

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Lauren Hill is my elder sister and she is my hero.

        She started to dream of 21 (play) college basketball when she was just a little girl. When she received an offer to play at Mount St. Joseph College,her dream seemed ready to come true. 22 (sad) , she developed brain cancer last year. She 23 (tell) she had only two years to live at most.

        It seemed Lauren would have to quit the team before she had her first practice. But she didn’t  want to give up. She kept 24 (push) herself to practice and stayed involved with the team. Her teammates fed off her energy and she fed off 25 (they) support.  

        Now as 26 freshman at Mount St. Joseph,my sister had her dream come true last week when she played in her teams opening game. In fact,she 27 (score) her teams first and last points of the day. So many people wanted to watch the game 28 they had to move it to a much 29 (large) stadium and the 10 ,000 seats sold out in one hour.

        Lauren's perseverawce (毅力) has now inspired millions of people around the world and has helped raise thousands of dollars 30 brain cancer research.


21. playing。考查非谓语动词。dream of doing sth.意为“梦想做某事”。   22. Sadly。考查词性转换。sadly意为“不幸的是”, 做状语,修饰整个句子;

23. was told。考查时态和语态。对过去所发生动作 的客观陈述,且She跟tell之间是被动关系,故用 一般过去时态的被动语态。

24. pushing。考查非谓语动词。keep doing sth.意为“保持做某事”。

25. their。考查代词。修饰名词support,故用they的.形容词性物主代词形式。

26. a。考查_冠词。这里指Lauren现在是一位大一新生,且freshman以辅音音节开头,故填不定冠词a。

27. scored。考查时态。对过去所发生动作的客观陈述,故用一般过去时态。

28. that。考查连词。so ...that…为固定搭配,表不“如此……以至于……”。

29. larger。考查形容词比较级。这里表示比赛转移到了一个“更大的”体育场。

30. for。考查介词。这些钱是为脑癌研究募集的,故填介词for。



                           ★★ ★ ★★

          Many authors Have become masters of a particular genre (类型) of fiction,but very few can claim to have had such an effect that they created a genre themselves. One such author is J. R. R. Tolkein. He created not only Middle Earth,the stage for his giant fantasy The Lord of the Rings,but also a whole genre of fantasy fiction.

          Tolkein's distinctive contribution was to create a wonderful world and populate it with wise wizards,bold (大胆自信的) knights,and a lot of other characters,including dwarfs. He also created his own contribution,the hobbit. Hobbits were small people,who had distinctive hairy feet. They were characterized by honest common sense and rather complex social lives. In his work,it is evidently the hobbits with whom Tolkein sympathized the most.

           What made Tolkein's  work so fascinating was that it was a perfectly realized work of fantasy. Every detail in his stories rang true. This is because Tolkein spent so much time working and thinking about Middle Earth. His later books showed clearly to what extent he had created this entire world,complete with detailed maps and even the languages of the main characters.

           It must be remembered that Tolkein was writing in a time when the First World War had just finished,and another was about to begin. In his book,he stressed the bravery and determination of the small people without whom victory was impossible. This was the lesson that Tolkein felt had to be learned from the horrors of the First World War 一 the decisions which shaped the fate of nations were made by the ruling class,but they were implemented (实施) by the common people of the country.

            Though his book brought him worldwide fame,Tolkein continued to live modestly at Oxford University,where he worked. He was a close friend of another great writer of his day,C. S.Lewis,who also taught there. However,while Lewis was more relaxed about his fame,Tolkein never really got used to it,and he was quite embarrassed by the admiration of many tourists who came to see him. 

9. What do we learn about ToIkein's  work?

   A. It was created in a hurry.

   B. It was part of his scientific research.

.   C. It was written to create new languages.

   D. It showed a complete period that seemed true.

10. What does Tolkein believe in?

   A. The great effects of war.

   B. The certainty of victory. 

   C. The decisions of the ruling class.

   D. The power of the common people.

11. What was the difference between Tolkein and Lewis?

   A. They had different opinions about travel.

   B. They worked at different universities.

   C. They responded differently to fame.

   D. They looked at modesty differently.

12. What is the main purpose of the text?

   A. To introduce Tolkein's work and life.

   B. To show Tolkein's important influences.

   C. To explain the concept of Middle Earth.

   D. To discuss the genre of fantasy fiction.



        Like many boys of my age,I have a box filled with sports cards. But my brother,younger by ten years,is different from me. He was unwilling to go into the sports card shop with me. I couldn't   believe the shocked look on his face when he saw some of the expensive offerings in the window display. He just couldn 51 appreciate the history behind the cards and the care taken to preserve them over the decades. For him,no piece of cardboard was worth any sum of money. He would rather have a video screen to distract him.

