
  Windsurfing is a sport that combines sailing and surfing.In 1948,twenty-year-old Newman Darby first thought of using a handheld sail to contro1 a small boat.Darby did not apply for a patent(专利)for his design at first.However,he is recognized as the inventor of the first sailboard.
Californians Jim Drake,a sailor and engineer,and Hoyle Schweitzer,a surfer and skier received the patent for a sailboard.They called their design a windsurfer.The early windsurfer boards measured 3.5 meters long and weighed 60 pounds.Later in the l980s,Newman Darby did apply for and receive a design patent for a one—person sailboat.
In the late l940s,Newman Darby found he could control a 3-meter-long sailboat and make turns even without a rudder(舵).In l964 he designed the first universal joint(万向接头)to go along with a flat bottom sailing boat.This sailboard was equipped with a universal joint,a board and a kite—shaped free sail and thus windsurfing was born.
Naomi Darby,Newman’s wife,was the first woman windsurfer and helped her husband build and design the first sailboard.She sailed while standing up,controlling the boat without the use of a rudder.She tilted(倾斜)the sail to change directions.This was something that had never been done before.
Hoyle Schweitzer began producing sailboards in the early 1970s.The sport became very popular in Europe.By the late 1970s,windsurfing fever had Europe firmly in its grasp with one in every three families having a sailboard.
The first windsurfing world championship was held in 1973.Windsurfing first became an Olympic sport for men in l984 and for women in l992.
小题1:Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer received the patent for the design of     
A.a sailboard called windsurferB.a kite—shaped free sail
C.the first universal joint D.a one—person sailboat
小题2:What can we learn from the text?  
A.Hoyle Schweitzer was a sailor and Jim Drake was a surfer.
B.Newman Darby’s wife supported him in his invention.
C.Newman Darby was the first to tilt the sail to change directions.
D.The first world windsurfing competition was held in the late l970s.
小题3:Which is the correct order of the following events?
a.Newman Darby thought of controlling a boat with a handheld sail.
b.Newman Darby received his design patent.
c.Windsurfing became popular in Europe.
d.Windsurfing became an Olympic sport for women.
小题4:What is the main idea of the text?
A.The invention of windsurfing.B.How windsurfing was popular in the world.
C.The history of windsurfing.D.How windsurfing became an Olympic sport.
Everyone has got two personalities一the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You dont show your secret personality when youre awake because you can control your behavior, but when youre asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you.In a normal night,of course,people frequently change their position.The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.
●If you go to sleep on your back,you’re a very open person.You normally trust peop1e and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas.You don’t like to upset people,so you never express your real feelings.You’re quite shy and you aren’t very confident.
●If you sleep on your stomach,you are a rather secretive person.You worry a lot and you’re always easily upset.You’re very stubborn,but you aren’t very ambitious.You usually live for today not for tomorrow.This means that you enjoy having a good time.
●If you sleep on curling (蜷缩) up,you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low opinion of yourself and so you’re often defensive.You’re shy and you don’t normally like meeting people.You prefer to ________________________________.
●If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well-balanced personality.You know your strengths and weakness.You’re usually careful.You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel anxious,but you don’t often get depressed.You always say what you think even if it annoys people.
小题1:What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
You always stick to your own opinion,but you don’t have far-reaching goals.
小题3:Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)
小题4:which of the positions do you think is true to you? How can you improve the weakness of  your personalities? (Please answer within 30 words.)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.
Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it.
Recite and repeat in conversation(谈话,交往).
When you hear a person’s name, repeat it. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips. You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial(矫揉造作的,不自然的).
Ask the other person to recite and repeat.
You can let other people help you remember their names. After you’ve been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name and pronounce it correctly for you. Most people will be pleased by the effort(努力) you’re making to learn their names.
Admit you don’t know.
Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed. Most of them will feel sympathy if you say, “I’ m working to remember names better. Yours is right on the tip of my tongue. What is it again?”
Use associations(联络,联系).
