
Nearly 60 million visitors flooded to the 384 national parks across America every year. And you won’t have to wander far from home to enjoy one of these national treasures, with Michigan’s Isle Royale National Park nearby.

Located 56 miles from Copper Harbor on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the park remains a desolate area that can only be reached by tour boat. With the exception of the Rock Harbor Lodge, which offers both rooms with private baths and accommodations in the form of small cottages, the 572,000 acres that make up the 45-mile-long park are rough, threaded with hiking paths that lead to tents-only campsites. You are likely to see a deer crossing mist-covered ponds in search of breakfast, gaze bald eagles flying overhead, or hear a beaver(河狸) clapping its tail on the water. If you are especially lucky, you might even glimpse a grey wolf, nearly dying out from hunting on the mainland.

Plenty of hiking paths open the area to exploration. The 4-mile Stroll Path winds through various trees and offers a tour of the island’s history, including prehistoric Indian mines. The Jungle Path leads to Scoville Point——a perfect picnic spot surrounded on three sides by the shining waters of Lake Superior.

You can also rent a boat at the park’s service center and row down the shore to the Rock Harbor Lighthouse. Here park’s service employees use nets to show how lake fishes used to be caught by the original local people. Their catch ends up on the dinner menu at the Rock Harbor Lodge.

The park is open from mid-April through October; Rock Harbor Lodge is open from Memorial Day weekend until just after Labor Day.

1.The underlined phrase “a desolate area” in the 2nd paragraph probably means ________.

A. an undeveloped area

B. an inaccessible area

C. an area deserted by tourists

D. an area protected by government

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Indians used to hunt grey wolves to make a living.

B. Tourists can only visit the park by walking or hiking.

C. The number of grey wolves is smaller than that of deer.

D. Food provided by Rock Harbor Lodge is shipped from outside.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Safety tips of the natural park.

B. Attractions of the natural park.

C. Tourist service of the natural park.

D. Environmental protection of the natural park.


Nearly a quarter century after a German boy threw a message in a bottle off a ship in the Baltic Sea, he's received an answer.

A 13?year?old Russian, Daniil Korotkikh, was walking with his parents on a beach when he saw something lying in the sand.

“I saw that bottle and it looked interesting, ” Korotkikh told The Associated Press on Tuesday.“It looked like a German beer bottle and there was a message inside.”

It said, “My name is Frank, and I'm five years old.My dad and I are travelling on a ship to Denmark.If you find this letter, please write back to me, and I will write back to you.” The letter, dated 1987, included an address in the town of Coesfeld.

The boy in the letter, Frank Uesbeck, is now 29.His parents still live at the letter's address.

The Russian boy and the German man met each other earlier this month through an Internet video link.The Russian boy said he did not believe that the bottle actually spent 24 years in the sea.He believed it had been hidden under the sand where he found it for a long time.

Uesbeck was especially happy that he was able to have a positive effect on a life of a young person far away from Germany.“It's really a wonderful story, ” he said.“And who knows? Perhaps one day we will actually be able to arrange a meeting in person.”

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A.Message in a bottle. B.A beautiful beer bottle.

C.Travelling on a ship. D.Meeting an old friend.

2.When the German boy threw the bottle into the sea, ________.

A.he was going back home

B.he was already 29 years old

C.he was walking with his parents on a beach

D.he was travelling to Denmark by ship with his dad

3.According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Korotkikh's parents still live in the town of Coesfeld.

B.The German boy did not believe that the bottle actually spent 24 years in the sea.

C.Frank Uesbeck and Daniil Korotkikh have met each other in person.

D.Daniil Korotkikh and Frank Uesbeck have got in touch with each other.

4.Why was Uesbeck very happy when he got the information of the 24 years' message bottle?

A.Because he could have a new friend.

B.Because the two boys could surf the Internet together.

C.Because he finally got what he had lost.

D.Because he could have a positive influence on a life of a young person.



