

文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

           Mr and Mrs Smith are my neighbors. They lived in the neighborhood for over twenty years. Therefore,yesterday they told me they were moving. I was really surprised and immediate asked them why we wanted to move. Mr Smith said, uGina and I all have hobbies we want to work on them. But we were so busy at our work that we didnt have time for them. We used to living our life doing what we have to do/ But now we have decided to work on 'what we want to do.’ ” After hear what he said,I thought they have made the right decision.

31. They lived in …            lived 前加 have

32. Therefore,yesterday …      Therefore → However

33. …immediate asked …        immediate immediately

34. …why we wanted …          we they

35. . .. and I all...           all both

36. . .. work on them.          去掉 them

37. ...so busy at...            at with

38. . .. used to living ...     living live

39. After hear what...          hear hearing

40. …they have made …         have had




        Looking for a book to read? Here is a list of books you can choose from.

Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs 

        Breakfast Served Anytime is a must read. Gloria lives in Kentucky,recently lost her beloved grandma,and has to spend the summer before her senior year at a camp for gifted and talented kids. There,she meets a boy named Mason and some other new friends. Gloria and her new friends develop relationships,plan on their futures,and face childhood demons (恶魔) during one Kentucky summer.

How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford 

       Beatrice and Jonah are two strange ducks at a Baltimore private school. They make a connection with each other that they can't seem to make with anyone else. When Jonah discovers a family secret,Beatrice helps him deal with it. When Beatrice's home life starts to fall apart,Jonah is there for her. While not a romantic love story,this novel is all about love. The bond between Beatrice and Jonah is beautifully described.

Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker

       Set in the tiny town of Sticks,Louisiana,it follows a teenage girl named Sterling whose brother Phineas disappears into the mysterious local swamp that all the townspeople fear. Not long after,a young woman named Lenora May appears and claims to be Sterling's sister. The only trouble is,Sterling is the only one confused by the story and the only one who can remember Phineas.

OCD (强迫性精神错乱)Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu

       The novel follows Bea and Beck. When the two meet at a support group for teenagers with OC   D. romance begins. But how will they fall in love when they have to use so much energy to fight off their cowpw&zo/is (强迫性冲动) ?Haydu handles the tricky topic cleverly and delivers a hopeful ending.

13. What is the book Breakfast Served Anytime mainly about?

   A. A girl's love for her grandma.

   B. Tips on developing new friendships.

   C. Problems some students have to face.

   D. A girl's time with others at a summer camp.

14. How to Say Goodbye in Robot would most probably attract those who want to read a story about .

   A. detection    B. adventure

   C. friendship   D. romantic love

15. Which book sounds full of mystery?

   A. OCD Love Story.

   B. Beware the Wild.

   C. Breakfast Served Anytime.

   D. How to Say Goodbye in Robot.

16. Whose book is a love story about two people with a rare disease?

   A. Natalie Standiford’ s.  B. Sarah Combs’.

   C. Natalie C. Parker's.     D. Corey Ann Haydu's.


              A teenager and his family have been praised as : heroes after rescuing five children from a fire. Matthew Robinson,18, his mother and his father rushed to help :when a neighbour's home went up in flames. Jackie Robinson,40, climbed a ladder to pull 12-year-old Tamara Barlow and her 16-month-old brother from their first-floor bedroom. Matthew went up the ladder and into the smoke-filled room to save two more children after their 16-year-old sister Charlotte climbed down.

              Last night,fire fighters said one or more of the children would almost certainly have died had it not been for the Robinsons. However,Matthew denied they were heroes. He said, ^Anyone would have done the same thing. I was in the right place at the right time."

              The fire at the home in Dorset,began around 9. 30 p.m. on Sunday night. The Robinsons heard the children s mother screaming “Qet them out”. Matthew rushed through the front door,but was beaten back by flames. After his parents helped three of the children down the ladder,he climbed into the bedroom to get the others.

