
11.Selfies (自拍) have become an increasingly common way to capture memorable moments.When it comes to taking selfies,knowing the following tips can directly affect the quality of your final product.
The use of light is vital to improving image quality.Lights can help avoid shadows and create soft features on your face,so turn your face toward the main light source.If you want to be creative,play with light angles by turning your body,but make sure the photo is properly exposed and your face is lit from the front or the side.Besides,avoid taking selfies against the main light source or with overhead lighting.In addition,natural light possesses a warmth that makes you look like you're glowing.(发光)
When taking selfies,angles also matter a lot.Hold the camera away from your face,and try to take photos both horizontally(水平地) and vertically(垂直地).If not,your face might look bigger than usual.Ideally,the universal selfie angle is 45degrees above your head.But you should study your face at different angles because finding your best angle requires you having seen all of them.
One problem with selfies is that most have distracting backgrounds.You can always do more to show others your best side.Try to simplify the background by taking selfies outdoors or in spacious areas.Document yourself engaging in interesting activities---hiking with family members,visiting landmarks,or working out with friends.At least,you can make the photo appealing by getting rid of your outstretched arm or a background that's too busy.
You can also download some photo apps that allow you to adjust the lighting and contrast.Some apps offer useful filters,which can change your skin tone and remove pimples (粉刺) on your face.

1.To get an image of high quality,you need toC.
A.be under the light source
B.be against the main light
C.face the main light source
D.have the photo fully exposed
2.How can you find the angle that suits you most?A
A.Study your face at different angles.
B.Hold the camera far enough from you.
C.Keep the camera lower than your face.
D.Place the camera 45degrees above your head.
3.Which of the following should be avoided when taking selfies?D
A.The use of natural light.
B.A landmark as a background.
C.Changes of the skin tone.
D.A busy background.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了自拍可以帮你捕捉难忘的时刻,因此它现在越来越普遍.那么怎么才能提高自拍的质量呢?这篇文章将会告诉你.

解答 1.C 细节理解题.根据文章第二段的Besides,avoid taking selfies against the main light source or withoverhead lighting.可知,想要效果好,就不能背着光,也就是说要迎着光,故选择C.
2.A 细节理解题.根据文章第三段的But you should study your face at different angles because findingyour best angle requires you having seen all of them.可知,要选好角度,就要从不同的角度看看你的脸,故选择A.
3.D细节理解题.根据文章第四段的At least,you can make the photo appealing by getting rid of your outstretched arm or a background that's too busy.可知选择D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

