
Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it.
Recite and repeat in conversation(谈话,交往).
When you hear a person’s name, repeat it. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips. You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial(矫揉造作的,不自然的).
Ask the other person to recite and repeat.
You can let other people help you remember their names. After you’ve been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name and pronounce it correctly for you. Most people will be pleased by the effort(努力) you’re making to learn their names.
Admit you don’t know.
Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed. Most of them will feel sympathy if you say, “I’ m working to remember names better. Yours is right on the tip of my tongue. What is it again?”
Use associations(联络,联系).
Link(联系) each person you meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual. For example, you could make a mental note:“Vicki Cheng — tall, black hair.” To reinforce (加强) your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.
Limit the number of new names you learn at one time.
When meeting a group of people, concentrate on(集中精力) remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering everyone. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.
Go early.
Consider going early to conferences(会议), parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up(到场) on time. That’s fewer names for you to remember. And as more people arrive, you can hear them being introduced to others — an automatic (无意识的)review for you.
小题1:..How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names?
A.They will be moved.B.They will be annoyed.
C.They will be delighted.D.They will be discouraged.
小题2:.If you can’t remember someone’s name, you may ________.
A.tell him the truthB.tell him a white lie
C.ask him for pityD.ask others to help you
小题3:..When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember________.
A.all their namesB.a couple of names first
C.just their last namesD.as many names as possible
小题4:..What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Tips on an important social skill.B.Importance of attending parties.
C.How to make use of associations.D.How to recite and repeat names.

Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum (论坛) asking what “PK” meant.
“My family has been watching the ‘Super Girl’ singing competition TV programme. My little daughter asked me what ‘PK’ meant, but I had no idea,” explained the puzzled father.
To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, “PK” is short for “Player Kill”, in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.
In the case of the “Super Girl” singing competition, “PK” was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition ranking (排名).
Like this father, Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students’ compositions using Internet jargons which are difficult to understand. A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons that she didn’t understand.
“My ‘GG’ came back this summer from college. He told me I’ve grown up to be a ‘PLMM’. I loved to ‘FB’ with him together; he always took me to the ‘KPM’,” went one composition.
“GG” means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). “PLMM” refers to Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). “FB” means Fu Bai (corruption). “KPM” is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonald’s.
Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language.
If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, referring to an ugly looking female) or a Qing Wa (frog, referring to an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!
小题1: By writing the article, the writer tries to ________.
A.explain some Internet languageB.suggest common Internet language
C.laugh at the Beijing fatherD.draw our attention to Internet language
小题2:What does the writer think about the term “PK”?
A.Fathers can’t possibly know it.B.The daughter should understand it.
C.Online game players may know it.D.“Super Girl” shouldn’t have used it.
小题3: The examples of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet jargons ________.
A.are used not only onlineB.can be understood very well
C.are welcomed by all the peopleD.cause trouble to our mother tongue
小题4:The underlined word “jargons” probably means  ________.
小题5: What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A puzzled fatherB.Do you speak Internet jargons?
C.Keep away from Internet jargonsD.Kong Long or Qing Wa?
Air pollution is damaging 60% of Europe’s prime wildlife sites in meadows, forests and bushes, according to a new report.
A team of EU scientists said nitrogen emissions(氮排放) from cars, factories and farming were threatening biodiversity. It’s the second report this week warning of the on-going risks and threats linked to nitrogen pollution.
Nitrogen in the atmosphere is harmless in its inert(惰性的) state, but the report says reactive forms of nitrogen, largely produced by human activity, can be a menace to the natural world.
Emissions mostly come from vehicle exhausts(排气), factories, artificial fertilizers(肥料) and animal waste from intensive farming. The reactive nitrogen they emit to the air disrupts the environment in two ways: It can make acidic soils too acidic to support their previous mix of species. But primarily, because nitrogen is a fertilizer, it favors wild plants that can maximize the use of nitrogen to help them grow.
In effect, some of the nitrogen spread to fertilize crops is carried in the atmosphere to fertilize weeds, possibly a great distance from where the chemicals were first applied.
The effects of fertilization and acidification favor common aggressive species like grasses, brambles and nettles. They harm more delicate species like mosses(苔藓), and insect-eating sundew plants.
The report said 60% of wildlife sites were now receiving a critical load of reactive nitrogen. The report’s lead author, Dr Kevin Hicks from the University of York’s Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), told BBC News that England’s Peak District had a definitely low range of species as a result of the reactive nitrogen that fell on the area.
“Nitrogen creates a rather big problem that seems to me to have been given too little attention,” he said. “Governments are responsible for protecting areas like this, but they are clearly failing.”
He said more research was needed to understand the knock-on effects for creatures from the changes in vegetation accidentally caused by emissions from cars, industry and farms.