Link(联系) each person you meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual. For example, you could make a mental note:“Vicki Cheng — tall, black hair.” To reinforce (加强) your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.
Limit the number of new names you learn at one time.
When meeting a group of people, concentrate on(集中精力) remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering everyone. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.
Go early.
Consider going early to conferences(会议), parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up(到场) on time. That’s fewer names for you to remember. And as more people arrive, you can hear them being introduced to others — an automatic (无意识的)review for you.
小题1:..How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names?
A.They will be moved.B.They will be annoyed.
C.They will be delighted.D.They will be discouraged.
小题2:.If you can’t remember someone’s name, you may ________.
A.tell him the truthB.tell him a white lie
C.ask him for pityD.ask others to help you
小题3:..When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember________.
A.all their namesB.a couple of names first
C.just their last namesD.as many names as possible
小题4:..What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Tips on an important social skill.B.Importance of attending parties.
C.How to make use of associations.D.How to recite and repeat names.
Instead of hitting the beach, fourteen high school students traded swimming suits for lab coats last summer and turned their attention to scientific experiments.
The High School Research Program offers high school students guidance with researchers in Texas A&M’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.Jennifer Funkhouser, academic adviser for the Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management, directs this four-week summer program designed to increase understanding of research and its career potential (潜能).
Several considerations go into selecting students, including grades, school involvement and interest in science and agriculture.And many students come from poorer school districts, Funkhouser says.“This is their chance to learn techniques and do experiments they never would have a chance to do in high school.”
Warner Ervin of Houston is interested in animal science and learned how to tell male from female mosquitoes (蚊子).His adviser, Craig Coates, studies the genes(基因) of mosquitoes that allow them to fight against malaria and yellow fever.Coates thought this experience would be fun and helpful to the high school students.
The agricultural research at A&M differs from stereotypes(模式化,老一套).It’s “molecular (分子) science on the cutting edge,” Funkhouser says.The program broadened students’ knowledge.Victor Garcia of Rio Grande City hopes to become a biology teacher and says he learned a lot about chemistry from the program.
At the end of the program, the students presented papers on their research.They’re also paid $ 600 for their work—another way this program differs from others, which often charge a fee.
Fourteen students got paid to learn that science is fun, that agriculture is a lot more than milking and plowing and that research can open many doors.
小题1:.The research program is mainly designed for ______.
A.high school advisers from Houston
B.college students majoring in agriculture
C.high school students from different places
D.researchers at the College of Agriculture and Life Science
小题2:.It can be inferred from the text that the students in poorer areas ____.
A.had little chance to go to college
B.could often take part in the program
C.found the program useful to their future
D.showed much interest in their high school experiments
小题3:.When the program was over, the students ______.
A.entered that college
B.wrote research reports
C.paid for their research
D.found way to make money
小题4:.The underlined expression “on the cutting edge” in paragraph 5 means “on the most _____ position.”
A.important B.favourableC.astonishing D.advanced
小题5:.What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Program for Agricultural Science Students
B.A Program for Animal Science Students
C.A Program for Medical Science Lovers
D.A Program for Future Science Lovers
ROME: The legend of Leonardo da Vinci is covered in mystery: How did he die?Are the remains buried in a French castle really those of the master? Was the "Mona Lisa" a self-portrait in disguise (伪装)?
A group of Italian scientists believe the key to solving those puzzles lies with the remains, and they say they are seeking permission to dig up the body to conduct carbon and DNA testing.
If the skull is undamaged, the scientists can go to the heart of a question that has fascinated scholars and the public for centuries: the identity of the "Mona Lisa." Recreating a virtual and then physical reconstruction of Leonardo's face, they can compare it with the smiling face in the painting.
"We don't know what we'll find if the tomb is opened. We could even just find grains and dust," says Giorgio Gruppioni, an anthropologist who is participating in the project. "But if the remains are well kept, they are a biological record of events in a person's life, and sometimes in their death." Silvano Vinceti, the leader of the group, said that he plans to press his case with the French officials in charge of the said burial site at Amboise Castle early next week.
