
【题目】China has ordered a ban on advertisements during television drama programs. An ad will not be allowed to run in the middle of a program running 45 minutes in length, beginning on January 1st. The authorities say___【1】____ ban is important for the growth of culture. Television stations say this will cause __2_____ a loss in revenue(收入). Most audience feel glad __3_____ finally such a policy has been carried out ___4_____ some still doubt whether this is an effective policy or not. Simply banning TV stations from broadcasting inserted advertisements is no use.

Even if SARFT completely banned domestic TV stations from broadcasting advertisements, they could still implant(植入)advertisements ____5____ TV shows. Why can China not learn some lessons from western TV channels such as NHK and BBC? They are public channels___6____ any advertisements. But they charge their viewers. In China, TV viewers only need to pay cable television fees, 7____ are rather low. And TV stations make profits through broadcasting advertisements. If we can learn some lessons from western countries, 8___ will be rather helpful to the final solution of the conflict between audience and TV stations.

















6考查介词。句意:NHK and BBC 是没有任何广告的公共节目。空中表示没有……,故填without。






We often carry a lot of things when we’re traveling. 【1】 On long ones we carry things like passports, visas, etc. Though traveling can be fun, we’re likely to misplace these things and even lose them because of the excitement of the journey or being too busy or tired. So how can we carry valuable things safely while traveling?

【2】 Place most of it in a wallet and put the wallet in your main suitcase or bag with a lock-and-key system. Dont open it until you reach your destination (目的地). Guess how much money youll need on the journey, and place this money in a different wallet and carry this in your pocket. 【3】

Next, instead of wearing your jewelry, you can carry your jewelry at the bottom of your suitcase or bag. 【4】 Many people think that since the purse is always going to be in their hands, it’ll remain safe. But other things like tickets, phone numbers, keys, etc., are all going to go in there. So you’re often going to open your purse for something or the other. What if you just drop it?

Then remember to hook (钩住) the keys. You get those really nice key chains these days that come with a big dog-hook.

【5】 Use one of these to carry your keys. This way, you won’t leave the keys in a restaurant or any other place.

Hope all the above tips for traveling will help you.

A. So you’ll know what to bring.

B. It’s akind of vacation, but without your parents.

C. Spend money from this wallet till you get to your destination.

D. Firstly, distribute (分开) your money if youre traveling alone.

E. You can hook the key chain to your jeans or your handbag.

F. On short trips we take things like money, jewelry (首饰), house keys, etc.

G. Don’t carry it in your purse, just in case somebody is quick in stealing your purse.

【题目】A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary(初级的) school’s first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy’s unhappiness, she said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother and he was embarrassed by her appearance. 【1】 she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar(伤痕)___2___covered nearly the whole right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

At the meeting, the people were impressed by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother though she had a scar on her face, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. He did, however, get within earshot of(在听力范围之内) a conversation ___3____ his mother and his teacher, and heard them speaking.

‘‘How did you get the scar on your face? ’’ The teacher asked.

The mother replied, ‘‘When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire. Everyone was too afraid to go in 4 the fire was out of control, so I went in. As I was rushing toward his bed, I saw a beam(房梁) coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked unconscious(无意识的) but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us.’’ She touched the burned side of her face. ‘‘This scar will be on my face for ever, but to this day, I have never regretted doing ____5___I did.’’

At this point, the little boy came out , running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt a great sense of the sacrifice that his mother had made for him. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

“Now,” Mrs. Virginia White said, smiling, “we are going to discover our professions.” The class seemed to be greatly surprised. We were only 13 and 14 years old! The teacher must be __ __. “Yes, you will all be searching for your future ___. Each of you will have to __ __ someone in your field, plus an oral report.

Finally, I picked print journalism. This __ __ I had to go to interview a newspaper reporter. I was extremely nervous. I sat down in front of him __ __ able to speak. He looked at me and said, “Did you bring a pen and some paper? I __ __ my head.

Finally, I thought he realized I was __ __, and I got my first big tip as a __ __. “Never, never go anywhere without pen or paper. You never know what you’ll run into.” __ __ a few days, I gave my oral report totally from __ __ in class. I got an A on the entire project.

Years later, I was in college looking around for a new career, but with no success. Then I __ __ Virginia White and my dream at 13 to be a journalist. And I called my parents. They didn’t __ __ me. They just reminded me how __ __ the field was and how all my life I had run away from competition. This was true. But journalism did something to me; it was in my __ __. For the past 12 years, I’ve had the most satisfying reporting career, __ __ stories from murders to airplane crashes and __ __ choosing my strongest area. __ __ I went to pick up my phone one day, a wave of memories hit me and I realized that had it not been __ __ Virginia White, I would not be sitting at that desk.

I get __ __ all the time: “How did you pick journalism?

“Well, you see, there was this teacher...” I always start out. I just wish I could __ __ her.

【1】A. good B. mad C. careless D. curious

【2】A. university B. family C. professions D. life

【3】A. interview B. find outC. admire D. learn from

【4】A. expressed B. orderedC. expected D. meant

【5】A. hardly B. nearlyC. naturally D. eagerly

【6】A. nodded B. shookC. spun D. flashed

【7】A. satisfied B. comfortable C. terrified D. sorry

【8】A. student B. journalist C. teacher D. writer

【9】A. Before B. Since C. After D. On

【10】A. research B. books C. imagination D. memory

【11】A. called B. recognized C. remembered D. visited

【12】A. answer B. promise C. stop D. persuade

【13】A. enthusiastic B. competitive C. admirable D. positive

【14】A. blood B. stage C. style D. basis

【15】A. making up B. listening to C. covering D. writing

【16】A. of course B. finally C. doubtfully D. above all

【17】A. When B. As long as C. Once D. If

【18】A. for B. with C. of D. to

【19】A. hurt B. excited C. disappointed D. asked

【20】A. respect B. support C. thank D. favor

【题目】The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan

The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boy in my class often about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.

All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with american kids. I looked down at this girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her.

But how could I help her in with us? There had to be a .

One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) (7) copy.

I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming (8) show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had . why, its wonderful, said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted the talent show. I need more of these, but I just dont have enough . Could you help me, Suzy?

On the day of the talent show, Suzys were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different.

And finally, said Mr Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, we have a (n) award. Im sure youve all noticed the wonderful posters. Everyone nodded. One of our own students them.

I could hear everyone whispering. Who in our school could draw well?

Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a ,too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!

Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artists set. Thank you, she cried.

I , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, shed probably never anything in her whole life.

Everyone started to their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was defening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.

1 A. joked B. cared

C. trains D. worried

2 A. reported B. decided

C. complained D. questioned

3 A. rich B. proud

C. tiny D. popular

4 A. come B fall

C. fit D. tie

5 A. manner B. pattern

C. choice D. way

6 A. read B. taken

C. opened D. put

7 A. free B. perfect

C. final D. extra

8 A.are B.talk

C.quiz D. talent

9 A. colored B. written

C. carved D. drawn

10 A. at B. after

C. for D. around

11 A. room B. time

C. paper D. interest

12 A. gifts B. books

C. photos D. posters

13 A. special B. academic

C. national D. rayal

14 A. painted B. found

C. printed D. collected

15 A. very B. that

C. quite D. too

16 A. If B. Though

C. Unless D. Since

17 A. prize B. rank

C. rest D. place

18 A. replied B. realized

C.remembered D. regretted

19 A. offered B. valued

C. owned D. controlled

20 A. clap B. wave

C. raise D. shake

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