
12.Some people never master the art of being patient,and at times,all of us struggle with being patient.Sometimes a certain situation or a certain person just pushes our buttons,making it much more difficult for us to remain patient.(36)BIt becomes harder to concentrate,and it becomes harder to be polite to other people.
     (37)CNo one is born to be patient.As you learn and grow and experience things in life,you become wiser and learn how to interact with difficult kinds of people.
     (38)GThis is normal,as you have never had the experience of working in an office before.At first,it might be difficult to understand your job.You might even lose patience,but over time you'll be able to interact with other people with more confidence and patience.Someone at work disagrees with you,and it might make you become anxious.(39)EYou'll be less likely to become bothered when presented with different situations.Though it might be difficult,you should try to be patient in life.This will help you in nearly all situations.(40)A Age doesn't always mean that someone is wise,and wisdom doesn't always mean that someone is patient,though the two often go hand in hand.
A.You must keep in mind that patience comes with experience and wisdom.
B.Once you lose patience,things tend to go wrong.
C.Learning to be patient takes time and it takes patience to learn to be patient.
D.Patience is acquired as you acquire wisdom,and wisdom is the child of experience.
E.However,with experience,you'll learn how to present your opinions clearly.
F.The more patience you have,the better you'll cope in various situations..
G.For example,you start your first job in a big office,and you don't really know how to work with lots of people.

分析 本文主要讲述了如今很多人都没有掌握耐心的艺术,在遇到某些困难的时候就会失去耐心,而这篇文章告诉了我们有关耐心的重要性以及耐心与智慧及经验是相伴的.

解答 36.B  本题考查前后句子联系,根据前文Sometimes a certain situation or a certain person just pushes our buttons,making it much more difficult for us to remain patient.可知有时候一些事情可能会使我们失去耐心,因此后文所述应该与失去耐心之后的事情有关,故选B.
37.C  本题考查逻辑推理,由后文No one is born to be patient.As you learn and grow and experience things in life,you become wiser and learn how to interact with difficult kinds of people.可知本段讲述的是没有人生来就是耐心的,又提到了学习,因此前面应该填与学习如何有耐心有关,故选C.
38.G  本题考查前后句子联系,由后文This is normal,as you have never had the experience of working in an office before.可知前文应该是提到与在办公室工作有关,并且没有工作经验不知要怎么做,故选G.
39.E  本题考查转折关系,根据前后文Someone at work disagrees with you,and it might make you become anxious.及You'll be less likely to become bothered when presented with different situations.前面说明工作中有人不同意你会使你感到焦虑,而后面则说明在不同情况你也可能不会被打扰,因此此处应当连接一个转折的语句,故选E.
40.A本题考查前后句子的联系,根据后文Age doesn't always mean that someone is wise,and wisdom doesn't always mean that someone is patient,though the two often go hand in hand.可知前文中应当提到智慧与耐心是相伴的,故选A.

点评 本文需要学生通读全文,了解文章大意,分析句型,明确关联关系,结合上下文判断,确定答案后带入复查.

20.We have entered a new age of embedded(嵌入式的),intuitive(直觉的) computing in which our homes,cars,stores,farms,and factories have the ability to think,sense,understand,and respond to our needs.It's not science fiction,but the dawn of a new age.
Most people might not realize it yet,but we are already feeling the impact of what's known as the third wave of computing.In small but significant ways it is helping us live healthier and more secure lives.If you drive a 2014Mercedes Benz,for example,an"intelligent"system tries to keep you from hitting a pedestrian.A farmer in Nigeria relies on weather sensors that communicate with his mobile device.Forgot your medicine?A new pill bottle from AdhereTech reminds you through text or automatic phone messages that it's time to take a pill.
Technology is being integrated(融入) into our natural behaviors,with real-time data connecting our physical and digital worlds.With this dramatic shift in our relationship to technology,companies can adapt their products and services.
To understand how revolutionary the third wave is,we ought to consider how far we have come.The first wave began when companies started to manage their operations through mainframe computer systems over 50years ago.Then computing got"personal"in the 1980s and the 1990s with the introduction of the PC (personal computer).For the most part,computing remained immobile and lacked contextual awareness.
In computing's second wave,mobile computing and the smartphone took center stage.Billions of people,some of whom might not have had access to clean water,electricity,or even housing,were connected.Developers created applications and provided consumers with access to just about everything through their phone at the cost of a monthly data plan.
As the third wave keeps developing,designers must meet the demands of consumers who want to experiment with new technology.
Historically,designers have focused their attention on a product's form and function.While that still matters,of course,the definition of a meaningful user experience has expanded significantly and will continue to do so.Instead of creating a single product,designers will need to imagine a series of connected products and services that have awareness of each other and their surroundings.

