
【题目】Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they (设法看见了) some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.

【解析】句意:那天早些时候,当他们穿过洛基山脉的时候,他们看见了一些山羊甚至还有一只灰熊和一只鹰。manage to do sth,固定搭配,“设法做某事”;catch sight of 固定搭配,“看见”。根据前面的crossed可知,要用一般过去时,因此答案为(1). managed (2). to (3). catch (4). sight (5). of 。


All around the world, people are working hard to make theircites safer and more pleasant for pedestrians (行人). Cities havepainted crosswalks on their streets, made streets narrower, put in trafficlights and speed bumps (减速带) and madeplans to help more kids walk or bike to school.
Many people have learned from a man from Brisbane, Australia,named David Engwicht. His book Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns has a simplemessage . Kids playedthere, and neighbors stopped there to talk.
But now, streets are just for cars and trucks. People stayinside to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic, and we lose contactwith our neighbors . People needto take back their streets. Engwicht travels around the world, helping peoplethink differently about pedestrians, streets, and neighborhoods. . He has workedin neighborhoods from Honolulu to Scotland.
While Engwicht was writing his book, he learned how neighbors inthe city of Delft, in the Netherlands, stopped dangerous traffic on theirstreet. They put old couches, tables, and planters in the street. . When thepolice arrived, they saw how these illegal actions made the streets safer. Sooncity officials started planning ways to make cars slow down, and“calm”thetraffic.
Engwicht says we should think about streets as our “outdoorliving room”.
In the future, streets will be safe places for children again,and our neighbors will become our friends.
a.Cars andpedestrians crowded the street.
b.Calming thetraffic is just the beginning.
c.Cars couldstill pass, but they had to drive slowly.
d.He says thatin the past, streets belonged to everybody.
e.Itshard to take measures to solve the traffic problems.
f.Besides hisbooks and articles, he gives many speeches.
g. Engwicht says that weshould use streets for more than just transportation.

Wrong Reasons for Going to College
A college education can be priceless.If any of these following factors had abig influence on your decision, you’re probably right to second-guess yourself.
Because all your friends are going.
In only a few weeks’ time, the whole friend group will bescattered to a half dozen different colleges in a half dozen different places.Not to go will set yourself apart.Becausesomeone else expects it from you.
Perhaps you come from a family where everyone goes to college,or maybe you’re the kid that everyone is proud to believe will be the first toget there.It’s become so mucha part of the air you breathe that you’ve never stopped to consider whether youwant to go or whether you’re ready to go.
It’s beentough to find even a summer job. You don’t have an alternative plan. Everyoneelse is doing it (see above). You think you might as well go to school. That isthe lamest(无说服力的)of reasons tospend $ 20,000 or more in the next year.
Because you are afraid you’ll regret it if you don’t go.
Your uncle tells you that he regrets that he didn’t go tocollege. Others tell you they could have gone so much further in their careerif only they had a college education. So this is not a persuasive reason for you togo to college.
aA. Because you don’t want to work.
b. Friends will wonder what’s wrong with you.
c. Because you don’t know what else to do.
d. Everyone seems more excited than you are.
e. It seems that for years everyone has just thought that ofcourse you’ll go.
f. Whatever the story is, there are always people who regretdecisions they’ve made.
g. But maybe in your heart you know that you are going forthe wrong reasons.

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