Many years ago, I was working at my job at a community college(社区大学) when a homeless woman came in. She began as she lay on one of the sofas in the student rest room. , she wasn't well. Without thinking too much I went next door to the Student Affairs office where I knew I could find in the Lost and Found box. I up a set of clothing and went back to my office, when I a colleague calling me. She told me that I should not this person, as it would only lead to her wanting more help. I refused her and went back to help the woman, my co-worker's warning .

Two weeks later, while I was working, a very cute elderly man entered my and asked to speak with me in private. Curiously, I gave him my full and he told me that he had happened to hear my with the co-worker about helping the woman. He wanted me to know that it was always okay to help people and that was why he wanted to give me a for $1,000. I burst into tears, not only because I needed the money at the time, but also because I had never been in such a way for helping someone!

We soon became good and 10 years later he called me up suddenly and told me he wanted to help me my first home! He giving me $120,000 as part payment for my dream house in my home town. I asked him why he wanted to give me such a large amount of money and he said it was because I was a “giver” and that I it! To make a long story short, I was able to buy the perfect little home for myself, all because one day I did not hesitate(犹豫)to help a woman.

1.A. smiling B. talking C. shouting D. coughing

2.A. Luckily B. Clearly C. Strangely D. Sadly

3.A. clothes B. books C. food D. medicine

4.A. gave B. turned C. gathered D. made

5.A. saw B. heard C. noticed D. listened

6.A. ignore B. disturb C. value D. help

7.A. advice B. request C. plan D. offer

8.A. more than B. rather than C. in spite of D. apart from

9.A. home B. office C. classroom D. dormitory

10.A. energy B. love C. care D. attention

11.A. disagreement B. discussion C. fight D. quarrel

12.A. young B. old C. sick D. wealthy

13.A. support B. check C. tip D. promise

14.A. anxiously B. eagerly C. hardly D. really

15.A. recognized B. measured C. taught D. praised

16.A. colleagues B. competitors C.partners D. friends

17.A. build B. buy C. rent D. repair

18.A. came out B. ended up C. carried on D. resulted in

19.A. deserved B. wanted C. needed D. enjoyed

20.A. hopeless B. careless C. homeless D. selfless

Census Bureau (人口普查局) data released Thursday show that 48 of the 50 most populous (人口稠密的) U.S. cities have grown since 2010, compared with only 40 of the top 50 in the first two years after the 2000 Census. Of the top 100, 93 have grown since 2010, compared with just 72 a decade ago.

Many of the biggest, such as New York, Houston, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego and Dallas, are outpacing the nation’s 1.7% growth rate since 2010.

“Urban America is recovering faster than more remote places,” said Robert Lang, a professor of urban affairs.

Only two big cities - Detroit and Cleveland - lost population between 2010 and 2012.

The urban recovery is led by mid-sized cities including Austin and Fort Worth and Charlotte. Austin grew 6.6% in two years, becoming the USA’s 11th-largest city. In 2000, it was No. 17.

Other trends:

• New York City grew 2%, adding about 161,500 people since 2010. By far it is the USA’s most populous city.

• The population of New Orleans continues to grow. In 2005 a terrible natural disaster happened to the city, causing the population to decrease. Now it has a population of three hundred and sixty-nine thousand. The number has grown by 7.4% since 2010.

• Government budget crunches (紧缩) have put state capitals in difficulty. Half are behind the growth rate of their regions.

Perhaps the biggest exception to the capital crunch is Austin. It has grown more than 26% since 2000. Population expert William Frey says Austin enjoys a number of qualities that make it attractive. It’s a high-tech city with a state university. And it’s in Texas, an attractive place for newcomers. “In some ways it’s a model of what other cities would like to become,” he says.

Frey notes that Charlotte, which grew 5.4% since 2010 has grown into a high-tech and financial center whose industries do business not just with those in other U.S. cities but with the rest of the world.

1.The statistics in Paragraph 1 suggest that _____.

A. there were fewer cities in the USA a decade ago

B. remote areas in the USA have more people now

C. the population in the USA has grown since 2010

D. many big cities in the USA face population problems

2.William Frey thinks Austin’s growth _____.

