
          The playground game of hg (捉人游戏) was temporarily banned at a Washington elementary school,but the ban was met by parent protests at a time when school recess (休息) is considered by many educators as one of the keys to better test scores.

          Parents,at Lakeridge Elementary School protested when they learned that the school's new “hands off’policy designed to reduce injuries during recess — also forbade tag. 

         “While at play,especially during recess and unstructured time,students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The reason behind this is to^ ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students,Mary Grady of the Mercer Island School District said.

          Many Mercer Island parents protested that an exciting recess game of chase and touch was not only safe,but also healthy. ”Our kids need some unstructured playtime,” a concerned mother Kdsey Joyce said. “I totally survived tag."

          After further pushback,the school district finally gave up the ban and announced tag was back. Many schools tried to improve standardized test scores  by cutting recess time several years ago,but elementary principals(校长) reafized that playtime had actually helped students’ test performance. More than 80 percent of principals said recess improved academic achievement,according to a survey.

         Rather than banning tag,a non-profit organization called Playworks suggests using the game to teach conflict resolution,or even just for fun. u\ think a game like tag is wonderful/' Playworks Director Jonathan Blasher said. “It's important for kids to have that free-range play.^ Playworks was started in 1996 to prevent fights at recess that led to the ban on tag at Lakeridge Elementary School. Rather than forbid eertain;games,the group places coaches in schools during recess to suggest new ones. The idea was to both free teachers from breaking up fights and help children return to class

refreshed and with a few life skills.

9. Why was tag banned at the elementary school?

   A. It led to kids’ unhealthy habits.

   B. It was considered dangerous.

   C. It met with parent protests.

   D. It made the school noisy.

10. The underlined word “pushback” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. resistance   B. discussion

   C. research     D. development

11. What did most elementary principals agree with?

   A. Recess time should be shortened.

   B. Playtime helps improve test scores.

   C. Standardized tests are difficult for students.

   D. Students,academic achievement has improved.

12. What can we learn about Playworks?

   A. It promotes playground games at recess.

   B. It offers teachers free lessons on life skills.

   C. It was started by Lakeridge Elementary School.

   D. It trains teachers to solve conflicts between kids.

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