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September is a difficult month for all students as they return to continue their education, but for high school and university green hands, it is not just the heavy study tasks they need to follow. They will also go through military(军事的) training, which aims to help students improve their health and help them adapt to college life. The Ministry(部) of Education requires that universities should carry out at least 14 days' military training for freshmen(新生).

Hou Zhengfang, an education expert, questioned the benefits of military training. “It does little to improve students' physical health over only two weeks' time,” she said. “Maybe some disaster prevention training, such as earthquake survival or escaping from fires, would be of greater benefit.”

A freshman who fainted(晕倒) during training said that many students, especially girls, are unwilling to train in direct sunshine. “For me, military training is physically challenging and even damages my health,” said the 19-year-old.

Although Chu Jinjing, a Tsinghua University freshman, did feel some discomfort while training in the heat, the 18-year-old did recognize the benefits of military training. “By going through this tough(艰难的) training, I've become more independent and determined,” said Chu. “I have also managed to make a lot of friends.”

Wang Hui from Xi'an Jiaotong University sees the advantages of military training besides character building. “From senior high school to college, we join military training to start a new journey,” said Wang. “I would feel a bit incomplete without it.”

1.Hou Zhengfang might advise the Ministry of Education to ________.

A. cut students' heavy study tasks

B. introduce other trainings for students

C. encourage students to work out

D. shorten the time of military training

2.Chu Jinjing and Wang Hui mentioned all the benefits of military training EXCEPT ___.

A. developing friendship

B. improving students' health

C. building character

D. preparing students for college

3.According to the passage, what is the author's attitude towards military training?

A. He supports it very much.

B. He is strongly against it.

C. He doesn't express his own opinions.

D. He thinks it's good for his health.

In many countries, schools have long summer holidays, with shorter holidays in between. However, a new report suggests shortening school holidays to stop children forgetting what they have learnt during the long summer break. Instead of three school terms, it says, there should be five eight-week terms. And there should be just four weeks off in the summer, with a two-week break between the other terms.

Sonia Montero has two children at primary school and works full-time. She supports the idea. “The kids,” she says, “have much longer holidays than me and I can’t afford to take several weeks off work, so I need someone to take care of them. But nobody wants the work in the summer months — they all have holidays of their own.”

Not surprisingly, some young people disagree. Student Jason Panos says “It’s a stupid idea. I would hate staying at school in the summer. It’s unfair, too. The people who suggest this had long school holidays when they were young, but now they want to stop us enjoying the summer. The kids in Spain and America have much longer holidays than here, but they don’t forget everything they’ve learnt in a few months.”

Nadia Salib agrees. “Sure,” she says, “the first week at school after the summer is never easy, but you soon get back into it. The real problem round here is that kids get bored after so many weeks out of school, and then some of them start causing trouble. But the answer is to give them something to do, not make everyone stay in school longer.”

1.Why is Sonia in support of shorter school holidays?

A. She doesn’t get any summer holidays in her job.

B. She is worried that her children will forget what they’ve learnt.

C. She can’t afford to pay someone to look after her children.

D. She can’t get anyone to look after her children in summer.

2.What does Jason say about long summer holidays?

A. They can help children forget about school.

B. Schools in other countries don’t have them.

C. These days many older people have them too.

D. They have little influence on children’s education.

3.What does Nadia say about young people on summer holidays?

A. They would like to spend more time at school.

B. Long holidays are very bad for their education.

C. They need something to do to enrich themselves.

D. Long holidays should be shortened to stop them causing trouble.

4.Which of the following statements best explains the text?

A. It has been decided that summer holidays should be shortened.

B. Students are angry that school holidays have been changed.

C. Some people want to change school holidays but not everyone agrees.

D. Teenagers are worried that they will be busy during summer holidays.

It is amazing to note that the Internet is still such a new device, and yet it is one of the fastest and most powerful media tools. But think about it for a moment. On the Internet, a big online company can be run by two guys out of their garage. So it is only reasonable that people shopping on the Net would be a little leery of the security levels.

Internet giants such as Microsoft knew consumer confidence was the key to getting virtual(虚拟)shopping off the ground, and they work hard to make people feel safe to shop online.

Credit card companies, too, quickly saw the potential for Internet shopping, and have installed things like online shopping insurance for people. If you ever have a problem with your online credit purchases, many credit card companies will happily refund(返还) your money and then set their claws on the company that wronged you. Now that’s buying power!