Leonardo moved to France at the invitation of King Francis I, who named him "first painter to the king." He spent the last three years of his life there, and died in 1519 at age 67. The artist's original burial place, the palace church of Saint Florentine, was destroyed during the French Revolution and remains that are believed to be his were eventually reburied in the Saint-Hubert Chapel near the castle.
"The Amboise tomb is a symbolic tomb; it's a big question mark," said Alessandro Vezzosi, the director of a museum dedicated to Leonardo in his hometown of Vinci. Vezzosi said that investigating the tomb could help identify the artist's bones with certainty and solve other questions, such as the cause of his death. He said he asked to open the tomb in 2004 to study the remains, but the Amboise Castle turned him down.
The group of 100 experts involved in the project, called the National Committee for Historical and Artistic Heritage, was created in 2003 with the aim of "solving the great mysteries of the past," said Vinceti, who has written books on art and literature.
Arguably the world's most famous painting, the "Mona Lisa" hangs in the Louvre in Paris, where it drew some 8.5 million visitors last year. Mystery has surrounded the identity of the painting's subject for centuries, with opinions ranging from the wife of a Florentine merchant to Leonardo's own mother.
That Leonardo intended the "Mona Lisa" as a self-portrait in disguise is a possibility that has interested and divided scholars. Theories have existed: Some think that Leonardo's taste for tricks and riddles might have led him to hide his own identity behind that puzzling smile; others have guessed that the painting hid an androgynous lover.
If granted access to the grave site, the Italian experts plan to use a tiny camera and radar to confirm the presence of bones. The scientists would then exhume (挖掘) the remains and attempt to date the bones with carbon testing.
At the heart of the proposed study is the effort to discover whether the remains are actually Leonardo's, including with DNA testing.
Vezzosi questions the DNA comparison, saying he is unaware of any direct descendants (后代) of Leonardo or of tombs that could be attributed with certainty to the artist's close relatives.
Gruppioni said that DNA from the bones could also eventually be compared to DNA found elsewhere. For example, Leonardo is thought to have rubbed colors on the canvas with his thumb, possibly using saliva (唾液), meaning DNA might be found on his paintings.
Even in the absence of DNA testing, other tests could provide useful information, including whether the bones belonged to a man or a woman, and whether the person died young or old.
Even within the committee, experts are divided over the identity of the "Mona Lisa."
Vinceti believes that a tradition of considering the self-portrait to be not just a faithful imitation of one's features but a representation of one's spiritual identity may have resonated (共鸣) with Leonardo.
Vezzosi, the museum director, dismissed as "baseless and senseless" the idea that the "Mona Lisa" could be a self-portrait of Leonardo. He said most researchers believe the woman may have been either a wife of the artist's sponsor, the Florentine nobleman Giuliano de Medici, or Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a rich silk merchant, Francesco del Giocondo. The traditional view is that the name "Mona Lisa" comes from the silk merchant's wife, as well as its Italian name: "La Gioconda."  
小题1:   Where is this passage most probably taken from?
A.A magazine.B.A newspaper.C.A textbook.D.A research report.
小题2:   Why does the author ask a couple of questions in the beginning?
A.To arouse the interest of readers.B.To puzzle Italian scientists.
C.To answer the questions himself. D.To make fun of French officials.
小题3:   The best title of this story might be “_____”.
A.What Is the Purpose of an Investigation?
B.How Did Leonardo da Vinci Die in France?
C.Are the Remains Really Those of the Master?
D.Did Leonardo Paint Himself as 'Mona Lisa'?
小题4:The sentence “he plans to press his case with the French officials” (underlined in Paragraph 4) suggests that Vinceti intends to _____.
A.press the French officials to participate in their project
B.urge the French officials to open the tomb early next week
C.persuade the French officials to allow opening the tomb
D.record events in a person’s life with the French officials
小题5:   Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Scholars have the same opinion on DNA testing.
