
2.The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendlyatmosphere(气氛).

分析 新的主任尝试着让餐馆有一种更加家庭友好的氛围.

解答 答案:atmosphere解析:根据括号内所给中文提示可知,本题考查atmosphere"气氛;氛围"这一单词;因为横线前面有冠词a,故使用所填词的原形即可.

点评 本题考查翻译填空,做此类题目时一定要仔细分析句子结构,找出句子所缺成分;再根据所给提示及句意等其它要求确定所填词的最终形式.

5.Ways to Help Your Teen Adjust to a New School
In an ideal world,a teen could start and finish their schooling at the same school.(16)G.And while a move to a new city can be stressful for the entire family,it may be especially difficult for your teenager.Use these strategies to help your teen adjust to a new school.
The adjustment period begins before your teen ever steps foot into the new school.Point out the new opportunities that'll be available.If you have confidence that you can make it a new city or a new job,your teen will feel more confident about his ability to succeed in a new school.
Listen to your teen's concerns
If you don't have an open relationship with your teen currently,now it is the time to build one.It's easiest to get him to open up when he's feeling unsure.(18)C.Is he worried about new teachers?Does he doubt his ability to make the basketball team?
Talk about your reasons for moving
(19)D.If you're preparing for a better career opportunity,or you need to find a new house because you can't afford to stay where you are,talk about it.
Learn about the new school ahead of time
Conduct as much research as possible about the new school before your teen starts attending.Get your teen to find out about the size of the school and the types of classes offered.(20)E.Talking to a network guidance counselor ahead of time can also be helpful.

A.Keep a positive attitude
B.Develop your teen's different abilities
C.Keep asking questions about his biggest concerns
D.Be honest with your teen about why you're moving
E.Most schools have websites that offer a wealth of information
F.Joining a club or playing a sport can be a great way for your teen
G.However,when a family must move,a teenager must switch schools.
10.A major source of teen stress is school exams,and test anxiety is not uncommon.When you recognize your teen is under stress,how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?
Be involved.Parents need to be involved in their teen's work.(31)EWhat they look for is your presence-to talk,to cry,or simply to sit with them quietly.Communicate openly with your teen.Encourage your teen to express her worries and fears,but don't let her focus on those fears.
Help them get organized.(32)FTogether,you and your teen can work out a time-table in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.
Provide a calm setting.Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect her privacy.Give them a nutritious diet.It is important for your teen to eat a healthy,balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best.(33)BIf this happens,encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches.A healthy diet,rather than junk food,is best for reducing stress.(34)D
 Persuade your teen ager to get some sleep and/or do something active when she needs a real break from studying.Making time for relaxation,fun,and exercise are all important in reducing stress.Help your teen balance her time so that she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.
Show a positive attitude.(35)AYour panic,anxiety and blame contribute to your teen's pressure.Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts.Most importantly,reassure your teen that things will be all right,no matter what the results are.

A.A parent's attitude will dictate their teen's emotions.
B.Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite.
C.They will only make the situation worse.
D.Encourage your teen to relax.
E.The best thing is simply to listen.
F.Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly.
G.Your teens may also make negative comments about themselves.

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