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A little kid fell into the lake while she was playing with her little friends. They were too frightening to know what to do next. Unfortunately, a pretty lady and a man passed by and saw the drowning girl. The man immediate dived into the water and took the girl to the bank and at a same time, the lady called the ambulance on time. Before the ambulance came, the lady, who proved to be a nurse, performing first aid to the kid. A few of minutes later, the kid sent to the nearest hospital and finally saved. The story is a good example where first aid can make a lot of differences. From it, we know it is necessary to know basic first aid skills so that we can be better preparing for an emergency.
A little kid fell into the lake while she was playing with her little friends. They were too to know what to do next.
, a pretty lady and a man passed by and saw the drowning girl. The man
dived into the water and took the girl to the bank and at
same time, the lady called the ambulance
time. Before the ambulance came, the lady, who proved to be a nurse,
first aid to the kid. A few
minutes later, the kid
sent to the nearest hospital and finally saved. The story is a good example where first aid can make a lot of
. From it, we know it is necessary to know basic first aid skills so that we can be better
for an emergency.
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