10.Almost everyone suffers from a headache (61)occasionally(occasional).But some people suffer from repeated,frequent headaches.
What is headache?What causes it?What can you done about a headache?What research is being done on headaches?The dictionary defines headache simply (62)as"a pain in the head".(63)Whatmost people mean by headache (64)is(be) a pain that lasts several minutes or hours.It covers the whole head,or one side of it,or perhaps the front or the back of the head.To add to the confusion about a definition,some people call tight feeling in the head a headache.
A headache is important because (65)itcan be the first warning of a serious condition which probably could be controlled (66)if/whendiscovered early.If a person (67)removes(remove) the warning,day after day,with a pain-killer,he may pass the point of easy control.
A headache is important also because it disturbs people,(68)preventing(prevent) them from living a happy life.The (69)employer/employee(employ) with a headache does less work.In a flash of temper he may upset his fellow (70)guys(guy) or customers,causing a direct or indirect loss to his organization.The mother with a headache suffers and disturbs the family.She upsets her husband and children.
2.Art of living
Aristotle once wrote that"happiness is a state of activity".In other words,whether you are seeking lifelong satisfaction (33)ora few moments of good cheer,you have got to move forward.We've surveyed the experts and found four steps to take toward a sunny disposition(性格):
Over a 30-year period,University of Illinois researchers asked nearly 12,000people (34)howincome,education,political participation,volunteer activities,and close relationships affected their happiness.Reported Newsweek's Sharon Begley on the findings,"The highest level of happiness (35)is fond(find) with the most stable,longest,and most contented relationships."
Singing aloud,talking to a stranger,raising your hand:All may increase a feeling of well-being,according to a study from Wake Forest University.Participants tracked their moods for two weeks and reported feeling happier when they were (36)more outgoing(outgoing).
The editors of forbes.com gave¥5 or¥20 randomly to 46 strangers.Half the group was told to spend money on (37)themselves,while the other half was told to spend it on others.Those who'd shared the wealth felt much happier at the end of the day than those who'd spent it on themselves.There was no difference in happiness between those who spent¥5 or¥0,suggesting that it's not how much money you spend,but how you spend it,(38)thatcan boost (提升) the spirit.
Studies from the University of Pennsylvania's Positive Psychology Center show (39)thatnegative-minded people who wrote down three good things that happened to them each day for six months reported an (40)improved(improve) outlook.
19.No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance.Uniforms are controlling the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic(民主的) society.Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of the whole.The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth.
There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger,more important concept.What could be more important than the individual himself?If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members,that organization has no right to continue its existence.
Others say that the practice of making persons wear uniforms,say in school,gets rid of all envy and competition in a matter of dress,such that a poor person who cannot afford good-quality clothing is not to be looked down upon by a wealthy person who wears expensive clothing.Those persons ignore the concepts as freedom of choice,motivation,and individuality.If all persons were to wear the same clothing,why would anyone struggle to be better?It is only a short step from forcing everyone to drive the same car,have the same type of food.When this happens,all motivation to improve one's life is removed.Why would parents bother to work hard so that their children could have a better life than they had when they know that their children are going to be forced to have exactly the same life as they had?
Uniforms also hurt the economy(经济).Right now,billions of dollars are spent on the fashion industry yearly.Thousands of people are employed in designing,creating,and marketing different types of clothing.If everyone were forced to wear uniforms,artistic personnel would be unnecessary.Salesmen would be extra as well.Why bother to sell the only items that are available?The wearing of uniforms would destroy the fashion industry which in turn would have a wave effect on such industries as advertising and sales promotion.Without advertising,newspapers,magazines,and television would not be able to remain in business.Our entire information and entertainment industries would collapse.
68.Why does the author discuss forcing everyone to buy the same car or eat the same food?B
A.To show that freedom of choice is absolute in modern society.
B.To suggest what would happen if uniforms became compulsory.
C.To predict the way the society will be in the next few generations.
D.To show that the government has too much control over people's lives.
69.The last word of the passage"collapse"probably meansA.
70.The author's primary purpose in writing this passage was toD.
A.show that uniforms are not possible in a democratic society
B.advise the government to change the rules of wearing uniforms
C.advocate stronger governmental controls on the wearing of uniforms
D.convince the reader that uniforms have more disadvantages than advantages.
6.Now that newsrooms are becoming less popular in the US,young people have begun to tell their own stories.
GlobalGirl Media,a nonprofit organization that teaches teenage girls digital storytelling skills,was started by award-winning filmmakers Amie Williams and Meena Nanji in Los Angeles in 2010.
"By giving girls a voice,you introduce a different story,and change the existing one,"said Danny Glover,a member of the GlobalGirl Media advisory board.
"When the camera's in my hands,I feel like I can't lose,"Said Cheyenne Grisez,14."It makes me happy and I feel like I can do anything."
On the final day of the summer academy in California,Williams worked with Grisez and Camila Prado,15,on a short film about Prado's fight against an eating disorder.In the film,Prado bravely interviewed her parents and sister about how she was able to beat her depression and eating disorder.This film and others the girls had made were shown to parents and friends on the last day of the academy,celebrating their hard work.
"It's their story,and nobody knows how to tell it better than they do,"Williams said.
"These girls are from really difficult backgrounds.They feel trapped sometimes.They feel alone."Williams said."The camera gives them a way to look at their world in a different way and get out of that feeling.''
Girls in the program practice their skills and build confidence by going out in the community and interviewing people for the short films.Many of them had no experience,but found they had good storytelling skills.
"I work with these girls.Every day I leave inspired and completely grateful,because I know that.due to the work we're doing with them,things will be better,"said GlobalGirl Media summer academy project director Heather Faison.

25.Why do many American girls like to tell stories using the camera?B
A.Their parents hate to give them a hand.
B.The camera can help them out of their trouble.
C.They can make profits from their documentaries.
D.They desire to improve their photo skills.
26.What do we learn about GlobalGirl Media from the text?A
A.It gives girls digital storytelling skills.
B.It gets much money from girl students.
C.It was founded by the government.
D.It has newsrooms in California.
27.What difficulty did Prado overcome by making her film?B
B.An eating disorder.
C.Poor school scores.
D.Teenage depression.
28.Who directed GlobalGirl Media summer academy project in California?D
A.Meena Nanji.   
B.Amie Williams.
C.Danny Glover.
D.Heather Faison.
16.This could be the perfect gift for the partner,who embarrasses you on the dance floor.Smart socks,which can teach to dance,may be the answer for anyone with two left feet.
The socks have been developed as a running tool to help runners improve their skills.Thanks to the socks,users can accurately(精确地) record not only know far and fast they run but also how well.It means the user maximizes(最大化)their performance,and reduces damage to body and prevents hurt.The hi-tech socks are made of special fibers(纤维) that watch the movements of your feet.They look,feel and can be washed like normal clothes.
Sensors record each movement and send it by an ankle transmitter (脚踝发射器) to a smart phone.Then a"virtual coach"application shows the information and can tell the user what they are doing wrong,and help to improve skill in any task with feet.
The socks should be useful to athletes and weekend joggers."People think running is so easy and of course everybody can do it but not necessarily safely and well,"Dr Davide Vigano said.A recent study showed that between 60and 80 percent of runners got hurt per year.This is pretty much more than any other human activity.Researchers say the technology can also be developed to teach people how to dance,play sports such golf,or even to help to teach women to walk better in high heels.
Mr.Vigano said,"People could all benefit from the idea.We have had interest from all sorts of sports,like skiing,football,cycling and golf.Anything where you have to use your feet can use it.It could even be put in high heels to help women walk in them safely."
Socks are just the start,and the technology could be used in gloves,hats and boots.The socks,anklet and software package,are expected to be sold for around£120,which will go on sale in March.

