

1What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A.Boss and employee.B.Coworkers.C.Classmates.

2Why is Jane unhappy?

A.She forgot to answer some emails.

B.She talked to angry customers all morning.

C.She is usually the first one to take complaints.






M: How’s your week going, Jane?

W: So far, so good. But we still have four and a half days to mess it up.

M: Don’t be so negative. We’re going to have a great week. Monday is just the opportunity for a new round of success.

W: I guess, Mike. So far, I’ve just answered emails and avoided angry customers.

M: That sounds rough. Maybe we should switch desks, if they walk in and see me first, I’ll get the complaints first.

W: Then you’ll become negative. Why don’t we trade desks every week?

M: Great idea. I’ll take the sad desk after lunch, and then you move back next Monday.

W: Oh, Mike. I can’t thank you enough! What a great team player you are!



Social anxiety is a type of anxiety problem. People with social anxiety can usually interact easily with family and a few close friends. Instead of enjoying social activities, they might fear them and avoid some of them altogether. Like other anxieties, it is a fear reaction to something that isn’t actually dangerous, although the body and mind react as if the danger is real. Because the physical sensations that go with the response are real and sometimes quite strong the danger seems real. With social anxiety, a person’s fears and concerns are focused on the social performance whether it’s a major class presentation or small talk at the lockers. People tend to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about being noticed or judged by others.

Social anxiety might prevent someone from chatting with friends in the lunchroom, joining an after-school club, going to a party, or asking someone on a date. It might keep a person from volunteering an answer in class, reading aloud, or giving a presentation. It might prevent someone from acting the school play, being in the talent show, trying out for a team, or joining in a service project. It also prevents them from making the normal, everyday mistakes that help people improve their skills still further.

Social anxiety develops because the genetic features from parents and other relatives can influence how the brain senses and controls anxiety, shyness, nervousness, and stress reactions. Meanwhile, some people are born with a shy character and tend to be cautious and sensitive in new situations and prefer what’s familiar. Naturally a person’s shy character can be influenced by what he or she learns from role models. If parents or others react by overprotecting a child who is shy, the child won’t have a chance to get used to new situations and new people. If people born with a cautious nature have stressful experiences, social anxiety can make them even more cautious and shy. Feeling pressured to interact in ways they don’t feel ready for, being criticized or insulted, or having other fears and worries can make it more likely for a shy or fearful person to develop social anxiety.

Sometimes, but not always, medicines that reduce anxiety are used as part of the treatment. Family or friends are especially important and the right support from a few key people can help those with social anxiety gather the courage to go outside their comfort zone and try something new. Dealing with social anxiety takes patience, courage to face fears and try new things, and the willingness to practice.

Social Anxiety

Passage outline

Supporting details

Some 1 involved with social anxiety

● Seldom get in touch with 2.

● Wrongly react to something without danger in fact because of strong physical sensations.

● Pay too much attention to others’ 3, feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Influences on people

● To make people feel lonely or disappointed over missed opportunities for 4and fun.

● To avoid getting the most out of school.

● To miss a chance to share their talents and learn new5.

6of developing social anxiety

● Have something to do with a person’s biological factors.

● Naturally get influenced by the 7from role models especially parents.

● Live a life with stressful and worrying 8or events.

Ways to overcome social anxiety

● Go to 9according to the condition of illness.

● Try to be 10by family or friends and look for a new life.

● Keep patient, courageous and willing to practice.

【题目】 It's free and requires no equipment. Besides, the scenery can be amazing. It's no wonder running is among the world s most popular sports. Research suggests running can significantly improve your health. 1

Running just once a week, or 50 minutes a week, reduces the risk of death at a given point in time. 2 This is good news for those who don't have much time on their hands for exercise. But it shouldn't discourage those who enjoy running longer and more often. We found even "hardcore" running (for example, every day or four hours a week) is beneficial for health. Nor do the benefits necessarily increase by running at high speeds. We found similar benefits for running at any speed between 8 and 13 km/h. It might be that running at your own "most comfortable pace" is the best for your health.

3 Running may lead to overuse injuries. These occur as a consequence of repeated mechanical stress on the tissue without enough time for recovery. Sudden death is also likely to happen during exercise, though, this occurs very rarely.

Therefore, for beginning runners, start slow and gradually increase the pace, duration and weekly frequency. Set your aim at 50 minutes a week or more, and run at a comfortable speed.

If you don't like running alone, consider doing it along with others. 4 It can be hard to start running, but it shouldn't be too hard. 5 There are more than 800 other interesting sports to choose from. The benefits of many other sports (such as swimming, tennis, cycling and aerobics) are comparable to the ones found for running.

A.If you don't like running, don't force it.

B.However, keep it in mind that there are risks as well.

C.It also indicates you needn't run fast or far to gain the benefit.

D.It can increase your motivation and provide a fun social experience.

E.Running may help you live longer but more isn't necessarily better.

F.The benefit doesn't seem to increase or decrease with higher amounts of running.

G.Doing it in many sessions spread across the week brings much more benefits.

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