

Several weeks ago, my husband and I decided to sell some of the old things in our house. We thought 【1】 a good opportunity to clean up our 10-year-old son’s room and deal with some toys that were no 2 (long) suitable for him to play with. We agreed that all the money 3 (make) from selling the toys would go to our son.

We decided to sell the toys our son no longer liked and a little bike that was too small for him. The little bike, 4 a bit old, was still in good condition.

We charged $ 10 for the bike, 5 it didn’t sell. So, after the sale was over, my husband put it on the roadside with a sign, on 6 were written “FREE BIKE”. Soon our doorbell rang. A little boy stood outside, 7 (ask) in poor English whether the bike was really free. I said yes and that he could have it 8 nothing. He smiled, got on the bike and 9 (happy) rode away.

Later that evening I told my son that the old bike had been given to the little boy for free. He smiled, obviously happy 【10 (hear) that someone else would make good use of that little bike.











【10】to hear




【2】longer考查形容词。No longer....不再....,用longer




【6】which考查关系词。非限制性定语从句,write on sth,用which


【8】for考查介词。For nothing不用花费任何东西,用for


【10】to hear考查动词。Happy to do 快乐的做某事,用to hear


【题目】Boys are not so good at English when there are girls in their class, a research student said. This finding disagrees with the widely held belief that girls always have a good influence on boys in school.

Boys do best with as few girls as possible in English lessons at primary and secondary schools, Steven Proud, a research student at Bristol University, told the Royal Economic Society’s conference.

But when it comes to math and science, both boys and girls at primary schools achieve up to a tenth of a grade higher when there is a greater percentage of girls in the class, Proud found.

Proud kept a record of boys’ and girls’ test results at the ages of 7, 11, and 16 in 16,000 schools in England. He studied the test scores to see whether the percentage of girls made a difference to the results of both boys and girls in math, science and English.

Boys always perform worse when the number of girls they study English with increases, which is especially the case at primary schools. Proud also found that girls are unaffected by the number of boys in their English class.

Proud said boys may do worse in English when there is high proportion(比例) of girls in their class because they think that the girls are better than them. It could also be that teachers use teaching styles more appropriate(适合) to girls when there are more girls than boys in the class.

Proud argues that his results show boys should be taught English in single-sex classes.

However, Professor Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham, said, “Boys may be discouraged by how well girls are doing in English, but you can’t say that it means boys and girls should be separated. It has very little practical importance to schools.”


Boys may do _【1】__ in English in a class with a higher percentage of girls.

Widely held


Girls always have a good influence on boys in school.

Proud’s ___3___

When there are more girls

both boys and girls at primary schools perform better in math and ___5____.

When the number of girls _4____.

boys perform worse in English

When the number of boys changes

girls arent __6___ in an English class.

Possible ____7___.

Boys think that the girls are better than them.

Teachers use ___8___ styles more appropriate to girls.

Proud’s suggestion

Boys and girls should be taught English in _9___ classes.

Alan’s opinion

Don’t ___【10____ the boys and girls.

【题目】I've always felt a bit sad for weekend fathers, who are divorced and must maintain a bond with their children through visits on the weekend.Not having the opportunity for a lot of quality time, they go in for quantity giving lots of gifts and taking the children on non stop outings.

But now I can understand.I'm a weekend mom.My child, Henry, is a dog.

Henry just returned to his father, Jack, after a happy stay with me.For ten days, I fed him the best food, canceled plans to stay home with him and let him sleep on the bed every night.

Jack and I broke up a year ago.But neither of us wanted to part with Henry, so we share him.Not surprisingly, Henry is a willing participant in our contest for his love.

Jack doesn't let Henry sleep on his bed, so that's where I can always gain big points.I feed Henry higher quality food.I am always replacing his expensive “thingy" ,a cotton knot he likes chewing on.It' s his favorite toy, and the only one he has is at my house.Score another one for me.

Jack now has a girlfriend, Lucy.At first she was afraid of dogs, which secretly delighted me.But that Henry, just trying to be polite(the way I taught him to be),won her over.

If truth be told, as time passes, there has been a slight change in Henry' s behavior toward me.The worst was one day when Jack dropped him off for a two week stay.Henry and I were in the backyard playing as Jack was driving off.When he heard Jack's truck, he ran after it for two blocks until Jack had to stop and bring him back.

That hurt, especially since I had friends over at the time.In a rare conciliatory (安抚的) mood, Jack said to me, "You know, I' m his best friend, but you'll always be his mom."

Whatever it takes, I plan to make sure it stays that way.

1At the writer's home, Henry________.

A.does a lot of running

B.enjoys high quality food

C.has many expensive toys

D.is not allowed to sleep on her bed

2The writer feels hurt because________.

A.Jack has got a girlfriend

B.Lucy doesn't like Henry at all

C.Jack doesn't treat Henry as well as before

D.Henry' s attitude to her has changed slightly

3This article is mainly about________.

A.the tips on keeping dogs

B.the writer' s happy life with a dog

C.the writer' s efforts to win a dog's love

D.the relationship between the writer and Jack

4The writer wrote the passage in a/an_________way.

A.humorous B.serous C.angry D.painful

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