
Dear Editor,?                 
 With the final examination approaching,
Yours truly,
Li Hua.

分析 本书面表达是一篇提纲类书面表达.第一步:审题.分析题目和提纲可知,这封书信的体裁应该是议论文.论点是"家长用金钱,旅游等承诺鼓励孩子努力学习是不确当的",陈述要点并说明理由.因文章需要发表自己的意见,故使用第一人称.第二步:构思.文章应该按照"总--分--总"的结构分为三段.考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态.不能根据材料逐字逐句的翻译应该注意句子的衔接,以提高作文的档次.
【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如encourage sb.to do,be admitted into,achieve the goal,focus on,instead of,as soon as,make sb.aware of;还运用句型with引导的复合结构,同位语从句.并注意了句子的衔接如:once,firstly,secondly,however,besides 等等.
They promise that they will be rewarded with things such as money,traveling and so on once they achieve the goals.运用了宾语从句; Firstly,it may lead to the fact that children's attention will focus on such things instead of the pleasure of studying.Secondly,they may stop working hard as soon as they get what they want.这句话表现出了文章的层次性;

解答 Dear Editor,?
      With the final examination approaching,many parents try to encourage their children to study hard and be admitted into a famous university in the near future.(高分句型一)They promise that they will be rewarded with things such as money,traveling and so on once they achieve the goals.(高分句型二)
      However,I don't think this is a proper way.Firstly,it may lead to the fact that children's attention will focus on such things instead of the pleasure of studying.(高分句型三)Secondly,they may stop working hard as soon as they get what they want.?
      I think a wise way is to make us aware of the importance of going to a good university.We should also study hard and well for our future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yours truly,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Li Hua

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

2.A.contrast    B.unknown    C.trapped       D.responsibility  E.willingness
F.external     G.sense   H.cease     I.encounter J.indecisive   K.passive

There are two basic ways see growth:one as a product,the other as a process.People have generally viewed personal growth as a(n)Fresult or product that can easily be identified and measured.The worker who gets a promotion the students whose  grades improve,the foreigner who learns a new language-all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
ByA-the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine,since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way.The process is not the road itself,but rather the attitude and feelings people have,their caution or courage,as weInew experiences and unexpected obstacles.In this process,the journey never really ends.There are always new ways to experience the world,new ideas to try,new challenges to accept.
In order to grow,to travel new roads,people need to have aEto take risks.And we are supposed to be ready to face theB,and to accept the possibility that we may"fail"at first.How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow.Do we perceive ourselves as quick an curious?If so,then we tend to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences.Do we think we'reJand shy?Then ourGof shyness can cause us to hesitate,to move slowly,and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe.Do we think we're slow to adapt to change to change or that we're not smart
enough to cope with a new challenge?If so,then we are likely to take a moreK role or not try at all.
These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow.We willHto grow,if we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts,and if we protect ourselves too much.We becomeCinside a shell of our own making.
12.Tennis Court
     Located in our neighboring island,enjoy a short boat ride to reach the tennis court.An all-weather exterior court provided an exceptional playing surface for a great game of singles or doubles.Complimentary tennis equipment is available.
      Time:Open daily 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Hitting partner is available at US﹩65 per hour per person.
Reservation in advance is required.Please contact Recreation.
Price is subject to 10% service charge and applicable tax.
Fitness Centre
     Located-near the main pool,our fitness centre Kuda Hurra provides physical challenges and mental relaxation.
      Guests must be at least 13 years of age to use the facility.Complimentary athletic wear is available while a Fitness Centre Attendant provides assistance only from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm.For the safety of everyone using the facility we request that no children under the age of 18 are permitted to use the facility when unattended by our staff.
     Open 24 hours.
Kids for all seasons
Children from four to twelve years are welcome to join our Kids for All Seasons.
     Programme.The Kids Club is located near the main pool next to the Gym building and is open daily from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
      The Kuda Mas Club includes recreational and educational activities such as arts and crafts,painting,leaf folding,island discovery tours,fish feeding and much more.
     Please contact the Kuda Mas Club for more information.

