
Every year, billions of kilograms of fresh produce are wasted in the United States. Meanwhile, millions of poor Americans go hungry, without access to healthy and affordable meals.

Evan Lutz is enthusiastic about correcting that social injustice. And he combines that goal with enthusiasm for business, Lutz is CEO and founder of Hungry Harvest, a business which collects and sells “ugly” produce. These are fruits and vegetables that most food companies would throw away. More than six billion pounds are wasted each year due to surface imperfections.

“So I’ll give you an example.” Lutz says, “If you go to a grocery store you will see all the produce lineup shiny, perfect, of the same size and color. But on a farm, everything doesn’t grow the same way. So all that stuff that doesn’t grow the same way often gets thrown out. And what we do is take all that normally gets thrown out because of its odd size or shape, box it up and deliver it to our customers once a week.”

For Evan Lutz, giving back to others came from his upbringing.

“When I was growing up my parents taught me the values of giving back, and giving is a lot more powerful than receiving. We sell produce with a purpose and that doesn’t just mean we reduce food from going to waste. We hire people that were formerly in prison or were formerly injured or sick living in homeless shelters. They really wanted to get back on their feet for a second chance in life.”

Evan Lutz is really happy to be realizing great mission that he thinks can really revolutionize the food industry in America.

1.The social injustice in Paragraph 2 refers to the fact that ________.

A. vegetables and fruits that don’t taste good get wasted

B. much produce gets wasted while many Americans starve

C. grocery stores only sell produce of the same size

D. poor Americans cannot afford healthy food

2.What business does Hungry Harvest mainly do?

A. Deliver food for free.

B. Raise money for the poor.

C. Collect “ugly” produce and sell it.

D. Buy “ugly” produce and process it.

3.Why does Evan Lutz hire those people mentioned in Paragraph 5?

A. To lower labor costs. B. To increase productivity.

C. To offer them a job. D. To enjoy a better reputation.

4.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A. Creating More Jobs for the Less Fortunate

B. Putting Healthy Food on Dinner Table

C. Making Profits from Shiny Produce

D. Giving Unused Produce a Purpose


Terry was a middle-aged businessman. He was _____ in his business and often complained that he had been fooled by others. One day he told his wife he was _____ disappointed with the city that he had to _____.

So his family moved to another city. It was Saturday ____. When Terry and his wife were busily putting their things in their new home, the lights suddenly _____ and they were forced to stop work. Terry was sorry to have_____ to bring along some candles. Just then he heard light ____on his door.

“Who is it?” he wondered. Terry knew ______ else in the new city, and this was the moment he especially hated to be _____ He opened the door unwillingly. At the door was a little ____, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have _____? I’m your neighbor.” “No,” answered Terry angrily. He shut the door ____.

After a while the door was knocked again. He opened it and ____ the same little girl outside. But this time she was ____ two candles giving off red light. She said, “My grandma told me the____ neighbor downstairs might need candles. She sent me here to _____you these.”

At that moment Terry suddenly realized what ____ his failure in life. It was his ignorance and ____ to other people. The person who had fooled him in life was actually nobody else ____ himself, for his eyes had been covered by his ____ mind.

1.A. experienced B. unsuccessful C. interested D. lucky

2.A. very B. so C. such D. rather

3.A. leave B. travel C. stay D. choose

4.A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. evening

5.A. went down B. went out C. went by D. went on

6.A. wanted B. decided C. forgotten D. remembered

7.A. knocks B. calls C. strikes D. sounds

8.A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody

9.A. troubled B. followed C. liked D. learned

10.A. boy B. girl C. postman D. shopper

11.A. candies B. toys C. lights D. candles

12.A. easily B. worriedly C. happily D. heavily

13.A. found B. met C. touched D. knew

14.A. bringing B. seeing C. holding D. drawing

15.A. poor B. kind C. new D. young

16.A. buy B. give C. borrow D. sell

17.A. made B. caused C. developed D. stopped

18.A. laziness B. sadness C. unkindness D. unhappiness

19.A. besides B. except C. but D. than

20.A. open B. right C. warm D. cold

Every one complains. Even if you argue that you are the happiest person in the world, you still complain sometimes. Sometimes you complain: without even realizing ill, but rarely is it ever helpful.1.Here are some tips to stop complaint and give up the negative thoughts:


When you find yourself thinking or saying a negative comment about something or someone, stop and force yourself to say something positive instead. Seek the help of a cheerful friend to change you when you complain and help you to see the positive in the situation.

Make a list of things we are grateful for.

We often complain about the things we don't have without noticing those things we already have. Be grateful for what we have in our life because we are lucky simply for being ourselves. 3.

Learn to adapt to the changes.

There are many things we can't change.4.Always find the positive side of each situation, regardless of however difficult the situation is, with parents' and friends' support, we can survive any life changes.

Allow yourself to express your feelings every once in a while.

