
There are many people you are well advised to treat kindly: Your child’s teacher, your husband or wife, your boss and so on.

Until now, that best-behavior-required list has not included your Uber(优步) driver, or taxi drivers. Old thinking: Hey, they’re here to serve me. I don’t have to make a special effort to be nice to them.

Dangerously wrong.

A recent New York Times story told the educative tale of a Uber passenger, Hussein Kanji, who says he’s really not sure how he made his driver angry. All he knows is that his driver-generated rating(评分) went way down and the wait for a Uber car became hours instead of minutes.

Be careful, Uberians: If you’re feeling angry when you get into the back seat and you give your driver the silent treatment, your reputation may get damaged in the driver-generated ratings. If you’re among the people described as “generally negative” by one Uber driver, watch out.

Uber isn’t the only front on this battlefield. The ability to rate someone’s service is one of the successes of the Internet. It helps everyone weed out people with bad attitudes and worse habits.

These ratings should cut both ways. A while back, the auction(竞买) site eBay made many of its sellers angry when it started preventing them from giving negative ratings to buyers. Until then, sellers and buyers had threatened each other with negative reviews. Too many negative reviews could get you thrown off.

Then eBay shifted the balance of power to buyers. Sellers can still write a bad comment, but the overall rating cannot be anything but positive. Thus eBay has become a place where all is for the best. Think positive!

We know that being nice to people all day can be exhausting. We’ve also seen people who shout at those who don’t measure up to their expectations for service.

Uber is reportedly about to spread worldwide. It is a welcome competitor because it fits the needs of customers in a new way. We know Uber is a two-way street. But drivers who get too picky may end up with no passengers.

Everyone, behave!

1.Negative driver-generated ratings mean that ________.

A. Uber drivers will never serve those customers

B. drivers are too slow to pick up customers

C. customers have to wait for a longer time when using Uber cars

D. customers have done damage to Uber cars

2.The underlined phrase “weed out” (Para. 6) can best be replaced by _____.

A. hate B. get rid of

C. value D. win back

3.The example of eBay in the article is probably meant to show that ________.

A. in the Internet age, buyers have always had the advantage of ratings

B. the power of ratings should be given to both sides of a service

C. the main reason why eBay has become a successful auction site

D. controversy between customers and sellers has only come about recently

4.The author has written this article to ________.

A. show that when using Uber, your behavior directly affects the service you get

B. prove that giving and receiving bad ratings can influence your life

C. suggest that tools like Uber and eBay can reflect what kind of person you are

D. stress that both customers and service providers should be respectful and positive


Happiness depends upon ourselves

I stared at the word “Happiness”, my creative-writing assignment (作业) about emotion, on my blank(空白的) paper. No format(格式) at all.

It was not the lack of structure (结构)______ the word “happiness” that was ______ me. Anything else I could have ______ well, say, jealousy (嫉妒) or pain. But I was ______to write about happiness.

There was a ______ at my bedroom door. “Hey, Sarah?” asked a small voice. “Can I come in?” “Rachie.” I said to my five-year-old sister. “I’m ______ now.”

“But this is important.”

I ______. “Okay, then.” Rachie came in. “Um, I caught my favourite butterfly. It’s ______ pretty. But I let it go because Mommy said it would die.” “So, what’s the ______?” I asked. “Well,” she whispered ______ she were about to share a deep ______. “When I set it free, I was ______. Does that make me a mean person?” I ______. “Of course not. You were just happy it was free.” I gave her a ______ . “Now I have work to do.” “What work?” she asked. I ______ my blank paper. “I have to write about happiness.” “Oh, that’s easy.” “What’s your happiness?” I asked. She thought a few seconds. “Butterflies,” she said ______ and left.

Butterflies! I thought about our ______. She was happy to catch the butterfly and happy to see it go. Maybe she was right. Butterflies ______ nothing but happiness. Maybe butterflies aren’t exactly the ______ to happiness, but there is something to be said about the simple things in ______ . And with that, I started to write.

1.A. or B. but C. and D. nor

2.A. bothering B. inspiring C. surprising D. attracting

3.A. analyzed B. explained C. handled D. adjusted

4.A. reminded B. supposed C. persuaded D. prepared

5.A. knock B. call C. push D. beat

6.A. annoyed B. dizzy C. puzzled D. busy

7.A. begged B. sighed C. urged D. refused

8.A. equally B. hardly C. really D. slightly

9.A. effect B. result C. decision D. problem

10.A. as if B. only if C. so that D. in case

11.A. sorrow B. secret C. feeling D. pain

12.A. awful B. excited C. glad D. disappointed

13.A. argued B. nodded C. added D. smiled

14.A. hug B. tip C. look D. hand

15.A. read through B. glanced at C. set down D. turned over

16.A. angrily B. blindly C. anxiously D. simply

17.A. conversation B. conclusion C. debate D. interview[

18.A. discover B. bring C. benefit D. expect

19.A. barrier B. introduction C. key D. limit

20.A. need B. return C. work D. life

In March, I experimented with cutting my work hours by 17% to see how it would affect my

____ and well-being.

For two weeks, ______ working from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and reading a work-related book during lunch, I worked from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. and took a half-hour lunch ______.

Parts of my experience were ______ — for example, I felt quite rushed during the first few days of the ______. Other parts were less expected — like the fact that I was just as productive as before. But the most surprising finding is that I ______ spending more money.