              “Being in the room fUll of smoke,it was impossible to see anything. I had to feel my way round the room,trying to find the two kids and get them to make some noise,so I could find out where they were,”he said. rtThe boys were in a pretty bad. state,and almost passed out.They were unable to say anything.”

              Steve Isaacs,station manager at Weymouth Community Fire Station,said, “There was some very, very quick thinking on the part of Matthew and his father Jackie. They showed great bravery and helped save some lives. Normally we would never encourage people to go into a burning building but,on this occasion,it all worked out well."

1. How many children did Matthew's  father save?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

2. Which of the following words can best describe Matthew?

   A. Honest and calm. B. Brave and modest.

   C. Generous and polite. D. Determined and smart.

3. What made the Robinsons aware of the fire?

   A. The flames of the fire.

   B. The smell of the smoke.

   C. The sound of the fire alarm.

   D. The shouts of the children's  mom.

4. What's Steve Isaacs,attitude towards the family,s


   A. Admiring.   B. Doubtful.

   C. Interested. D. Disapproving.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

             Jennifer and her friends put on their Halloween costumes and went trick-or-treating for sweets around the neighbourhood.

             There was an old house right at the top of her street that was 21 to be often visited by ghosts. No one was sure,if anybody actually 22 in the house because nobody was ever seen 23 or leaving it.

             Jennifer's friends 24 her to go and knock on the door. Poor Jennifer really didnt want to,but she knew she couldn'1 tell her friends she was 25 .

             Jennifer checked her watch,it was nearly 26 . That made it even scarier!Using her 27 to guide her in the dark,she 28 made her way to the old house. When she was about halfway there,her flashlight 29!She almost turned around and ran all the way back, 30 she knew that would make her friends 31 her. With only the moonlight from above lighting her way,she gathered all her 32 and walked the remaining distance to the door. Her hands were 33 as she knocked. In the silence of the night the sound of the knock was so much 34 than she expected that she almost jumped back in 35 !She held her breath,crossed her fingers and hoped 36 would open the door. Just as she was about to turn and leave,the old door slowly 37 . Jennifer could not have been more 38 to see a beautiful old lady standing right in front of her.

             The old lady smiled warmly at Jennifer and explained that this was the 39 time someone had come trick-or-treating. Every year she bought sweets for children but no one ever came. The old lady was so 40 that she gave Jennifer a big bag of sweets and told her to come and visit her again.

21. A. said   B. judged   C. proved   D. expected

22. A. played   B. disappeared  C. lived   D. lay

23. A. passing   B. cleaning  C. decorating   D. entering

24. A. introduced   B. dared  C. supported   D. allowed

25. A. scared   B. excited  C. puzzled   D. disappointed

26. A. midnight   B. morning  C. afternoon   D. noon

27. A. dog   B. watch   C. phone   D. flashlight

28. A. proudly   B. carelessly   C. slowly   D. hopefully

29. A. fell off   B. took off   C. went out   D. went on

30. A. although   B. unless  C. so   D. but

31. A. argue with   B. talk about  C. look at   D. laugh at

32. A. weapons   B. patience  C. courage   D. clothes

33. A. moving   B. shaking   C. waving   D. bleeding

34. A. softer   B. louder   C. shorter   D. longer

35. A. anger   B. delight   C. fright   D. sorrow

36. A. no one   B. someone   C. anyone   D. everyone

37. A. appeared   B. widened  C. broke   D. opened

38. A. surprised   B. satisfied  C. moved   D. annoyed

39. A. first   B. best   C. last   D. next

40. A. nervous   B. anxious   C. happy   D. upset


                     Camp Programs for 2016 

Handwork Day Camp 

       Let your creativity run wild!Imagine your child spending,her day in the care of warm and loving (夏令营负责人) sewing the day away by hand and machine to make the most lovely creations. Our camps will encourage your child's  creativity and inspire her imagination. Our goal is to teach these wonderful skills in a space where they have ftin and are allowed to express themselves. Every week,join us for a different series of amazing crq/hs (手工) .Whether improving old skills or learning new ones,our camp is sure to be a delight. Join in the fim!All materials and supplies are included. Pricing and daily schedules may change according to locations.

