
【题目】There’s nothing wrong with turning your hobby into a business. We’re supposed to enjoy our work, right? Just turn something we already enjoy into our career. Whether you’re into painting or building furniture, you know you feel proud of the result of your efforts.

However, you should first explore the concept and do your market research and other planning. Don’t forget to consider what your day-to-day work life would look like.

There is one very positive aspect of doing a business plan______ . You may be highly motivated to do some planning and research, since this relates to an activity you know well and enjoy, and you therefore may be more likely to do the necessary planning. This is a big plus! And once you see how to do this research, you may be more likely to do it for other ideas you will come up with.

Something I’ve learned over the years is that creating a business out of the first few ideas you come up with isn’t a good goal. If you are brainstorming ideas for your new career path, I suggest you list lots of ideas and choose one or two that have the most potential to explore, as well as those that really draw you in.

The evolution of your ideas is the best reason to explore those first ideas. The best careers come from exploring the first ideas and finding out what will, and what won’t, work for you. Make sure the business plan you are creating based on your hobby should be one that you will enjoy and that will add to your quality of life. Then start with your hobby, and enjoy the adventure of finding out where you will end up!

【1】 What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage? (within 10 words)

【2】 Which sentence in the passage is closest in meaning to the following one?

Make sure you have taken the future of your daily work life into consideration.

【3】Fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(within 10 words)

【4】 What kind of business do you intend to start in the future? Why? (within 40 words)

【5】 Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


【解析】【1】 It is to encourage people to develop hobbies into business.

【2】 Don’t forget to consider what your day-to-day work life would look like.

【3】based on your hobby

【4】 答案略(可有多样性)

【5】 有一点必须明确,基于个人爱好所做的职业规划应该是你所喜爱的,并且能够提高你的生活质量。





寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他、晚来风急!雁过也,正伤心,却是旧时相识。 满地黄花堆积,憔悴损,如今有谁堪摘?守着窗儿,独自怎生得黑!梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏、点点滴滴。这次第,怎一个愁字了得!














Sometimes a step-parent has to take a step back. When I was thirty-five, I met my husband and came to ______ his kids, aged 10 and 7. We ______ playing basketball and shopping for cartoon books and became great friends. Then I got ______.

In most ______ ,stepkids live with their mom and stepdad. This makes our case quite ______ . Four years into our marriage, after going between their mom’s place and ours, the boys______ in with us full-time.

I was ______ a part-time friend, so everything changed. For example, ______ the kids to help didn’t appear an important thing before, but now they became unwilling. Once, after I’d asked my elder stepson to set the table, he ______ said, “You’re not my mother; I don’t have to ______ you.”

It was ______ but I realized it was about keeping ______ clear in our new family life. I told him he was right—I wasn’t his mom; I was another person in his life who ______ him, and we needed to get things done ______ .

______ in a life-in situation, a step-parent isn’t the parent. You help with everything and ______ lots of hugs and laughs. But you also have to learn to stand in the ______ . For example, when there were only enough ______ for Mom and Dad to sit up front, I sat in back. It was hurtful, but I realized it wasn’t personal.

Today, my stepsons know where to find me, whether it’s for long chats or a(n) ______ e-mail to say hi. And I know where to find them. The caring is surely there, even if the ______ isn’t.

【1】A. knowB. teach C. understand D. instruct

【2】 A. passed time B. agreed on C. had fun D. set about

【3】 A. convinced B. separated C. changed D. married

【4】 A. places B. ways C. cases D. families

【5】A. unusual B. similar C. positive D. difficult

【6】 A. came B. moved C. got D. ran

【7】 A. as wellB. just now C. once againD. no longer

【8】 A. allowing B. getting C. advising D. inviting

【9】 A. quietly B. suddenly C. simply D. immediately

【10】 A. work for B. listen to C. stay with D. focus on

【11】A. selfish B. impolite C. reasonable D. painful

【12】A. roles B. duties C. quarrels D. records

【13】 A. supported B. envied C. loved D. bothered

【14】 A. properly B. together C. already D. easily

【15】 A. Still B. Even C. Also D. Then

【16】 A. have B. expect C. avoid D. share

【17】 A. shadows B. positions C. shelters D. sufferings

【18】 A. spots B. beds C. chairs D. tickets

【19】 A. special B. extra C. quick D. private

【20】 A. bloodline B. influence C. comfort D. respect

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