        I appreciate the arguments in favor of television,computer games,and other electronic entertainment. The technology is dynamic and entertaining. There's indeed something for everyone. I also believe,however,that these new forms of entertainment have taken time away from “unplugged” fun. Instead of simple storybooks,young children have interactive learning computers that read for them. When children aren't watching satellite television,they have computer games to entertain them. It seems to me that more and more of the joys of childhood are being lost to the appeal of the video screen.

        Building up a sports card collection is a rewarding hobby for children and adults alike. It teaches quality lessons,such as patience and organization. For children,it develops a careftil mind. I remember how hard I tried to slide each card into a plastic sleeve without damaging their delicate comers. Nearly every weekend,there was a card show at the local mall where I learned to bargain and trade for cards. Collecting cards is a social activity too,encouraging young and old to swap cards and stories.

         Today's electronic entertainment,however,keeps people apart and does little to benefit developing minds. I am concerned that this trend toward electronics will lead to less physical activity and less communication time. The younger generation needs to know that pleasure can also come from a simple hands-on hobby.

13. By saying “There's indeed something for everyone”,the author means .

   A. everyone is able to enjoy “unplugged” fun

   B. electronic entertainment is partly useful

   C. technology is very important to everyone

   D. new hobbies must be entertaining

14. The author finds that tdday's  children .

   A. have more “unplugged” fim

   B. have more and more hobbies

   C. spend too much time on screens

   D. value their pocket money very much

15. Why does the author mention how he slid each card into a plastic sleeve?

   A. To show how such a hobby can make children more careful.

   B. To express his great interest in showing his cards.

   C. To explain the difficulties of collecting cards.

   D. To prove sports cards are very valuable.

16. What is the author worried about?

   A. The fall of electronic entertainment.

   B. The younger generation's challenges.

   C. The negative influence of electronics.

   D. The rising cost of the sports card collection.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        During a recent trip there was a hold on trains and many people were (滞留) and had to arrange hotels for the night. I was traveling alone and like everyone else I had to 21 in a very long queue.

        I had queued for about 40 minutes and was looking around 22 I saw a lady with a small child in her arms near the back of the queue. I knew she had at least another 40 23 to wait just to 24 my position but I was quite close to the 25 of the queue. I could also see that she was quite 26 and the child was heavy and asleep on her shoulder.

        I looked back until I got her 27 . Once she noticed me I 28 her forward and asked the people who were 29 me whether they minded if I 30 positions in the queue with this lady. Then I let the lady take up my position and went to the back of the queue myself.

        At  first she said 31 as I knew she was very

surprised by the gesture,but when she got to the front of the queue and had 32 her hotel room she looked back and found me in the queue. Her look of 33 and gratitude made the rest of my 34 very easy indeed as I felt very good for the little 35 I had made.

        What touched me too was that other people in the 36 close to me had seen what I did and 37 me for doing such a nice thing. I thought I had inspired in them the idea to do something 38 for others.

        But I knew I had made that lady's  day just a tiny bit 39 and allowed her to get her child to a bed sooner and that was 40 enough for me.

21. A. sit   B. stand   C. hide   D. search

22. A. if   B. unless   C. when   D. until

23. A. minutes   B. seconds   C. months   D. days

24. A. need   B. change   C. lose   D. reach

25. A. back   B. front   C. middle   D. right

26. A. angry   B. tired   C. disappointed   D. excited

27. A. interest   B. respect   C. support   D. attention

28. A. placed   B. watched   C. limited   D. waved

29. A. like   B. over   C. behind   D. against

30. A. exchanged   B. occupied  C. defended   D. improved

31. A. nothing   B. something  C. anything   D. everything

32. A. left   B. shared  G.  booked   D. cleaned

33. A. fear   B. relief   C. alarm   D. surprise

34. A. work   B. action   C. life   D. wait

35. A. light   B. gesture  C. measure   D. progress

36. A. train   B. shop   C. queue   D. hotel

37. A. advised   B. praised  C. complained   D. ignored

38. A. familiar   B. risky   C. similar   D. strange

39. A. longer   B. easier   C. quieter   D. busier

40. A. more than   B. other than  C. rather than   D. less than


                        Welcome to Pegasus!