A. is due to its education

B. is the steadiest in the USA

C. attracts well-educated people

D. deserves the attention of other cities

3.According to the text, Charlotte _____.

A. is a political center

B. has grown slowly since 2010

C. is the USA’s 11th-largest city

D. does business at home and abroad

It happened to me recently. I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President. A friend I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words, “a brilliantly (精彩地)written book”. However, he then went on to talk about Mr. Obama in a way which suggested he had no idea of his background at all. I sensed that I was talking to a book liar.

And it seems that my friend is not the only one. Approximately two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t. In the World Book Day’s “Report on Guilty Secrets”, Dreams From My Father is at number 9. The report lists ten books, and various authors, which people have lied about reading, and as I’m not one to lie too often (I’d hate to be caught out), I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire top ten. But I am pleased to say that, unlike 42 percent of people, I have read the book at number one, George Orwell’s 1984. I think it’s really brilliant.

The World Book Day report also has some other interesting information in it. It says that many people lie about having read Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoevsky (I haven’t read him, but haven’t lied about it either) and Herman Melville.

Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to “impress” someone they were speaking to. This could be tricky if the conversation became more in–depth!

But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, people named J. K. Rowling, John Grisham, Sophie Kinsella (ah, the big sellers, in other words). Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story (I’ll come clean: I do this and am astonished that 58 percent said they had never done so).

1.How did the author find his friend a book liar?

A. By judging his manner of speaking.

B. By looking into his background.

C. By mentioning a famous name.

D. By discussing the book itself.

2.Which of the following is a “guilty secret” according to the World Book Day report?

A. Charles Dickens is very low on the top-ten list.

B. 42% of people pretended to have read 1984.

C. The author admitted having read 9 books

D. Dreams From My Father is hardly read.

3.By lying about reading, a person hopes to .

A. control the conversation

B. appear knowledgeable

C. learn about the book

D. make more friends

4.What is the author’s attitude to 58% of readers?

A. Favorable. B. Uncaring

C. Doubtful D. Friendly

Selena Gomez and I are scheduled to meet at a low­key coffee shop in Encino. Not wanting to keep the superstar waiting, I arrived at nine, 20 minutes early. As I was catching up on e­mails, Selena quietly scooted into the seat next to me. No bodyguard. Not even a drop of makeup. She was ten minutes early and no one else in the restaurant looked up so much. Selena was wearing Bebe shorts. She had a baby face and ordered a hot chocolate.

After making small talk about what she wore for the shoot, she dived into the subject of her career. Selena declared 2012 the year of movies. She filmed three: Spring Breakers, a drama; The Getaway, an action flick; and Hotel Transylvania, a comedy. Each is a marked move away from the teen style that made her a household name.

Now that her Disney days are behind her, Selena is at that unstable point in a child star's career where she is trying to grow up—both as a person(she turned 20 in July)and as an artist. “Being part of the Disney Channel was such a blessing, and I'm super happy with what my show accomplished, but acting is something I would like to take on more seriously.” She continued, “I don't necessarily feel accomplished. I want to create a whole different person when it comes to acting.”

Selena has been working fulltime since she was seven years old and scored a role on Barney&Friends. In 2007, when she was offered the lead in Wizards of Waverly Place, Selena, her mother, and her stepfather uprooted from Texas to LA , where they are settling now.

1.When was it that Selena arrived at the low­key coffee shop?

A.At ten. B.At ten to nine.

C.At ten past nine. D.At thirty past nine.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the second paragraph?

A.Selena went into her film career as soon as we met in the coffee shop.

B.Three famous films filmed in 2012 have shown her teen style.

C.The film Hotel Transylvania is an action flick filmed in 2012.

D.Each of the three films marks Selena's move away from her teen style.

3.What did Selena think of Disney days which were behind her?

A.She thought of playing in Disney a blessing.

B.She didn't feel very satisfied with her show in Disney.

C.She found her not accomplished in her performance in Disney.

D.She believed her being part in Disney Channel a blessing.

4.The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means “________”.

A.moved B.Picked C.Changed D.informed

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