
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A kind-hearted homeowner kept a baby elephant in her back yard for months during the Second World War. It has been reported that the reason was that zookeepers ________ the animal would be killed in a bombing.

Sheila lived at Belfast Zoo ________ she was moved to her unusual home in 1941 as the city ________ a lightning war called the Belfast Blitz. She was one of the ________ ones at the zoo, in the north of the city. The Ministry of Public Safety ________ 23 zoo animals to be killed in case they got free and ________ people, including a tiger, a black bear, a lynx, a hyena, two polar bears and six wolves. But instead of meeting the same________ , Sheila was walked down the road by ________ to a red-brick house on the Whitewell Road where a woman took her ________ and let her live in the back yard for several months until the________ was over.

Now, as part of the zoo’s 75th anniversary, the zoo managers are trying to ________ the woman who gave the elephant its wartime protection, known ________ as “the elephant angel”. All they have are a couple of black and white ________ of two women sitting on a garden seat________ , Sheila drinking out of a tin bucket beside the back door of the________ .

Zoo manager Mark Challis said, “The ________ provided by our mystery lady is ________ to zoo history and we would like to make contact with her family and ________ document this gap in our past.” ________ , Sheila went on to________ the war, living another 25 years until her death at the zoo in 1966.

1.A. wanted B. imagined C. feared D. protected

2.A. until B. after C. since D. once

3.A. declared B. ignored C. involved D. experienced

4.A. frightening B. lucky C. extinct D. popular

5.A. ordered B. predicted C. warned D. offered

6.A. attracted B. pleased C. attacked D. covered

7.A. hope B. disorder C. Pain D. fate

8.A. soldiers B. zookeepers C. experts D. advisers

9.A. out B. in C. away D. off

10.A. bombing B. searching C. controlling D. struggling

11.A. admit B. realize C. see D. find

12.A. again B. only C. rarely D. yet

13.A. photos B. statues C. scenes D. messages

14.A. allowing B. keeping C. watching D. making

15.A. zoo B. park C. dormitory D. house

16.A. care B. food C. drink D. yard

17.A. useless B. limited C. unique D. valueless

18.A. properly B. secretly C. slowly D. temporarily

19.A. Sadly B. Happily C. Obviously D. Gradually

20.A. fight B. succeed C. fail D. Survive

Our magazine is presenting to you the top four iPhone (the best seller of Apple Company) applications for more fun on hiking or camping trips recommended by our A-list field hikers and travelers.

1. GPS Kit by Garafa—Never get lost (for $10.)

What it does: Download before you leave or use your phone's data connection to view maps from Google (satellite, landscape, cycling, and street), or Bing (shaded relief, street, or image). Record your movements, drop notes or photo makers on previously downloaded Google Earth.

2. Photosynth by Microsoft—Perfect the view (for free!)

What it does: Make 360°×360°panoramas (全景照片) to your own taste. It saves(保存) the panorama as a single image to your camera roll after combining images. Once you get to know how to hold the iPhone and move to take the photos, you can have pretty simple, fast panoramas!

3. Soundcloud by Soundcloud—Share the sounds (for free!)

What it does: Basic sound recorder with on-board (车载的) editing (cutting) capabilities. Upload your recordings to the Internet, share on social networks and listen to and follow others! It allows for super-simple recording and uploading to the Internet. You can upload all the sounds as "non-shared" files, so you can download them to your computer for continued storage and editing. In addition, with this function, you will never fear your dirty laundries are to put you to shame. There is a growing community of users, including Paul Salopek who is walking around the world.

4. Postagram by Sincerely—Send moments (application is free! /$1 per card.)

What it does: The application allows personalized production of e-postcards right from your iPhone. There aren't many post offices out in the mountains, so this can be critical(极重要的) to send a gift home. And even if there are post offices where you are traveling, sometimes it's easier, cheaper and more fun to send your own DIY messages home.

1.Where can the reader most probably read the text?

A. On an online Microsoft application store.

B. On an online Apple application store.

C. In an educational magazine.

D. In a travel magazine.

2.Tom will be charged if he needs to download ___.

A. GPS Kit B. Soundcloud C. Photosynth D. Postagram

3.If Mary wants her parents to enjoy some traveling e-cards of hers, she may be interested in ___.

A. GPS Kit B. Soundcloud C. Photosynth D. Postagram

4.What does the underlined part "this function" refer to?

A. Uploading recordings to the Internet.

B. Editing your sounds on a computer.

C. Uploading sounds only accessible to yourself.

D. Downloading your sounds to your computer.

Nearly 60 million visitors flooded to the 384 national parks across America every year. And you won’t have to wander far from home to enjoy one of these national treasures, with Michigan’s Isle Royale National Park nearby.