B.Scientists doubt if the remains are those of da Vinci.
C.The identity of “Mona Lisa” has already been proved.
D.Alessandro Vezzosi got permission to open the tomb.
小题6:   We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _____?
A.“Mona Lisa” is the name of the wife of a silk merchant
B.the “Mona Lisa” is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci
C.experts divided the committee into several groups
D.opinions differ of the identity of the “Mona Lisa”
From a very early age,some children exhibit better
self-control than others.Now,a new study that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a child’s low self-control can predict poor health,money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.
Researchers have been studying this group of children for decades now.They observed the level of self-control the youngsters displayed.Parents,teachers,even the kids themselves,scored the youngsters on measures like“acting before thinking”and “Persistence in reaching goals.”
The study led  by Moffitt of Duke University and colleagues followed 1,000 children from birth to age 32 in Dunedin,New Zealand.
“The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age three to ten,later on had the most health problems in their 30s,” Moffitt said, “and they had the worst financial situation.They were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a very low income.”Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed,and weren’t just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.
Moffitt said it’s still unclear why some children have better self-control than others,though she said other researchers have found that it’s mostly a learned behavior,with relatively little genetic influence.But good self-control can be set to run in familles because children with good self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents.But the good news,Moffitt said,is that self-control can be taught by parents,and through school curricula that have been shown to be effective.
小题1:From the first two paragraphs we learn that         .
A.the research has been carried out for five years
B.self-control in kids tends to determine their future
C.self-control was assessed by children’s intelligence
D.children’s self-control is almost the same at early age
小题2:Children with low self-control are more likely to         .
A.become wealthy in later lifeB.get good school performance
C.have better financial planningD.adopt negative behaviors
小题3:According to Moffitt,       .
A.only good genetic factors can shape their lives in the future
B.scientists know well why some children have better self-control
C.self-control in childhood has nothing to do with criminal activity
D.willpower as a child really influences people’s chances of adulthood
小题4:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Self-control cannot be taught in schools.
B.The study is restricted within few participants.
C.It’s never too late to deal with self-control problems.
D.Good parenting can improve self-control and life success.
小题5:.Which of the following might be the best title of the  passage?
A.Child’s self control predicts future health,success
B.Kids are encouraged to take risks at an early age
C.Children’s development cannot be changed by teachers
D.How to teach the kids a bit of self-control in schools
When it comes to eating out, we can't help thinking of big meals in the restaurants, which usually contain much more fat and less fibers. Whether it is a business meeting over lunch or a fast food meal with the kids, eating out is a part of our lives. We eat out to save a lot of time, like grabbing a bite at fast food restaurants, or we take dining out as a favorite way to relax and socialize with friends.
Eating out can be fun but many people still like eating at home more because it is healthier. When my dear wife does not prepare foods for me, I would rather cook some instant noodles and eat at home! However, we go out to eat once in a while for holidays or on special occasions.
More and more people want to make healthy food choices nowadays. Some are watching calories, while others want to keep their cholesterol(胆固醇)under control or eat less fat. Plan ahead and choose wisely, you will find foods that fit into your meal plan and make eating out both healthy and enjoyable.
Here are some pointers to remember that can help you make wise choices when eating out: go for balance, watch portion sizes and drink water or low-fat milk. Keep the ground rules of good nutrition in mind. Eat a variety of foods in moderate(适中的)amounts, limit the amount of fat you eat, and watch the amount of salt in food. If you develop the skills to make healthy choices now, your body will thank you later.
Eating out can be one of life's great pleasures. Make the right choices, ask for what you need, and balance your meals out with healthy meals at home. You can enjoy yourself and take good care of yourself at the same time.
小题1: From the passage, we can infer that often eating out______________ .
A.contributes to healthy bodiesB.maintains good relations with friends
C.is of disadvantage to healthD.saves time from cooking
小题2: On the author's wedding anniversary, _______________________.