74.Why are three examples given in Paragraph 2?D.
A.To tell us that human beings are smarter and smarter.
B.To illustrate the importance and necessity of technology.
C.To prove that we are living healthier and more secure lives.
D.To show the impact of the third wave of computing on our life.
75.In the first wave of computingD.
A.companies'operations were reliable on computer systems
B.computing had awareness of people's needs in the context
C.people could have access to computing almost everywhere
D.it was possible for people to experience computing at home
76.Which of the following is a situation in the third wave of computing?C.
A.There's no need to create a single product.
B.The definition of the user experience is more significant.
C.Products and services are not independent of each other.
D.The products'form and functions are no longer important.
77.What can we conclude from the passage about the new age we are facing?B.
A.There's a shift of attention from people's physical worlds to their digital worlds.
B.There's closer relationship between technology and people's natural behaviours.
C.People live more happily with the convenience brought by advanced technology.
D.People become lazier with the products that can think and respond to their needs.
7.They survive in some of the coldest environments in the world-but even penguins(企鹅) appreciate a warm woolly jumper(套头毛衣)once in a while.
The mini knitted garments have helped save hundreds of flightless birds caught in oil spills,providing protection from the elements and stopping them from eating poisonous pollution.
Knits tor Nature,a program run by The Penguin Foundation,which protects the little penguin population of Phillip Island,140km south-east of Melbourne,has created up to 300different designs over the years-and it's all thanks to talented volunteers.
"There's a lot of hidden creativity out there,"said Lyn Blom,of the Phillip Island Nature Park."People love to know that they're helping the penguins because they're so cute and small and they waddle up the beach and they're so strong and determined.But they need to be,they 1ive in a pretty tough sort of environment.''
A thumbnail-sized patch of oil can kill a little penguin,the smallest of the species,measuring just l3inches and weighing l kg.The oil separates and mats their feathers,breaking natural waterproofing and heating functions.
Ms Blom estimates she has knitted between 200and 300penguin jumpers over the years.
A staff member read an article in an English women's magazine about knitting for guillemot(海鸠)birds and decided to adapt the designs.
"There's a lot of ladies out there who used to knit for their children and grandchildren.These ladies have spare wool and idle hands,and they love to feel loved and needed and we love and need them,"said Ms Blom.
The Pengu in Foundation recently staged a competition for the most creative jumper,which received an enthusiastic response.
The Penguin Foundation rescues approximately 20birds a year.They even have a stockpile of jumpers in case of emergency-such as the large oil spill Phillip Island in 2001.In that instance,453little penguins were affected,96percent of which were saved-most thanks to the jumpers.

46.Which is the best title for the text?A
A.The penguins'new garments       B.How to protect the penguins
C.The Penguin Foundation           D.Poisonous oil pollution
47.Knits for NatureB.
A.is operated to make money for penguins
B.aims to protect penguins on Phillip Island
C.has designed 300knitted garments
D.has trained many talented volunteers
48.People help the penguins mainly becauseB.
A.they survive in the coldest environments
B.they live in a rather tough environment
C.they're so lovely and smart
D.they're so strong and determined
49.Why can a patch of oil kill little penguins?A
A.The oil ruins their feather's natural functions.
B.Little penguins are too small to survive.
C.The oil benefits their natural waterproofing.
D.Little penguins have no heating functions.
50.What can we learn from the text?D
A.Only Ms Blom was glad to knit penguin jumpers.
B.It's Ms Blom that created the penguin jumper designs.
C.Few people competed for the most creative jumper.
D.The jumpers have proved effective for penguins.
17.Sixteen-year-old Karlos Dearman's future is looking much brighter than he might previously have imagined."I love bikes,but I've never thought I'd end up with working with them,"he says."This program has changed my life."
Karlos is learning to refurbish (翻新) old bicycles in the workshop (车间) of ReCycle Bikes,an independent non-profit bike project in Sheffield.It provides training chances for young people aged 14 to 16 with the help of the local government,particularly those struggling in mainstream education or rejected from school.
"It's about engaging young people with education and youth training by teaching them work and life skills,"explains Des Pearce,workshop training manager."These young people have so much potential,but often don't realize it."
Founded in 2001,ReCycle Bikes repairs bicycles donated by the public,which are sold for£20 after refurbished.Abandoned bikes supplied by the government make sure a steady flow of bikes,but a recently formed partnership with Sheffield University should improve the further development.
"The student population presents a large and ready market,"says Pearce."So we approached the university last year and offered to host bike sales on the campus (校园).They thought it was a great idea,and agreed to provide us with more support.This means we can train young people to repair extra 500 bikes over three years."
Having set up ReCycle Bikes on his own,Pearce now has the staff and resources to track the profession development of those who have passed through his workshop."But we are planning exit interviews with the young people to make sure what they plan to do,and these will allow us to check on their progress,"says Pearce.
That most of the teenagers enjoy the work is,according to Pearce,easily explained."Most kids have ridden a bike and know how to oil a chain or mend a flat tyre.As low-cost transport,cycling gives the young and old a sense of freedom and independence,and the effect on their well-being is big.Add to that a growing concern for the environment,and it's no surprise that bike sales are on the increase."
60.From the passage,we know ReCycle BikesB
A.is a popular brand of bikes
B.provides training chances for young people
C.is a training project offered by the government
D.aims at making money by selling refurbished bicycles
61.How did ReCycle Bikes run at the beginning?D
A.By working together with Sheffield University.
B.By selling bicycles supplied by the government.
C.By getting money from teenagers aged between 14 and 16.
D.By repairing bicycles donated by the public and selling them.
62.ReCycle Bikes has formed a partnership with Sheffield University becauseA.
A.students at Sheffield University can be their potential customers
B.Sheffield University donates a lot of money to ReCycle Bikes
C.teenagers at ReCycle Bikes can study at Sheffield University
D.Sheffield University offers to host bike sales on the campus
63.According to Pearce,why do most of the teenagers enjoy the work?D
A.They'd like to change their lives.
B.They want to learn how to repair bikes.
C.They don't have enough money to buy cars.
D.They are familiar with bikes and interested in them.

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