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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Welcome to one of the largest collections of footwear£¨Ð¬Àࣩin the world that will make you green with envy. Here at the Footwear Museum you can see exhibits£¨Õ¹Æ·£©from all over the world. You can find out about shoes worn by everyone from the Ancient Egyptians to pop stars.

Room 1

The celebrity£¨ÃûÈË£©footwear section is probably the most popular in the entire museum. Stared in the 1950s there is a wide variety of shoes and boots belonging to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors! Most visitors find the celebrities¡¯ choice of footwear extremely interesting.

Room 2

Most of our visitors are amazed and shocked by the collection of ¡°special purpose¡±shoes on

Exhibition here at the Museum of Footwear. For example , there are Chinese shoes made of

Silk that were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much!

Room 3

As well as shoes and boots the museum also

exhibits shoe shaped objects. The variety is unbelievable. For example ,there is a metal lamp that resembles a pair lf shoes, and Greek wine bottles that like legs!

The footwear Library

People come from all over the world to study in our excellent footwear library. Designers and researchers come here to look up

Information on anything and everything related

to the subject of footwear.

¡¾1¡¿Where would you find a famous singer¡¯s shoes?

A. Room1.

B. Room 2.

C. Room3.

D. The Footwear Library

¡¾2¡¿ All exhibits in each room .

A. share the same theme

B. have the same shape

C. are made of the same material

D. belong to the same social class

¡¾3¡¿ Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The oldest exhibits in Room 1 were made in the 1950s.

B. Room 2 is the most visited place in the museum.

C. Room 3 has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two.

D. Researchers come to the Footwear Library for data.

¡¾4¡¿The purpose of the text is to get more people to .

A. do research

B. design shoes

C. visit the museum

D. follow celebrities

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿How words came into being is unknown.All we assume is that some early men invented cortain sounds,in one way or another,to express thoughts and feelings,actions and things,so that they could talk with each other.Later they agreed upon certain signs,called letters,which could be put together to show those sounds,and which could be written down.Those sounds,whether spoken or written in letters,are called words.

The power of words,then,lies in their associations-the things they bring up to our minds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience;and the longer we live,the more certain words bring back to us the happy and sad events of our past;and the more we read and learn,the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which have powerful effects on our minds and feelings.This clever use of words is what we call literary style.Above all,the real poet is a master of words.He can express his meaning in words which sing like music,and which by their position and association can move men to tears.We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use then correctly,or they will make our speech silly and common.

¡¾1¡¿We learn from the text that language might have begun with________.





¡¾2¡¿What is mainly discussed in Faragraph 2?

A£®The ¡­¡­of new words

B£®The importance of old words

C£®The relation of human experience with words

D£®The gradual change and development of words

¡¾3¡¿In the last paragraph,what does the anthor suggest that we should do?

A£®Use words skilfully

B£®Make musical speeches

C£®Learn poems by heart

D£®Associate with listeners

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