
Northern Europeans spend a lot of time in their cold and cloudy winters planning their summer holidays. They are proud of their healthy color when they return home after the holiday. But they also know that a certain amount of sunshine is good for their bodies and general health.
In ancient Greece people knew about the healing(治疗) powers of the sun, but this knowledge was lost. At the end of the nineteenth century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen, began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases, especially diseases of the skin. He was interested not only in natural sunlight but also in artificially (人造地) produced rays. Sunlight began to play a more important part in curing sick people.
A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, made full use of the sun in his hospital at Lysine. Lysine is a small village high up in the Alps. The position is important: the rays of the sun with the greatest healing power are the infra-red (红外线的) and ultra-violet (紫外线的) rays; but ultra-violet rays are too easily lost in fog and the polluted air near industrial towns. Dr. Roller found that sunlight, fresh air and good food cure a great many diseases. He was particularly successful in curing certain forms of tuberculosis with his “sun-cure”.
There were a large number of children in Dr. Roller’s hospital. He decided to start a school where sick children could be cured and at the same time continue to learn. It was not long before his school was full.
In winter, wearing only shorts, socks and boots, the children put on their skis after breakfast and left the hospital. They carried small desks and chairs as well as their school books. Their teacher led them over the snow until they reached a slope which faced the sun and was free from cold winds. There they set out their desks and chairs, and school began.
Although they wore hardly any clothes, Roller’s pupils were very seldom cold. That was because their bodies were full of energy which they got from the sun. But the doctor knew that sunshine can also be dangerous. If, for example, tuberculosis is attacking the lungs, unwise sunbathing may do great harm.
Today there is not just one school in the sun. There are several in Switzerland, and since Switzerland is not the only country which has the right conditions, there are similar schools in other places.
1. According to the passage, when did sunlight begin to play a more important part in the treatment of disease?
A. From ancient times.         B. At the end of the nineteenth century.
C. Not until this century.              D. Only very recently.
2. Why are a Danish doctor and a Swiss doctor mentioned in the second and third paragraphs?
A. Because they both made use of sunlight to treat illness.
B. Because they were the first people who used sunlight for treatment.
C. Because they were both famous European doctors.
D. Because they used sunlight in very different ways.
3. Dr Roller set up a “sun-cure” school probably for the reason that _______.
A. most children could stay in his hospital
B. children could study while being treated
C. the school was expected to be full of pupils
D. the school was high up in the mountains
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the passage?
A. “Sun-cure” schools are becoming popular everywhere.
B. Switzerland is the only country where “sun-cure” schools are popular.
C. Proper conditions are necessary for the running of a “sun-cure” school.
D. “Sun-cure” schools are found in countries where there is a lot of sunshine.

1----4      BABC  

1. B。细节题。根据文章第 2 段第 2 句 At the end of the nineteenth century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen, began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases… 可推知此题答案为 B。
2. A。推断题。根据文章第二、三段可推知此题答案为 A。
3. B。推断题。根据文章第 4 段第 2 句 …where sick children could be cured and at the same time continue to learn 可推知此题答案为 B。
4. C。推断题。根据文章最后一句 Switzerland is not the only country which has the right conditions… 可推知此题答案为 C。
Word came that the government must control the spread of this disease.
“Our job,”said the 26 officer,“is to spray the wall of every house in every town and village in the malariaparts of Mexico.You may be 27 to learn that there are about ninety-nine thousand 28 villages and towns.Some are big places like the capital city, 29 are single houses deep in the forest or upon the mountaintops.The men working with our program say that most of these people 30 within districts which are 31 enough for the mala ria-carrying mosquitoesto live in and spread the disease.That 32 that we must plan to spray the bricks of 33 three million houses once or twice a year for five years.”
“We have 34 everything very carefully,”said the officer 35 .“Our advance guards have drawn 36 of some forty thousand parts of the country for 37 by the spray teams.Each house in the malaria districts has been given a special 38 so that we can work in order.The United States has given us cars and trucks to carry the spray teams and their 39 .”
“The malaria program has been 40 with the people in this country.Everyone wants to 41 .The Defense Department is helping us plan the 42 of men and supplies.The Education Department has printed sheets in Spanish to explain 43 malaria is spread.Resistance is a problem.It was in the neighboring country—the United States that such resistance to spray was first 44 .Take the 45 of the housefly and D.D.T. At fist D.D.T. killed them off.Now it won’t hurt a fly.”
