
A man and his girlfriend got married. It was a large celebration. Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other was   36 .

Some months later, the wife said to the   37 , “I read in a magazine about how we can strengthen our   38 . Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit annoying(恼人的) with   39  person. Then, we can talk about how we can   40  them together and make our life happier together.”

The husband   41 . So each of them went to a separate room and thought of the things that  42 them about the other.

The next morning, at the   43  table, they decided that they would go over their lists.

“I’ll start,” offered the wife.

She took out her list. It had   44  items on it. As she started reading the list of the little annoyances, she   45  that tears were starting to appear in her husband’s eyes.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “  46 ,” the husband replied, “keep reading your list.”

The wife continued to read   47  she had read all the three pages. She carefully placed her list on the   48  and crossed her hands over top of it.

“Now, you read your list and then we’ll talk about the things on both of our lists.” She said   49 . Quietly the husband said, “I don’t have anything on my list. I think you are   50  as you are. You are lovely and wonderful. I don’t want you to   51  anything for me.”

The wife, touched by the depth of his love for her and his   52  of her, turned her head and wept(流泪).

We have a wonderful   53  that is full of beauty, light and promise. Why   54  time looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can   55  us and see the wonderful things before us?   

1.                A.true           B.false           C.kind D.happy


2.                A.boyfriend       B.husband        C.father    D.mother


3.                A.home          B.family          C.house    D.marriage


4.                A.some          B.other          C.the other D.another


5.                A.repair          B.solve           C.set  D.raise


6.                A.agreed         B.admitted        C.refused   D.laughed


7.                A.interested      B.surprised       C.troubled  D.puzzled


8.                A.lunch          B.supper         C.breakfast D.dinner


9.                A.such           B.few            C.no   D.many


10.               A.guessed        B.understood     C.knew D.noticed


11.               A.Nothing        B.Something      C.Everything D.Anything


12.               A.unless         B.until           C.after  D.when


13.               A.floor           B.bed           C.chair D.table


14.               A.sadly          B.happily         C.angrily    D.crazily


15.               A.perfect         B.beautiful        C.gentle D.rich


16.               A.read           B.write          C.change    D.do


17.               A.belief          B.doubt          C.understanding  D.acceptance


18.               A.home          B.earth          C.world D.country


19.               A.waste          B.spend          C.take  D.devote


20.               A.look at         B.look around     C.look after  D.look for



























1.A 形容词辨析。A真的B错误的C善良的D开心的;人人都能感觉到他们的爱是真的。

2.B 上下文串联。根据上文可知他们结婚了,那么他就是她的丈夫了。

3.D 名词辨析。A家B家庭C房子D婚姻;她读了一本关于如何加强婚姻的杂志。

4.C 语法分析。这里是指夫妻之间,那么另外一个应该使用the other。

5.B 动词辨析。A维修B解决C设立D提高;夫妻双方提出问题,然后一起解决。

6.A 动词辨析。A同意B承认C拒绝D嘲笑;指丈夫同意妻子的建议。

7.C 动词辨析。A使…感兴趣B使…惊讶C困扰D困惑;指写下困扰他们的对方的问题。

8.C 上下文串联。根据The next morning说明是在在早饭的桌子上的交流。

9.D 语法分析。后面是复数形式items说明是一个可数名词,故使用many修饰可数名词。

10.D 动词辨析。A猜想B理解C知道D注意;她注意到丈夫的眼里流下了眼泪。

11.A 上下文串联。根据下文“keep reading your list.”说明丈夫什么也没有说。

12.B 连词辨析。妻子一直在读直到把3页内容都读完了。

13.D 上下文串联。根据上文可知他们是在早餐的桌子上讨论这个话题的。故D正确。

14.B 副词辨析。A悲哀B开心C生气D疯狂;她开心的说:你现在把你的内容读出来。

15.A 上下文串联。根据下文丈夫说不需要对方改变,说明在她眼里,丈夫是完美的。

16.C 动词辨析。A阅读B写C改变D做;指丈夫不想妻子有什么改变。

17.D 名词辨析。A信念B怀疑C理解D接受,包容;指妻子对于丈夫对她的包容很感动。

18.C 名词辨析。A家B地球C世界D国家;本句是进行的评价,我们拥有一个完美的世界。

19.A 动词辨析。A浪费B/C话费D致力于;我们为什么要浪费时间来做这个呢?

20.B 对于辨析。A看B环顾C照顾D寻找;当我们在环顾我们周围,看到我们周围美好的事物,为什么要浪费时间来做这样的事情呢?





We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract.It should be noted, however, that this contract does not 1 the same form in different societies.In Western societies, the 2 of a man and a woman 3 given the status of legal marriage by being registered by an official 4 by the state.In some African so cieties, 5 , marriage has nothing to do 6 an official registration of this kind but is legalized by the formal 7 of goods.Generally 8 is the bridegroom who is required to make a 9 of goods to the bride's kin(亲戚), though sometimes a payment is 10 made by the bridegroom's kin to that of the bride.

