
Being able to count at least ten people as friends makes us happy,but those with five or fewer are likely to be miserable,researchers say.

Their study of hundreds of men and women also found that people who feel satisfied with their lives always have lots of close friends and regularly make new ones.

While it is not clear whether our friends make us happy or we make friends because we are happy,the researchers say it is clear that we should maintain our friendships. Psychologist Richard Tunney said,“Whatever the reason is,actively working on friendships in the same way as to maintain a marriage is a prerequisite(必备条件) to happiness.”

Dr.Tunney,of Nottingham University,quizzed more than 1,700 people about their satisfaction with their lives and the state of their friendships.Those with five friends or fewer had just a 40 percent chance of being happy. .

In other words they were more likely to be unhappy than happy.Ten was the first number at which people were more likely to be happy than unhappy.The happiest people were those with dozens of friends,according to the study,which was carried out for the National Lottery(彩票).

For women,this meant having 33 friends;for men,the number was 49. Dr.Tunney said,“People who were extremely satisfied with their lives had twice the number of friends of people who were extremely dissatisfied.” Women tended to have fewer friends than men but formed tighter relationships.

Interestingly,the study found that childhood friends are no more likely to make us happy than people we become close to later in life.Lottery winners,however,have a different opinion on life.They are always happier than others despite spending their time with a small circle of old friends.This could be because they trust people they’ve known for a long time.

1.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.The Secret to Happiness Is to Make New Friends

B.Having at Least 10 Good Friends Makes People Happy

C.Why Most People Like to Make Friends Regularly

D.Men’s and Women’s Friends Are Different

2.Which of the following opinions may Richard Tunney NOT agree with?

A.People with few friends are sure to be unhappy.

B.Our friends can make us happy.

C.Happiness may come from a good marriage life.

D.We may become happier if we have more friends.

3.According to the passage,lottery winners ________.

A.enjoy making new friends

B.make new friends easily

C.like staying with old friends

D.have no time to make friends

4.We can conclude from the passage that ________.

A.it’s enough for one person to have ten friends

B.unhappy people must have few friends

C.childhood friends make people happier than adulthood ones

D.friendships play a major role in people’s life


Computer programmer David Jones earns £35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card (信用卡). Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18. The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. David’s firm releases (推出) two new games for the fast throwing computer market each month.

But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot, he cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage (抵押贷款), or get credit cards. David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs,” he said. David spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 50 pounds a week. But most of his spare time is spent working.

“Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school,” he said. “But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time. I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school. Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway.” David added:“I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement is a possibility. You never know when the market might die away.”

1.In what way is David different from people of his age?

A. He often goes out with friends.

B. He lives with his mother.

C. He has a handsome income.

D. He graduated with six O-levels.

2.What is one of the problems that David is facing now?

A. He is too young to get a credit card.

B. He has no time to learn driving.

C. He has very little spare time.

D. He will soon lose his job.

3.Why was David able to get the job in the company?

A. He had done well in all his exams.

B. He had written some computer programs.

C. He was good at playing computer games.

D. He had learnt to use computers at school.

4.Why did David decide to leave school and start working?

A. He received lots of job offers.

B. He was eager to help his mother.

C. He lost interest in school studies.

D. He wanted to earn his own living.


James’s New Bicycle

James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully __________ the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! ___________ on earth was he going to get the _________ of the money ?

He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was __________ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no _________ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to ___________.

There was only one way to get money, and that was to __________ it. He would have to find a job. ___________ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had ____________ on most things.

“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”

That was the __________ of James’s odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the __________ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the __________ of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the _________ increased and he knew that he would soon have ___________ for the bicycle he longed for.

The day _________ came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He ___________ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode __________ home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard _________for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more ________he had bought it with his own money. He had __________what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

1.A. cleaned B. counted C. covered D. checked

2.A. Who B. Why C. How D. What

3.A. rest B. part C. sum D. amount

4.A. brave B. smart C. hard D. unfair

5.A. result B. reason C. point D. right

6.A. split B. spare C. spend D. save

7.A. borrow B. collect C. raise D. earn

8.A. Or B. So C. But D. For

9.A. decisions B. opinions C. experience D. knowledge

10.A. introduction B. beginning C. requirement D. opening

11.A. similarity B. quality C. variety D. suitability

12.A. number B. brand C. size D. type

13.A. effort B. pressure C. trouble D. money

14.A. enough B. all C. much D. some

15.A. instantly B. finally C. normally D. regularly

16.A. gave B. left C. wasted D. took

17.A. patiently B. silently C. proudly D. tiredly

18.A. working B. asking C. looking D. applying

19.A. though B. if C. than D. since

20.A. deserved B. achieved C. benefited D. learned

My 11-year-old son and I rides bikes to and from his school every day. I accompany him on the 20-minute ride through Manhattan, drop him off and return at the end of day to pick him up. We always ride together; sometimes he leads; sometimes I do. And as we ride, we communicate the ways to minimize (使减少或缩小到最低限度) the dangers: Don’t go too fast, and watch out for doors suddenly swinging out from parked cars and jaywalking pedestrians, etc. Some friends worry about the risk of riding in traffic, but is there a better way to let my son know how to deal with traffic dangers?

But recently he requested me to start hanging back a half block or so. This way he could enjoy the feeling of riding on his own, with the security of knowing that I was nearby in case he needed me. This is healthy, of course, as my son needs space to develop independence in preparation for his inevitable (不可避免的,必然发生的) departure from home. However, that means soon he will want to ride to school on his own, and I will no longer have this wonderful routine. “Let your children go if you want to keep them.” I understand this and am trying to let my son go in age-appropriate phases, but I still suffer. It’s one of the most troubling experiences of parenthood — recognizing that your presence is becoming less welcome.