On a (n) ______ workday, I dine on something particular, like a peanut butter and banana sandwich, while ______ in the Business Insider Kitchen. But during the first week of the experiment, I was so excited about the ______ that I wandered happily to the local food shop and ______ a sandwich that I ate while sitting in Madison Square Park. When I left work early, and ______ when I was killing time before plans with friends later in the evening, I ______ myself with tea and magazines.

So if you do decide to ______ your work hours, it’s probably wise to plan some ______ in advance — like visiting a ______ or a free museum that’s open during lunch or in the evenings, depending on your personality, ______ could potentially be even more meaningful than ______ at a coffee shop.

I should decide at some ______ in the future to go back to a(n) ______ workweek because that benefits me so much, and it’s certainly ______ I’ll keep in mind.

1.A. ability B. personality C. productivity D. nationality

2.A. more than B. other than C. or so D. instead of

3.A. breath B. chat C. look D. break

4.A. believable B. predictable C. comfortable D. reasonable

5.A. work B. step C. experiment D. progress

6.A. ended up B. started with C. speeded up D. lived with

7.A. terrible B. obvious C. flexible D. typical

8.A. sitting B. sleeping C. listening D. finding

9.A. freedom B. snack C. love D. happiness

10.A. borrowed B. bought C. found D. made

11.A. actually B. exactly C. especially D. quickly

12.A. educated B. reminded C. devoted D. entertained

13.A. take B. cut C. make D. spend

14.A. activities B. lists C. ideas D. goals

15.A. school B. factory C. library D. restaurant

16.A. that B. which C. where D. what

17.A. trying out B. putting out C. taking out D. hanging out

18.A. aspect B. point C. direction D. entrance

19.A. shorter B. cleverer C. easier D. longer

20.A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything

There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise. Some people believe that they can’t help putting on weight as they get older, while others hold that if they stop exercising, their muscles will turn into fat. Here are some more myths:

I’ll never lose weight--I come from a fat family

Wrong! While we can't change the body type we are born with, we can't blame our genes for making us fat. There's plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families, and the main reason is that they share the same habit of eating too much and exercise too little.

I am fat because I burn calories slowly

Wrong! Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism(新陈代谢).In fact, although fat people consume more energy than slim people, they also fail to realize how much they eat! Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake mom accurately.

Exercise is boring

Wrong! Anything will become boring if you do it repetitively. The key is to develop a balanced and varied program that's fun as well as progressive. If you enjoy a Sunday walk, take a different mute. If you do yoga, try a Tai chi class. If you like swiping, set yourself a distance or time challenge.

No pain, no gain

Wrong! Exercise is not meant to hurt. Indeed, pain is you body telling you something's wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury. You may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly, but this is your body adapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quickly. If they don't, rest and seek medical advice.

1.What does the author think about being fat?

A. It is the family genes that make people fat.

B. People are fat because they consume too little energy.

C. A diary of exercise can prevent people from becoming fat.

D. It is the consequence of people's unbalanced lifestyle.

2.According to the author, how can we make exercise mom interesting?

A. By taking varied exercise. B. By choosing simple exercise.

C. By doing regular exercise. D. By sticking to outdoor exercise.

3.What is the author's opinion about "No pain, no gain" in exercising?

A. Keeping lit is essentially a painful experience.

B. Exercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt.

C. Pain in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goal.

D. Getting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To declare the importance of keeping lit.

B. To clarify some misconceptions about fatness and exercise.

C. To confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.

D. To explain some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.

Sometimes you meet an ordinary person doing something extraordinary. On a recent trip I met Normand Gallant. Normand is someone you could pass on the street and _______ notice but he is a very special person who___________ recognition.

Norm lives in a remote area far from the _________ big hospital, so when his wife_________ cancer several years ago, Norm was faced with a four hour_______to where she could be treated. That meant lots of_________ for meals, fuel, hotels and so on. But in the end the cancer took his wife _______.

Norm was obviously_________ by his wife's passing, but he was also very angry, _________ he realized that other people were________ the same sorts of hardships. He wanted to do something but he didn't want to give money to the ________ that support cancer research because he didn't know how much would actually get to the researchers. What he did was to __________ parties.

About every three weeks on Saturday evenings, there is a party in Norm's garage. There is music and dancing, and ________ during the evening Norm tells about a family who are having difficulties __________the cost of supporting a cancer patient undertaking __________ far from home. Then a honey-pail is passed around and the money ________, every cent of it goes ________ to that family.

Norm's personal loss has ________ an act of kindness that honors the __________ of the wife he has lost. Wouldn't it be ________if we had more people in the world like Normand Gallant? He makes the world a better place.

1.A. often B. ever C. always D. never

2.A. deserves B. dislikes C. avoids D. achieves

3.A. best B. nearest C. cleanest D. cheapest

4.A. discovered B. cured C. examined D. developed

5.A. flight B. walk C. drive D. wait

6.A. trouble B. expense C. efforts D. preparations

7.A. anyway B. somehow C. meanwhile D. instead

8.A. impressed B. stricken C. moved D. terrified

9.A. if B. although C. before D. because

10.A. understanding B. questioning C. facing D. settling

11.A. doctors B. families C. organizations D. hospitals

12.A. attend B. promote C. throw D. enjoy

13.A. at some point B. by this means C. for some reason D. in this case

14.A. calculating B. decreasing C. budgeting D. meeting

15.A. research B. treatment C. responsibility D. risk

16.A. collected B. distributed C. saved D. deposited

17.A. gradually B. smoothly C. directly D. explicitly

18.A. served as B. resulted from C. gone through D. contributed to

19.A. memory B. recovery C. cancer D. kindness

20.A. interesting B. nice C. precious D. meaningful

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