
5.   In Silicon Valley,it's never too early to become an entrepreneur.Just ask 13-year-old David Moore.The eighth-grader has launched a company last October to develop low-cost machines to print Braille (布莱叶盲文).David built a Braille printer with a Lego Mindstorms EV3kit as a school science fair project last year after he asked his parents a simple question:How do blind people read?"Google it,"they told him.David then did some online research and was shocked to learn that Braille printers cost at least 2,000dollars-too expensive for most blind readers.
"I just thought that price should not be there.I know that there is a simpler way to do this,"said David,who demonstrated how his printer works at the kitchen table where he spent many late nights building it.David wants to improve the"Braigo"-a name that combines Braille and Lego-and develop a desktop Braille printer that costs around 350dollars and weighs just a few pounds,compared with current models that can weigh more than 20pounds."My end goal would probably be having most of the blind people…using my Braille printer,"said David,who lives in the Silicon Valley suburb of Santa Clara,just minutes away from Intel headquarters.
 After the Braigo won numerous awards and enthusiastic support from the blind community,David started Braigo Labs last summer with an initial 35,000dollars investment from his dad."We as parents started to get involved more,thinking that he's on to something and this new way process has to continue,"said his father,Matthew Moore,an engineer who works for Intel.
Intel officials were so impressed with David's printer that in November they invested an undisclosed sum in his start-up.They believe he's the youngest entrepreneur to receive venture capital money invested in exchange for a financial stake in the company."He's solving a real problem,and he wants to go off and challenge an existing industry,"said Edward Ross,director of Inventor Platforms at Intel.Now the company is using the money to hire professional engineers and advisers to help design and build Braille printers based on David's ideas.It aims to have a prototype (样机) ready for blind organizations to test this summer and have a Braigo printer on the market later this year.

66.Which of the followings is Not the description of Braigo?C
A.The name"Braigo"comes from Braille and Lego.
B.The blind are in favor of the new type of printer.
C.It costs less money and weighs just a few pounds.
D.David planned to improve Braigo and make it lighter but easier to use.
67.Which of the following words can best describe David's personalities?D
A.Adventurous and enthusiastic.
B.Trustworthy and active.
C.Childish and outgoing.
D.Creative and independent.
68.Which of the following is the correct order?A
①.Intel officials invested money in David's start-up.
②.David launched a company.
③.David got an initia l35,000dollars investment from his dad.
④.David created a new Braille printer model called Braigo.
⑤.Braigo Labs hired professional engineers and advisers to help design and build Braille
69.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A
A.Intel didn't announce the amount of money it invested.
B.No one else has ever received venture capital from Intel.
C.Intel purchased David's ideas to design and build Braille printers.
D.Braigo printers have been on the market and proved a great success.
70.The passage is most probably taken from.B
A.a sports section    
B.a science section   
C.a culture section  
D.an entertainment section.

分析 家住硅谷附近的13岁的八年级男孩用乐高机器人做了一台盲文打印机,并设立了一家公司来开发低成本的布莱叶盲文打印机.

解答 66.C 细节理解题.根据第二段的"develop a desktop Braille printer that costs around $350 and weighs just a few pounds"可知D项正确,C项不正确;根据第二段的"improve the"Braigo"-a name that combines Braille and Lego"可知A项正确;根据第三段的"After the Braigo won numerous awards and enthusiastic support from the blind community,"可知B项正确.故选C.
67.D 推理判断题.A喜欢冒险并具有激情;B值得信任和活跃;C孩子气的并性格外向;D有创造力和独立的.通读全文,他的科技发明说明David具有创造力,根据文章第三段说明他很独立.故选D.
68.A 细节理解题.根据文章第一段的"The eighth-grader has launched a company last October to develop low-cost machines to print Braille (布莱叶盲文).David built a Braille printer with a Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit as a school science fair project last year"和第四段的"in November they invested an undisclosed sum in his start-up."可知David先发明机器;然后得到投资,再然后成立公司.故选A.
69.A 细节理解题.根据第四段的"Intel officials were so impressed with David's printer that in November they invested an undisclosed sum in his start-up"中的关键词unclosed可知投资的数目没有公开.故选A.
70.B 推理判断题.A体育小册子;B科学系小册子;C文化小册子;D娱乐小册子.通读全文,并根据里面的关键词printer,entrepreneur等可知这应该是来自一科技小册子.故选B.

