
13.假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍你在伦敦冬令营期间与同学们自行前往博物馆的完整过程,并以"My Experience in London"为题,给校刊"英语园地"写一篇英文稿件.

My Experience in LondonLast winter vacation,my classmates and I went to London to attend a winter camp.

分析 【试题解析】本文是一篇看图写作.写作要点暗含在所给四幅图画中,只需描述四幅画所含信息,并适当发表些自己的见解即可.注意文章使用的时态,看图写作多使用一般过去时.写作过程中注意使用平时学到的短语和句型,注意行文的连贯和逻辑性.
(高分句型一)To better understand the history and culture of the city,we scheduled a"museum trip".
该句使用了to better understand…动词不定时做目的状语的句式,交代了此处之旅的目的.
(高分句型二)It was a long ride,so when we got off the double-decker bus,we seemed to lose our way.
单词、短语:attend a winter camp参加冬令营;schedule 动词安排;work out 制定;pointed out 指出;

解答 Last winter vacation,my classmates and I went to London to attend a winter camp.(交代目的)To better understand the history and culture of the city,we scheduled a"museum trip".(图片一内容)On Saturday morning we got up early and studied the map carefully to work out the route.One of my classmates suggested going there by bus to enjoy the street view.(图片二内容)It was a long ride,so when we got off the double-decker bus,we seemed to lose our way.The streets looked busy and strange,and we had to ask a passerby for help.(图片三内容)She pointed out the right direction and wished us a good day.(图片四内容)Thanks to the friendly woman,we finally got to our destination.It took us some effort,but we witnessed the real beauty of the city.(感想)The experience also enabled us to practice our English.What a terrific experience!

点评 考生需根据所提供的信息提炼文章的写作主题,需了解写作要点及写作意图,仔细构思写作结构,平时注意积累词汇及语法知识.