Glamorize(美化) Your Doll Camp 

      This program is designed for campers that have always had the desire to create fashionable clothes and accesoney (配饰) for their dolls. Fun and skilled counselors will teach techniques like sewing and other skills to enable each camper to craft their own unique creations for their dolls. Camp provides all materials from sewing machines,to fabric Just bring your own doll.and imagination!

Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp 

     In this award-winning program,imaginative fashion designers will spend three weeks learning to finish a collection. From drawing roughly to sewing and modeling,watch your fashion dreams come to life!Campers will gain real-life experience by going on a fabric buying field trip. Also,campers will have the opportunity to model their designs for friends and family. Additional expense for the shopping field trip is about $100. 

1. Handwork Day Camp is designed for .

   A. adults who want a fun camp

   B. boys who love amazing crafts

   C. little girls who want to learn sewing 

   D. teenagers who have an interest in dolls

2. What should you do if you take part in Glamorize Your Doll Camp?

   A. Prepare some fabric.

   B. Bring some accessories.

   C. Take your doll with you.

   D. Wear fashionable clothes.

3. What do we know about Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp?

   A. The camp will last about 15 days. 

   B. The losers can get an award for their participation.

   C. The campers will have a shopping field trip for free.

   D. The campers will have a chance to model their designs.

4. The text is meant to .

   A. encourage kids to learn skills

   B. introduce some amazing crafts   

   C. recommend some tourist spots

   D. advertise three camp programs



            Ragtime (雷格泰姆音乐) is a unique f American music. Characterized both by its African--American syncopation (切分音) and European classical structure,ragtime,in its golden age from 1900 to 1918,was enjoyed by people of all races and backgrounds.

            Ragtime was first popular in the late 19th century. A

“rag” can have varied instrumentation,but usually it is written for piano. Earlier than recorded mug He was spread almost completely as sheet music which was performed by amateur pianists in cafes around the country. Public performances by ragtime composers were in short supply,but high demand. The first official ragtime hit was Scott Joplin,s Maple Leaf Rag,published in 1899. America was fascinated by this unique Composition.

            Today,Joplin is the most famous figurf in ragtime

I a smnreir.iate his compositions for the creative combination of folk rhythms and classical harmonies. He first showed great musical potential at a young age,and when his family moved to a new home in Texas,his mother worked long hours to earn enough money to buy a piano for him. His abilities were noticed by a German piano teacher who gave Joplin free lessons and taught him good classical techniques. Soon enough,Joplin became a skilled musician and began studying music composition at George Smith College in Sedalia,Missouri. After some years as a traveling musician,he eventually settled back in Sedalia and became a pianist at several popular men's clubs. It was during this period of his career that he composed his Maple Leaf Rag,the piano piece that brought him and ragtime itself national fame. .

             Ragtime has given way to jazz by the 1920s.Audio(声音的) recording was becoming popular at the same time. The piano was no longer required and jazz albums began playing in living rooms across the country. Like all folk music,though,jazz pays respect to ragtime by borrowing its style,rhythm,and mood.

5. What do we learn about ragtime?

   A. It is a kind of modem music. 

   B. It is mainly played on the piano.

   C. It was enjoyed in the form of recorded music.

   D. It was played by professional instrumentalists.

6. During his early years,Scott Joplin.

   A. moved from America to Germany

   B. received good musical education

   C. got little support from his family

   D. taught at George Smith College

7. Scott Joplin 's Maple Leaf Rag was created when.

   A. he worked as a pianist in Sedalia

   B. he became a traveling musician

   C. ragtime was in its golden age

   D. he first won national fame

8. We learn from the text that jazz .

   A. went into decline because of audio recording

   B. became popular thanks to live performances

   C. was replaced by ragtime in the 1920s

   D. was greatly influenced by ragtime

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