At the conference, the representatives agreed “The Edinburgh Declaration on Reactive Nitrogen”. The document highlights the importance of reducing reactive nitrogen emissions to the environment, adding that the benefits of reducing nitrogen outweigh the costs of taking action.
小题1:The underlined word “menace” is used to express that the reactive nitrogen, largely produced by human activity can be ___________.
小题2: We can infer from the passage that _________.
A.it’s harmless to have reactive nitrogen existing in the atmosphere
B.reactive nitrogen emissions help aggressive species less than crops
C.the harm to those delicate species has a negative impact on biodiversity
D.reactive nitrogen can fertilize soils and keep their biodiversity
小题3: The team of EU scientists released the second report of nitrogen emissions this week when __________.
A.no action was taken to stop nitrogen emission
B.governments were willing to protect areas harmed by nitrogen
C.“The Edinburgh Declaration on Reactive Nitrogen” was agreed
D.nitrogen emissions were threatening wildlife sites’ biodiversity
小题4: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Keeping Away From Nitrogen EmissionsB.Stopping Nitrogen Emissions
C.Air Pollution Damaging Europe’s WildlifeD.Saving Europe’s Wildlife
Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of tricks each time we reach out for that particular brand(品牌)of product on the shelf.
Colouring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell. Health foods are packaged(包装)in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these as healthy colours. Ice cream packets(包装) are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.
When some kind of pain-killer (止痛药) was brought out recently, researchers found that the colours turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package — blue because we think of it as safe, and white as calm.
The size of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesn’t contain as much as it appears to.
It is believed that the better-known companies spend, on average, 70 percent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!
The most successful producers know that it’s not enough to have a good product. The founder of Pears Soap, who for 25 year has used pretty little girls to promote(促销)their goods, came to the conclusion: “Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius(天才) to sell it.”
小题1:. Which of the following may trick a shopper into buying a product according to the text? 
A.The cost of its packageB.The price of the product
C.The colour of its packageD.The brand name of the product
小题2:. The underlined part “the colours turned the customers off” (in Para.3) means that the colours ________ .
A.attracted the customers stronglyB.had weak effects on the customers
C.tricked the customers into shoppingD.caused the customers to lose interest
小题3:. Which of the following is the key to the success in product sales?
A.The way to promote goods.B.The team to produce a good product
C.The discovery of a genius. D.The brand name used by successful producers.
小题4:. Which of the following would be the best title for this text?
A.Choice of Good Products.B.Disadvantages of Products.
C.Effect of Packaging on Shopping.D.Brand Name and Shopping Tricks.
Members of the working class have blue-collar jobs. They are construction workers, truck drivers, mechanican, steel workers, electricians, and the like. What makes this class differ from the lower class is, first, longer periods of employment—and therefore, more fixed incomes—and , second, employment in skilled or semi-skilled occupations, not unskilled ones. Although unemployment hits all levels of the American economy, including those of skilled and semi-skilled workers, it is most common at the bottom of the class structure and increasingly less common at each level upward. They consider themselves to be respectable and hard-working and they look down upon members of the “low” class, whom they often consider to be lazy, dishonest, and too ready to exploit public assistance.
Most people in the working class have at least high school education. Many have some experience of college(especially community college), though few are college graduates. Unionization has helped the working class, but a rapidly changing economy and frequent periods of high unemployment make it difficult for most of its members to be able to increase their savings greatly. Purchasing a house for people in this class is extremely difficult, although a certain percentage may receive houses from their parents. (Home-owning rises with social class.)
A greater number of the members of the working class take relatively little satisfaction in their jobs, because much of their work is ordinary and boring. As a result, many seek their main satisfaction in recreational activities. Many members of this class would like to earn enough money to leave their jobs and start their own businesses, though few make it. Many place their expectations on their children, hoping that they at least will rise in the ladder of success.
小题1: Which of the following is true about the working class?
A.They are often offered jobs with high incomes.
B.They are employed as skilled and semi-skilled workers.
C.They are often considered lazy and dishonest.
D.They are often exploited by the public.
小题2: The word “hit” in paragraph one roughly means__________.
A.have bad effects onB.break up
C.beat D.strike with a blow
小题3: Most people in the working class ________.
A.have at least some experience of college
B.receive houses from their parents
C.buy houses by themselves
D.have difficulty increasing their savings greatly
小题4: Many members from the working class are not satisfied with their jobs because _____.
A.they are not interested in their jobs.
B.they could not earn much money
C.they are not their own bosses
D.they could not rise in the ladder of success
These days no car show is complete without an electric car, and the 2011 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, US, which ran from January 10 to 23, was no exception.
Among the fully electric vehicles on display were the Ford Focus Electric and the Honda Fit EV. BMW and Volvo also had prominent displays at the show, proving that they can produce practical, yet spacious family-oriented electric cars.