There are other bonuses for online shoppers, of course. No line-ups, for one. No annoying mall shopping carts with broken wheels and kids crying because their parents won’t get them what they want.

When shopping online, consumers can sit down, have a coffee, and wear their slippers, not have to worry about their hair or parking and just click through sale after sale. Comparison shopping couldn’t be any easier. And thanks to courier companies(速递公司)getting in on the act, you never need wait longer than a day or two to get those all important purchases delivered right to your door.

No wonder so many companies are shaking their heads at traditional advertising and instead looking to the “virtual” world to attract online shoppers.

1.The underlined word “leery” means ________.

A. satisfied B. distrustful

C. hopeful D. sad

2.________ leads to consumers’ trust in online shopping.

A. Shopping law B. Shopping convenience

C. Internet access D. Shopping security

3.Which group of words would the writer use to describe current Internet shopping?

A. Adventurous, enjoyable, fast, unreal. B. Unsafe, cheap, slow, convenient.

C. Reliable, popular, convenient, slow. D. Safe, convenient, fast, comfortable.

4.The following are thought to have made contributions to the popularity of online shopping EXCEPT_________.

A. Internet companies B. courier companies

C. advertising companies D. credit card companies

There are many people you are well advised to treat kindly: Your child’s teacher, your husband or wife, your boss and so on.

Until now, that best-behavior-required list has not included your Uber(优步) driver, or taxi drivers. Old thinking: Hey, they’re here to serve me. I don’t have to make a special effort to be nice to them.

Dangerously wrong.

A recent New York Times story told the educative tale of a Uber passenger, Hussein Kanji, who says he’s really not sure how he made his driver angry. All he knows is that his driver-generated rating(评分) went way down and the wait for a Uber car became hours instead of minutes.

Be careful, Uberians: If you’re feeling angry when you get into the back seat and you give your driver the silent treatment, your reputation may get damaged in the driver-generated ratings. If you’re among the people described as “generally negative” by one Uber driver, watch out.

Uber isn’t the only front on this battlefield. The ability to rate someone’s service is one of the successes of the Internet. It helps everyone weed out people with bad attitudes and worse habits.

These ratings should cut both ways. A while back, the auction(竞买) site eBay made many of its sellers angry when it started preventing them from giving negative ratings to buyers. Until then, sellers and buyers had threatened each other with negative reviews. Too many negative reviews could get you thrown off.

Then eBay shifted the balance of power to buyers. Sellers can still write a bad comment, but the overall rating cannot be anything but positive. Thus eBay has become a place where all is for the best. Think positive!

We know that being nice to people all day can be exhausting. We’ve also seen people who shout at those who don’t measure up to their expectations for service.

Uber is reportedly about to spread worldwide. It is a welcome competitor because it fits the needs of customers in a new way. We know Uber is a two-way street. But drivers who get too picky may end up with no passengers.

Everyone, behave!

1.Negative driver-generated ratings mean that ________.

A. Uber drivers will never serve those customers

B. drivers are too slow to pick up customers

C. customers have to wait for a longer time when using Uber cars

D. customers have done damage to Uber cars

2.The underlined phrase “weed out” (Para. 6) can best be replaced by _____.

A. hate B. get rid of

C. value D. win back

3.The example of eBay in the article is probably meant to show that ________.

A. in the Internet age, buyers have always had the advantage of ratings

B. the power of ratings should be given to both sides of a service

C. the main reason why eBay has become a successful auction site

D. controversy between customers and sellers has only come about recently

4.The author has written this article to ________.

A. show that when using Uber, your behavior directly affects the service you get

B. prove that giving and receiving bad ratings can influence your life

C. suggest that tools like Uber and eBay can reflect what kind of person you are

D. stress that both customers and service providers should be respectful and positive

Fun doesn’t have to be expensive

Everyone likes to have fun, but not everyone has much money to spend. Here are some free or cheap ways to enjoy yourself.

Get outside

Going outside in good weather can be a lot of fun, especially if you go with a friend. 1.

If you live in a city, you can go window-shopping. Or you can explore an old part of town and admire the buildings.

Try a hobby

While you’re out, take pictures of things you find. Planning and taking pictures can make you aware of the beauty all around you. Photographic equipment can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. You probably already own a camera or a cell phone that can take pictures. Other creative hobbies can also be done with basic materials. 2.

Find an event

Libraries often hold free public events. 3. And while you’re there, borrow a book or movie for free. Museums and universities also hold free events.