21.Playing tennis with a hitting partner for two hours will cost youC.
22.Children under 18 can use the fitness facilities with the help ofB                              
A.their parents    
B.the centre attendants    
C.a hitting partner   
D.their teachers
23.To know more about the island,your children can be taken toA
A.Kuda Mas Club   
B.Fitness Centre    
C.Tennis Court  
D.the Gym building.
1.For most Americans queuing for 30minutes outside of Xi'an Famous Foods in Manhattan,New York,Xi'an is a remote,mysterious place in China.But that doesn't stop them from enjoying the Shaanxi provincial capital's fine foods-including signature dishes roujiamo,a lamb sandwich or burger,"cold skin"noodles (凉皮)and yangrou paomo,a lamb soup with pieces of bread in it.
So what is the store's secret to winning such high popularity?
Owner Jason Wang offers a hint based on his experience growing up in the US.Many Americans are looking not just for a particular type of food,he has noticed,but rather for authenticity (真实性).With a global food culture,Manhattan now is full of young people craving adventurous food experiences.They"hunt down authentic cuisine,whether it is Chinese,Mexican,American or Mediterranean",Wang told Forbes.
Chinese cuisine has long been part of the US culinary(烹饪的)landscape."The trend of trying authentic Chinese food started in New York a long time ago,"said Sam Sifton,restaurant critic of The New York Times.
Many Xi'an dishes are quite easy for Americans to love."The lamb sandwich may have‘authentic,local'taste for some Chinese,but it's also familiar to Americans as a form of hamburger,"Sifton said."We love the English-muffin-style bread and the loose,packable meat,spicy and rich."
Hagan Blount,a food critic from Las Vegas,thinks that it's the trend in general for Americans to explore different foreign cuisines.
"Everyone wants to have new and exciting experiences-one way to get that hunger for adventure satisfied is by exploring new cuisines,"he told China Daily."The more people know,the less they are afraid."