Located 56 miles from Copper Harbor on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the park remains a desolate area that can only be reached by tour boat. With the exception of the Rock Harbor Lodge, which offers both rooms with private baths and accommodations in the form of small cottages, the 572,000 acres that make up the 45-mile-long park are rough, threaded with hiking paths that lead to tents-only campsites. You are likely to see a deer crossing mist-covered ponds in search of breakfast, gaze bald eagles flying overhead, or hear a beaver(河狸) clapping its tail on the water. If you are especially lucky, you might even glimpse a grey wolf, nearly dying out from hunting on the mainland.

Plenty of hiking paths open the area to exploration. The 4-mile Stroll Path winds through various trees and offers a tour of the island’s history, including prehistoric Indian mines. The Jungle Path leads to Scoville Point——a perfect picnic spot surrounded on three sides by the shining waters of Lake Superior.

You can also rent a boat at the park’s service center and row down the shore to the Rock Harbor Lighthouse. Here park’s service employees use nets to show how lake fishes used to be caught by the original local people. Their catch ends up on the dinner menu at the Rock Harbor Lodge.

The park is open from mid-April through October; Rock Harbor Lodge is open from Memorial Day weekend until just after Labor Day.

1.The underlined phrase “a desolate area” in the 2nd paragraph probably means ________.

A. an undeveloped area

B. an inaccessible area

C. an area deserted by tourists

D. an area protected by government

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Indians used to hunt grey wolves to make a living.

B. Tourists can only visit the park by walking or hiking.

C. The number of grey wolves is smaller than that of deer.

D. Food provided by Rock Harbor Lodge is shipped from outside.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Safety tips of the natural park.

B. Attractions of the natural park.

C. Tourist service of the natural park.

D. Environmental protection of the natural park.

Researchers in the psychology department at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a major difference in the way men and women respond to stress.This difference may explain why men are more likely to suffer from stress related disorders.

Until now,psychological research has maintained that both men and women have the same “fightorflight” reaction to stress.In other words,individuals either react with aggressive behavior,such as verbal or physical conflict (“fight”),or they react by withdrawing from the stressful situation (“flight”).However,the UCLA research team found that men and women have quite different biological and behavioral responses to stress.While men often react to stress in the fightorflight response,women often have another kind of reaction which could be called “tend and befriend.” That is,they often react to stressful conditions by protecting and nurturing their young (“tend”),and by looking for social contact and support from others—especially other females (“befriend”).

Scientists have long known that in the fightorflight reaction to stress,an important role is played by certain hormones(激素) released by the body.The UCLA research team suggests that the female tendorbefriend response is also based on a hormone.This hormone,called oxytocin,has been studied in the context of childbirth,but now it is being studied for its role in the response of both men and women to stress.The principal investigator,Dr.Shelley E.Taylor,explained that “animals and people with high levels of oxytocin are calmer,more relaxed,more social,and less anxious.” While men also secrete(分泌) oxytocin,its effects are reduced by male hormones.

In terms of everyday behavior,the UCLA study found that women are far more likely than men to seek social contact when they are feeling stressed.They may phone relatives or friends,or ask directions if they are lost.

The study also showed how fathers and mothers responded differently when they came home to their family after a stressful day at work.The typical father wanted to be left alone to enjoy some peace and quiet.For a typical mother,coping with a bad day at work meant focusing her attention on her children and their needs.

The differences in responding to stress may explain the fact that women have lower frequency of stressrelated disorders such as high blood pressure or aggressive behavior.The tendandbefriend regulatory(调节的) system may protect women against stress,and this may explain why women on average live longer than men.

1.The UCLA study shows that in response to stress,men are more likely than women to ______.

A.turn to friends for help

B.solve a conflict calmly

C.find an escape from reality

D.seek comfort from children

2.Which of the following is true about oxytocin according to the passage?

A.Men have the same level of oxytocin as women do.

B.Oxytocin used to be studied in both men and women.

C.Both animals and people have high levels of oxytocin.

D.Oxytocin has more of an effect on women than on men.

3.What can be learned from the passage?

A.Male hormones help build up the body's resistance to stress.

B.In a family a mother cares more about children than a father does.

C.Biological differences lead to different behavioral responses to stress.

D.The UCLA study was designed to confirm previous research findings.

4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.How men and women get over stress

B.How men and women suffer from stress

C.How researchers overcome stress problems

D.How researchers handle stress related disorders

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