If you can’t find a free event, you can volunteer at an event that requires tickets. People who organize concerts and plays need help. 4. Sometimes they reward volunteers with free tickets.

Meet a friend

Relationships are often the best things in life. 5. Invite a friend for a walk, an event or a time working on your hobby. Hosting doesn’t have to be difficult. If your friend comes in the afternoon, you don’t have to serve a meal. You can sit and talk, play board games or card games or watch a movie.

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed

B. Stop by one to find out what’s going on.

C. Hike or bicycle on a nearby path or in a park

D. Whatever you do, find someone to share it with.

E. It’s a good idea to stay at home to watch a movie

F. You could set up or take down chairs or greet visitors.

G. Drawing and writing require nothing more than a pencil and paper.

A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer’s hair. The golden red sun was______. She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery ball. She was ____ by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls _____up above in the sky.

The atmosphere _____her. After all she had been through, this was what she needed." It's getting _____," she thought, "I must go home. My parents will be _____where I am." She wondered how her parents would______, when she got home after the three days she was______.She kept on walking,______herself to the bungalow where she spent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked slowly and _____. Just in a few hundred meters she would be safe in her house.

It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too. She wished she ______her favorite sweater on---it kept her really warm. She imagined having it______her. This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door. It seemed ____. The outside garden seemed______. She was shocked: her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy.

She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a _____written by her father. It said: "Ellen, there is some coffee ____ . I went looking." Ellen was her mother but-where was she? She entered her parent’s home. Then she saw her. Her mother, lying on the bed, _____.Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer______, something was different. She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas.

It felt so good being back home. _____she heard a voice, "Are you feeling better now? You know you got us very, very _____."

1.A. disappearing B. setting C. rising D. shining

2.A. amazed B. excited C. disappointed D. frightened

3.A. moving B. flying C. stepping D. flowing

4.A. surprised B. confused C. relaxed D. exhausted

5.A. early B. cold C. warm D. late

6.A. wondering B. knowing C. ignoring D. finding

7.A. say B. take C. like D. react

8.A. working B. missing C. spending D. traveling

9.A. pointing B. enjoying C. directing D. teaching

10.A. easily B. silently C. happily D. willingly

11.A. believed B. wished C. guessed D. judged

12.A. with B. for C. at D. in

13.A. same B. familiar C. difficult D. different

14.A. crowded B. tidy C. deserted D. clean

15.A. text B. letter C. note D. sentence

16.A. ready B. gone C. present D. available

17.A. cried B. laughed C. coughed D. slept

18.A. woke up B. stayed up C. broke up D. held up

19.A. Fortunately B. Similarly C. Suddenly D. Constantly

20.A. moved B. lost C. inspired D. scared

There’s something about Minot that I’m always going to carry with me. When it got hit last year by the worst flooding in its history, there was this feeling of helplessness. You just watched this water slowly rise and flood the city. It was heartbreaking. But this is a community of people that are extremely strong and not afraid to roll up their sleeves and work to get it back to normal.

I’ve tried to bring as much awareness to Minot as I can, and raise as much money as I can. We held a concert last year, where my wife singer Fergie talked her band the Black Eyed Peas into coming in and doing a benefit concert. From it we raised $2 million towards the rebuilding effort, which was really cool. We won a contest for Oak Park as well, to start rebuilding on that.

Roosevelt Park Zoo is one of my oldest memories. I remember having a birthday party there as a kid. We used to go to look at the monkeys and other animals in the summer when it was open. But after last year’s flood, it was almost washed away, and they’ve got go start from scratch. I think the $25,000 dollars is a great start, but we’re going to have to raise a lot more to get it back to right. Luckily, the community itself is developing, so it’s just a matter of those doing whatever they can to help can to help the community to get it back to normal. However, it’s going to be a number of years for a third of the homes were lost. That will take a long time to heal, and if anyone in the world can get through it, it’s the people in Minot.

1.The author helped Minot fight against the flood by______.

A. donating as much money as the could

B. raising money for it through various activities

C. calling for the people’s awareness to stay calm

D. asking his wife’s band to play to comfort the people

2.The author helped rebuild Roosevelt Park Zoo mainly because______.

A. it was important for the children

B. many performances were held there

C. it reminded him of his happy childhood

D. it was destroyed the most seriously by the flood

3.Which of the following did the author show to us in the text?

A. His deep love to his hometown

B. The ways of helping each other in the flood

C. The difficulty of rebuilding homes in his hometown

D. His worry about the future life of the people in Minot

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