点评 本篇文章是人物故事类阅读,主要考查学生的细节理解能力以及推理判断能力.阅读这类文章应该抓住每一个细节,设身处地根据文章内容揣摩作者的态度和意图,根据情节展开想象,然后通过分析推理、综合归纳的方法进行解题.

讨论话题 我校是否要成立"起床俱乐部"
 时间 上周一
 地点 学校会议室
 讨论范围 高一、高二学生代表120人
参考词汇:起床俱乐部  Getting Up Club.
Recently,more and moreschools have set up special organizations called"Waking Up Club"to encouragestudents to get up early in the morning.A discussion concerning setting up asimilar association in our school was organized by the Student Union in themeeting room last Monday.120 students from Senior One and Senior Twoparticipated in it,of whom 67 approve of it because they believe it will getthem to develop good habits and make full use of the morning time.However,48students don't think it a good idea for the reason that whether to get up earlydepends on one's habit and there is no need to force them to do so.As for therest of the students,they insist that everyone should follow their own wishesand their own lifestyles..
9.In my first week as a graduate student at Cambridge University in 1964I met with a fellow student,two years ahead of me in his studies; he was unsteady on his feet and spoke with great difficulty.This was Stephen Hawking.I learned that he had a bad disease and might not live long enough even to finish his PhD degree.
But,amazingly,he has reached the age of 73.Even mere survival would have been a medical miracle,but of course,he didn't merely survive.He has become arguably the most famous scientist in the world for his brilliant research,for his bestselling books,and,above all,for his astonishing victory over hardship.
Stephen received his"death sentence"in 1964,when I thought it was hard for him to go on with his study.Stephen went from Albans School to Oxford University.He was said to be a"lazy"undergraduate,but his brilliance earned him a first-class degree,an"entry ticket"to a research career in Cambridge and a uniquely inspiring achievement.Within a few years of the burst of his disease he was wheelchair-bound,and his speech was so unclear that it could only be understood by those who knew him well.But his scientific career went from strength to strength:he quickly came up with a series of insights into the nature of black holes (then a very new idea) and how the universe began.In 1974he was elected to the Royal Society at the exceptionally early age of 32.
The great advances in science generally involve discovering a link between phenomena that were previously conceptually unconnected-for instance,Isaac Newton realized that the force making an apple fall to earth was the same as the force that holds the moon and planets in their orbits.Stephen's revolutionary idea about a link between gravity and quantum(量子) theory has still not been tested.However,it has been hugely influential; indeed,one of the main achievements of string theory(弦理论) has been to confirm and build on his idea.He has undoubtedly done more than anyone else since Einstein to improve our knowledge of gravity and he is one of the top-ten living theoretical physicists.

41.What impressed the author most about Stephen Hawking?D
A.His brilliant research.
B.His bestselling books.
C.His serious disease.
D.His defeating hardship.
42.What made Stephen Hawking start his research career at Cambridge?C
A.His death sentence.
C.His above-average talent and ability.
D.His rich experience.
43.It can be inferred that Stephen Hawking was bornA.
A.in the early 1940s
B.in the late 1940s
C.in the early 1930s
D.in the late 1930s
44.What can we learn from the text?C
A.Hawking's theory was proved years ago.
B.Hawking was not as successful as Newton.
C.String theory built on Hawking's idea.
D.Hawking's theory has had little influence on others.
45.Which of the following is Not True according the passage?B
A.He achieved one success after another in his career despite his disease.
B.He couldn't walk when the author first met him at Cambridge.
C.He not only survived his disease but contributed greatly to science.
D.He is among the greatest scientists to improve the knowledge of gravity.

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