33.What does the underlined part"anyone with two left feet"refer to?C
A.People who are disabled.
B.People who invented the socks.
C.People who are not good at dancing.
D.People who are interested in dancing.
34.What's special about fibers that the socks are made of?A
A.They can monitor the movement of feet.
B.They feel much softer than normal clothes.
C.They are expensive to produce.
D.They act as a smart phone for users.
35.According to Dr Vigano,C
A.60to 80 percent of runners would like to buy the smart socks.
B.users can run as fast as they like with the socks.
C.everyone can make good use of the smart socks.
D.no runners will get hurt,thanks to the socks.
3.Green is an important color in nature.It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees.It is also the color of most growing plants.
Sometimes,the word green means young,fresh and growing.Sometimes,it describes something that is not yet ripe(成熟的) or finished.
For example,a greenhorn is someone who has no experience,who is new to a situation.In the 15th century,a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns(角) had not yet developed.A century or so later,a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle.By the 18th century,a greenhorn had the meaning it has today---a person who is new in a job.
About 100years ago,greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west.Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities back east.The greenhorn lacked the skills he would need to live in the west.
Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb.The expression comes from the early 1900s.A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well.You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.
Green is also the color used to describe the powerful emotion,jealousy(嫉妒).The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space.It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play"Othello."
It describes the unpleasant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants.A young man may suffer from the green-eyed monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else.Or,that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay raise and she does not.
In most places in the world,a green light is a signal to move ahead.A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on.In everyday speech,a green light means approval to continue with a project.

25.If a person was a greenhorn,he mightD.
A.be good at growing plants           B.get along well with others
C.be a soldier in the 16th century    D.have no experience in doing something
26.When you have trouble in growing flowers,you can ask for help fromA.
A.a green thumb   B.a green light
C.a greenhorn     D.a green-eyed monster
27.If a girl refuses your invitation to a dance party but accepting another gentleman's,you mayD.
A.need to buy a green light           B.have to get a green thumb
C.show them your greenhorn            D.be affected by the green-eyed monster
28.What is the passage mainly about?C
A.The origin of the word"green".
B.Some expressions concerning green.
C.The story of a green-eyed monster.
D.Some ways of how to use words properly.
20.Even when you're extremely busy,you aren't using your time with 100% efficiency.There are gaps in everyone's schedule where they aren't doing anything important.Even if your schedule has no gaps,there is probably lots of time where you aren't working as fast or as effectively as you possibly could.
Why aren't you completely efficient?It's because time isn't the limiting factor.If it were the limiting factor,people could work non-stop without breaks or any unproductive distractions(消遣).Instead,people,even those who are highly productive,need to take breaks,occasionally procrastinate(拖延) and slow down on tasks throughout the day.
The real and most important limiting factor for productivity is your energy levels to pay attention.Energy levels limit your productivity because when you're tired,you can have ample time and still not get everything done.Your attention ability is also limited,because even if there are a million things that need to be done,you can only focus on one or two at a time.
You might not be able to insert another 4-5 hours into your schedule without making some sacrifices.But even extremely busy people can add an hour or two into their schedule without cancelling anything.The reason it's hard to"find time"isn't a lack of time.It's because you don't have enough energy left to focus on something else that needs to fit into your day.
I first suspected time wasn't the real problem during an extremely busy period in my life over a year ago.I was insanely busy,but at that time I still exercised regularly.I had daily to-do lists with over twenty items,and I still found time to exercise.However,after a few weeks off,due to illness,I stopped exercising.I was not busy by any standards,in fact,my schedule was incredibly light.Despite this free time,I found it hard to find time to exercise.It seemed to get pushed later and later into my schedule until it was gone.How can I explain this odd experience?I believe you have known it.
26.If someone can't work with 100% efficiency,the most important limiting factor isD.
A.a schedule without gaps                
B.breaks and distractions
C.the limited time                       
D.the limited energy
27.According to paragraph 4,everyone,including the extremely busy people,canC
A.work without any rest                   
B.focus on many things at a time
C.find some more time in a day           
D.do some exercise regularly
28.After a few weeks off,what was the change of the writer's life?B
A.He had a longer daily to-do lists with over twenty items.
B.He stopped doing exercise because of the lack of energy.
C.He found it hard to find time to exercise because he was busier.
D.He pushed most of the things later and later in his schedule.
29.The writer gives the example of himself in the last paragraph in order toAA.prove what the real limiting factor is                    
B.show us how busily he needs to work
C.explain how important a healthy body is             
D.tell us what an odd experience he has
30.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.Are You Really Lack of Time?
B.How Can You Work Efficiently?
C.What Makes Your Energy Limitedd?
D.When Should You Do Exercise?

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