

Once, a rich man was near death. He was very upset because he had worked so hard for his money 【1】 he hoped he could take it with him to heaven. So he prayed to God he might be able to take some money with him.

2 angel heard his pray and appeared. “Sorry, 3 you can’t take your wealth with you.” The man begged the angel to speak to God to see 4 he might break the rules. The angel reappeared and said that God could allow him to take one suitcase. Excitedly, the man gathered his suitcase and filled it 5 pure gold bars.

Afterward, he died and showed up in heaven to greet St. Peter. 6 (see) the suitcase, St. Peter said, “Hold on, you can’t bring that here!” The man explained that he had God’s 7 (permit). St. Peter checked it out, came back and said, “You are right. You are allowed one carry-on bag, but I’m supposed to check its contents 8 letting it through.”

St. Peter opened the suitcase to inspect(检查)the things 9 the man found too precious to leave behind and exclaimed (感叹), “You brought paving(铺路的) stones? As you can see, the great street of the city of heaven 【10 (make) of pure gold!”





【4】if / whether





【9】that / which

【10】is made



【1】that 考查连词的用法。句意:他很不安因为他如此努力工作为了挣钱以便于他希望他能够把钱带入天堂。这里是so…that 如此……以便于,that引导的是目的状语从句,它在从句中不作成分。

【2】An考查冠词的用法。句意:天使听见了他的祈祷就出现了。angel 天使,可数名词,这里是第一次出现,以元音开头,故用不定冠词an。


【4】if / whether考查连词的用法。句意:那个人乞求天使让她给上帝说说能否破了这个规矩。这里if / whether“是否”引导的是宾语从句,它们只起连接的作用,在句中不作成分。

【5】with考查固定短语的用法。句意:那个人高兴地把手提箱拿过来里面用金条把它装满。这里是短语fill…with 用……装满。

【6】Seeing考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:看到手提箱St. Peter 说:“等一下,你不能把那个箱子带到这里来。”Seeing的逻辑主语是St. Peter,它们之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,作状语。

【7】permission考查名词的用法。句意:那个人解释说他已经得到了上帝的允许。这里God’s 是名词的所有格,后面须跟名词作中心词,permit是动词;permission是permit的名词形式。


【9】that / which考查定语从句的用法。句意:St. Peter 打开箱子检查了那个人认为宝贵的不能丢下的东西。这里that / which引导的是定语从句,它在从句中作宾语,先行词是things。

【10】is made考查动词短语的用法。句意:你看见了天堂的这个街都是用纯金做的。这里是短语be made of用……做的;因为主语是the great street 是第三人称单数,根据As you can see 可以判断时态应该是一般现在时,故用is made。


1.be made of由---制成(可以看出原材料);be made from由---制成(不能看出原材料);be made in由---制成;;be made up of由---组成。

2.不定冠词a 和an的用法。a用在以元音开头的词前,表示“一”; an用在以辅音开头的词前,表示“一”。比如小题1,university 这个词以辅音开头,所以前面加a,表示一所大学。an important meeting 一个重要的会议;an interesting story 一个有趣的故事;an old man 一位老人;an hour 一小时;an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩;an American lawyer一个美国的律师; a useful tool 一个有用的工具;a European friend一位欧洲的朋友。



Editor's note: China is the top country of origin for international students in the US, with more than 274,000 Chinese students reportedly accounting for 31 percent of all international students at US universities. Many Chinese parents save up a lot of money for their children to pursue an overseas education. Is it worth spending big to study abroad? You are welcome to leave your comments.

Arsa (Russia): I went to study abroad when I was 17. First year was a total waste as I met plenty of Russian students in my college and we spent most of our time shopping and hanging out at cafes, it wasn't until two years later that I realized that my English hadn't improved. I changed my mindset entirely and started studying hard. I ended up staying in UK for 10 years, which opened a lot of doors and introduced me to great people, so I'm all for studying abroad.

Truth (US): There is an assumption that American education is the best in the world, so Chinese parents are pushing their kids to American colleges. And some are even sending their children overseas at junior or high school level. I often feel this is a mistake as the education a Chinese child gets in a foreign country is very different from what they are used to and they often struggle. Some students have trouble understanding their lecturers and their assignments keep coming back with poor scores.


1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;

2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点内容包括:















【题目】Teacher’s Day around the world is not celebrated on the same day. In some countries, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on working days. However, in other countries, it is celebrated on holidays. Here we are giving you a list of countries that celebrate Teacher’s Day on holidays.


Teacher’s Day was proposed (提议) at National Central University in 1931. It was adopted (采纳) by the central government of Republic of China in 1932. In 1939, the day was set on August 27, Confucius’s birthday. The government of the People’s Republic of China called it off in 1951. It was reestablished in 1985, and the day was changed to September 10. Now more and more people are trying to celebrate Teacher’s Day back to Confucius’s birthday.


In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5, in honor of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , the second President of India. Because his birthday was September 5.


In Russia, Teacher’s Day is on October 5. Before 1994, this day was set on the first Sunday of September.


In the United States, Teacher’s Day is a holiday on the Tuesday of the first full week of May.


January 16 was adopted as Teacher’s Day in Thailand by a resolution (决议) of the government on November 21, 1956. The first Teacher’s Day was celebrated in 1957.


In Iran, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on May 2 every year. It is in honor of the famous Iranian professor Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari who died on May 2, 1980.

Although different countries celebrate Teacher’s Day on different days, the activities people take to celebrate it just stay the same.

【1】 In which year was Teacher’s Day changed from August 27 to September 10 in China?