63.What is the author's purpose in writing the article?B
A.To promote Chinese food culture among Americans.
B.To explain why food from Xi'an has been well-received in Manhattan.
C.To analyze why Americans like to explore new cuisines.
D.To tell the story of how Jason Wang started Xi'an Famous Foods in Manhattan.
64.According to Jason Wang,many AmericansB.
A.know a lot about Chinese food culture
B.attach great importance to the authenticity of food
C.prefer Chinese cuisine to other foreign cuisines
D.think Chinese cuisine has influenced American cuisine a lot
65.The underlined word"craving"in Paragraph 3 probably meansD.
A.refusingB.reportingC.being afraid of           D.longing for
66.What can we conclude from the article?C
A.Chinese cuisine has a lot in common with American cuisine.
B.To attract local people,the lamb sandwich has been changed into a form of hamburger in America.
C.Those who love to explore different types of cuisines tend to be more adventurous.
D.Those who enjoy exploring different cuisines usually prefer to cook for themselves.
8.One in ten teens says they use"study drugs"to improve their performance in school.So-called"study-drugs"refer to prescription medicines(处方药) used to treat ADHD(注意力缺乏症).But most of parents have no understanding of the problem,a new study finds.
In January,2013,researchers from the University of Michigan Mott Children's Hospital did a national survey of more than seven hundred families with teens.They found that only one percent of parents believe their child has taken a study drug.
Yet in a 2012 University of Michigan study,ten percent of second-year high school students and twelve percent of third-year students say they use a study drug.
The misuse of stuffy drugs didn't come to the attention of almost all parents."What we found in this survey is a clear mismatch(不相符),"said Dr.Matthew Davis,one of the researchers."It is a mismatch between what parents believe and what their children were reporting."
"We know teens believe that these drugs can improve their grade,"Davis said."But these prescription medicines are drugs.And teens who use them without a prescription are taking a serious risk."
The new survey showed that fifty-four percent of white parents were"very concerned"about their child taking study drugs,compared with thirty-eight percent of the Hispanic (拉美的) parents and thirty-seven percent of black parents.
However,just twenty-seven percent of parents surveyed talked to their teens about using study drugs.Of these parents,forty-one percent were black,twenty-seven percent were white and seventeen percent were Hispanic.
Students with a prescription for an ADHD drug should be required to keep their medicines in a safe place.Seventy-nine percent of parents think so,the survey shows.This may help preventitfrom being shared or used by other students.
32.According to paragraph 4,Dr.Davis thinks.D
A.the 2012 University of Michigan st udy is untrue
B.it is a good way to take study drugs to treat ADHD
C.it is necessary to do another new survey about study drugs
D.some parents still don't realize the study drug problem
33.Dr.Davis believed using study drugs to improve grades.A
A.is bad for health    B.is worth a try   C.sometimes works   D.causes little harm
34.What does the underlined word"it"in the last paragraph refer to?A
A.The study drug     B.ADHD.C.The survey.D.A safe place..
35.What is the purpose of this text?C
A.To give useful advice.
B.To introduce a new drug.
C.To report a research result.
D.To explain what ADHD is.
5.Conventional wisdom is a major barrier to innovation(创新)that threatens the survival of companies everywhere.It's based on the assumption that old ideas will always work,so they shouldn't be challenged.While this may be a valid assumption in situations that don't change,it's unlikely to hold true in a changing situation.In today's rapid changing global environment,old methods often don't work,and stubbornly using them can lead to major problems.
    Most people seem to agree with conventional wisdom because it gives one a false sense of security.If everyone else believes it,then it must be true.Individuals who use conventional wisdom are certain that they are right,and being right is good.They want to continue using old ideas rather than take risks with changes that might not work.In 1977,Ken Olsen,co-founder and CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation(DEC),stated"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home."Despite being a dominant leader in the computer industry,DEC no longer exists.
    People seem to forget that since innovation is a change,there can be no innovation without change.Unfortunately,conventional wisdom prevents leaders,followers and companies from changing and therefore innovating.If companies don't innovate,but their competitors do,the future is likely to be problematic.Breaking from conventional wisdom has led to many of the most innovative companies and products in history across many industries,so it has a powerful effect on business success.
    Ted Turner(founder of CNN) knew little,if anything,about the news business,but he knew it was inconvenient to watch news only at the dinner hour,as was common before CNN.Turner's solution was to create a cable channel devoted to news 24 hours a day.The news establishment reflected conventional wisdom at the time,and predicted his idea would fail because no one wanted to watch the news all day.However,it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that viewers don't have to watch the news all day for the CNN to work.Viewers just have to watch when they want to get information.Due to conventional thinking,the critics failed to recognize the opportunity that was clear to Ted.They assumed that only what was familiar to them could work in the future.
    Conventional wisdom prevents creativity,flexibility and risk-taking,so unconventional leaders enthusiastically break from it.To survive,boom and maintain competitive advantage,companies must be flexible when reacting to change.
32.DEC has disappeared probably becauseA.
A.the CEO stuck to the conventional ideas
B.the consumers didn't like its products
C.the leaders lacked the sense of security
D.the employees took many risks with changes
33.The founding of CNN is used as an example to proveC.
A.missing opportunities could lead to failure
B.watching news at the dinner hour is convenient
C.changing could contribute to business success
D.conventional wisdom influences business success
34.What does the underlined part probably mean?C
A.Rocket scientists can ensure the CNN works properly.
B.It's easy to know people needn't watch the news all the time.
C.It's necessary to understand when people watch the news.
D.Most of the viewers don't like to watch the news at work.
35.The passage is mainly written to tell us thatD.
A.old methods are changing with time
B.opportunities lead to business success
C.successful companies need wise leaders
D.conventional wisdom limits innovation.

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