Industry insiders at the show claimed that more efficient batteries, improved performance and greater consumer acceptance could make 2011 the “year of electric car”.
It’s long been clear that electric cars score heavily for convenience. They are, for instance, much easier to maintain than gasoline-powered cars. When the battery runs out, you simply replace it or recharge it, just like you would for a cell phone or a laptop.
This is also a much cheaper method than filling your tank with gasoline. Better yet, electric cars don’t emit exhaust fumes. As a result, they don’t produce environmentally damaging greenhouse gases.
It appears that improved technology is making electric cars and their maintenance much more user-friendly. So, what are the obstacles which are preventing electric cars from becoming popular and fashionable?
Home charging for electric cars could be extremely convenient for users. However, it is also a potential obstacle. For a start, installing charging stations in owners’ homes will be a challenge, particularly for those who have to park several blocks away from their homes.
Also, charging the car’s battery still takes quite a long time. It may be some time yet before you can recharge an electric car in the same time as you can refill your gas tank.
Another problem is that many electric vehicles have limited ranges that may only allow for journeys of 50 miles (80 km) or less between charges. In cases where a driver wishes to charge the car primarily at home (perhaps overnight), this limits their daily driving to the range of their vehicle.
This may be one reason why hybrid cars are now becoming more popular. A hybrid car has more than one energy source, usually a traditional gasoline fuel tank and an electric battery. It’s like a more practical version of an electric car: It’s greener than a conventional vehicle, with fewer CO2 emissions, yet it also doubles as a conventional vehicle.
“I would say that hybrid is a transition to fully electronic,” Road and Track magazine editor Richard Horman told Detroit News during the show. “The trend is for lighter, smarter, more economical cars. Of course, electronic vehicles are meant to be that way.”
This sounds promising, particularly in light of the fact that the show featured more electric cars from big manufacturers than ever before.
However, it seems that the technology associated with electric cars is not yet able to fully meet people’s expectations. Don’t expect gasoline-powered cars to disappear from roads just yet.
小题1: What made electric cars more convenient?   
A.Easier maintenance.B.High scores on the show.
C.Practicality and large space.D.Much lower prices.
小题2: Which of the following could NOT act as a potential obstacle of electric cars?
A.It is rough work to install charging stations at home.
B.It is time-consuming to charge the batteries.
C.The ranges between charges are limited.
D.There’s no need to fill the tank with petrol.
小题3:In Paragraph 10, the underlined word “hybrid” is probably closest in meaning to ________.
A.gasolineB.electricC.combined D.separated
小题4:The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to_________.
A.introduce the 2011 Auto Show in USB.get readers informed of electric cars
C.comment on different types of carsD.advertise for electric cars
One of the most widely accepted, commonly repeated assumptions (假设) in our culture is that if you exercise, you will lose weight. I exercise all the time, but I still have got fat that hangs over my belt when I sit. Why isn’t all the exercise getting rid of it?
It’s a question many of us could ask. More than 45 million Americans now belong to a health club, up from 23 million in 1993. We spend some $19 billion a year on gym memberships. Of course, some people join and never go. Still, as one major study — the Minnesota Heart Survey — found, more of us at least say we exercise regularly.
And yet obesity (肥胖) figures have risen sharply in the same period: a third of Americans are obese, and another third count as overweight by the Federal Government’s definition. Yes, it’s entirely possible that those of us who regularly go to the gym would weigh even more if we exercised less. But like many other people, I get hungry after I exercise, so I often eat more on the days I work out than on the days I don’t. Could exercise actually be keeping me from losing weight?
The popular belief that exercise is essential for weight control is actually fairly new. As recently as the 1960s, doctors routinely advised against too much exercise, particularly for older adults who could injure themselves. Today doctors encourage even their oldest patients to exercise, which is sound advice for many reasons: People who regularly exercise are at significantly lower risk for all manner of diseases — those of the heart in particular. They less often develop cancer and many other illnesses. But the past few years of obesity research show that the role of exercise in weight loss has been wildly over-evaluated.
“In general, for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless,” says Eric Ravussin, exercise researcher at Louisiana State University. Many recent studies have found that exercise isn’t as important in helping people lose weight as you hear so regularly in gym advertisements or on shows like The Biggest Loser — or from magazines like this one.
小题1: From the passage we learn that ____.
A.some Americans join a health club but never go there
B.the number of overweight people has doubled since 1993
C.more than 45 million Americans now go to the gym regularly
D.Americans waste too much money each year on sports
小题2: According to the passage, exercise ____.
A.has long been believed to be good for older adults
B.is not properly advertised as an effective way to lose weight
C.was first recognized as an effective way to lose weight in the 1960s
D.is less effective in preventing heart disease than what doctors believe
小题3: According to the writer, people might gain weight because ____.
A.they have the habit of going to the gym regularly
B.they eat the same food when they do not exercise
C.they exercise less than required by doctors
D.they eat more after they exercise
小题4: What may be the best title for this passage?
