
【题目】Is this museum _______ we visited last week?

A .the one

B. that

C. where

D. in which


【解析】句意:这个博物馆就是我们上周参观的那个博物馆吗? we visited last week是定语从句,the one作先行词,关系代词that在限制性定语从句中作宾语可省略。


【题目】The State of Hawaii is a state of the United States, located on a group of islands in the central Pacific Ocean southwest of the continental United States, southeast of Japan, and northeast of Australia. The state was admitted to the Union on August 21st, 1959, making it the 50th state. Its capital is Honolulu on the island of Oahu. The most recent census puts the state's population at 1,211,537.

This state includes nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian Island chain, which is made up of hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles. At the southeastern end of the group of islands, the eight main islands are Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii. The last by far the largest, and is often called the Big Island or Big Isle to avoid confusion with the state as a whole.

Hawaii's tallest mountain, Mauna Kea stands at 13,796 ft (4,205m) but is taller than Mount Everest if followed to the base of the mountainon the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

All of the Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanoes erupting from a magma (岩浆) source described in geological theory as a hotspot. The theory maintains that as the plate beneath much of the Pacific Ocean moves in a northwesterly direction, the hot spot remains quiet, slowly creating new volcanoes. This explains why only volcanoes on the southern half of the Big Island, and the Loihi Seamount deep below the waters off its southern coast, are presently active, with Loihi being the newest volcano to form.

The last volcanic eruption outside the Big Island occurred at Haleakala on Maui in the late 18th century, though recent research suggests that Haleakala's most recent eruption could be hundreds of years earlier.

Because of the islands' volcanic formation, native life before human activity is said to have arrived by the 3W's: wind (carried through the air), waves (brought by ocean currents), and wings (birds, insects, and whatever they brought with them). The complete separation of the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean from any continent, and the wide range of environments to be found on high islands located in and near the tropic (回归线), have resulted in a vast variety of plants and animals. Hawaii has more endangered species per square mile and has lost a higher percentage of its local species than anywhere else on Earth.





on a group of islands in the central Pacific Ocean

【2】__________to the Union

on August 21st, 1959



Formation of the Hawaiian Islands

eruptions of 【3】__________

The Hawaiian Island chain

【4】__________ of hundreds of islands

eight main lands with the largest called the big Island or Big Isle to avoid being【5】__________ with the name of the state

The tallest mountain

Mauna Kea with an 【6】__________ of 13,796ft

Ways of the 【7】__________ of native life

3 W's: wind, waves and wings

【8】__________of varieties of plants and animals

being completely 【9】__________ in the middle of the Pacific Ocean from other continents 【10】__________on high islands in and near the tropic


There are three branches of medicine. One is called "doctor medicine" or "scientific medicine". Scientific doctors try to observe sickness, look for logical pattern, and then find out how the human body works. From there they figure out what treatments may work. This kind of medicine is believed to date from the 4th century BC. Although nowadays it is successful, in the ancient this approach(方法) probably did not cure many patients.

A second kind of medicine is called "natural cures" or "folk medicine", in which less educated people try to cure sickness with various herbs(中草药). These folk healers also use observation and logic, but they are not so aware of it. They try things until they find something that seems to work, and then they keep doing that. Folk medicine flourished(兴起) long before the development of scientific medicine and was more successful in ancient times.

The third kind is called "health spas" or "faith healing". Sometimes this may be as simple as touching the holy man and being immediately healed. Other times, a magician may make you a magic charm, or say a spell(咒语), to cure you. Some religious groups organize healing shrines(圣坛) for the sick. In these places people rest, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy food, drink water instead of wine, and exercise in various ways. They also talk to the priests(牧师) and pray to the gods. If you are feeling

depressed or you have been working too hard, going to these places may be just the right thing to make you feel better.

【1】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT used in health spas?

A. Magic power

B. Various herbs

C. Religious faith

D. A healthy life style

【2】 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Folk healers choose different herbs to cure diseases without any sound basis.

B. People who practice folk medicine need lots of formal education on herbs.

C. The success of folk medicine led to the development of doctor medicine.

D. Natural cures worked better than scientific medicine in ancient times.

【3】 The author's primary purpose in this passage is to_______________.

A. describe different types of medicine

B. argue for the importance of medicine in health care

C. show the crucial(决定性的)role religion plays in medical treatments

D. compare the educational background of three different types of patients

















































【注】 “四清”运动是指1963年至1966年开展的教育运动。初期在农村“清工分、清账目、清仓库和清财物”,后期在城乡“清思想、清政治和清经济”。

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