18£®To be punctual is important for us because people rather expect us to be on time for appointments£®But it seems not easy to be on time every time£®Here are some useful methods to help you be punctual£®Plan your route£®If your destination£¨Ä¿µÄµØ£© is unfamiliar£¬go online the night before to map out your route and see how long it's going to take£®Then you will know when you have to leave the house£®
Do as much as possible the night before£®Make your mornings less stressful£¨ÓÐѹÁ¦µÄ£© by doing what you can the night before to make your time enough£®Get your clothes ready£®Set the breakfast table£®Make your lunch if you need to take it£®
Make a time table£®You need to make a time table if you have lots of things to do in a day£®For example£¬the time you get up£¬the time you leave the house£¬and the time you wait for the bus£®You also need to estimate£¨¹À¼Æ£© how long it takes£®
Give yourself a gift of being early£®If you plan to get to your destination 15minutes early£¬you'll probably never be late again£®Being early seems a waste of time£®But you can do something you love£®Read the newspaper£¬read your favorite blogs and even call a friend£®It really can be a gift£®
8£®The underlined word"punctual"probably meansA£®
A£®on time
B£®at work
9£®You need to plan your route whenD£®
A£®you are busy in the morning
B£®you have to take your breakfast
C£®you have lots of things to do
D£®you are unfamiliar with your destination
10£®What don't you need to do to make your mornings less stressful£¿C
A£®Get your clothes ready£®
B£®Set the breakfast table£®
C£®Make a time table£®
D£®Make your lunch£®
11£®From the passage£¬we can know thatD£®
A£®being early is a waste of time
B£®your friends will give you a gift if you're on time
C£®being late sometimes is good
D£®doing something you love is a gift sometimes£®
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½â´ð 8£®A ´ÊÒå²Â²âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝ£¬To be punctual is important for us because people rather expect us to be on time for appointments׼ʱ¡¢×¼µã¶ÔÓÚÎÒÃÇÀ´ËµÊǷdz£ÖØÒªµÄ¡½áºÏÑ¡Ï¹ÊÑ¡A
9£®D ϸ½ÚÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝ£¬Plan your route£®If your destination£¨Ä¿µÄµØ£© is unfamiliar£¬go online the night before to map out your route and see how long it's going to takeµ±Äã¶ÔÄ¿µÄµØ²½ÊìϤµÄʱºò£¬Òª¼ÇµÃÖƶ¨Â·Ïߣ¬¹ÊÑ¡D
10£®C ϸ½ÚÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝ£¬Make a time table£®You need to make a time table if you have lots of things to do in a day£®For example£¬the time you get up£¬the time you leave the house£¬and the time you wait for the bus£®You also need to estimate£¨¹À¼Æ£© how long it takes£®ÎªÁË»º½âÔçÉϵÄʱ¼äѹÁ¦£¬ÌáÇ°Ò»ÌìÍíÉÏÎÒÃÇÓ¦¸Ã°É´ó²¿·Ö¹¤×÷×öÍ꣬²¢ÖÆ×÷ʱ¼ä±í£¬½áºÏÑ¡Ï¹ÊÑ¡C
11£®D ÍÆÀíÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝ£¬But you can do something you love£®Read the newspaper£¬read your favorite blogs and even call a friend£®It really can be a gift£®×öһЩ×Ô¼ºÏ²»¶µÄʾÍÊǸø×Ô¼ºÀñÎïÁË£®½áºÏÑ¡Ï¹ÊÑ¡D
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