

【1】What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Close friends.



【2】What’s the woman going to do?

A.She is going to work in a post office nearby.

B.She wants to do some exercise.

C.She intends to post a letter.

【3】What does the woman have to do to reach the destination?

A.She has to find the entrance inside a building complex.

B.She has to turn right to the main street.

C.She has to register her letter.






W: Pardon me.Are you familiar with this neighborhood?

M:Well,I should be. I’ve lived here all my life.What are you looking for?

W:The Post Office.

M:Well,the nearest one is about a mile away.

W:Oh.Well,I guess I could send a letter.

M: There’s a mail box up the street.Have you already got a stamp on that letter?

W:Yes,I have to register it.How do I walk to the post office from here?

M:Go up this street until you get to the main street.Then turn right and walk about four blocks or so.

W:Thank you for your help.

M:The post office entrance is inside a building complex with some other offices.

W:I’m sure I’ll find it.If I get lost,I’ll ask again.

M:There’s an American flag out front,and a sign:The U.S.Post Office.

W:Thanks again.Bye.



材料一 如果六十年代以来中国没有原子弹、氢弹,没有发射卫星,中国就不能叫有重要影响的大国,就没有现在这样的国际地位。这些东西反映一个民族的能力,也是一个民族、一个国家兴旺发达的标志。


材料二 国外有说:21世纪30年代,中国人口将达16亿,那时谁来养活这么多人?谁来拯救由此引发的全球性粮食危机?袁隆平闻言挥动着满是老茧的双手说:中国完全能解决自己的吃饭问题,中国还要帮助世界人民解决吃饭问题。



材料三 20071024日,我国首颗探月卫星嫦娥一号在西昌卫星发射中心发射成功,嫦娥从此奔月去。

材料四 政府科技经费的投入,从1995年的3800万元猛增到1997年的961亿元,所取得的省部级以上重大科技成果在1997年即达到31万项。






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