1.A tornado (龙卷风) is a violently turning column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud (积雨云).Tornadoes come in many shapes and sizes,but they are typically in the form of a visible condensation funnel (漏斗).Most tornadoes have wind speeds less than 177km/h,are about 76meters across,and travel several kilometers before disappearing.The most extreme tornadoes can reach wind speeds of more than 483km/h,stretch more than 3.2km across,and stay on the ground for more than 100km.
Various types of tornadoes include the landspout,multiple vortex tornado,and waterspout.Waterspouts are characterized by a spiraling (螺旋式的上升) funnel-shaped wind current,connecting to a large cumulonimbus cloud.They are generally classified as tornadoes that develop over bodies of water,but there is disagreement over whether to classify them as true tornadoes.These spiraling columns of air frequently develop in tropical areas close to the equator,and are less common at high latitudes.Other tornado-like phenomena that exist in nature include the gustnado,dust devil,fire whirls,and steam devil; downbursts are frequently confused with tornadoes,though their action is dissimilar.
Tornadoes have been observed on every continent except Antarctica.However,the vast majority of tornadoes occur in the Tornado Alley region of the United States,although they can occur nearly anywhere in North America.They also occasionally occur in south-central and eastern Asia,northern and east-central South America,Southern Africa,northwestern and southeast Europe,western and southeastern Australia,and New Zealand.
There are several scales (测量仪) for rating the strength of tornadoes.The Fujita scale rates tornadoes by damage caused and has been replaced in some countries by the updated Enhanced Fujita Scale.An F0or EF0tornado,the weakest category,damages trees,but not strong structures.An F5or EF5tornado,the strongest category,tears buildings off their foundations and can change the shape of large skyscrapers.The TORRO scale ranges from a T0for extremely weak tornadoes to T11for the most powerful known tornadoes.
63.Which are definitely considered as real tornadoes?A
64.From the passage we can learnB.
A.how tornadoes are generally formed
B.how big an area a tornado might strike
C.where the strongest tornadoes may occur
D.where tornadoes can be properly measured
65.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.a cumulonimbus cloud must be the sign of a tornado
B.the South Pole is likely to be frequently hit by tornadoes
C.spiraling wind currents often develop in the United States
D.the Fujita scale is less advanced than the Enhanced Fujita scale
66.The author writes the passage mainly toC.
A.emphasize the destruction by tornadoes 
B.analyze the causes of tornadoes
C.introduce different aspects of tornadoes
D.warn people to avoid tornadoes.
My younger brother would be leaving for college and I was leaving for a new job in Europe.We only had a few precious months left as a family living under the same(41)B.Everything would change in the(42)A.
A family of magpies (喜鹊)(43)C in our maple tree.This family seemed to be extraordinarily lively.One early morning,the noise was so (44)D that my dad went out to see what the birds were doing.He found a young magpie (45)D around the yard,flapping(拍打) his little wings and yelling.
Dad looked up in the tree to find Mommy and Daddy Magpie sitting on a branch and glaring (46)A at him.He had to do something for the poor little thing.Dad called the zoo for (47)A.They told him not to (48)B it and assured him the baby would learn to fly on its own.Dad no longer(49)C the magpie around the yard.He did,however,watch him(50)B from the living room window,just to make sure a cat didn't turn him into(51)D.
The next day I got a (52)A at my summer job.It was from my father.He never called me (53)C.He asked me if I saw Morey before I left home-he named the bird Morey.
Driving home from work,I (54)C it wasn't only about the magpie but also about his own little fledglings (幼鸟) who were(55)B the nest.It was about my brother and me.Dad felt as helpless as the Mommy and Daddy bird watching in the tree.He couldn't make us fly nor could he (56)A cats once we left the nest.
I got home and found him looking out of the kitchen window with (57)D in his eyes.I (58)B him by saying Morey might have learnt to fly with very good parents raising him.
Soon it was the end of August.Bags were (59)D and it was time for my brother and me to leave the nest.In the end,Dad had nothing to worry about.He (60)C his little fledglings well.And we flew…
43.A.cut downB.took downC.settled downD.brought down
53.A.at homeB.at schoolC.at workD.at noon
56.A.drive awayB.fight againstC.argue withD.associate with
13.Chinese netizens who like to create and use cyber words such as"geilivable"might find a new regulation very"ungeilivable". The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication last week banned the use of Chinglish words created by netizens for publishing in the Chinese language.
"Geilivable",combining the pinyin geili (giving strength) with the English suffix (后缀) for adjectives,literally means"giving power"or"cool".Different suffixes and prefixes were then added to the word."Hengeilivable"means"very cool",and"ungeilivable"means"dull,not cool at all".
Cyber language is popular among Chinese netizens,who create Chinglish words to reflect phenomenon in society.One example is"antizen",which refers to college graduates who earn a meager salary and live in small rented apartments,like tiny and laborious ants.
David Tool,a professor with the Beijing International Studies University,said it's very interesting to combine Chinese with English to create new words."English is no longer mysterious to the Chinese people.They can use the language in a flexible way according to their own experiences,"Tool said.
At the announcement of the regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication,netizens expressed their concern.
"The administration is totally'ungeilivable',"said a netizen named laoda1713."I know other netizens will shed tears with me…it is a good chance to enrich our language".
"Language is always developing,"said a columnist,Wang Pei."It needs to be updated to absorb foreign culture and folk wisdom."
But an unnamed official with the administration said that,in fact,many senior staff from news media who supported the regulation were worried that years later,the younger generation would forget how to use formal Chinese expressions.The official also pointed out that the regulation was only for formal publications in Chinese language,and it only banned Chinglish words in the publication.
71.The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication may be aimed atC
A.simplifying the Chinese language                    
B.limiting the development of language
C.banning the use of Chinglish                          
D.making the netizens more serious
72.The underlined word meager in the third paragraph probably meansA
73.From this passage we can infer thatD
A.the Chinese people like their own language only
B.the English words are considered informal in China
C.nobody in China will support the new regulation
D."geilivable"will be popular among Chinese netizens
74.Which may be the title of this passage?B
A.New regulation is announced                          
B.Cyber words make language lively
C.Different views about cyber language              
D.New phenomenon in China
75.On which column of China Daily can you find this passage?D
14.Sometimes people call each other"scared cat",but have you ever thought about this expression?When a cat is frightened,its heart starts beating faster,its muscles get tense,and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood-stream.If the danger continues,this animal will do one of the two things.It will defend itself,or it will run away as fast as it can.
   Something like this also happens to people.When we are excited,angry,scared,or aroused by other emotions,our bodies go through many physical changes.Our hearts beat faster,and our muscles get tense.All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react.We,too,get ready to defend ourselves or run.Human beings,however,have a problem.If we give way to our feelings and let them take over,we can get into trouble.Have you ever said something in anger and regretted later?Have you ever shouted at a teacher or told somebody you were lonely and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut?It isn't always wise to express your feelings freely.
Does this mean that it's always smarter to hide our feelings?No!If you keep feelings like anger hidden away or bottled up inside,your body stays tense.Physical illnesses can develop,and you can feel disturbed badly inside.Itcan actually be bad for your health.Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside don't just go away.It's as if you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard.You might not be able to see them,but before long you'd smell them.And if you opened the cupboard,chances are you'd see little fruit flies hovering(盘旋) all over them.They'd be rotten.You can try to treat emotions as if they were bananas in the cupboard.You can hide them and you can pretend they don't exist,but they'll still be around.And at last you'll have to deal with them,just like those bananas.
29.The best title for this article isC.
A.What Happens to An Excited Person     
B.What Happens to A Frightened Cat
C.Emotions Affect Our Bodies            
D.Feelings That People Have
30.According to the passage,human beings get into trouble becauseC.
A.they are not as alert as animals          
B.they alwa ys do something wrong to other people
C.they sometimes can't control their feelings   
D.they don't pay attention to their physical changes
31.The underlined word"it"in paragraph 3 refers toC.
A.bad emotion       B.a bottle           C.physical illness      D.a rotten banana
32.The author mainly intends to tell us toA.
A.make us face the problem that we have to deal with feelings
B.give us some advice on how to express our feelings
C.tell us that it isn't good to keep feelings inside
D.make us know that it isn't always wise to express our feelings freely.

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