
Dyslexia is a problem that restricts the ability to recognize words and connect sounds with letters when people read. People with this learning disorder may also have problems when they write. Dyslexia is not related to eyesight or intelligence. The problem involves areas of the brain that process language. Brain scientists are studying whether they can predict which young children may struggle with reading to provide them with early help. John Gabrieli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is leading the study of five-year-olds in about twenty schools in the Boston area.

They studied in the schools with kindergartens. And for all the children joining in the study, they give them a brief set of paper-and-pencil tests to look at which children appear to be at some risk for struggling to read. So far, fifty of them have been examined in a scanner, a special machine, to show brain activity. Written tests are not always able to identify dyslexia or other problems, while brain scans may offer a more scientific way to identify problems. And with reading problems, early identification is important. When it comes to helping children overcome reading difficulties, the younger the child, the more effective they are.

Reading problems are not usually identified until a child is in the third or fourth grade. The later children are recognized as poor readers, the less treatment can help. And, as Professor Gabrieli points out, poor reading can make education a struggle. Reading is everything. Even math and science have textbooks.

While the children are given tasks related to reading, the brain scans measure the extent to which certain parts of the brain become active while the children do the work. The scientists say they are pleased with early results from the study, but have a long way to go.

1.Dyslexia affects the part of brain concerning ________.

A. eyesight B. intelligence C. language D. emotion

2.Dyslexia problems are more likely to be identified through ________.

A. speech contests B. reading efficiency

C. listening comprehension D. brain scans

3.According to the passage, which of the followings has the best time to overcome reading difficulties?

A. Tom, a boy in the kindergarten.

B. Kate, a high school leaver.

C. Jane, a primary school student.

D. Steve, a man in his thirties.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. An effective way to identity Dyslexia at an early stage.

B. A learning disorder involving one’s intelligence.

C. Dyslexia — a problem affecting one’s reading and writing.

D. A possible solution to the problems related to Dyslexia.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C 、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I have always lived in India, and was recently traveling from Mumbai to Jaipur for work. Arriving at the airport ___, I was asked to hang out in the waiting area ____, without much else to do, I decided to check out the gift shop. As I walked around the store, I saw two American ____ having a nap on a recliner(躺椅) outside. It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours, and I felt I had to do something to help ease their ____.

I looked around the store for a few moments, and ____purchasing a medium-sized stuffed by toy which looked like the cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants (though it was orange instead of the normal yellow). I asked the owner of the shop for a ____ and a pen and wrote, “When you get up ____ this makes you smile, it would ____ the world to me. Have a good trip and an awesome experience. ”

I walked ____ towards the two women and placed the toy and the note next to them. Not wanting to shock on ____ them, I tried to be as slow as possible, but in my ____ to flee the scene, one of them woke up and ____me in the act. At first when she looked at me, I ____: maybe she thinks I’m a thief? ____when she looked at the soft toy and the note, she brightened up, as if this was the ____thing anyone had ever done for her. “Is this for me?” she asked. I gave her a huge ____ and nodded.

She was so excited! For a minute, it didn’t feel like we were ____ anymore. I shook hands with her, and her smile ____my day. I walked away with nothing but ____ for her, and came to feel that, even though we were from ____ places, she was just like me.

1.A. directly B. early C. hurriedly D. late

2.A. which B. what C. that D. where

3.A. men B. boys C. girls D. women

4.A. wait B. sadness C. time D. thought

5.A. came about B. ended up C. focused on D. stuck to

6.A. book B. paper C. note D. pencil

7.A. when B. if C. although D. as

8.A. give B. pass C. take D. mean

9.A. quietly B. anxiously C. happily D. unbelievably

10.A. wake B. trouble C. disturb D. encourage

11.A. dream B. try C. attempt D. track

12.A. saw B. reminded C. caught D. greeted

13.A. desired B. worried C. screamed D. feared

14.A. But B. So C. Because D. However

15.A. fittest B. last C. best D. first

16.A. handshake B. present C. laugh D. smile

17.A. strangers B. passengers C. passers-by D. tourists

18.A. cheered B. found C. made D. took

19.A. love B. appreciation C. kindness D. satisfaction

20.A. same B. faraway C. strange D. different

Taking exams in a large group setting can be stressful for students and for the staff members who are watching over them. When classrooms are crowded and desks are close together, cheating might be tempting.

One university in Thailand came up with an anti-cheating hat that makes it almost impossible for students to see other students’ papers. A photo of the students wearing the anti-cheating hats made its way to the Internet, and the university was criticized for making students wear those ridiculous looking homemade hats. The hats were made by stapling two pieces of paper onto a headband, one to each side of the head.

After being criticized, senior academic staff at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand, released a statement saying that the hats idea came from students. They said that in a bid to prevent cheating they asked the students for ideas on how to prevent cheating in the upcoming exam, which was being taken by almost one hundred students. Students came up with different ideas, and then the paper hat idea was selected by them as the most fit. The university claims that no one was forced to use the hat, but they all chose to do so. “When wearing the hat during the exam, students felt more relaxed,” Nattadon Rungruangkitkrai, a lecturer at the university said. “It was not meant to indicate that Kasetsart students often cheat on exams. I apologize if the photo makes other people look at my students in a negative way,” Rungruangkitkrai added.

1. Why was the university criticized on the Internet?

A. Wearing the anti-cheating hat made students look ridiculous.

B. The homemade anti-cheating hat looked too simple.

C. Wearing the anti-cheating hats couldn’t prevent students from cheating in the exam.

D. The university forced students to wear the anti-cheating hat.

2.What’s most of the Kasetsart University students’ attitude towards the cheating hat?

A. Skeptical B. Supportive C. Objective D. Negative

3.It can be inferred from the passage that_______

A. it’s useless wearing the anti-cheating hat in the exam.

B. Kasetsart students are often caught cheating in the exam.

C. wearing the anti-cheating hat is effective to some degree.

D. some students are forced to wear the anti-cheating hat.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

Tips for Cooking on a Tight Schedule

From my experience, there are three main reasons why people don’t cook more often: ability, money and time. _______1._______ Money is a topic I’ll save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:

1. Think ahead. The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I’m already hungry and there’s nothing ready to eat. So think ahead of the coming week. When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials already? _______2.____

2. Make your time worth it. When you do find time to cook a meal, make the most of it and save yourself time later on. Are you making one loaf of bread? _____3.______ It takes around the same amount of time to make more of something. So save yourself the effort for a future meal.

3. ______4.________ This may surprise you, but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation. It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule. The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.

Hopefully that gives a good start. ______5._______ And don’t let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!

A. Try new things.

B. Ability is easily improved.

C. Make three or four instead.

D. Understand your food better.

E. Cooking is a burden for many people.

F. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.

G. A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.

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