“What worries people is the danger that the mosquitoes may become resistant,”said the officer at last.
26.A.education              B.wealth                       C.health                       D.medicine
27.A.surprised                     B.excited                      C.doubtful                    D.happy
28.A.united                  B.developing                C.similar                      D.separate
29.A.other                    B.some                         C.the others                  D.the few
30.A.sleep                    B.live                           C.stand                         D.sit
31.A.cold                            B.hot                           C.bright                       D.warm
32.A.saves                    B.expresses                   C.means                       D.is
33.A.nearly                  B.mostly                      C.finally                       D.only
34.A.read                            B.learnt                        C.written                      D.studied
35.A.mentioned            B.remembered                     C.started                       D.continued
36.A.pictures                B.places                       C.maps                         D.bus-lines
37.A.store                    B.use                           C.share                         D.show
38.A.name                    B.sign                          C.number                            D.attention
39.A.tools                   B.clothes                      C.families                     D.guns
40.A.familiar                B.friendly                     C.strict                         D.popular
41.A.work                    B.run                           C.stop                          D.help
42.A.movement            B.program                    C.action                       D.equipment
43.A.why                            B.how                          C.what                         D.that
44.A.proved                 B.killed                        C.thought                            D.discussed
45.A.event                    B.matter                       C.fact                           D.case
No matter how long your life, you will, at best, be able to read only a few books of all that have been written, and the few you do read should include the best. You can rejoice in the fact that the number of such is relatively small.
________________ Yet there is a surprising uniformity in the lists which represent the best choices of any period. In every age, the list makers include both ancient and modern books in their selections, and they always wonder whether the moderns are up to the great books of the past.
What are the signs by which we may recognize a great book? The four I will mention may not be all they are, but they are the ones I’ve found most useful in explaining my choices over the years.
Great books are probably the most widely read. They are not best sellers for a year or two. They are enduring best sellers. GONE WITH THE WIND has had relatively few readers compared to the plays of Shakespeare or DON QUIXOTE. It would be reasonable to estimate that Homer’s Iliad(伊丽亚特)has been read by at least 25,000,000 people in the last 3000 years.
Great books are popular, not pedantic. They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists. Whether they are philosophy or science, or history or poetry, they treat of human, not academic problems. They are written for men, not professors. To read a textbook for advanced students, you have to read an elementary textbook first. But the great books can be considered elementary in the sense that they treat the elements of any subject matter. They are not related to one another as a series of textbooks, graded in difficulty or in the technicality of the problems with which they deal.
Great books are always contemporary, the most readable and instructive.
Great books deal with the persistently unsolved problems of human life. There are genuine mysteries in the world that mark the limits of human knowing and thinking. Inquiry not only begins with wonder, but usually ends with it also. Great minds acknowledge mysteries honestly. Wisdom is fortified, not destroyed, by understanding its limitations.
64.Which of the following can be put in the blank in the second paragraph?
A.Great books deal with the persistently unsolved problems of human life.
B.It is to be expected that the selections will change with the times
C.The listing of the best books is as old as reading and writing.
D.The fundamental human problems remain the same in all ages.
65.According to the author, Gone With The Wind is ________.
A.a best seller                                               
B.disgusted by readers who like Shakespeare
C.read more often than Don Quixote        
D.a great book
66.In the passage “pedantic” means ________.
A.showing the feelings, esp, those of kindness, which people are supposed to have
B.serving as practical examples
C.being elementary
D.paying too much attention to details in books
67.The best title for this passage is ________.
A.Great Books in Your Life       B.Great Books in Your Speciality
C.How to Find a Great Book?    D.What Is a Great Book?
Cancer Research UK has launched an online chat forum for cancer patients to swap stories or share experiences on how to cope with such a disastrous disease.
But Cancer Chat is a forum with a difference:it has an information safety net.
This means that a Cancer Research UK team will keep a watching brief to ensure that patients are not subjected to rogue “cancer cures’’ or scientifically unreasonable information.
Anyone can have access to the messages posted on Cancer Chat but if people wish to post a message they will need to register.