        Here is some information to help familiarize you with the facilities.

        Opening hours 

        The building is open every day between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (and 5 p.m. on Fridays) . If you need to work outside during these hours,you will need to make arrangements with Angela.


        Unfortunately,there are no car parking facilities; however,there is a cycle rack(支架) just in front of the entrance where cyclists can lock their bikes.


         To use the photocopier,you will need a personal code(密码) 一please ask Martin for this. In order to save trees? please only make copies when strictly necessary,and make double-sided copies if possible. Put waste paper in the recycling bin. If the copier jams and you can't fix it,or if you run out of paper,see Martin.


         There is a kettle in the kitchen for making tea or coffee. Tea,coffee,sugar and biscuits are provided in the cupboard for staff to use. There is also a microwave which staff are welcome to use,and a fridge to store your own food and drink. Please label your food and throw it away if it starts to go off. Remember to wash and put away your dishes after use!

         Leaving the building

         If you are the last person to leave the building,please do the following: 

       . Make sure that all the windows are locked.

       . Check that the computers and photocopier are switched off

       . Switch off the lights and close all the doors.

       . Set the alarm — instructions for doing this are on the              wall,next to the alarm.


         Please do not smoke anywhere in the building. Smoking is permitted in the yard behind the building,and there is a small shelter that smokers can use in the event of rain.

Thank you for your cooperation.

13. What do we know about Pegasus?

   A. It has a large car parking lot.

   B. It isn’t  available for overtime work.

   C. Its opening time is shorter on Friday.

   D. Its cycle rack is just behind the building.

14. To use the photocopier,you have to.

   A. make double-sided copies

   B. bring some paper with you

   C. learn how to fix a copier jam

   D. get a personal code from Martin

15. It can be inferred that Pegasus’ kitchen .

   A. has no coffee

   B. provides no meals

   C. needs a new cook now

   D. is cleaned every day after work

16. What should you do it you don't know how to set to alarm?

   A. Ask Martin for help.

   B. Get connected with Angela.

   C. See the instructions on the wall.

   D. Leave a message with the doorkeeper.


            Aaron Ralston,a 27-year-old sports fan from America,found himself in a very difficult situation alone in a canyon in the desert when a huge rock came crashing down the canyon ,smashed(重击) his right hand and trapped it against the canyon wall. What's worse,Ralston had failed to tell anyone where he was going. At the last minute the plans for a trip with his climbing partners had come to nothing,and he had decided to head out on his own to walk down the canyon.

           After three days of not seeing or hearing any sign of life,Ralston realised he would die there if he didn't do something special. The course of action was terrifying,but there was no other way. He would have to cut off his right hand. Fortunately,he had a small knife and some.straps(带子) with him that he could use to stop himself bleeding to death.

          He found the courage to use the knife to cut through the skin,but soon he realised that it was going to be impossible to use his small knife to cut through the bones.: After another 24 hours of pain and despair the idea and;the strength came to him in a flash on the sixth day. With a final burst of energy he broke his arm and freed himself.

          Ralston believes that his story was not simply about : an isolated individual who rose to a tough challenge For;him there was another aspect of the experience. He said,The source of the power I felt to survive was my family.Iappreciate all that they do.”

1. Why did Ralston deal with the difficult situation alone?

   A. His partners got lost in the desert.

   B. He didn't like traveling with others.

   C. His partners gave up traveling with him.

   D. His friends were frightened away by his accident.

2. How did Ralston free his arm from the rock on the last day?

   A. By breaking bones in his arm.

   B. By gradually pushing the rock.

   C. By pulling the rock with straps.

   D. By receiving help from a stranger.

3. The text  mainly tells us about .

   A. how Ralston walked down the canyon

   B. the reason why Ralston went to the trip

   C. how Ralston survived from a tough situation

   D. different ways to deal with Ralston's problems

4. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A travel guide. B. A book review.

   C. A news report.  D. A science textbook.

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