My dilemma as a husband mirrors the concern I feel as a parent. My wife has just left on a six-month mission to cover the situation in Libya. In the days leading up to her departure, we spoke openly about the possibility, however unlikely, that she might be killed. But while I influence her decisions, I do not control them. Finally, it was her decision. I know that letting go is the wisest path in this case too.

As we travel through life’s phases, we must let go of so much. And I don’t think it gets easier with practice. But maybe just accepting that eventually we will have to let go is the secret to living a full life.

1.Why does the writer accompany his son on his daily ride to school?

A.To build up his strength.

B.To teach his son to ride in traffic.

C.To tell his son the way to school.

D.To communicate more with his son.

2.Although he thinks his son’s request understandable, the writer ________.

A.is worried about his son’s safety

B.is angry for his son’s leaving alone

C.feels upset for being rejected by his son

D.feels sorry for not giving his son enough space

3.What does the writer’s wife do?

A.She is a soldier. B.She is a politician.

C.She is a media person. D.She is a businesswoman.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Letting go. B.Father’s love.

C.Living a full life. D.Lessons from riding.

Liverpool city council want to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that people are feeding the birds, which makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of seeds and insects, not high-fat junk food they are eating in the city centre.

The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birds. They hope to encourage the birds to move away from the city centre and into parks and open spaces.

Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city centre to scare the pigeons away and visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds - known as “robops” - will sit on the roofs of buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine falcon, which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeons. They hope that the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two years.

1.What do Liverpool city council try to do?

A.They want people to feed the pigeons with healthy food.

B. They want the pigeons to move out of the city centre.

C.They want people to keep the pigeons at home.

D.They want to keep robotic birds instead of pigeons.

2.The robotic birds are used to _________.

A. help feed the pigeons B.make the city colorful

C. drive away the pigeons D.show people directions

3.This passage is most probably a(n) __________.

A. news report B. notice

C.short story D.Advertisement


It is impossible to know when you might find yourself lost in a forest. If you know what to do, you can survive in a forest without much trouble; but if you are not prepared, survival can be much less likely.

Keep fear at bay

It is completely natural to be afraid when you are faced with a survival situation. 1. The more your fear overcomes you, the lower your chances are of survival, as your mind is going to become clouded and panic may set in.

Stay warm

Obviously, the low body temperature is one of the primary dangers you face when you must survive in the forest2. Never stop to sleep or quit moving around unless you have appropriate shelter.

Know how to make a fire

Obviously , if you have a lighter or matches, this is not a problem. But if not, you can attempt to use a dry narrow pointed stick and a dry flat piece of wood. 3. This requires a great deal of work, but if done correctly, you will succeed.

Make some shelter

4. The easiest way to provide protection is to find a fallen tree and cover it with other branches and brush so that you can stay in the natural pit underneath the tree trunk.This is a very important aspect of being able to survive in the forest.

Stay put unless you know exactly where you are

If you can build a stable shelter and start a fire, you can survive in the forest for several days. 5. If you know where you are, travel as far as possible during the day while making sure you stop long enough before dark so that you can build another shelter.

A. Soon you will find that it’s not that difficult to survive in the forest.

B. However, if you are going to survive in the forest, you must keep your thoughts clear.

C. Make as much friction(摩擦) as possible by rubbing the pointed stick along the flat piece.

D. It is better to stay and wait for rescue.

E. Under no circumstances should we fight with the wild animals.

F. Caves and overhangs are perfect, but most likely you must build your own.

G. It is crucial that you do all you can to stay dry and keep your body temperature up.

Maggie was very glad that James was not a frequent visitor to the house. In the children’s opinion, they had something that they couldn’t explain or understand about him and that excited their imagination. He stirred(激起) Maggie’s anger, however, so that she often said to her husband. “It’s mercy that brother of yours doesn’t come oftener.”

In fact James came once a year, unexpectedly, around eight o’clock in the evening, and he stayed for six hours of close discussion with his brother. His arrival was a signal to the children that their bedtime would be delayed. Not that he ever spoke to them or played with them. He took no notice of them, as if he was unable to see children, at least until the time came for him to go. Indeed, after his first greeting and a careless kiss, James took no notice of Maggie either, except to add, “You’ll be getting on with the supper, Maggie”. Such was his regard for her.

Maggie paid him back in her own way. She kept the children up, the four of them, to keep her company, she said, but of course they sang and made a noise and broke the endless sound of James’ voice. Very late, they dropped off to sleep in their chairs. Then, when James was about to go, Maggie woke them up and so more or less forced him to part with four shillings before he left. That gave her some satisfaction, for James, though rich, was unwilling to give or share what he had. He always went home by the last train, just after two o’clock.

Maggie’s children secretly stared at their uncle. They could not forget that he had in their mother’s words, “lost two wives and taken a third”. They wondered about those two unfortunate, lost ladies. They asked each other what their fate(命运) had been, and if neither could ever be found again. James never brought his third wife with him nor ever mentioned her. The children decided that he must be so frightened of losing her that he never allowed her outside the door.

1.Maggie never prepared anything special for James because ________.

A. he was a man difficult to please

B. she never knew when he was coming

C. she was too busy looking after her children

D. he never stayed long enough for a meal

2.What do we know about Jame’s behavior?

A. He was a kind man, with love for the family.

B. He was unselfish, especially towards his brother.

C. He was anxious to please the family, especially the children.

D. He was rude to his sister-in-law.

3.Maggie felt pleased when ________.

A. she paid James the money that she owed him

B. James gave some money to the children

C. she had to wake James up to catch his train

D. James thanked her for the nice supper

4.The children did not realize that two of James’ wives ________.

A. were dead

B. suffered from loss of memory

C. had run away from him

D. might reappear one day

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