A.he prefers to cook some instant noodles for his wife
B.he would like to have a party at home
C.he must make an important choice
D.he is likely to take his wife to eat out
小题3: The third paragraph doesn't say but implies that________________.
A.people's awareness of health has improved
B.most people are worried about their cholesterol
C.calories have caused people's attention
D.it is important to choose your food every day
小题4:If you had been watching for your diet, _____________________ .
A.you wouldn't have suffered any disease
B.you would be in good health now
C.you might have had much experience in life
D.you could have cured your illnesses
The word “conservation” has a thrifty meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such a good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials: most of them, even until very recently, had the foolish idea that the treasures were “limitless” and could “last forever”. Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.
  Fifty years ago, nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry was a new idea; wood was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands; soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-term climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even the word “conservation” had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.
  For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about correcting the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should be made part of everybody’s daily life. To know about the water table in ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic math formulas. We need to know why all watersheds (上游集水区) need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to give their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, grown trees, because living space for most of man’s fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surface but also in cubic (立方体的) volume above the earth. In a word, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.
小题1:The author’s attitude towards the use of natural resources is _________.
小题2:According to the author, the greatest mistake of our forefathers was that _________.
A.they had no idea about scientific forestry
B.they had little or no sense of environmental protection
C.they were not aware of the importance of nature study
D.they had no idea of how to make good use of raw materials
小题3:To avoid repeating the mistakes of our forefathers, the author suggests that _________.
A.we plant more trees
B.natural sciences be taught to everybody
C.environmental education be directed toward everyone
D.we return to nature
小题4:How can you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
A.Our living space on the earth is getting smaller and smaller.
B.Our living space should be measured in cubic volume.
C.We need to take some measures to protect space.
D.We must preserve good living conditions for both birds and animals.
Butter is bad for you—so is margarine(人造黄油).Coffee raises blood pressure, but may protect against cancer.Alcohol is okay, but only if it's wine.The confusing studies on what is safe to eat and drink are enough to make it impossible for anyone to understand what "good food" is.
Take the margarine-butter debate for example.Studies that linked fat—found mostly in animal products such as meat and butter—with cancer and heart disease sent millions rushing to buy margarine.But then another study found that people who ate a lot of margarine also had high levels of heart disease.For those who have a firm faith in science, this seems to be the end of the world.
But many doctors point out that their advice has never been conflicting.For years, and in various countries, they have recommended eating less fat.
People in western countries such as Britain and the United States get about 40 percent of their calories from fat.Doctors say this should be around 30 or even 25 percent,
"We must try to reduce total fat," said Dr.Robert Richardson of the University of Edinburgh, who has been studying the effects of fat on human health for years.
"We need to go to more such food as bread, in particular brown bread, and more fruit and vegetables."
Fresh produce may not be so safe, either.Last month the British Government advised consumers to peel their pears before eating, while many Americans briefly avoided apples because of fears over an insect killing chemical.
But Dr.Arnold, a British scientist, said any risk of such poisoning would be outweighed by the costs of not eating plant foods.
"On balance, if you were to put both risks against each other, the advice has to be eating as much fruit and vegetable daily as possible," she said.
In general, doctors conclude, variety truly is the best policy."The general advice is pretty much the same advice that doctors have been talking about for a long time—a varied diet, a mixture of foods and not too much of any one," Arnold said.
小题1:In which section of the magazine are you most likely to find this passage?
A.Arts and CultureB.Entertainment
小题2:The British Government advised consumers to peel their pears before eating because ________.
A.it found that there were insects on the pears
B.it wanted consumers to avoid insect, killing chemicals
C.the skin of pears was found to be bad for people's health
D.it was a bad habit not to peel them
小题3:The underlined word "outweigh" (Para. 8) means " __________."
A.to be heavier than usual or allowedB.to be more dangerous than
C.to be greater in value or importance thanD.to be considered less important than
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Many doctors say that their advice has never been conflicting.
B.Science provides answers to all our questions.
C.We should peel our pears before eating.
D.We should eat plant foods despite the risk of poisoning.

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