A. 1931. B. 1939. C. 1951. D. 1985.

【2】 In which country is Teacher’s Day celebrated in honor of its leader?

A. Iran. B. India. C. Russia. D. Thailand.

3 Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. not all Teacher’s Days are celebrated on holidays

B. China is the first country to celebrate Teacher’s Day

C. Thailand first celebrated Teacher’s Day in 1956

D. Russia and the USA celebrate Teacher’s Day on the same day

【题目】Taxpayers(纳税人) in America pay less in income tax than many Europeans, according to a Pew Research Center report. Belgium has the highest income tax rate, at nearly 56 percent of income, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD. Taxpayers in the U.S. pay less than 36 percent of their incomes into the national treasury. Taxes pay for services provided by the government. The U.S. ranks 25 of the 34 developed countries polled in the report.

An unmarried person with no children was used as an example in the report. In America, an unmarried person, with no children, making the average wage of $50,000 in 2014 paid 24.8 percent of their income in federal (联邦的) income tax and payroll taxes (工资税). A similar person living in Belgium would pay 42.3 percent of their income. The average among the 39 countries in the poll was 27.3 percent income tax.

The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually April 15. This year, the deadline is April 18. American taxpayers complain that wealthy people and large companies pay too little tax, according to a Pew Research Center poll from 2015.

Americans pay tax to fund programs like Social Security and Medicaid, according to the Pew Research Center. Last year, American taxes paid for $888 billion in Social Security benefits. Social Security pays the elderly an income after they stop working. The government also paid more than $546 billion in Medicaid and Medicare benefits. Those programs pay for health and medical care to people who cannot afford it, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

【1】According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The income tax rate of America ranks 25 of the world.

B. No countries in the world have a higher income tax than that in Belgium.

C. Taxpayers in America pay more in income tax than many Europeans.

D. The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually between April 15 and April 18

【2】 The majority of people benefiting from the taxes in America are ________.

A. wealthy people and corporations

B. unmarried people

C. married couples

D. the elderly retirees

【3】How is Passage 2 mainly developed?

A. By showing differences B. By analyzing causes

C. By describing process D. By explanations

【4】The author mainly wants to tell us ________.

A. how Americans use their taxes

B. how much do Americans pay their taxes

C. that Americans pay less income tax than many others

D. that many people are complaining about the taxes


Researchers have shown that your talent for happiness is, to a large degree, determined by your genes(基因. 【1】 We can do this by overcoming negative emotions and developing positive emotions.

Strategy(策略)1: 2

The first step is to make a choice to be happy. In Seeking Happiness, Bertrand Russell said, “Happiness must be an achievement rather than a gift of the gods, and in this achievement, effort must play a great part.”

Once you’ve decided to be happier, you can choose strategies for achieving happiness.

Strategy 2: Develop gratitude(感激).

In Authentic Happiness, psychologist Martin Seligman encourages readers to perform a daily “gratitude exercise”. 3

Strategy 3: Remember, money can’t buy happiness.

Research shows: 4 Yes, “we always think that some things are wrong because they cannot bring us happiness.” writes Daniel Gilbert in Stumbling on Happiness.

Strategy 4: Take part in meaningful activities.

“People are seldom happier,” says Jackson, “than when they’re doing meaningful activities.”

Yet, he has found that the most common leisure(休闲)activity watching TV produces some of the lowest levels of happiness. 5 Active leisure that helps a person grow does not come easily, he writes in Finding Flow.

A. Choose to be happy.

B. Seek happiness.

C. However, psychologists believe we can pursue happiness.

D. This drives bitterness from our heart, and promotes happiness.

E. Happiness is decided by many things.

F. To get more out of life, we need to put more into it.

G. More money doesn’t often bring more happiness.

【题目】It was late one evening. I can’t remember what it was about, but my dad and I had a very big argument (争吵) when my mom was away. We both said things we didn’t mean, and in the end I said, “I’m leaving.” And he said, “Good. The sooner, the better.”

I threw a few things in a suitcase and closed the door angrily behind me, not knowing where I was going. After walking aimlessly for about 20 minutes, I stopped at a local supermarket. Then my phone rang. It was my mom calling. She said, “Hey, Mary. Where are you? Dad is worried about you.”

“How can he worry about me? I’ve been away for nearly half an hour, but he didn’t call,” I said with annoyance (烦恼). My anger returned and I remembered all the hateful things he’d shouted to me. “Listen, Mom. You can tell Dad that I’m fine. I’ll call you tomorrow,” I said and hung up.

I walked around the store, trying to get my thoughts together. By the time I paid for my purchases, it had been much later than I used to be out alone. When I left the supermarket, a large piece of white paper was in front of me. On the piece of white paper were these words: “Please come home! I miss you and I’m worried about you!”

Then a car pulled up beside me. Hanging out of the window was my dad. Beside him, smiling gently, sat my mom. And that’s when I started laughing. I laughed so hard that I cried. Despite (尽管) my best efforts to run away from home, my father finally managed to track me down. I couldn’t leave now, not with him sitting there with caring eyes.

【1】Hearing Mary decided to leave home, Mary’s father was very__________.

A. worried B. angry

C. nervous D. surprised

【2】After her mother called her, Mary__________.

A. became angrier than before

B. gave in to her father

C. cried and calmed down

D. agreed to go home

【3】 What does the underlined word “purchases” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. actions Mary regretted B. goods Mary bought

C. telephone calls Mary made D. lessons Mary learned

【4】 What probably happened at the end of the story?

A. Mary returned home happily.

B. Mary still refused to go home.

C. Mary’s father became angry again.

D. Mary’s mother hated her father.

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