Constantly ignored negative thoughts could add up if you are really going through a hard time, don't be afraid to share your feelings with close friends or family members or see a therapist.

Find what makes you happy.

5. Maybe it is time to make the hard decision to move on to another job or career. Uncover what your biggest complaints are about and see if you can change the situation to make you happy. Stop complaining, focus on the positive, and be kind always!

A. Change the way you think

B. Make positive people friends

C. The best and only thing we can do is to accept them

D. Are you constantly complaining about your present job?

E. Sometimes this list can be easy, full of hobbies you enjoy

F. So how can you manage to force yourselves to end complaining?

G. Set down things we are thankful for and we'll see that we don't have any reason to complain.

Many years ago, I drove my seven-six-old daughter to school in our car. This _______day, we passed by many_______people who were begging. She asked why the same people were_______help every day and why no one was_______.

I really didn’t have a(n)_______answer to this question. So I decided to ask her how she thought she could help.

My little girl always had _______ideas flowing out of her which I couldn’t keep_______. The next day on the morning _______to school, my daughter asked me to stop at each_______where a homeless person stood. I asked why, but was quickly________to wait and see.

I ________my window and asked the gentleman to________. My daughter handed him 50 cents ________told him she would see him every morning. This went on for three blocks. I asked her where all of the money came________and she immediately informed me that her classmates took up a ________of coins and love for her to pass on to the “people on the corner.”

Every school day for two more wonderful years we stopped and ________ coins or a good morning wish to the “people on the corner”. She could always get everyone to ________ even if just for a quick second.

Times have changed, and many people________of giving money to homeless people on the corner but everyone deserve to be________, so my “people on the corner” get a “good morning and a smile” every day. I get the same________ every day.

1.A. particular B. curious C. anxious D. enthusiastic

2.A. hopeless B. aimless C. homeless D. friendless

3.A. apologizing for B. standing for C. working for D. asking for

4.A. helping B. sparing C. observing D. paying

5.A. difficult B. easy C. possible D. abstract

6.A. such many B. such much C. so many D. so much

7.A. out of B. away from C. in touch D. up with

8.A. breakfast B. trip C. sun D. rain

9.A. house B. corner C. highway D. garage

10.A. identified B. confirmed C. informed D. proved

11.A. rolled down B. put down C. broken down D. cut down

12.A. fall over B. go over C. turn over D. come over

13.A. but B. so C. or D. and

14.A. out B. from C. down D. about

15.A. collection B. fund C. action D. account

16.A. awarded B. rewarded C. afforded D. offered

17.A. laugh B. cry C. smile D. sob

18.A. dislike B. support C. disapprove D. agree

19.A. permitted B. acknowledged C. abandoned D. embarrassed

20.A. in return B. by turns C. in case D. by accident

The way you stand can identify whether you will suffer from aches and pains in the back or neck in later life, the British Chiropractic Association has said. Whether you are a “spoon”, “bridge”, “leaning tower” or “flat-back” will determine your risk of having problems later.

A quarter of women suffer pain lasting between one and three days starting at the relatively young age of 34, the survey found. While previous indicators have focused on body shapes, with larger-breasted women and “apple” shapes being seen as a warning sign, this new research shows posture (姿势) could be key in preventing back pain.

“Leaning tower” —women whose heads lean forward — are most likely to report pain, with almost six in ten with this posture already suffering. Being a “bridge” with an arched back was the second worse posture, followed by a “spoon” position with rounded shoulders but a flat back. And a change in posture can be far less demanding than a crash diet or an exercise programme.

“Flat back” ladies, who keep their backs flat are the most likely to avoid pain with a fifth reporting they have never suffered back or neck aches in their lives. Tim Hutchful, a member of the British Chiropractic Association said, “Rather than worrying about being an ‘apple’ or an ‘hourglass’ , we want people to think about what they look like from the side. The perfect posture should give you a side-on appearance with your ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in line. ” People who want to improve their back and neck pain symptoms through a better posture should try imagining they have a plumb line (铅垂线) hanging straight from their ears to ankles —with everything in the middle sitting on the same line. One way to do this is to try standing in a relaxed way and then gently pressing together the abdominal muscles (腹肌).

1.Which posture holds the greatest risk of back pain?

A. “Spoon”. B. “Bridge”. C. “Leaning tower”. D. “Flat back”.

2.What should people care about if they want to avoid back pain?

A. Their exercise. B. Their body shape.

C. Their daily diet. D. Their side-on appearance.

3.What does Tim Hutchful recommend?

A. Having an “hourglass” shape. B. Keeping a “flat back” posture.

C. Building abdominal muscles. D. Hanging a plumb line from one’s ear.

4.From the text we can infer that ________.

A. previously people blame body shape for back pain

B. we should lean slightly forward to avoid back pain

C. a “bridge” holds less risk of back pain than a “spoon”

D. your side-on appearance determines your body shape

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