of foreign firms.

C.a market system open to the world

D.absolutely fierce competition.

4What attitude did the author hold when analyzing the market situation?



【题目】请阅读下面文字, 并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

There’s no doubt that work deadlines can be stressful. When you have too many, you can feel overcome. And nearing deadlines encourages last-minute dashes for the finish line, like when students pull ‘all-nighters’ in an attempt to achieve weeks’ worth of essay writing in a handful of hours.

Yet there’s no question deadlines can serve a positive psychological function-after all, without them, many students might never even finish their work. You can see evidence for the power of deadlines in the ‘real world’, too. For instance, in 2015, when the US National Science Foundation dropped its usual twice-yearly deadlines for grant submissions in geoscience, as part of an attempt to help the overburdened system, the effect was dramatic. Annual submissions fell by 59% without the pressure of a deadline and it seems that many scientists lacked the urgency and motivation to deliver their applications.

As new research findings shed light on the psychology of deadlines, we can learn ways that deadlines can be used to increase focus and boost perseverance.


1. 用约 30 个单词概括上文信息的主要内容;

2. 谈谈设置截止日期的重要性;

3. 如何确保在截止日期内完成任务提出你的建议( 不少于两点)


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。


内容完整, 语言规范, 语篇连贯, 词数适当。


【题目】请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中 空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

Millions of people illegally download movies, music and video games every day, and online piracy is a serious and expensive problem. Recent figures show that 90% of files transferred over file-sharing networks are copyrighted. And it's costing the US economy up to $250 billion a year. At the heart of the matter there's a moral question to consider. Is it fair that someone downloads for free in seconds something that took a team of people months of hard work to create?

What are governments doing about online piracy? Some countries have passed tough new laws. The Spanish government has shut down domestic file-sharing websites and blocked access to overseas-based sites. Also, governments are going after high-profile pirates. Kim Dotcom, the owner of Megaupload.com, was arrested in New Zealand, who has been accused of piracy because many people were using his website to swap copyrighted files.

Are laws and arrests really the best way? Many people aren't so sure. The problem is that films are released at different times around the world. Kim Dotcom says that a teenager in Germany, for example, has to wait six months to see a movie that has already come out in the U.S. So, instead of waiting, they download it illegally. Kim says, 'If everybody had access to content at the same time, you wouldn't have a piracy problem. '

American company Netflix lets users stream films to their TV. But many complain that Netflix's selection of movies is too small and that there aren't enough new releases. One reason is that studios release films on DVD and then, after a few months, make them available for streaming. But what actually happens is one person buys the DVD, they upload it to a file-sharing site and everyone else downloads it for free.

American law student Srikant believes that if movie studios and record companies want to beat the pirates, they need to make it just as simple and quick to get content legally. 'I think people would pay for content if it's reasonably priced and it's available when they want it. ' he adds.

This is already happening with music. Spotify is a program that lets you stream music to your computer for just 5 per month. And since it was launched in Sweden in 2009, online music piracy in Sweden has dropped by 25%. The key to its success lies in that Spotify has a large range of music; songs are instantly available and the service is reasonably priced.

Easy access isn't the only possible solution. Economist Glenn MacDonald thinks he has the answer. He says record companies should give albums away for free and then make money from tours and merchandising. That's not such a ridiculous idea. The heavy metal group Manowar has made a fortune from their tours, which are full of fans who discovered the band by illegally downloading the music.

Online piracy is a complex and controversial issue. And one thing is for sure: it's not going away anytime soon .

Online piracy----The issue of illegal file sharing

Passage outline

Supporting details


*Recent figures show the 1 of files shared online are copyrighted.

*Online piracy is such an alarming problem that it makes the economy 2

Current measures and their 3

*Laws against piracy have been passed, and some website owners 4with piracy have been arrested.

*Companies like Netflix 5 their users to stream films to TVs.

*Laws and arrests can’t ease the 6 of equal access to content at the same time.

*Users are faced with a 7 range of films, which are released months after their DVD versions.

Other solutions to online piracy

*Spotify has set an 8 of instant availability and reasonably-priced service.

*For music industry, giving albums away for free helps to make a 9 from tours and merchandising.


Online piracy is a complex and controversial issue, which 10 long-term efforts.


International Museum Day falls on May 18. The debate over whether museums should be free is a big one right now. Some people share their opinions.

Li Jiang

I think art exhibits should be free to the public. I do, however, think twice a year the museums should host a fund-raising event to help pay for the cost of upkeep.

They do it all the time. Wealthy buyers pay $100 for a plate and the proceeds are given to the museum. If you decide you want to buy the art, the proceeds should go to the artist, with a fee going to the museum.

Su Hua

Free entrance does not attract people, nor does it encourage them to appreciate it.

Sure, there are exceptions to this, but by and large human beings tend to look up to things that are difficult or costly to access.

A better option is to charge fees for regular visitors but provide free tickets as prizes for high-achieving students and others who are likely to appreciate the reward.


1. 用约30个词概括上述信息的主要内容;

2. 你认为博物馆应该免费吗?请说明理由 (不少于两点)


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。




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