Among the Nuer, a 11 living in Southern Sudan, the payment made to the bride's kin, 12 as bridewealth, is in the 13 of cattle.Once the 14 of bridewealth is agreed 15 , and the formal payment is made, the marriage becomes a 16 union and the offspring of the union become the acceptable 17 of the husband.They remain 18 children even 19 the wife subsequently leaves him to live with 20 man。

1.A.make B.get C.take D.do

2.A.condition B.difference C.union D.divorce

3.A.is B.are C.was D.were

4.A.recognizing B.recognize C.to recognize D.recognized

5.A.however B.yet C.though D.still

6.A.with B.from C.for D.to

7.A.exchange B.contact C.communication D.connection

8.A.that B.this C.one D.it

9.A.money B.payment C.cost D.consumption

10.A.also B.too C.either D.as well

11.A.a person B.a people C.a man  D.a couple

12.A.called B.known C.named D.looked

13.A.shape B.size C.form D.type

14.A.amount B.number C.figure D.volume

15.A.upon B.with C.to D.for

16.A.legal B.casual C.direct D.progressive

17.A.bride B.cattle C.wealth D.children

18.A.his B.her C.their D.one?s

19.A.before B.because C.while D.if

20.A.other B.another C.more D.farther

In the very early  1800’ s, a young boy about 14 years old named John lived in an orphanage (孤儿院) in Old England along with several other children. Orphan meant unwanted and unloved.

Christmas was the one day of the year when the children didn’t work and received a gift, an orange. Usually they tried to taste and preserve it for so long that it often rotted before they ever peeled(剥开)it to enjoy the sweet juice. Many thought were expressed as Christmas time approached. The children would say, “I will keep mine the longest.” John usually slept with his next to his pillow. This year John was overjoyed by the Christmas season. He was becoming a man and stronger and soon he would be old enough to leave. He would save his orange until his birthday in July.

Christmas day finally came. The children were so excited as they entered the big dining hall. Immediately the master shouted, “John, leave the hall and there will be no orange for you this year.” John’s heart broke violently wide open. He turned and went swiftly back to the cold room. Then he heard the door open and each of the children entered. Little Elizabeth with her hair falling over her shoulders, a smile on her face, and tears in her eyes held out a piece of rag to John. “Here John,” she said, “this is for you.” As he lifted back the edges of the rag he saw a big juicy orange all peeled and quartered and then he realized what they had done.

John never forgot the sharing, love and personal sacrifice his friends had shown him that Christmas day. In memory of that day every year he would send oranges all over the world to children everywhere.

1. The first paragraph is mainly to tell us that ______.

   A. John lived in the early  1800’ s          B. John’s parents had died

   C. John lived a hard life in an orphanage   D. John lived with several other children  

2. These children would be happiest when ______.

   A. they got the special gift                 B. they preserved it very long

   C. they finally enjoyed the sweet juice       D. they entered the dining hall

3. What would overjoy John most the next year according to the second paragraph?

   A. He placed his orange next to his pillow.

   B. He would eat his orange on his birthday.

   C. He wouldn’t get his special gift.

   D. He would stay in the orphanage for another year

4. According to the text, where did John’s orange come from this year?

   A. It was made up of what these children donated.

   B. His master gave him a whole one again.

   C. These children bought him one.

   D. Little Elizabeth donated hers to John.

5. What can be inferred from the text?

   A. John had expected he wouldn’t get the gift this year.

   B. John knew why he didn’t get the gift this year.

   C. John felt ashamed for not getting the special gift.

   D. The story teaches us to learn to share with others.

They say that "seeing is believing", but when it comes to TV commercials, this is not always the case.

The world's leading mobile phone maker, Nokia, released its latest model Lumia 920 on Sept. 5. The smart phone was supposed to possess an advanced camera, which let customers shoot better pictures at night and record stabilized videos. To show how well these features work, the Finnish company released an ad showing a man and a woman riding bicycles side by side, with the man taking a video of the woman on the phone. However, several hours later, technology website The Verge uncovered that the video was neither shot with the new product, nor shot from someone riding a bicycle. Instead, someone in a lorry next to the woman took the video using a professional video camera.

       The next day Nokia apologized, "In an effort to demonstrate the benefits of visual image stabilization, we produced a video that simulates(看起来像)what we will be able to deliver." Indeed, what we have seen in ads is more or less a simulation——a practice called "advertising photography".

       McDonald's video in June explained the "art". It showed how its burgers get dolled up(装扮)before going on camera. Like models preparing for a magazine cover shoot, burgers also get designed in a photography studio. They are prepared for hours and put together with absolute precision so they look their best before photo shoots. Each ingredient, such as onions and sauce, is carefully put into place to make the burger look much juicier, bigger and tastier. Computer software Photoshop is also used to add visual effects.

       So don't feel ____________________when you get a burger that never looks like what you see in ads.

1. What do the underlined words "the case" in Paragraph l refer to? (within 5 words)

2. For what purpose did Nokia create the video? (within 8 words)

3.Why did Nokia apologize based on the text? (within 10 words)

4.Why does the author give the example of McDonald's video in Paragraph 4? (within 10 words)

5.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(within 2 words)


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