And Rebekah Gibbs,a cancer patient and star e f TV’S Casualty has voiced her support for the new project.“I think Cancer Chat is a brilliant idea,’’she said.“I have written a public diary about what I went through with breast cancer and I have had such a heart-warming response from other people going through the same thing.
“The idea of a Cancer Chat forum means you can share information about treatment and side effects and you can really open up about your feelings online in a way that can be difficult when talking to close friends and family.And with Cancer Research UK.monitoring the forum people can be guaranteed the quality of information being exchanged.”
Cancer Chat will also encourage its users to check out any cancer questions on its  CancerHelp UK website which is specially designed to give patients and their families 6,000  pages of up-to-date information that is easy to understand and explains a wide range of treatments for different types of cancer and give details of clinical trials.There is also a UK database of cancer clinical trials.
The award-winning website attracts around one million visitors a month and Cancer Research UK hopes that some of these visitors will also want to post comments on the Cancer Chat forum.
For those who do not have access to computers and have questions about cancer, the charity's team of cancer information nurses are available during office hours to talk over patients’ concerns on the phone.
小题1:Cancer Chat is quite different from other forums in that          
A.it has the support of a famous TV actress
B.it is a source of reliable information
C.it provides a huge amount of cancer information
D.it attracts a great number of visitors from all over the world each month
小题2:The underlined word “swap’’ in the first paragraph most probably means     
A.inventB.writeC.print D.exchange
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Rebekah Gibbs has written a private diary about her breast cancer.
B.CancerHelp UK offers information on cancer treatment and clinical trials.
C.The messages posted on this forum are available to all visitors.
D.People with no computers available can also receive help.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.A wonderful website CancerHelp UK
B.Come on.Turn to Cancer Research UK
C.Online Cancer Chat with a Safety Net
D.A Major Breakthrough in Cancer
People who have lost the ability to understand or use words due to brain damage are called aphasics(失语症患者).Such patients can be extremely good at something else.From the changing expressions on speakers’ faces and the tones of their voices,they can tell lies from truths.
Doctors studying the human brain have given a number of examples of this amazing power of aphasics.Some have even compared this power to that of a dog with an ability to find out the drugs hidden in the baggage.
Recently,scientists carried out tests to see if all that was said about aphasics was true.THEY STUDIED A MIXED GROUP OF PEOPLE.Some were normal;others were aphasics.It was proved that the aphasics were far ahead of the normal people in recognizing false speeches—in most cases,the normal people were fooled by words,but the aphasics were not.
Some years ago,Dr.Oliver Sacks wrote in his book about his experiences with aphasics.He mentioned a particular case in a hospital.Some aphasics were watching the president giving a speech on TV.Since the president had been an actor earlier,making a good speech was no problem for him.He was trying to put his feelings into every word of his speech.
But his way of speaking had the opposite effect on the patients.They didn’t seem to believe him.Instead,they burst into laughter.The aphasics knew that the president did not mean a word of what he was saying.He was lying!
Many doctors see aphasics as people who are not completely normal because they lack the ability to understand words.However,according to Dr.Sacks,they are more gifted than normal people.Normal people may get carried away by words.Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better,though they cannot understand words.
小题1:What is so surprising about aphasics?
A.They can fool other people.B.They can find out the hidden drugs.
C.They can understand language better.D.They can tell whether people are lying.
小题2:How did the scientists study aphasics?
A.By asking them to watch TV together.
B.By organizing them into acting groups.
C.By comparing them with normal people.
D.By giving them chances to speak on TV.
小题3:What do we learn from this text?
A.What one says reflects how one feels.
B.Aphasics have richer feelings than others.
C.Normal people often tell lies in their speeches.
D.People poor at one thing can be good at another.
Most of us fear getting up and speaking in public. Many people don’t like to go gathering where they don’t know anyone, but while most of us soldier on (迎难而上), those with social anxiety disorder are often stopped by the terror and worry.
Research shows that around fifteen million Americans suffer from social anxiety disorder. People in this condition feel that they are always being watched. Even though they know these fears are unreasonable, they cannot overcome their fears on their own.
Social anxiety disorder sufferers are often misdiagnosed with conditions such as schizophrenia (精神分裂症) and personality disorder. Many feel lonely, and are unsure whether anyone else can understand their thoughts and emotions. This can lead to withdrawal from most social situations, even to being unable to hold employment.
