
【题目】Last week, my granddaughter started kindergarten and I wished her success. I was ___. What I actually wished for her was failure.Success is ___. Success proves that you can do something that you ____ know you can do. First-time success is usually because of good luch.However, first-time failure is ____; it is the natural order of things.

Failure is ____ we learn. I have been told an African phrase that ____ a good cook as he who has broken many pots If you've spent enough time in the ____ and have broken many pots.If you have spent enough time in the ____ and have broken a lot of pots, probably you know much about ____ .I once had dinner with a group of cooks, and they spent time ____ knife wounds and bum scars. They knew how much benefit their ____ had given them.

My younger daughter is a trapeze(高空秋千)artist.It took her three years to ____ an act.She did it successfully for years.There was no ____ for her to change the act,but she did it ____. She said she felt bored because it ____ offered her anything new.So she changed the act, ____ she was advised not to.She ____ failure and public embarrassment in order to feed her soul.

My granddaughter is a perfectionist(完美主义者),probably too much of one.I will ___ her when she feels sad about her failure.I will also ____ her about what she had learned,and how she can do whatever it is ____ next time.But I probably won’t tell her that failure is a good thing, because that’s not a(n) ____ she can learn when she is five. I hope I can tell her, though, that it’s not the end of the world. Indeed, with luck, it is the beginning.

【1】A. joking B. lying C. cheating D. doubting

【2】A. encouraging B. annoying C. exciting D.boring

【3】A. never B. hardly C. already D. also

【4】A. expected B.disliked C.honored D. valued

【5】A. when B. where C. how D. what

【6】A. describes B. explains C. announces D. mentions

【7】A. room B. kitchen C. restaurant D. office

【8】A. work B.life C.progress D. cooking

【9】A. examing B. treating C.watching D. comparing

【10】A. practices B. habits C. failures D. efforts

【11】A. put together B pick out C. take up D put on

【12】A. chance B. reason C.right D. permission

【13】A. as well B. somehow C.as usual D. anyway

【14】A. after all B. once more C. at first D. no longer

【15】A. but B. though C. as D. unless

【16】A. copied B.required C.rished D.forgot

【17】A. blame B. comfort C. protect D.accept

【18】A. warn B. find C. remind D. understand

【19】A. better B. more happily C. hard D.more easily

【20】A. example B. exception C.lesson D. course


【2】 D

【3】 C

【4】 A

【5】 C

【6】 A

【7】 B

【8】 D

【9】 D

【10】 C

【11】 A



【14】 D

【15】 B

【16】 C


【18】 C

【19】 A

【20】 C

【解析】【1】考查上下文理解。根据后句What I actually wished for her was failure可知,作者祝愿孙女成功是一句谎言。

【2】考查上下文理解。根据成功是因为你做了你能够做的事情。以及第三段中的She said she felt bored...可知,这种成功是乏味的。








【10】 考查上下文理解。本段主要讲失败对人的成长的好处,因此本句表示:多次的失败让他们受益匪浅。

【11】 考查上下文理解和对选项中几个词语的把握。为了整合一个动作,她要花上三年的时间才能成功。put together汇集,整合,pick out挑选,take up开始从事,put on演出


【13】考查上下文理解和对选项中几个词或词组的把握。根据后面So she changed the act...可知,不管怎样,她还是改变了动作。





【18】考查上下文理解和对选项中几个词的把握。除了安慰孙女,作者还会提醒孩子失败教给她什么。remind sb. about/of sth.提醒某人某物




【题目】My friend Michelle is blind, but you'd never know it. She makes such good use of her other _______that she rarely gives the impression she's ________ anything.

One day,my six-year-old daughter Kayla went to play at her home. When Kayla came home, she was Very ________ about her day. She told me they had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was ________ excited about her finger-painting project."I learned how to _______ colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! And Michelle _______ with us.She said she likes the way the paint feels through her fingers." said Kayla.

Something about my childs excitement caught my_______, and I realized that I had never finger-painted with Kayla. As a result, my child had learned about _______from a blind friend.

I realized Kayla didn't know that Michelle was blind. It had just never ________ in conversation. When I told her, she didnt ________ me at first. "But Mommy, Michelle understand exactly what was in my _______!" Kayla insisted. Michelle told me that my picture shouwed joy, _______ and a sense of accomplishment. She really _______what I was doing!Kayla said she had never felt how good finger-painting was _______Michelle taught her. I knew my child was ________ ---- Michelle had listened to Kayla when she _______ her artwork. Michelle had also _______ Kayla express her pride in her work, and she excitement at her _______ of the way colors blend.

We were _______ for a minute. Then Kayla said slowly, "You know, Mommy, Michelle really did see my picture. She just used my ________."

Yes, she uses a special type of "vision" that all mothers coule use.

【1】A. ways B. methods C. talents D. senses

【2】A. enjoyed B. succeeded C. missed D. found

【3】A. satisfied B. moved C. excited D. enjoyed

【4】A. hardly B. especially C. really D. mostly

【5】A. mix B. draw C. find D. talk

【6】A. cooked B. played C. stayed D. painted

【7】A. sight B. attention C. interest D. observation

【8】A. color B. art C. finger D. fun

【9】A. come around B. come across C. come through D. come up

【10】A. agree B. accept C. believe D. approve

【11】A. attitude B. picture C. world D. life

【12】A. regret B. sorrow C. pride D. achievement

【13】A. heard B. saw C. touched D. felt

【14】A. until B. after C. when D. since

【15】A. right B. wrong C. confused D. clear

【16】A. created B. described C. designed D. produced

【17】A. heard B. seen C. made D. imagined

【18】A. study B. research C. knowledge D. discovery

【19】A. silent B. worried C. confused D. sad

【20】A. hands B. eyes C. works D. feelings

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