
Want to find a job? Now read the following advertisements.


Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses

- Aged under 22

- At least high school graduate

- Good-Looking; men at least l. 72 meters tall and

women at least l. 65

- Those knowing foreign languages favored

- Paid l,600-2, 200 dollars per month

One Secretary

- Aged under 30

- Female favored

- Good at writing and skilled at computer

If interested, call 465-4768 0r write to:

Mr Jack Hundris

Room 0825 , Fairmont Hotel

567 Wood Street, San Markers,78003

Fax: 6954828



- Aged between 25 and 40

- With an experience of at least two years

- With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书)

- Paid 3, 000-4 , 000 dollars monthly

- With a practical knowledge of computer


- Basic education of 12 years or more

- Good at computer

- Paid l,800-2,200 dollars monthly

Tel: 447-4398

Fax: 3485269

【1】 Which job of the four is paid most monthly from the passage?

A. Sales clerk.

B. Accountant.

C. Secretary.

D. We dont know from the text.

【2】 If you dont know how to use a computer, you can just apply for the position as

A. a secretary

B. a waiter or waitress

C. an accountant

D. a sales clerk

【3】 If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore,you have to satisfy the following conditions except .

A. being a woman

B. knowing well how to use a computer

C. having been an accountant

D. having an accountant certificate

【4】If you want to apply for a job in the Fairmont Hotel, you .

A. have to be a woman and know foreign languages

B. should be a university graduate

D. have to be shorter than l. 65 metres

D. should be younger than 30 years old

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