A.Overweight Is Not Good for Your Health
B.Exercise Won’t Make You Thin
C.Gym Is Part of American Lifestyle
D.Obesity Is a Social Problem in America
  When you have a question about something, where do you go? For many people the answer is simple as they can go online to a search engine like Google or Yahoo. But what about people in rural or underdeveloped areas who may have no way to get on the Internet?
A business and international development professor in California, Rose Shuman, found an answer for them: Question Box. Question Box is a service that provides answers---free of charge--- for people who cannot search the Internet directly. The users of Questions Box might be those who might not be able to read, or simply have no access to the Internet.
Question Box began three years ago in India. People used a metal call box with a push-to-talk button to connect a live operator. Rose Schuman explained,” You just need to push a big green button on the box which will connect you directly to our operators who are sitting in front of computers, and speak your language. You can ask them any sort of question you want, and they’ll look it up in English or in Hindi, or whatever the main language is, and translate the answer back for you.”
The service is currently offered in two villages. The latest version of the box uses mobile phone technology, and solar panels in case the electrical power fails. Rose Shuman says the aim was to make the box as easy as possible for users, “It is very efficient (效率高的). Rather than try to bring a lot of difficulties to them and expect them to spend a lot of time to learn how to use the Internet, the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use.”
In April 2009, Question Box was introduced to Uganda. Forty community workers with mobile phones connected villagers to call center operators in Kampala. The community workers went around telling people about the service. They wore T-shirts that said “Ask me.” But Internet service in Uganda proved slow and undependable. So Question Box teamed up with a local technology company to store information on a local server. That way, the researchers in Kampala could quickly search the database for answers.
小题1: The best title for the passage is __________.
A.Question Box ----taking the place of the Internet
B.Needing an answer? ----asking Question Box
C.Question Box ----A great invention in the world
D.Rose Shuman----- A professor helping the poor
小题2: In Rose Schuman’s opinion, the greatest advantage of Question Box is that______.
A.It is the most advanced in the world
B.It is more convenient to carry.
C.It is much easier to use
D.it saves much more energy
小题3:The underlined word “them” in the fourth paragraph refers to______.
A.the usersB.the operators
C.the researchersD.Question Box workers
小题4:What can we know from the passage?
A.Question Box costs the users much less than the Internet.
B.Question Box operators can look for information in any language.
C.Question Box is more efficient in solving problems in underdeveloped areas.
D.Question Box can work without the help of the Internet in Uganda.
  Windsurfing is a sport that combines sailing and surfing.In 1948,twenty-year-old Newman Darby first thought of using a handheld sail to contro1 a small boat.Darby did not apply for a patent(专利)for his design at first.However,he is recognized as the inventor of the first sailboard.
Californians Jim Drake,a sailor and engineer,and Hoyle Schweitzer,a surfer and skier received the patent for a sailboard.They called their design a windsurfer.The early windsurfer boards measured 3.5 meters long and weighed 60 pounds.Later in the l980s,Newman Darby did apply for and receive a design patent for a one—person sailboat.
In the late l940s,Newman Darby found he could control a 3-meter-long sailboat and make turns even without a rudder(舵).In l964 he designed the first universal joint(万向接头)to go along with a flat bottom sailing boat.This sailboard was equipped with a universal joint,a board and a kite—shaped free sail and thus windsurfing was born.
Naomi Darby,Newman’s wife,was the first woman windsurfer and helped her husband build and design the first sailboard.She sailed while standing up,controlling the boat without the use of a rudder.She tilted(倾斜)the sail to change directions.This was something that had never been done before.
Hoyle Schweitzer began producing sailboards in the early 1970s.The sport became very popular in Europe.By the late 1970s,windsurfing fever had Europe firmly in its grasp with one in every three families having a sailboard.
The first windsurfing world championship was held in 1973.Windsurfing first became an Olympic sport for men in l984 and for women in l992.
小题1:Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer received the patent for the design of     
A.a sailboard called windsurferB.a kite—shaped free sail
C.the first universal joint D.a one—person sailboat
小题2:What can we learn from the text?  
A.Hoyle Schweitzer was a sailor and Jim Drake was a surfer.
B.Newman Darby’s wife supported him in his invention.
C.Newman Darby was the first to tilt the sail to change directions.
D.The first world windsurfing competition was held in the late l970s.
小题3:Which is the correct order of the following events?
a.Newman Darby thought of controlling a boat with a handheld sail.
b.Newman Darby received his design patent.
c.Windsurfing became popular in Europe.
d.Windsurfing became an Olympic sport for women.
小题4:What is the main idea of the text?
A.The invention of windsurfing.B.How windsurfing was popular in the world.
C.The history of windsurfing.D.How windsurfing became an Olympic sport.

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