Those who suffer from social anxiety disorder are often dismissed(辞退)as being shy. This is simply not the case; shyness is not even a symptom of social anxiety disorder. The majority of sufferers find their symptoms linked to specific situations, rather than all types of social interactions.
An important step in overcoming social anxiety disorder is seeking out a therapist who specializes in training this type of disorder. Group treatment has been shown to be especially effective. Medication also help reduce the symptoms, but it should not be used as a replacement for psychotherapy (心理疗法).
On your own, you can help reduce the symptoms by taking deep breaths and practising medication or prayer. Alcohol and nicotine should be avoided, as both can cause panic attacks. Exercises can relieve the symptoms, because it burns up the chemicals in your body that cause stress.
54.Patients with social anxiety disorder_________________.
A. are shy in all situations
B. feel they don’t understand themselves
C. are anxious and terrified while speaking in public
D. feel it is unreasonable to be watched by others
55. We know from the passage that___________________________________.
A. most people will try to fight against social anxiety disorder
B. shyness is the main symptom of social anxiety disorder
C. people who feel lonely are often misdiagnosed with social anxiety disorder
D. psychotherapy is very important in treating social anxiety disorder
56. According to the passage, if Jack suffers from social anxiety disorder, he should_________.
A. burn up some unsafe chemicals             B. ask for help from a doctor
C. practise speaking in public                 D. resign from his present job
57. We are most likely to find this passage in__________.
A. American Culture                        B. Cross Country
         C. Family Doctor                          D. English Nature
We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy
Here’s a familiar version of the boy-meets-girl situation. A young man has at last plucked up courage to invite a dazzling young lady out to dinner. She has accepted his invitation and he is overjoyed. He is determined to take her to the best restaurant in town, even if it means that he will have to live on memories and hopes during the month to come. When they get to the restaurant, he discovers that this ethereal creature is on a diet. She mustn’t eat this and she mustn’t that. Oh, but of course, she doesn’t want to spoil his enjoyment. Let him by all means eat as much fattening food as he wants: it’s the surest way to an early grave. They spend a truly memorable evening together and never see each other again.
What a miserable lot dieters are! You can always recognize them from the sour expression on their faces. They spend most of their time turning their noses up at food. They are forever consulting calorie charts; gazing at themselves in mirrors; and leaping on to weighing-machines in the bathroom. They spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, protruding tummies and double chins. Some wage all-out war on FAT. Mere dieting is not enough. They exhaust themselves doing exercises, sweating in sauna baths, being pummeled and massaged by weird machines. The really wealthy diet-mongers pay vast sums for ‘health cures’. For two weeks they can enter a nature clinic and be starved to death for a hundred guineas a week. Don’t think it’s only the middle-aged who go in for these fads either. Many of these bright young things you see are suffering from chronic malnutrition: they are living on nothing but air, water and the goodwill of God.
Dieters undertake to starve themselves of their own free will; so why are they so miserable? Well, for one thing, they’re always hungry. You can’t be hungry and happy at the same time. All the horrible concoctions they eat instead of food leave them permanently dissatisfied. Wonderfood(奇妙的事物) is a complete food, the advertisement says. ‘Just dissolve a teaspoonful in water…’. A complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak. And, of course, they’re always miserable because they feel so guilty. Hunger just proves too much for them and in the end they lash out and devour five huge guilt-inducing cream cakes at a sitting. And who can blame them? At least three times a day they are exposed to temptation. What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you munch a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!
What’s all this self-inflicted torture for? Saintly people deprive themselves of food to attain a state of grace. Unsaintly(saintly<圣洁的>的反义词) people do so to attain a state of misery. It will be a great day when all the dieters in the world abandon their slimming courses; when they hold out their plates and demand second helpings!
小题1:The best title for this passage is
A On Fat.
B We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy.
C Many Diseases Are Connected with Fat.
D Diet Deprives People of Normal Life.
小题2:Why do they never see each other again?
A Because it is a memorable evening.
B Because she lets him eat as much fattening food as he wants.
C Because she does not eat this and drink that.
D Because eating fattening food is the surest way to an early grave.
小题3:Which of the following ways is NOT mentioned for diet?
A Doing exercises.  B Not eating sugar.  C Not eating fat.  D Taking sauna baths.
小题4:What is the author’s attitude toward diet?
A Persuasive.   B Critical.   C Indifferent.   D Adversative.
Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shuteye may feel refreshing, but it can give a false sense of security.
New research shows long-term sleep loss cannot be cured that easily. Scientists researched the effects of short- and long-term sleep loss and found that those who suffer long-term sleep loss may function normally soon after waking up, but experience steadily slower reaction times as the day goes by, even if they had tried to catch up the previous night.
The research has important safety significances in an increasingly busy society, not just for shift-workers but for the roughly one in six Americans who regularly get six hours or less of sleep a night.
“We know that staying awake 24 hours without sleep will affect your performance to do all sorts of things, and this effect equals to drinking too much when driving,” said lead researcher Dr. Daniel Cohen of Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. But when those who suffer long-term sleep loss become all-nighters, “the harm is increased ten times,” Cohen said.
The National Institutes of Health says adults need seven hours to nine hours of sleep for good health. Regularly getting too little sleep increases the risk of health problems, including memory impairment and a weakened immune system. More immediately, too little sleep affects reaction times; sleepiness is to blame for car crashes and other accidents.
It has critically important complicated and unexpected results for anyone who works “crazy hours” and thinks they are performing fine with a few hours of weeknight sleep, said Harris, director at New York’s Montefiore Medical Center. “Don’t think you can just bank up your sleep on the weekend, because it doesn’t work that way,” he warned.
小题1:The text mainly advises people ______.
A.to sleep more timeB.to sleep in on Saturday
C.to sleep scientifically D.to sleep little on weekend
小题2:People with long-term sleep loss ______.
A.are quicker in thinkingB.may feel refreshed soon after waking up
C.are surely energeticD.can have a strong sense of security
小题3:What can we learn from the text?
A.Most of the Americans get six hours or less of sleep a night.
B.Staying up is worse for those who suffer long-term sleep loss.
C.Traffic accidents have little to do with sleepiness.
D.One in six Americans are all-nighters.
小题4:Which of the following is the immediate effect of long-term sleep loss?
A.Health problemsB.Immune system
C.Reaction timesD.Memory impairment
小题5:The underlined phrase “bank up” in the last paragraph most probably means ____.
A.pile upB.pick upC.add upD.build up

We all accept that sports should stress skill over luck,and fairness over privilege(特权).
They should be accessible to many and fun to watch.In the end,a sport,s champion should re-
present shared values and served as a role model.
But with today,s advances in technology,the power of sports equipment makers offers great
opportunity for the athletes who have access to the latest technology.
In 2008,108 world records were broken in the sport of swimming.The average number of
world records set in swimming in all past Olympic years is about 22.The average number of
world records set in a non-Olympic year is about 5.Now there are no“old”world records.
Suit technology has been the most widely recognized difference.The sharkskin suit and the
“paper”suits were all made public by suit manufactures before the Olympic.
As records continue to be broken,the Internet message boards for the swimming community
have taken a darker view of suit technology.“Time is meaningless”is one quote.I tend to agree.Some of the times I see being posted today are simply legends(传奇).
Am I against suit technology?Not really.But 2008 marked an unbelievable change in the
sport of swimming.People are saying,“Bigger,faster,stronger at any cost!”,wanting no limits on technology,either suits or drugs.I am not one of those people.
I am a guy that recognized the sport of swimming being as simple as man vs.water.It used
to be the swimmer in the suit,not the suit on the swimmer.How times have changed.
53.According to the first paragraph,it is a common belief that________.
A.only a few people have chances to take part in sports
B.the latest suit technology should not be used in sports
C.sports should be interesting for people to watch
D.luck plays an important role in Olympic Games
54.It can be learned from the passage that_______.
A.the author is against the latest technology in sports
B.the athletes have become more skilled than before
C.some records are hard to break without technology
D.advanced suits and drugs can be used in Olympics
55.What does“Time is meaningless”mean in the swimming community?
A.Breaking records in swimming is too easy for most athelets.
B.It,s technology rather than skill that counts in some records.
C.Many athletes break records by luck and taking drugs.
D.Some rules aren,t obeyed when Olympic records are broken.
56.What,s the author,s opinion of the present sports?
A.Latest technology should be encouraged in compitition among athelets.
B.Time should be measured in a different way in modern Olympic Games.
C.All of the athletes should wear the same suits to ensure fairness.
D. Competition in skill should come first instead of that in equipment。

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